
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 46
Status Single
Height 170cm
Weight 80kg
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Hair length
Orientation Straight
Origin USA
Zodiac sign Gemini
Languages English

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Las Vegas local looking to meet someone local for a committed hypnokink dom/sub relationship. Although if you need rescuing from a red state, that can also be arranged. I'm also ex-Christian, so if you're feeling oppressed by conservative Christianity for being kinky, well, I can rescue you from that too.

Once you fall under my hypnotic spell, you will find yourself transformed, and through this hypnotic transformation, you will find yourself lifted up and built up stronger than you can even imagine. That's how I prefer to use my dominant hypnotic power, to build up rather than humiliate and tear down.

Through hypnotic submission, you will be introduced to me, my music creation, my technical prowess, my two wonderful ***, and so much more. And of course, I will explore the depths of who you are and amplify, edify, and enhance those things about you as well.

How about it? Are you prepared to surrender yourself and discover just what I am capable of transforming you into? ?

Note: I'm noticing plenty of people here who aren't local. If you're open to communicating online at first, we can certainly arrange travel to meet each other later.

My roles & archetype gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Las Vegas with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio SilverEyedSirian wrote something in the forum
  • 01.06.2024 10:04:49
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single

That my particular kinks and quirks make me a mismatch for those around me, even in the kink community.

icon-wio SilverEyedSirian picked up the birthday gift
  • 31.05.2024 4:14:15
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian has picked up their birthday gift
  • 31.05.2024 4:14:15
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian wrote something in the forum
  • 23.02.2024 5:26:06
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
Sky kink?

Well, I’ve heard of a “sky daddy kink” as a pejorative term for Christianity (especially when they emphasize doctrines about submission), but an actual fetish for the sky? That’s a new one for me.

icon-wio SilverEyedSirian wrote something in the forum
  • 10.02.2024 0:01:02
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single

I totally get feeling “too weird even for this site” feeling. I’ve noticed that my particular kinks seem uncommon even among the kink community. 😂 But like you, I’m open to feedback if anyone noticed anything that stands out.

icon-wio SilverEyedSirian wrote something in the forum
  • 09.02.2024 1:03:00
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single

Thank you for this advice! Any other suggestions for improving response rates once we have our profile completed?

icon-wio SilverEyedSirian made a comment
  • 05.01.2024 18:42:02
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
If you do, you're not alone. Our advice guru Molly offers some clarity for one FET member looking to understand her kink. 😈
SilverEyedSirian I hear you. I’m seeing a lot of profiles where the response rate listed is “very low.” It’d be one thing if it were just me, but if people aren’t responding in general, maybe the thing to do is to pack up and explore elsewhere? I hear you. I’m seeing a lot of profiles where the response rate listed is “very low.” It’d be one thing if it were just me, but if people aren’t responding in general, maybe the thing to do is to pack up and explore elsewhere?
LikeMistressBailey07 · 05.01.2024 18:42:02
SilverEyedSirian I thought my fascination with hypnokink wouldn’t be that uncommon, but it appears to be less common (even within the kink community) than I thought! I thought my fascination with hypnokink wouldn’t be that uncommon, but it appears to be less common (even within the kink community) than I thought!
LikeMistressBailey07 · 05.01.2024 18:40:17
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian has updated their profile description
  • 11.12.2023 3:08:38
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
Las Vegas local looking to meet someone local for a committed hypnokink dom/sub relationship. Although if you need rescuing from a red state, that can also be arranged. I'm also ex-Christian, so if you're feeling oppressed by conservative Christianity for being kinky, well, I can rescue you from Read more… that too.

Once you fall under my hypnotic spell, you will find yourself transformed, and through this hypnotic transformation, you will find yourself lifted up and built up stronger than you can even imagine. That's how I prefer to use my dominant hypnotic power, to build up rather than humiliate and tear down.

Through hypnotic submission, you will be introduced to me, my music creation, my technical prowess, my two wonderful ***, and so much more. And of course, I will explore the depths of who you are and amplify, edify, and enhance those things about you as well.

How about it? Are you prepared to surrender yourself and discover just what I am capable of transforming you into? ?

Note: I'm noticing plenty of people here who aren't local. If you're open to communicating online at first, we can certainly arrange travel to meet each other later.
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian wrote something in the forum
  • 10.12.2023 5:08:03
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
Drawing Near the Dreamer: A Beast's Quiet Siege

Very well written! You have quite the talent for expression. Thank you very much for showing what sort of submission you enjoy; I’m confident your eventual Master will enjoy it as well. 😏

LikeMissParadoxical · Jump to discussion
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian posted a status update
  • 28.11.2023 4:55:48
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
So someone saw my profile description and read where I would "rescue you from a red state" and DMed me that they were a Trump supporter - ladies, do yourself a favor and abandon both Trump and conservatism. After all, both Trump and conservatives practice unhealthy domination. At least Read more… come let me dominate you because my domination is safe, sane, and consensual-nonconsensual! 😂
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian has uploaded a new photo
  • 15.11.2023 14:13:08
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
  • SilverEyedSirian
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian wrote something about themself
  • 12.11.2023 22:24:22
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
Las Vegas local looking to meet someone local for a committed hypnokink dom/sub relationship. (Although if you need rescuing from a red state, that can also be arranged.)

Once you fall under my hypnotic spell, you will find yourself transformed, and through this hypnotic transformation, you will Read more… find yourself lifted up and built up stronger than you can even imagine. That's how I prefer to use my dominant hypnotic power, to build up rather than humiliate and tear down.

Through hypnotic submission, you will be introduced to me, my music creation, my technical prowess, my two wonderful ***, and so much more. And of course, I will explore the depths of who you are and amplify, edify, and enhance those things about you as well.

How about it? Are you prepared to surrender yourself and discover just what I am capable of transforming you into? ?
icon-wio SilverEyedSirian finished the BDSM Test
  • 12.11.2023 3:19:48
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single



icon-wio SilverEyedSirian has uploaded a new photo
  • 22.10.2023 9:11:25
  • Male (46)
  • Las Vegas
  • Single
  • SilverEyedSirian

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