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Guys, It’s ok to be angry. Just put it where it belongs


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16 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

It was an observation. And I can bring forth more if you want to. And oddly enough, those are the kinds of women who I encounter as uncalled-for hostile and disrespectful.

As an example, I was on a business trip the other day and two land whales were walking side-by-side, preventing me from reaching my destination down a hallway. All I ever did was excuse myself and then overtake them, since I was in a rush. And I get called a creep for no reason. As a level-headed person, I of course ignored them and moved on.

That said, I don't give two rats about what has shaped her or their behavior in her past. You treat others with dignity and respect, until they give you a moral reason not to. You don't pre-emptively treat others disrespectfully solely because they are a "male". Period.

But sadly, people like DoorKnob that made the OP or whatever her name is, likes to rationalize this sort of behavior. That's what I am tired of. And that's what I am arguing against. 

Jesus Christ.. her name is Copperknob, its not difficult - a 5 year old could figure it out.. why are you struggling!?

Youre conflating oranges and lemons my friend.. the OP was talking about why women are wary of men not why some women are sometimes rude to you... because news flash.. way more men are predators, way more men are creepy spiteful assholes, way more men commit sexual ***.. and seeing as we're usually bigger and stronger then women... surely you get why a lot of women feel like they have to have their guard up a lot!?
People who are rude to you are just rude asshats... they're not part of this conversation.

Also despite what you make out, it is kinda disgusting how you've referred to women in this post - I dont know you, you might be the nicest guy in the world 🤷‍♂️ but language like that usually indicates that you're a bit of a douche... if you dont like being labelled as such or tarred with the same brush as the bellends then you should maybe consider adjusting that.. Theres literally no need to call two people a couple of whales 🤷‍♂️ especially in the same breathe as complaining about how rude they were. Slightly hypocritical no?

2 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Dear DickBoy-94, my username here is CopperKnob which you're plainly aware of considering 'or whatever her name is'
We all know what you're arguing against. Actually, we know what you're arguing for. You're arguing for a world where cis-het men have a greater value in life than others. You value your privilege. You've been told of it even though all you wanted was your degree but you could care less about it. You want a world where no one calls out entitled behaviour. You want a world in which you can do and act as you want with no repurcussions
Unforunately for you its the 21st century
Do you think that maybe people are aware of your disregard and contempt for them because it may show through your non verbal behaviour?
Read through your last comment again, 'land whales' 'preventing me'
You don't need to physically attack someone for it to be called ***
Everyone of us has an aura around us that others are able to sense. If you're giving off those vibes, you know, the ones where you think you're better than others who don't conform to your idea of what's acceptable then you need to reflect upon your thinking.

I think you need to relax. I am arguing for a world where people follow the Golden Rule, which it appears your mom failed to teach you. And telling women it's okay to treat men disrespectfully solely because of their gender or because they've had bad past experiences with men in the past, which your OP does, is what people are gonna have issues with. 

And regarding my "aura", I think you need to go and see a psychiatrist... 

19 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

It was an observation. And I can bring forth more if you want to. And oddly enough, those are the kinds of women who I encounter as uncalled-for hostile and disrespectful.

As an example, I was on a business trip the other day and two land whales were walking side-by-side, preventing me from reaching my destination down a hallway. All I ever did was excuse myself and then overtake them, since I was in a rush. And I get called a creep for no reason. As a level-headed person, I of course ignored them and moved on.

That said, I don't give two rats about what has shaped her or their behavior in her past. You treat others with dignity and respect, until they give you a moral reason not to. You don't pre-emptively treat others disrespectfully solely because they are a "male". Period.

But sadly, people like DoorKnob that made the OP or whatever her name is, likes to rationalize this sort of behavior. That's what I am tired of. And that's what I am arguing against. 

"Two land whales" - wow... and you were talking about not being rude when what you have said there is not just rude, it is body shaming.

3 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

I think you need to relax. I am arguing for a world where people follow the Golden Rule, which it appears your mom failed to teach you. And telling women it's okay to treat men disrespectfully solely because of their gender or because they've had bad past experiences with men in the past, which your OP does, is what people are gonna have issues with. 

And regarding my "aura", I think you need to go and see a psychiatrist... 

I'd be happy for you to quote where I said it's 'okay to treat men disrespectfully solely because of their gender or because they've had bad past experiences with men in the past'
I'll wait...

12 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

Mary, it's not that they're explicit man-haters. DoorKnob is mentioning some valid points in her OP. Namely that men shouldn't be angry because a woman refuses to reply. With that I agree. And there are some weird ass guys out there who lack social skills. And as I said, we abolished slavery centuries ago, so I don't think anybody is entitled to anyone's time. However, I don't defend someone just because they have the same plumbing as I do. Unlike GoodGirlBetterBrat or Arhanis. 

My issue with her OP was the fact that she indirectly redirects the poor behavior that many women exhibit today on us men. And the fact that she rationalizes disrespectful behavior from women is what makes it worse...

How about your behaviours?

You have called two people "two land whales", you invalidated someone's bad experience... What exactly do those say about you?

8 minutes ago, Shirt-n-Tie-Boy said:

I really appreciate this post in the torrent of male aggression we are all witnessing. Thank you!

Brought up the same. I wish some of the frequently offensive and provocative male bashing forum posters had been raised like us. Maybe then they could contemplate the upset caused, with what they think are clever double meaning disguised insults, which actually stand out like a sore thumb and offend so many. I'm frankly surprised the mods are allowing it and continuing to turn a blind eye, I mean the sheer volume of sexist male wind up stuff from the same pack. I'm big on free speach but why on gods earth of woman and men being humans and equals is this being tolerated and given oxygen it does not merit?

Well done to my fellow men out there. It's highly frustrating I know, and it would be easy to go start volumrs of mirror "woman suck/the problem with women/female attitudes/bad women behaviour' forum threads", but its not happening. Important to retain our dignity and self respect and keep to our values. I can only respect and commend such restraint and tolerance. Actually feeling proud to be a man and like the way my fellow males have articulatey and respectful challenged the relentless and mischievous chauvinistic attention seeking views.

I think you missed the irony

9 minutes ago, PJ3000 said:

Jesus Christ.. her name is Copperknob, its not difficult - a 5 year old could figure it out.. why are you struggling!?

My issue with her post is that she keeps parroting the same man-hating shit over and over again. Let's look at a few examples.

1. "instilled, default masculine upbringing.": Just... what on Earth is wrong with being a man and masculine? I am not a soy boy who can't fix my own brakes, tires or change my water pump in my car. I work out and everything. I pride myself on being masculine. I don't wanna be feminine, nor is it my fetish. 

2. "You feel it's unfair that you're often treated like a threat, seemingly by default": Yes, I don't want to be labelled solely because of my gender. However the OP is advocating for that and indirectly putting the blame on us men. And that's where people are gonna take issue, my friend. As an example, African-Americans statistically commit higher rates of crime, etc., etc. I treat African-Americans with respect and dignity nonetheless, until they give me a reason not to. I don't judge an entire race because of the bad actions of a few, nor an entire gender. 

3. "Be angry at the men who made literally every space unsafe"... like are you kidding me? So wherever there is a man, there is danger lurking around the corner? Give me a break... just give me a break.

4. "Be angry at the guys who flood the inboxes of any woman they can find with cringey or copy pasted messages." So because of the bad actions of others, I should have to "pay"?

And I could go on and on... 

18 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

I'd be happy for you to quote where I said it's 'okay to treat men disrespectfully solely because of their gender or because they've had bad past experiences with men in the past'
I'll wait...

Do I really need to find more examples? Your OP tells that story fully. Sigbro and others on this thread agree. 

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, BadBoy-94 said:

GoodgirlBetterBrat, nobody is telling you to be stupid. I don't walk around with my Rolex watch and in my suit in a back alley in downtown at 1 A.M. as an example. Obviously, trust your gut instinct. But being rude to all strangers for no reason is what I was arguing against.

All I was saying is that most men are sick and tired of this constant man-bashing bullshit and being labeled as toxic  for no reason other than our gender.... 

And no, we don't feel "threatened" by your behavior. At most, most of us level-headed men just gonna ignore you. And we won't be the ones to cry "Why can't I find a good man?". ;)

And your ex broke into your house? Wow, I think your taste in men says more about you than your posts....  

And I think your posts on here say more about you than you realise...

There was no 'men bashing' or calling for all women to be rude to all men in the OP. 

You've derailed the OP, with your constant harping on about men bashing and people being rude to strangers, by, ironically...being rude to strangers, with your childish attempts at insulting people, name calling and ridiculous insinuations. 

You really are going for gold in the irony stakes aren't you?

Edited by GoodGirlBetterBrat
5 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

Do I really need to find more examples? Your OP tells that story fully. Sigbro and others on this thread agree. 

If you can't you can't and that's ok. It's also ok to accept that you were wrong and read something that clearly wasn't stated. I guess that demonstrates a certain level of maturity though so 🤷‍♀️

1 hour ago, CopperKnob said:

This 💩 is what happens when people speak about the crimes that they've been the victim of.
What we hear
"Why didn't you fight back"
"Why were you wearing that skirt/top/whatever"
"Why didn't you know that they were unsafe"
"Why didn't you go to the Police"
"Why were you there"
"You must have done something for that to have happened"
"You made some really poor choices"
What we rarely/never hear
"Wow that's really disgusting behaviour"
"I'm sorry that someone else did to you"
"How can we as society make the changes we need to to ensure everyone feels safe"


18 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

My issue with her OP was the fact that she indirectly redirects the poor behavior that many women exhibit today on us men.

Nope, some men. And if you knew her at all or could hear the message behind the OP and other recent posts rather than what you project onto it/suits your narrative (delete as appropriate), you'd know that she would also be right at the front of the queue acknowledging that what you describe as poor behaviour many man also exhibit which is the fallout of the experiences they have had with SOME women. One experience doesn't invalidate another, nor can any detract from the typical female experience of what guys put into their inboxes (and that's just staying within the realms on online communiques).

26 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

And the fact that she rationalizes disrespectful behavior from women is what makes it worse...

You don't ever know what another person has been or is going through. The message here is that whatever's between yours or anybody's legs, try to be understanding. Some people are assholes and that's on them; other people - women and men - have reasons for such behaviours. Either way it has nothing to do with us whereas how we react is our choice.

34 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

However, I don't defend someone just because they have the same plumbing as I do. Unlike GoodGirlBetterBrat or Arhanis.

I know it's been a while but can somebody do a cock check for me please? 😂 I'm assuming it's still there, which makes this argument look especially desperate.

15 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

My issue with her post is that she keeps parroting the same man-hating shit over and over again. Let's look at a few examples.

1. "instilled, default masculine upbringing.": Just... what on Earth is wrong with being a man and masculine? I am not a soy boy who can't fix my own brakes, tires or change my water pump in my car. I work out and everything. I pride myself on being masculine. I don't wanna be feminine, nor is it my fetish. 

2. "You feel it's unfair that you're often treated like a threat, seemingly by default": Yes, I don't want to be labelled solely because of my gender. However the OP is advocating for that and indirectly putting the blame on us men. And that's where people are gonna take issue, my friend. As an example, African-Americans statistically commit higher rates of crime, etc., etc. I treat African-Americans with respect and dignity nonetheless, until they give me a reason not to. I don't judge an entire race because of the bad actions of a few, nor an entire gender. 

3. "Be angry at the men who made literally every space unsafe"... like are you kidding me? So wherever there is a man, there is danger lurking around the corner? Give me a break... just give me a break.

4. "Be angry at the guys who flood the inboxes of any woman they can find with cringey or copy pasted messages." So because of the bad actions of others, I should have to "pay"?

And I could go on and on... 

I feel like you're missing the point completely, shes not advocating anything.. shes saying this is how it is... this happens because arseholes do bad things... so direct your anger there!
But to your points,
1. Nobody said theres anything wrong with being masculine (I'm not sure what a Soy Boy is but it sounds like one of those dumb right wing buzz words insults like woke), but we should always be striving to improve ourselves, to treat people better than our parents did.. default masculine upbringing simply implies you've been brought up with a portion of your values or opinions being a little bit outdated... shit changes... we figure out that some stuff our parents and grandparents did was shitty and that maybe we shouldn't continue it.. we used to behead people if the street ffs 😂 still think that's a good idea?
2.shes not advocating that, it's just a fact... because like it or not men are physically the stronger sex so pose much more threat to a women than visa versa.. imagine a large % of gay guys were 7ft tall, built like the Mountain and didnt give a flying fuck about whether you wanted their attention or not 🤷‍♂️ then add in *** and/or drink on a night out and tell me you wouldn't be wary about walking home alone... and then join a sexually orientated app where these same 7ft asshats can message you directly and spew all kinds of hateful shit into your inbox.. and then imagine half of them are within a 10mile radius and you just might bump into one of them one day..
And then tell me you wouldn't be very fucking cautious about any interaction with them.
3.Go talk to other females, ask them about the shit they have to content with on a daily basis.. also see previous point 😂
4. No.. we shouldn't have to pay... it's not fair.. but it's how it is... that was literally what the OP was about 🤦‍♂️😂

1 minute ago, Aranhis said:

I know it's been a while but can somebody do a cock check for me please? 😂 I'm assuming it's still there, which makes this argument look especially desperate.

I don't know about a cock check but I'm a knob and I'm still here 🍆😂

4 minutes ago, GoodGirlBetterBrat said:

And I think your posts on here say more about you than you realise...

There was no 'men bashing' or calling for all women to be rude to all men in the OP. 

You've derailed the OP, with your constant harping on about men bashing and people being rude to strangers, and, ironically...being rude to strangers, with your childish attempts at insulting people, name calling and ridiculous insinuations. 

You really are going for gold in the irony stakes aren't you?

"Be angry at the men who made literally every space unsafe".

If that's not man-bashing, I don't know what it is. I didn't realize I was a hazard on two legs when all I do is live my life, but with people like GoodGirlBetterBrat and OP out there, I can now see why women think that of me solely because of my gender. 

39 minutes ago, Shirt-n-Tie-Boy said:

I really appreciate this post in the torrent of male aggression we are all witnessing. Thank you!

Brought up the same. I wish some of the frequently offensive and provocative male bashing forum posters had been raised like us. Maybe then they could contemplate the upset caused, with what they think are clever double meaning disguised insults, which actually stand out like a sore thumb and offend so many. I'm frankly surprised the mods are allowing it and continuing to turn a blind eye, I mean the sheer volume of sexist male wind up stuff from the same pack. I'm big on free speach but why on gods earth of woman and men being humans and equals is this being tolerated and given oxygen it does not merit?

Well done to my fellow men out there. It's highly frustrating I know, and it would be easy to go start volumrs of mirror "woman suck/the problem with women/female attitudes/bad women behaviour' forum threads", but its not happening. Important to retain our dignity and self respect and keep to our values. I can only respect and commend such restraint and tolerance. Actually feeling proud to be a man and like the way my fellow males have articulatey and respectful challenged the relentless and mischievous chauvinistic attention seeking views.

*Whoosh* it's flown right over your head again hasn't it? The point being made that is.
It really is quite simple - and essentially boils down to the value you espouse of "treat people like you'd like to be treated yourself".
The OP is *not* about ALL men, but those men, and there are many, who *do* treat women on sites like this and in the big bad world totally *NOT* like they'd like to be treated themselves - the ones who send abusive messages, or messages telling someone they've never interacted with just what they are going to do to them in graphic detail, or who r*pe or ***, or call people "land whales" and much much more besides.
*THOSE* men are the ones the OP is targeted at the ones who are entitled or abusive or expect women to bow down to them *NOT* ALL men - if you don't do any of those things, then you have nothing to worry about, concern yourself with unless you're defending the actions of those men? In which case I can only conclude you are one of them, as all of those things are indefensible.
To add, the *only* man bashing going on on threads like this is of *those* men - not any reasonable, respectful, considerate etc men - if you consider yourself those things then again you have nothing to be concerned about by threads like this.
I'm a man, I don't feel man bashed in the slightest and if you truly believe in equality for all regardless of gender, and showing respect and decency to others, then nor should you.

42 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

However, I don't defend someone just because they have the same plumbing as I do. Unlike GoodGirlBetterBrat or Arhanis. 

I won't be justifying who or why I defend someone, to a person who attacks strangers with insults and childish remarks.

'Plumbing' makes no difference to me...you must have noticed that by now, you've certainly been on my profile enough to notice...

1 minute ago, GoodGirlBetterBrat said:

I won't be justifying who or why I defend someone, to a person who attacks strangers with insults and childish remarks.

'Plumbing' makes no difference to me...you must have noticed that by now, you've certainly been on my profile enough to notice...


Just now, gemini_man said:

To add, the *only* man bashing going on on threads like this is of *those* men - not any reasonable, respectful, considerate etc men - if you consider yourself those things then again you have nothing to be concerned about by threads like this.

It's being used to rationalize poor behavior on the part of women. 

Me: I expect direct and honest communication. I don't want to play games and I want to evaluate if we are compatible within a short time - I want to then go on dates(no sex) and decide if we would want to pursue the relationship further. I don't expect the woman I'm dating to be perfect but I do expect her to at least be sincere in investing the time spent and wanting to create a successful relationship.

Women ITT: Stop imposing the patriarchy, *** culture, I'm being e-violated HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


@BadBoy-94I totally get your frustration. But your not helping us (men) by showing so visibly it is getting to you. Your really just walking straight into the 5's trap. Most of us just avoid the 5. I suggest you start writing down usernames and going to your account/block section. Once you reduce what you see from the 5's, and the general narrative of men hate and male antagonism, it really makes the forum a bit more constructive. With the reluctance of of the site to moderate the sexist wind up posting, you need to take it into your own hands and avoid the 5. Try it, I have done it and I guarantee it helps so much.

7 minutes ago, BadBoy-94 said:

"Be angry at the men who made literally every space unsafe".

If that's not man-bashing, I don't know what it is. I didn't realize I was a hazard on two legs when all I do is live my life, but with people like GoodGirlBetterBrat and OP out there, I can now see why women think that of me solely because of my gender. 

You seem to be having trouble with comprehension...

If 'man bashing' was the agenda of the OP, it would read 'Be angry at *ALL* the men *FOR MAKING* literally every space unsafe".


Copper is referring to:

The. Specific. Men. Who. Make. The. Space. Unsafe.


ALL the men.

6 minutes ago, sigbro said:

It's being used to rationalize poor behavior on the part of women. 

Me: I expect direct and honest communication. I don't want to play games and I want to evaluate if we are compatible within a short time - I want to then go on dates(no sex) and decide if we would want to pursue the relationship further. I don't expect the woman I'm dating to be perfect but I do expect her to at least be sincere in investing the time spent and wanting to create a successful relationship.

Women ITT: Stop imposing the patriarchy, *** culture, I'm being e-violated HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

That's not what is being said at all - at least not how I'm reading it - just because someone doesn't fit with how you like to do things doesn't mean they are saying those things in the slightest, it just means they do it differently - but again as I said in my post - if you're not one of the people being called out in the OP (the ***rs, the vile message senders etc) you have nothing to concern yourself with or defend.

Just now, gemini_man said:

That's not what is being said at all - at least not how I'm reading it - just because someone doesn't fit with how you like to do things doesn't mean they are saying those things in the slightest, it just means they do it differently - but again as I said in my post - if you're not one of the people being called out in the OP (the ***rs, the vile message senders etc) you have nothing to concern yourself with or defend.

She's literally saying I should blame men for her shitty behavior. 

I have many questions
Who/what are/is the 5?
Is this the clique that you're so certain exists here?
Are you aware that you still get to see forum posts by those that you've blocked? Case in point, I blocked you at the weekend and you're commenting here
Are you truly avoiding the 5 by continually commenting on their posts?
This is the second time I've seen you be disrespectful to the Mods, a role I'm quite certain they do in their spare time. Are you this rude to all people who hold a different POV?
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