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What is a slut?


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The dictionary definition is a woman who has many sexual partners without emotional connection, but like most dictionary definitions, it leaves a little wiggle room, and leaves little difference between promiscuous & slut. For me, being a slut is more about not being ashamed of your inhibited sexual desires, exploring your sexuality and needs, enjoying the primal side of sex and not being repressed. It has nothing to do with how many sexual partners you’ve had.
I LOVE a slut. Idc, idc, idc! To me it’s someone who embraces their sexual nature regardless of what societal norms are
Well said MissTakenDeep .
I'd say being shameless about your sexuality. Image vs. Behavior if you want to debate it. Someone can have the look down, but be a prude on the inside. Someone can look conservative, but be casually spewing details about how their sex life out in the open. And if you have who has both the look AND attitude down, it's beautiful 😈
A talented natural whore
  • 2 weeks later...
Just a free soul and a good girl
Mmmmm sounds like me x
Nothing more than a label. The intention of the word is only created by modifiers.
It means getting crazy with anyone that asks to, and I love sluts
  • 2 weeks later...
I feel like the word "Slut" is subjective depending on the audience.
To the general public, a slut is someone you don't want to leave alone with your husband.
To Me? A slut is someone who has taken absolute control of their sexuality. There is no shame in them when it comes to sex, because to them, there is no shame sex. Whether they are monogamous or whether they have 100 partners; they choose to be as dirty and nasty as they want to be, for WHO they want to be a Slut with.

They have chosen to disregard what society deems as socially acceptable and chosen to accept the deep primal urges that come with knowing every little piece of your body, mind, and sexuality.

A Slut is not just physical, either. A true Slut has a certain type of personality that can only be achieved with the confidence earned by accepting your sexuality for all that it is. A Slut knows just how sexy they can be, just how seductive they can be, and just how desirable they can be, because they aren't afraid to show the world what it looks like to love yourself and to pass that love on to others.

A true Slut is a beautiful, mysterious creature that should be treated with the utmost respect. You will never meet someone more in tune with themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, than a true Slut.
Coming from a female I got to agree with PNEDDIg. He summed it up to a T. I am happily proud to call myself a SLUT. I LOVE MY SEX AND PORN.
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