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Empowering a Dom

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I am interested in a Dom. He is very intelligent, articulate and has strong confidence. I appreciate the sweetness, and always being there for me. How do I empower him? I know how to be a good Submissive, but clueless to empowering. I would really like to impress him. Help!!🙏
Communication is the thing that empowers me, the more I know about my sub, how they feel at the time, what they like, what they're in the mood for, what they're feeling - the more power I have to work with them and know that my actions are going to have the desired response.
Thank you. Please excuse me, and trying my best to understand. I understand communication, and your meaning. Let me get this... so, tell him everything. I tell him everything EVERYDAY? So, praise him for every Dom thing he does?? Being a good Sub not the same actions?? I think I am getting scared now.... 😦
1 hour ago, kiseu said:
Thank you. Please excuse me, and trying my best to understand. I understand communication, and your meaning. Let me get this... so, tell him everything. I tell him everything EVERYDAY? So, praise him for every Dom thing he does?? Being a good Sub not the same actions?? I think I am getting scared now.... 😦

Kiseu, by 'empowering', what are you intending? Giving more power within the D/s dynamic or generally empowering him within the relationship?

Kiseu, firstly I'm slightly confused as to your current relationship with this Dom? You say your interested in him, sounding like you havnt yet approached him? But then you say he is always there for you? I gather that the dynamic is yet to fully develop? I would just be yourself, don't try to impress with gestures that you are not naturally comfortable with. Your willingness to be a good submissive for him, should be empowering enough! 😘
24 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Kiseu, by 'empowering', what are you intending? Giving more power within the D/s dynamic or generally empowering him within the relationship?

Empowering in "inspiring" him to live happy.🌻 My language is more actions, so I think this would help me with the women in my life as well.😊 

12 minutes ago, Lilivorydoll said:

Kiseu, firstly I'm slightly confused as to your current relationship with this Dom? You say your interested in him, sounding like you havnt yet approached him? But then you say he is always there for you? I gather that the dynamic is yet to fully develop? I would just be yourself, don't try to impress with gestures that you are not naturally comfortable with. Your willingness to be a good submissive for him, should be empowering enough! 😘

The dynamic is not fully developed. Thank you. You are right about being yourself, and willingness to be submissive. Sometimes words are needed, and I am not very good at it. It usually backfires.💣💥  In general with men and women, I get scared "what I should say" when it is needed. 


Like so so many threads there's a lot which is very individual

I also think this is something where there are often subtle but noticeable difference between M/f and F/m (and other combinations)

And different Dominants want different things from their subs; some want a sub who would help them reach their goals and ambitions. Others wouldn't want that.

For some just a sub who understands what the Dominant wants and works towards it without micromanagement - but others would enjoy the management.

For me. I'm not massively thinking on having a sub outside of, say, casual play - but then I didn't seek a Mistress outside of casual play and still ended up in a relationship for quite a while...  I guess for me it could be someone who is simply pleased to see me and pleased to be seen with me.  


@eyem... thank you as well. @CopperKnob... I appreciate the questions. You made think of more questions about myself.😅💖
  • 1 month later...
Be obedient in all he tells you to do no matter what you want obey him

The biggest question is one of trust.  Do you trust him well enough to "let go"---put your self totally in his hands?  True trust is extremely empowering.  Still, this is not something that can happen right away.  It takes time to develop this kind of relationship.


I think the foundations of a relationship can always be elevated - it does require us to tale a leap of faith and be more open/***. For me, this has been a watershed moment in previous relationships. I would also say.......provide your Dom a judgement free platform to express themselves


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