
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 53
Status Single
Height 176cm
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Red
Hair length Short
Beard Goatie
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Body hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Virgo

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


I'm a Daddy/dom seeking one very special connection.

I have a wealth of experience at my finger tips, in both IRL and LDR dynamics. I'm a strong proponent of the fact that manners cost nothing, and that just because I'm a Dom it doesn't preclude me from being a gentleman too.

Always happy to chat and share the fruits of knowledge with newcomers to the lifestyle, and indeed those of us who have been immersed in this wonderful, exciting and exhilarating world for many a year.


as discussed between my Sub and I.

My roles & archetype gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Letchworth Garden City with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
The Restaurant - following on from 'Working from home'
I made the call and booked the table at our favourite Italian restaurant for later that evening. Then sat back in my office chair, what a productive day it had been so far.
I'd told her to go and get ready for the evening, so I guess I should take my own advice. I went up the stairs and as soon as Read more…I entered the bedroom I could hear the ensuite shower running, her soft voice singing sweetly. She's be in there for an age, if history was anything to go by. Thoughts of her beautiful body covered in the hot soapy water made my cock twitch, but I'll get to have my playtime later.
I walked to the wardrobe and selected what to wear for the evening, and headed back to the shower room just off my office. A long hot shower and a shave, a spray or two of the aftershave my pretty girl had bought me, and I slowly got dressed.
I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I may be more than twice her age, but I kept myself in decent shape, the flecks of grey in my beard gave me a distinguished look. My eyes a piercing blue that, so I'm told, sparkled when my thoughts turned dirty and dark, which since I found my little girl, have been frequent and fantastic.
I shrugged on the suit jacket and smiled at my reflection. To all who saw me I was the very picture of a smart, sensible, middle aged man. How little they knew.
I walked into the hallway and was about to call up when I saw her standing there, and I caught my breath. She stood smiling at the top of the stairs, her make up subtle and perfect, her hair softly curled and falling across her shoulders, just how I like it. She was wearing the new summer dress I'd bought her a few days before, and she looked amazing.
I smiled broadly and held out my hand. She came down the stairs slowly in her heels, the dress swaying softly with each step.
I took her hand and pulled her close, breathed in the soft scent of her perfume and kissed her cheery red lips softly "You are stunning, my girl".
She giggled shyly, a little flush in her cheeks "Thank you Daddy."
Taking her hand firmly in mine we walked out of the door to the car. Ever the gentleman I opened her door and she slid silently into the seat.
It wasn't a long drive to the restaurant, just along the coast road. The sun was shining, and she filled the time telling me excitedly about a new movie that had just come out. It was looking like a cinema trip was on the cards.
I pulled up outside the restaurant and unhooked my seat belt, when her sweet voice rang out. "Oh Daddy, I almost forgot" she pulled the bottom of her dress up, exposing her beautiful smooth pink pussy. "I remembered, look." She smiled.
I felt the familiar twinge in my boxers, but managed to keep my composure at such a beautiful sight. "Good girl. Shall we?"
I held open the door open, and in she walked. We were walked to our table. It always fills me with pride when I catch the glances of other men, their eyes feasting on my little girl's perfect curves, knowing that she is all mine.
I'd booked a booth to the side of the busy restaurant, against the far wall. We slid into the soft velvet seats and sat close, side by side. We were handed menus and I ordered drinks for us both, and were left to ponder the options.
"What shall I have Daddy?" She said, biting her lip, her brow furrowed. I could barely look at the menu, she looked so pretty, so cute, so perfect right there and then. Not two hours ago I'd been fucking her hard across my desk, and yet here she sat, so innocent, so pure. She looked up and caught my eye and smiled, just for me.
"It's OK Princess, Daddy will order for you." She smiled even wider, and put the menu down. "Daddy, can I kiss you. I REALLY want to".
I looked into her beautiful eyes, held her chin and leaned in close, her sweet lips met mine and I heard a soft sigh escape her. Lost momentarily in each other we didn't at first notice the waitress with our drinks.
She set the drinks down on the table as my little girl and I parted, and I gave the food order. Our actions from earlier had given me quite the appetite. We sat and waited, talking, scanning the other people in the restaurant, making up scenarios as to why they were there. Picking out who was hot and who was not.
My hand rested firmly on her thigh, caressing slowly, circling so that with each rotation her pretty dress rode a little higher up her thigh. As we talked my finger tips found the soft skin and I heard her voice waiver just a little as my fingers slowly edged higher. She smiled and eased her legs wider, wanting more, eager for her Daddy's touch. I could see her chest rising and falling a little more as my fingers brushed the very top of her inner thigh... just as the waitress arrived with our food.
I smiled sweetly at the waitress and my little girl cleared her throat and brushed her dress back down, composing herself. Two full, rich plates of steaming linguine were placed before us, brimming with fresh sauces. Carbonara for me, and a spicey arrabiata for my girl.
The forks worked the soft pasta slowly as we both tucked in, the food was always top class here. After a few minutes I noticed that my Princess was drinking her water. I looked across and saw that her cheeks were flushed. "You ok Pretty girl?"
She nodded, but I could tell she wasn't quite so sure. I raised my eyebrows... "it's just" she began hesitantly, "it's a bit spicey Daddy".
"Hmmm," I pondered, "would you like to swap sweetie?" Her eyes grew wide, and that smile was back "Oh yes please Daddy!".
With a grin I swapped the plates, and in she tucked, making happy little noises. I savoured the bite of the chillies and peppers on my tongue.
Before long the plates were virtually empty, satisfying filled we both sat back. I noticed a little of the sauce on her lip and reached out, lifting the creamy sauce on my finger I slipped it between her red lips, eyes locked as she sucked hard.
The waitress came to take the plates away, she looked a little flushed at our brazen behaviour. She was cute, and I noticed my little girl checking out her body, interesting. The waitress mumbled that she would be back in a few moments.
My hand found its way back onto her thigh once more, this time with little pretense, as it slid straight to the inner thigh and higher. I heard a soft gasps as fingers found her already wet lips, teasing them softly apart. Her legs opening wider as she sighed. Two fingers parted the sweet bald lips and the middle finger slipped easily inside. The other patrons of the restaurant went about thier conversations, as I sat probing my little girls pussy. Sliding deeply in and out.
"Would you like some ice cream pretty girl?" I asked. She was biting her lip and nodded. Eyes a little wider than before.
Just as the waitress came over again, I slid my wet middle finger from inside, and started to circle her clit. "Tell the lady what you want Princess"
She licked her lips and cleared her throat, as beneath the table my finger circled and rubbed her swollen clit. "I'd... erm," she paused. The waitresses cheeks betrayed her thoughts as I smiled up at her, she knew what was happening. "I'd like... some... chocolate ice cream, please". "And I'll have a coffee."
The waitress walked away just as my little girls composure finally caved in, perhaps it was my fingers pinching her clit that did the trick. And she let out a loud gasp, making some other diners look over.
I removed my hand as she held the table, shaking slightly. She watched as I licked my fingers clean "Daddy's favourite dessert", I smiled.
The ice cream arrived, and with delight my little girl tucked in. As I sipped the rich dark hot liquid, watching every mouthful. She looked sideways at me "What Daddy?"
"Nothing my beautiful girl, I just like looking at you".
"Awwww Daddy..."
It wasn't long before the spoon was scraping the last of the ice cream from the bowl. "Mmmmm that was SOOOO good". She dabbed the napkin to the side of her pretty mouth.
I signalled a passing waiter, and asked for the bill. "Daddy can I go to the bathroom please?"
"Of course sweetie, and good girl for asking."
She smiled leaned in for a gentle kiss and sidled out of the booth. I looked down and smiled to myself as I saw the damp patch on the velvet seat she'd left behind.
I paid the bill, and was waiting by the door when she returned from the bathroom, taking her hand we walked back to the car. The drive home as the sun was setting was beautiful, but not as beautiful as my little girl.
"Daddy, can I tell you something?"
"Anything Princess."
"Well, when I went to the bathroom something strange happened." She paused, I glanced across and she was turning a folded piece of paper in her hands. "Our waitress was in the bathroom when I walked in, and she smiled at me so prettily. And she gave me her number"
She held the paper up between her fingers, smiling broadly. I was glad I'd left a generous tip.
LikeTripskippy, LadyNurse, KiaOraand 10 more… · 1 Reply
wheaton740 That’s the kind of waitress I want. Please continue your story. We’re waiting. That’s the kind of waitress I want. Please continue your story. We’re waiting.
Like · 22.05.2024 3:35:01
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Working from home...
"Daddy..." she called from the top of the stairs.
A moment passed "Daddy!" She called louder.
I walked to the foot of the staircase and looked up. She stood leaning over the balcony, her full fabulous breasts barely contained within her cute pyjama top, the smile on her sweet face broad and Read more…beaming. "Whatcha doing Daddy?"
"You know I'm working pretty girl, Daddy's got to get the report finished and sent off."
"But that's boring," she sulked, her bottom lip pushed out.
"Well the sooner I get it done the sooner we can play" I smiled. Knowing nothing would please me more. "But if you're a good girl and can behave yourself you can come down and join me".
Before I'd even finished the sentence she squealed with delight and bounded down the stairs at pace... quite how she didn't fall out of her PJs I really don't know. She skipped into my arms and her soft red lips found mine. Her cheeky little tongue darting into my mouth briefly as I felt myself hardened instantly.
"Thank you Daddy" she giggled as she skipped off into my office.
I stood stock still for a moment to collect my thoughts, smiled once more and stepped back though the door. She looked up and smiled as I entered. She was sat crossed legged in the guest chair, a book open on her lap, her fingers playing with her beautiful hair. "You won't know I'm here," she said, in what I assume she meant as a grown up voice.
"Good girl." I sank back into my office chair, and logged back into my laptop. Trying to get my mind back on the task in hand.
Several minutes passed, the only sound her turning the page, and my typing... bliss.
After a little while there came a soft giggle from the guest chair. I glanced over and she looked up, "Sorry Daddy, there was a funny bit." I smiled, "that's OK my girl." And went back to the screen.
A few more minutes passed, infact I was close to getting the first draft completed, when a cough came from the guest chair... quickly followed by two more. I glanced over and she waved a hand, it's nothing. A minute passed, and more coughs came in short succession.
"You need a glass of water sweetie?" I asked... she nodded, covering her mouth.
I went to the kitchen and took the cool jug from the fridge and poured a large class of crystal clear ice cold water.
She seemed to have recovered her composure while I had gone, but accepted the glass and placed it down on the small side table.
A short time later I read through the final version of the report. I had just clicked to send it though to the office when from beside me came a loud shriek. As I turned my head I just had time to register that a large amount of the ice cold water had found itself all down the front of the tiny PJ top, the thin material wet through and clinging tightly to my little girls fabulous tits.
She jumped out of the chair right in front of me "so cold... So Cold!" She cried. As quickly as I could I reached out and pulled the wet top up over her head and threw it to the floor, her very proud nipples right before my face.
I did what any worthy Daddy would do for his little girl, warm hand on one, my hot mouth on the other, sucking deeply. Her cries turned instantly to moans of pleasure. Her hands went instantly around her back, clenched together. My little girl is well trained.
For a while the only sounds were her soft moans and my eager mouth sucking, first one then the other... taking each nipple between my teeth and pulling back, softly at first... but more and more each time. I know just how my little girl loves the pain her Daddy gives her. My teeth sinking into her soft creamy skin as she gasped out loud... I could feel the blood rushing through my body, surging through my loins... and I had an idea.
I sat back in the chair and reached for what remained of the water, and 'accidently' poured it over the straining front of my trousers.
She was right, it really was cold. But the look in my Princess's eyes soon warmed me up as she instantly understood what I meant, and sank to her knees before me.
Her fingers were so excited as she fumbled with my belt, and zip... I lifted myself from the seat a little and she hurridly tugged them down my wet legs, my black boxers standing proud. She looked up at me, her eyes asking. Such a good girl, she knows she has to ask permission.
I smile, and nod. As her red nailed hands tug at the material sending my fat cock springing into the air. I watch her as she licks her lips and lowers her head, slowly, deeply taking every last inch into her hot mouth. My turn to let out a deep moan of pleasure.
I close my eyes and savour the sensations of her perfect mouth, tongue and teeth... afterall I taught her all she knows, and she's such a good pupil.
I reach out a hand into her hair and pull back hard, her head jerks back her eyes on mine, but her mouth clamps hard on the tip, not giving it up. "My Little girl has an appetite does she?" I ask. Even with the tip of my cock held between her lips she somehow manages a smile.
I smile back, gripping her hair firmly as I force her head down hard, and pull back up... repeating it time and time again, until she starts to make gagging noises as I hit the back of her throat each time... I pull back sharply, this time she leans back gasping for breath, drool covering her chin, and my quivering cock.
"Stand up"... she moves slowly still a little dazed. "I said STAND UP" my voice is deep and loud when required. She stands, a little shakily. And I get up from my chair... "over Daddy's desk"
Still a little dazed, but there's a sparkle in her eye as she positions herself across the large office desk. My hands make short work of the very wet PJ shorts, and I kick her legs a little wider.
My firm warm hand reaches under one leg and bring it up onto the desk top, exposing her pouting pink pussy, glistening, inviting... I place the very tip of my pulsing cock at her lips. She tries to push back, eagerly.
"Who do you belong to Princess?"
"You Daddy" and as the last sylable escapes her lips I push forward, filling her deeply. Her hot wet pussy greedily accepting every last inch. I let out a growl, it feels so good, so wet, so tight.
I reach out and take a grip of her hair once more, pulling back as I thrust, long hard deep strokes. This isn't making love, this is a little girl getting fucked by her Daddy.
Her aching cries fill the air, accompanied by the sound of my balls slapping against her dripping wet lips, time and time again.
I feel that familiar rush deep inside, it's coming and it's reached the point of no return... leaning back as I fill her over and over, until, with a cry of my own I explode, deep inside my little girl.
It feels like it lasts for minutes, the feeling rushing through every fibre of my being, before finally, slowly subsiding. I ease back, smiling a little as I watch my cum slipping from her wide open lips. Both of us gasping for air.
After a while she slowly stands up, she is naked, I'm naked from the waist down. We smile at each other and I pull her close, kiss her softly. "Good girl. Now go and get cleaned up, Daddy's taking you out for dinner tonight"
Instantly shes back to the bouncey excited ittle girl. "Yay!" She says clapping. "Can I wear my new dress Daddy?" Her eyes wide, the smile infectious.
"Exactly what I was thinking pretty girl," I held up a finger. "But what's Daddy's rule for meals out?"
Her eyes roll, and the smiled got wider. "Oh Daddy I know." She paused. "No panties when we dine out"
"That's my girl" she giggled, and ran past me heading for the stairs, but not before I gave her a slap on the arse as she passed.
"I'd better book a table" I said to myself.
LikeAman94, dollfacexhotsauceand 35 more… · 2 Replies
Paulmartin Oh yes 👍🏻 I join you and look forward to the sequel! Keep up the good work! Oh yes 👍🏻 I join you and look forward to the sequel! Keep up the good work!
Like 10.05.2024 18:24:38
Angelbaby865 I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!! This reassures me this dynamic is out there somewhere. I look forward to reading more from you. Job well done👏🏼👏🏼 I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!! This reassures me this dynamic is out there somewhere. I look forward to reading more from you. Job well done👏🏼👏🏼
Like · 10.05.2024 17:39:08
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
**TW** A woodland walk...
**Trigger Warning** Reason: Knife Play
She smiled so brightly, her sunglasses, her hair tied back, her yellow summer dress hugging her beautiful body, she looked perfect. I had trouble concentrating as I drove along the winding roads. It was, for so many reasons, a wonderful day.
"Where we going Read more…again Daddy?" She asked casually.
"I told you sweetie, I thought it would be nice, to get out and have a lovely walk in the woods, fresh air, sunshine. That's why I told you to wear your walking shoes"
"OK Daddy," she giggled. Just the sound of her laughter made my heart beat faster.
After a half an hour I pulled the car off the road and into the small clearing, the tall trees ranging off into the distance.
We got out of the car, the mid morning sun warming, but not too hot. I went to the back and opened up the boot as my little girl stood basking in the sunshine, her head back, stretching, making her full fabulous chest press tight to the material. Damn she looked good.
I took the back pack, strapping it over my shoulders and locked the car. I walked over and leaned in to kiss her beautiful pink lips. I looked into her eyes "Ready Princess?" She nodded excitedly as I took her hand and we headed off into the woods.
"Whats in the bag Daddy?"
"Just some supplies, sweetie" I said vaguely. "OK." She giggled and virtually skipped along beside me. Both of us so happy.
We walked and talked and enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the woodlands, I held her hand in mine and we followed the trails. We briefly stopped at a clearing taking in the scene, shared some water before venturing deeper into the trees, a little more off the beaten track.
A short while later, the blue sky shining through the dense tree coverage, I suggested we stop for a while. "OK Daddy" she answered, and I set the bag down on the floor, reaching inside as she twirled slowly on the spot, looking up.
I walked over pulled her close and kissed her deep, her soft moans swallowed by my eager mouth. My hands roamed her perfect body as she wriggled against me.
I slowly edged her back until I had her pressed against a sizable tree, kissing her roughly. I pulled back a little and whisper deeply "Don't move." She bit her lower lip and nodded as I moved around behind the tree, reached out securing both her wrists as I slipped the velcro cuffs I'd got from the back pack, over each one, closing then and using the links to connect them.
I moved back around and reached out to stroke her pretty face, her eyes wide, her chest rising and falling. I went back to bag and brought out two more velcro fastening cuffs, knelt down and secured them around her ankles. Pushing her legs wider I again linked the two sets, with a length of rope, her legs wide apart.
I stood before her, surveying my work. She looked deep into my eyes breathing deeply, this was new, dangerous, exciting.
I let me fingers trail over her face, she turned her head to try and bite them playfuly but I moved them our of her reach, she looked a little wild, and so fucking hot.
I slipped my hand around her throat, closing tightly as her eyes grew even wilder. "You are mine...." I growled as my free hand slipped under her pretty dress, finding her little white panties, feeling just how wet they were already. I rubbed the front, my other hand still tight on her throat as her breath came in gasps. She let out a soft cry and my fingers slipped inside the panties and found her soft wet lips.
I release her throat and clamped my mouth on hers, greedily, hungrily kissing deeply, our tongues dancing, wrestling each other as my finger slid inside.
I suddenly stopped, stepped back taking in the scene before me. Tied to the tree panting she looked so beautiful. "I think those panties need to come off." I said and she nodded eagerly. "But your legs are tied wide?" I pretended to think even though it was all preplanned.
I went back to the bag and made a play of searching through. Although I knew exactly what I wanted and where.
I slight look of confusing on her sweet face as I walked back to her, she could see something in my hand as I approached, but it wasn't clear until I stood right before her and unfolded the 4 inch blade. She audibly gasped, looking up at my smiling face.
I looked into her eyes, an unspoken question in mine. She paused for a moment, before nodding. I reached out and very gently began to trail the blade across the soft flesh of her heaving breasts, she wasn't to know that I'd turned the knife around and was using the blunt edge to leave a faint red mark on her. She closed her eyes.
I reached down, lifting the hem of the pretty summer dress and hooking it into the tiny waist belt. Her cute white panties clearly soaked as I edged the knife down across the front, her body starting to tremble just a little. I could hear the velcro taking the tension as she tested the restraints.
I moved the blade slowly to her inner thigh, trailed it down a little before moving it back up again, and slipping it under the waist band of her panties, with nothing more than a flick of the wrist the blade sliced through the material.
I swiftly moved across to the other side and repeated the action. Folding the knife away I slipped it into my back pocket. Reaching down as I stood very close, taking a firm handful of very wet panties I pulled them away. Smiling I brought them up to my face, breathing deeply of them... heavenly. They too went into my back pocket.
I walked back over to the bag and dipped back inside. I'd recently bought some new toys and had purchased this one with this very event in mind, I'd made sure it was fully charged before packing the bag earlier.
I withdrew the purple wand, holding it up and pressed the button, the vibration was powerful but the sound nothing more than a gentle hum. I looked across catching a small grin appear on those sweet lips.
I moved back to my tree-bound Princess, and couldn't resist yet other kiss. With a soft click the wand buzzed into life, making her jump just a little as I started to trail it up her thigh. Kissing her as I edged it higher and higher, hearing her sharp intake of breath as the toy found her dripping wet lips. Deftly using my finger tips to ease her lips apart I moved the wand higher, before landing it directly on her pretty swollen clit.
Her head went back against the tree, her eyes closed as I applied the toy. Her mouth opening as she started to moan a little louder, I flicked to switch again, increasing the power. I could feel her whole body shaking... and that's when I heard voices away over to the left.
Like a flash I switched off the toy, her eyes flew open as she too heard them. I turned to her and whispered "it's OK....shhh" pressing my finger to her lips.
There appeared to be a small group, perhaps a family out of a trek, away over to our left. Their conversations carried on the wind, I could just about make out shapes moving in the distance. Neither of us moved, barely breathing.
They seemed to pass so very slowly, completely unaware we were there. Then a thought popped into my head, and a wicked grin found its way to my lips. Reaching up I clamped my strong hand tight across her mouth, her eyes wider than ever as I turned the toy back on once more, and applied it straight to her clit. I felt her mouth trying to open against my hand, but it was firm, hard.
The first orgasm hit while the sound of the rambling family could still be heard, although they were fading fast. Her whole body shaking against the tree, the velcro cuffs being tested but holding firm. I had no intention of moving the toy as another quake rocked her beautiful body.
I released the hand from her mouth and reached around to my back pocket, taking the ruined wet panties, before stuffing them into her wide open mouth, her cries muffled as the third, fourth and quite possibly fifth orgasm coursed through her.
Eventually I removed the toy and stepped back, plucking the panties from her moith. She sagged against the restraints, panting for breath, her eyes half closed, her thighs shining with wetness. After a few minutes I unhooked the hem of her dress, moved around and released both sets of cuffs. Quickly moving to the front and taking her in my arms, I guided her to a fallen tree, sitting her down. Brushing the hair from her face.
I went over to the bag, producing a drink and some sweet treats. She drank and ate while I cleared away the cuffs, toy and panties.
I sat beside her and put my arm around her shoulder as she nudged herself closer. "Thank you, Daddy," she whispered.
Once she was rested I hooked the bag back over my shoulder and we started the slowly walk back to the car, I could tell she was tired so we took our time.
When we got back to the car there were a couple of large family SUV packed near by, the group packing up to head off. We smiled and waved a greeting, they weren't to know that my pretty little girls thighs were still slick with her wetness.
I packed away the bag and we got into the car. I looked across and saw her frowning. "Whats the matter pretty girl," I asked.
"Well," she turned to me. "That's was amazing Daddy, but what about you? You didn't get to cum?" Her sad face breaking my heart.
I smiled and started the engine. "Don't worry Princess, when we get home your are going to get properly fucked" I grinned.
The smiled, clicked her seat belt into place. "Let's go Daddy, drive fast."
LikeKiaOra, Will-1066, SUBlime1975and 14 more… · 1 Reply
KiaOra Yasssss! Yasssss!
LikeEDY7 · 30.04.2024 10:27:10
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Sunday morning
He could feel her naked body pressed to his as he gently woke. His eyes closed he smiled as he breathed in the scent of her hair, her head resting on his chest. He vaguely remembered her snuggling in under his right arm during the night, and, contented, she hadn't moved.
He breathed softly, not Read more…wanting to disturb her, not wanting to break the perfect scene. Slowly his eyes opened, the first light of the day gently breaking through the curtains... Sunday, nothing to do, no where to be.
She had one hand resting gently on his hairy chest, one leg wrapped over his. Their bodies locked together just right. He couldn't tell how long he lay there, lost in his own half asleep world. When he noticed her fingers starting slowly to circle in his chest, edging slowly lower...
He closed his eyes again, savouring the soft sensations. Was it his imagination or was she pressing her self a little hard against him? Her hips very slowly rotating.
Her gently tracing finger tips slipped lower in small circles as she pressed herself a little harder against his firm thigh. He could feel her heat as her fingers slipped beneath the duvet.
She lifted her head and looked up at him, her eyes shining with early morning mischief... she smiled softly, he bent down to kiss her pretty pink lips as her warm hand closed around his stiffening cock. Both moaning gently.
She smiled a little wider as she started work his cock. Long, slow, deep strokes. 'You like that Daddy?' She breathed. His eyes closed once more, he nodded, smiling broadly. He heard her sweet gentle giggle as her grip tightened.
He let a little gasp escape as his length pulsed in her hand, another louder gasp escaping as he felt her tongue gently lapping at his crown. Pressing his thigh against her as she moved her hips a little faster. She started to moan then too...
He found his hand in her soft hair caressing gently as she continued to stroke and lap. The sensations coursing through him sending shivers up his spine... he wanted more, he needed more.
His hand gripped her hair a little firmer... and pressed her head down lower, the tip of his cock slipping between her warm lips. He could feel her moan as he slid deeply into her hot mouth, his hips lifting to meet her.
Her head, his hips moving in unison. Her warm hand cupping his heavy balls as she greedily pleased her Daddy. His passion, his desire growing minute by minute, but he wanted more.
He pulled back on her hair as his slick length popped from her lips with a gasp. She followed his lead and moved back up his body, straight into a deep passionate kiss... she smiled to herself as she saw the fire in his eyes. And knew what was coming.
His strong hands gripped her hips and twisted her onto her side, her back to him. Again she let out a little giggle. It was all going just as she hoped. She thrust herself back against his straining cock as he reached over, lifting her leg over his as with one smooth motion he slid deep inside her, the warm wet embrace welcoming him as she let out a satisfied sigh.
Hips working, rotating, slowly, deeply fucking his little girl just as she deserved. His hand reached around, funding her swollen wet clit, circling as he filled her deeply time and again.
Faster, deeper, harder... he filled her, playing with her clit... both working thier hips in time... she leant back her head, gasping loudly as her Daddy gave her what she needed... he reached out his free hand, first covering her gasping mouth, then slipping three fingers inside... filling his pretty girl all up.
Thrusting, deeper... those heavy ball slapping against her wet stretched lips as Daddy fucked his pretty girl hard. Her breasts bouncing wildly as he entered her again and again.
She sucked deeply on his fingers, her moans reverberating through her whole body as she knew her Daddy was close, his body tensing. His gasping hot breath so close to her ear as, simultaneously she heard and felt his orgasm come crashing. Hot jets filling her deeply as he grunted, growled... animalistic.
Wave after wave crashing over them both as she too reached her peak, sucking hard on some of his fingers while the others worked her clit.
Slowly... very slowly... the rush they both felt subsided, body's still locked together as one. Panting for breath she turned her head 'thank you Daddy'... he kissed her. 'Good girl' he breathed.
He wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her close.
The most perfect Sunday morning.
LikeMicroRay21, CosmicAngel, SUBlime1975and 22 more… · 1 Reply
frost_my_cupcake 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Like · 20.04.2024 18:25:39
icon-wio RedFoxUK wrote something about themself
I'm a Daddy/dom seeking one very special connection.

I have a wealth of experience at my finger tips, in both IRL and LDR dynamics. I'm a strong proponent of the fact that manners cost nothing, and that just because I'm a Dom it doesn't preclude me from being a gentleman too.

Always happy to chat Read more… and share the fruits of knowledge with newcomers to the lifestyle, and indeed those of us who have been immersed in this wonderful, exciting and exhilarating world for many a year.
icon-wio RedFoxUK wrote something in the forum
Please Daddy?

Encapsulates the dynamic just as it should be...

LikeGoodGirlBetterBrat, LittleSub27 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio RedFoxUK wrote something in the forum
I know better... I do

Beautiful. X

LikeGoodGirlBetterBrat · Jump to discussion
icon-wio RedFoxUK wrote something in the forum

Absolutely delightful... a little slut treated just right.

LikeGoodGirlBetterBrat · Jump to discussion
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Playtime, pt1
The door closed behind me with a solid click, my hand quickly turning the lock, before wrapping around her waist, pulling her close. Her deep red lips met mine, then parted, our tongues met, twisting, turning playing across each other. Her full breasts crushed against my chest. My hand moved up to Read more…her hair, before making a fist and pulling back.
Her eyes were wide, her lips parted as she gasped. I smiled and told her to remove the dress, helping her by sliding the zip down.
Within a seconds she stood before me, her matching underwear perfectly accentuating her figure. Her legs, stocking clad, her calves given a beautiful shape by the high heeled shoes. She looked incredible.
I slowly walked around her, letting my finger tips gently brush against her soft skin, trailing over the soft material. I moved close behind her, my body pressed against her back, my lips close to her ear as I whispered exactly what I planned to do to her over the next couple of hours. Her breathing getting deeper with each word.
With barely a flick of my fingers the bra strap came apart and I slowly eased the straps from her shoulders and withdrew the lace, letting it fall to the floor.
Telling her not to move I removed my jacket, and rolled my sleeves up a little. I walked over to the dressing table and and took a long length of black rope, unwinding it and running it through my hands as I walked back to stand before her. I smiled once more, letting my fingers stroke her cheek, brushing across her lips, making her smile too.
I slipped the doubled up rope around her waist and looped it into place, shuffling it higher so that it sat just below her beautiful, rose tipped breasts. I took the separate strands and wound them over her shoulders, looping in and out of each other, and around her body until the pattern was complete, the rope securely tied behind her back. Her breasts intimately encased in the black rope. Her long hair cascading over her shoulders, she looked perfect.
I took my phone from my pocket, adjusted the camera settings and took several angled, artful and very sexy shots. Phone away once more I let me warm hands play across the rope, and her breasts. Her proud prominent nipples reaching out for my touch.
Rolling them between finger and thumb I slowly increased the pressure until her lips parted and her eyes closed just for a second. I released them, letting the blood flow back in, before repeating the action, this time a little firmer then the last. I repeated the action again, making sure to look into her beautiful eyes as I did.
I could see the determination there, the hint of defiance. It took two more repeats, and increases in pressure, before she let out the soft cry that I was craving. And she earned a long deep kiss as her reward.
I released the rope, unwinding it slowly before letting it too fall to the floor. I gave her the next instruction, and without a word she slide her underwear down to the floor, walked across the room, her stride slow and purposeful in the beautiful shoes before bending down at the hips, resting her elbows on the bed.
I walked past, letting my fingers trail gently across her exposed backside as I made way to the dressing table and paused to select my first item...
LikeGoodGirlBetterBrat, philadelphia895and 24 more… · 1 Reply
UnderMyToes Awesome erotica.. very nice Awesome erotica.. very nice
LikeRedFoxUK, SubBottomBoyChastity · 29.11.2023 8:30:15
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
The light from the open fire sparkled in her eyes as we sat across the table from each other. I lifted the glass and sipped the deep rich red wine, savouring the taste as I listened to her anecdote.
She was animated, smiling broadly as she told the tale of a past misadventure, although I'll freely Read more…admit that her deep red lipstick was proving something of a distraction, as indeed was the slightly low cut of her beautiful dark green dress.
The pub was dark and dusky, warm and wintery. I'd chosen it purposefully, this wasn't our first meet, but it was a significant one, and I wanted it to be perfect.
Her fingers gracefully wrapped around the stem of her glass, I'd noticed the nail varnish was a perfect match for her lips, I do love such attention to detail. Her story told she raised her glass took a long sip, before brushing her hair behind one ear, and smiled at me.
Her eyes captivated me, locked into mine as I made a light hearted comment and she laughed, a little nervously I thought. I reached out and took her free hand, her warm fingers entwined in mine. We both knew why we were there, what we wanted, what we needed from each other, that heady mix of nervous excitement coursing through us both.
I stood up from table, still holding her hand as she too rose. With a nod to the barman we walked out of the large oak door and across the small courtyard to one of the private suites.
Taking the key from my pocket I opened the door, the room was lit by a small table lamp, but there was enough light to see the range of equipment I'd previously laid out on the dressing table. She turned to me, biting her lower lip, her chest rising and falling as I pulled her close for a kiss.
I back heeled the door closed. It was time to begin...
LikeNorthernGirl2002, LittleSoulTeaseand 21 more…
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
He watches as the first flush of redness slowly blossoms on her skin. The little lopsided grin she likes so much clear on his face as he brings his right arm back again and down strongly on the other side.
Her sharp intake of breath makes his eyes close for a split second, it's a sound he loves to Read more…hear, a sound he loves to cause, a sound that makes his heart race.
He pauses then, moves along the bed. He reaches out and strokes her face. Her eyes are closed but she smiles at his soft touch, he gives her pain and comfort, the perfect blend.
There are no words spoken, no need for words, they know one another so well. He trails his finger tips up over her shoulder, and down her back, nails digging just a little as she arches up to meet his touch.
Then another resounding slap fills the air as his hand comes down once more. Several impacts then in quick succession, her risen cheeks now red, hot. She wriggles a little, side to side, her breath coming in short gasps as she processes the sensations filling her body, calming her mind.
More follow, grouped in twos and threes, with pauses between each set, some long, some hardly there at all. He gently strokes her cheeks, feels the heat he has made. His hand slowly edges lower until he feels the wetness on his finger tips. She let's out a soft moan and her body relaxes, eager for his touch. But it is fleeting, a tease. She will feel that touch, and so much more, but not yet.
In the silence that follows she knows he is looking at her, knows that his pale blue eyes are devouring every inch of her naked body. It makes her squirm just a little, uncomfortable to be under such scrutiny. But she also knows that he loves every curve of her body, every slight imperfection that makes her unique. It is her gift to him, she is his, completely.
Her eyes are still closed but she senses a change in the air, just before she hears the metallic sound of the unbuckling of his belt.
She can picture it, his long thick black leather belt, slipping through the loops. The leather creaking as he takes a firm grip. It's something they have discussed, but something she's never experienced.
He detects a slight tensing of her body. He moves along the bed once more, and pushes her hair away from her face. After a second her eyes open and look deeply into his. Again no words are needed, her soft smile is all. He leans lower to gently kiss her lips. Her eyes close once more.
His grip on the leather secure, he calms himself, takes a deep breath and brings his arm back.
Hours later her eyes open. It's dark outside but he's left a lamp on the far side of the room. She looks across at him, sleeping deeply, even then there's a slight grin on his face.
She pushes back the covers and walks to the bathroom silently. The bright light comes on automatically as she walks in, she tries to ignore the naked vision she sees in the full length mirror, he loves that view, and that's what matters.
She reaches back and brushes one hand across her cheeks, they are still emitting heat, and she can feel the risen wields caused by his belt. She turns and see the marks he has given her, the gifts he had bestowed upon her. She gasps out loud, and smiles. They are beautiful.
She pads softly back to the bed, and slips beneath the covers. She reaches out with one hand and rests it on his chest, her fingers gently twisting the hairs.
The smile still in place she closes her eyes and drifts back to sleep. Contented.
LikeGoodGirlBetterBrat, bigboobies0000and 20 more… · 4 Replies
GoodGirlBetterBrat This is so beautifully written, and so emotive. This is so beautifully written, and so emotive.
Like · 24.11.2023 7:32:59
CosmicAngel This is lovely 😍 This is lovely 😍
LikeMistresskerry891 · 03.09.2023 19:55:40
SenDom33 You captured the moment, and all the things that matter most, so well!
Thanks for sharing You captured the moment, and all the things that matter most, so well!
Thanks for sharing
LikeRedFoxUK, Goddess_Fifi, Lucy-7341 · 03.09.2023 13:46:30
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
I arrive...
I walk through the door and see you there, just as I had instructed. Perfectly prepared, kneeling, head bowed.
I close the door and carefully put my bag down, my eyes never leaving you. I can see your breathing deepening as I slowly walk forward.
You turn your hands as instructed opening yourself Read more…for me, an offering of your submission. I allow myself a half smile.
I reach down carefully, one hand under your chin and gently lift your head. Your beautiful eyes sparkling up at me. Your perfect lips slightly parted, your chest rising and falling.
I walk around you, taking my suit jacket off, rolling up my sleives. Standing close behind you I stroke your long hair, I hear you sigh. Suddenly I take a firm grip with one hand and pull back sharply, making you gasp loudly.
My free hand slips over your shoulder, across the top of your chest, up your stretched neck and over your chin to your red lips.
You open your mouth a little more and two fingers slip inside. As I bend down close and whisper 'you are mine'
LikeLisa748u, Twistedloverand 30 more…
icon-wio RedFoxUK created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
She waits...
The living room clock gently chimes the hour, she checks her watch. One hour to go... it's time to prepare.
She has already showered and washed her hair. She knows he expects the best, and that is what he will get.
She sits at the dressing table and begins to apply her make up. Minimal, subtle, Read more…just as he likes it. A fresh coat of the nail varnish follows. Pausing for a moment she looks in the mirror, a deep breath. She needs this, she craves this. It makes her feel at peace.
She stands, and starts to undress. The lingerie he picked out for her is laid in readiness on the bed. She slips into it slowly, carefully, adjusting the straps. Everything has to be just right. The shoes too are there ready, the heels she knows he loves her wearing.
She stands before the full length mirror, adjusting her hair, straightening each strap and smoothing the silk. She allows herself a small smile, she knows she looks good. A sudden electric charge runs up through her body. The excitment building.
She looks across at the bedroom clock, ten minutes, perfect. She scans the room quickly, everything is just right. Another deep breath and she steps out, slowly down the stairs and into the hallway.
She pauses for a moment, closes her eyes, and runs through his earlier instructions. Yes, she has everything in place.
Another smile as she stands facing the door, and then slowly sinks to her knees. Legs folded, back straight. Her head bowed, her eyes open, her heart beating wildly in her chest.
She places her hands palm down on her thighs just above her knees. And waits.
Just as the living room clock chimes the hour she hears the key sliding into the lock and her heart jumps. Of course he is exactly on time. Trying hard to keep her heart steady as she hears the door open and he walks in.
The door closes and he carefully places his bag on the floor. She hears his easy confident stride as he walks toward her. She is desperate to look up at him, but she knows the rules.
She can see his smart shoes as he stands before her. She slowly turns her hands, palm upwards, offering herself openly. He makes her wait just a little before be bends down and gently but firmly lifts her chin. She raises her head slowly and looks into his clear, pale blue eyes.
No words, one touch, one look. That's all it takes and she is his, entirely.
LikeLucy-7341and 22 more…
icon-wio RedFoxUK has picked up their birthday gift
icon-wio RedFoxUK picked up the birthday gift

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