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Scammed and humiliated

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You are being too hard on yourself. We have the right to make mistakes, because we are only human. Like others mentione, take this as a learning lesson. There are good men here, but you are going to kiss alot of frogs.
If he ever tries to do something against you try and see if using his profile picture in google reverse image search it’s a good start to figure out who is and start the legal work 
Sorry to hear this. Its not a nice situation to be in and I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling. You made a mistake, your only human after all. Learn from this, stay strong, and grow. Whoever he is he is not worth your time.
Sucks that you had that experience, but it's not your fault, it's the other shitty person's fault. Hope you never have to go through that again :/

One rule of thumb I like to go by is that "choose what to capture, either face or nudes, but never both at the same time on the same pic"
Sorry to hear this. That’s not kind or fair. I wouldn’t worry about the pics or videos much, probably someone that doesn’t know how to connect with people in the real world. Probably masturbating furiously to them. I would say talk to more subs in the FETLife forums before you try again.
Sorry to hear this. I’ve been in a situation like this before. It was terrible.
:( we have all been there, emotions and love and especially the kink bond can makes us blind to the red flags and that’s not your fault because getting yourself to love and be loved is part of opening up and risking getting hurt. In the future consider setting up things to protect yourself from scammers such as only looking at locals who you can meet quickly, do checks to see if they are part of the kink community and have been vetted. I have been catfished once and had another person who was real ghost me when things became close to moving to in person after a long time of communication. Had many subs just disappear for no reason because they found another Dom that was interested in. Love is hard but being open to love is important to living a full life. If you ever want to talk you can message me but look for a group of local subs to have a support system with common interests and values will help.
People like that ruin it for everyone else

I am sorry to hear that I’ve had the same happen with me
You are not stupid for believing what you were hoping that this was, it’s all him. Don’t put yourself down for other’s shitty behavior. I know that you believe it’s your fault, but not entirely, you can’t really blame yourself too much for believing what you wanted. Like some have mentioned it here already, we have all fallen for the same scams, the shitty thing is that as you learn to keep yourself safer, the scammers are learning too and are coming up with more elaborate scams.

One thing that I would recommend to others is to never share your personal details like social media and address unless you’ve met the person in-person first. Otherwise they could try to blackmail you with your photos and videos.
As a precaution try not to share any lewd content with your face in it unless you’ve met in-person first.

But here’s some reassurance for you. Many countries and even many states in the US have a law against posting explicit content without the person’s knowledge or explicit approval to post/share that content. There are fines and even jail time for repeated offenders.
You got nothing to be sorry about it says lost sorry that you have your expose them pictures and videos out there though
Read up on “Sub Swoon.” This was not your fault. There are a lot of ***rs out there masquerading as Doms.
12 hours ago, CurlyCat19 said:
Same girl same 😔 stay safe 💖

Thanks , I will do things different the next time

11 hours ago, TheCannibalMan said:
Sorry to hear this. It's mostly like that nothing will happen, he's probably done this to others and just collects the pics. Probably not want you to hear, but I would try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know).

Did you include any EXIF (such as location tags) or personal identifiable data in the pictures?

No, thankfully

11 hours ago, 40Frank said:
I know it feels horrible, but it's likely that they just want them for their own use. There are lots of scammers and time wasters on here. There are other pages similar to this that allow users to verify other users and it's the one negative about this App/page.

What are they so I can try to protect myself in the near future, i also won’t be doing this again unless there’s full trust . You can message me if you’d like if you have the app/sites you were saying.

31 minutes ago, mward41 said:

What are they so I can try to protect myself in the near future, i also won’t be doing this again unless there’s full trust . You can message me if you’d like if you have the app/sites you were saying.

To be honest - even sites that use verifications aren't completely foolproof - just because someone has been verified doesn't mean they are trustworthy.
One such site that uses user verifications it was incredibly simple to falsely get verified and then create other profiles which the user then verified themselves.
There are no guaranteed failsafes - but trusting your gut instinct, taking your time and always being on your guard are the best tools at your disposal.

The same thing happened to me a few months back got talking to a lady ended up on a different app. Sent photos and next thing I know got threatening messages.
I think it happens to everyone at one point main thing is to learn from it. I now know don't trust anyone if they won't talk on the original app for at least a few days to week minimum for my liking and then don't send anything till you met in person that's my rules now and I try stick by them.
If you set rules if they are genuine and respect fet then they will treat them as hard limits and that will help weed out the fakes and no goods
Do u have a *** kink? Maybe thats what he was trying to pleasure u with
I for one am glad you brought this up as it’s something we all face at one point or another. It’s a choice. Each of us has to decide what to share and what will be the worst case results if what we shared is ever exposed. I have driven myself crazy with worry and *** until one day I just realized I don’t give a crap if this part of my life gets exposed. In fact I have been able to satisfy my submissive need when I did share it. The way I see it I almost expect our information to be scammed by low lifes

Really sorry this has happened.

Obviously hindsight is a bitch - but the flags of course are in the trying to pull someone off site quickly and then of course pushing for clips/vids

it could, of course, be something quite innocent as some have suggested and I hope this is the case.

But there is also some slightly naive advice on the thread.   

So, firstly - it could just be he has kept these for private collection but that makes little sense because why stop if you are happily sending?

What might be worth doing is if you still have access to copies of those pictures, running an image search on them to see if they're being used elsewhere.

The liklihood is they're either being distributed in a trading group - or - being used to verify/catfish somewhere else.

Most of the "get verified" sites are flawed unless it's verified with government issued ID and even then it's possible to slip the net.

2 hours ago, RedReefa said:
Do u have a *** kink? Maybe thats what he was trying to pleasure u with


12 hours ago, YesDaddyYes said:
Sorry that you had such an awful experience. Have you reported hisnoage to the admins on here? Might be worth doing that to be on the safe side.x

His profile is pretty much no longer in use it says until he verifies

You call being catfished a scam? Lol what the. Easy mode
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