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Why I've Concluded There are No Real Men On Fet


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Amazingly enough, when I joined Fet, my profile didn’t come with a set of friends and no one cared for my faceless avatar or hillariously apt name BigBoobedBabe4Blowies. In fact, nobody cared that I even existed at all. Fet just carried on doing what it had always done, even though...

I had arrived!

In those days, there were only seventy twelve gazillion members, so you’d think more people might some people might at least have hailed my arrival, but alas, it was not so. I sent out 500 "HI, YOU LOOK LIKE A GOOD BOY, COME FOR MUMMY" messages, uploaded a hot avatar of my genitals, and clicked “friend” on every potential booty call I tracked down.

Even then, I only managed to collect a handful of potential boyfriends, and I really needed to cane some 🍑. Obviously I realised that the men who rejected me were not real people at all. Only bots would reject my offer, so I made the only rational conclusion available to me: All the male profiles on this site were fakes to entice or scam single women like me. Yes, I have unveiled a secret truth: Fet is a sexual desert. None of its so-called male subs even have the decency to tell me how they were today when I said, "HRU HMU 😘" Or the day before. Or the day before that...

The dating world's odds are unjustly stacked against us women. Men can pick up women from every street corner, but women, we have to actually put work into this pursuit. Even when we're nice. This is the sad truth for all female-presenting people, but do you think men make it easier for us by giving us free sex? Not a 🦆

To save myself endless minutes of hard work, I started copying and pasting my "You're hot, yum yum" messages to multiple people at a time, only to discover that I was clearly going to die alone, never having gotten another piece of subly ass.

One day, a man suggested that, when women joined Fet, they also need to get out and about, meet the locals, and go to munches. The nerve! I reminded him, very strongly that every time a woman is rejected on Fet, a fairy dies, but he refused to listen. He said that my many rejections were just life on life's terms for all genders.

Obviously I told him he was wrong.

My many rejections make me a victim. I, alone, have a monopoly on social awkwardness and the struggles of penetrating cliques. Men should put extra effort into developing a sexual attraction to strangers like me because who else is going to do the work? Me?
I feel this and it’s not only you going thru this.
I’ve messaged and tried for at least a year now with little to no luck on even getting replies.
Being in Canada makes it a bit tougher as there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people to chat with and the ones that do just want to scam for *** or something else.
The ability to keep trying runs thin pretty quickly but I stay hopeful as should you, not all the men in the site are fake 😉
Damn I wish I had been here the day you joined - missed out on the hot avatar of your genitals even if I would have been overlooked on the "Hot 500" list...
....and you have the cheek to moan about how hard you get it...I mean have it 😂🤣
If you only know how many times I have done exactly what you have to find the same results but from the mens side of the fence
Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.
3 minutes ago, gemini_man said:
Damn I wish I had been here the day you joined - missed out on the hot avatar of your genitals even if I would have been overlooked on the "Hot 500" list...
....and you have the cheek to moan about how hard you get it...I mean have it 😂🤣

Oh no, I get it.
I mean I completely understand

4 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

You should delete this and get popcorn to read the comments 😉

Awwwww...poor poor Mistress... Would a photo of my hairy, engorged todger soothe your subly withdrawal syndrome?
Let me know, I'll give you my PayPal details🤣🤣🤣
5 minutes ago, PeggableFucker said:

You should delete this and get popcorn to read the comments 😉

I don't have the heart
In truth I don't know how

Dying laughing at the utter truth of this. All of us men on here are, in fact, fake.
Absolutely Hilarious. You have a knack for these 🤣
It's a jungle ... Replace man with woman, and the story is still true.
I, too, have suffered. Do you know, when I asked (demanded) to know why these fools rejected me, they told me they *didn't have to have a reason*??!! And some of them even blocked me just for asking a simple question. And I don't know why they wouldn't want me. I had filled out (put my hoohah) on my profile and I too had an epic username - Lickmyass5000. They're just too fussy with unrealistic expectations. Their loss. (They did not enjoy having this pointed out to them, something else I can't understand.)
I don't know what's killing me more, the post or the serious responses! 😂😂

6 minutes ago, Lady_Char said:
I, too, have suffered. Do you know, when I asked (demanded) to know why these fools rejected me, they told me they *didn't have to have a reason*??!! And some of them even blocked me just for asking a simple question. And I don't know why they wouldn't want me. I had filled out (put my hoohah) on my profile and I too had an epic username - Lickmyass5000. They're just too fussy with unrealistic expectations. Their loss. (They did not enjoy having this pointed out to them, something else I can't understand.)

I understand your frustration... You should try sending me *** and gifts... That would definitely make you feel better... It's been proven

27 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Oh no, I get it.
I mean I completely understand

Damn you have the nerve to bemoan your "luck" and then tell us you "get it" anyway....
....you'll be wanting a cherry on top next!! 😂🤣

This whole site is a desert. Sounds like you're explaining my situation. Although I'm a tad bespoke 🤣🤣🤣
Why put in extra work? What do you want ? A parody of a man!! If you want bright coloured packaging, you realise that underneath, it still might be a dog turd 🤣🤣.
Unfortunately the same trouble applies to tarts! No matter how many coats of of ***t a woman might apply, beneath it all will still probably be a vicious, deluded, psychopathic She-Devil. And those are the decent ones.
This is a wonderful piece of writing. Love it. Go you
48 minutes ago, Lady_Char said:
I, too, have suffered. Do you know, when I asked (demanded) to know why these fools rejected me, they told me they *didn't have to have a reason*??!! And some of them even blocked me just for asking a simple question. And I don't know why they wouldn't want me. I had filled out (put my hoohah) on my profile and I too had an epic username - Lickmyass5000. They're just too fussy with unrealistic expectations. Their loss. (They did not enjoy having this pointed out to them, something else I can't understand.)

Did they also tell you that the word no is a full sentence? The audacity of them all!!!

46 minutes ago, HommeEtranger60 said:
I don't know what's killing me more, the post or the serious responses! 😂😂


If that's whays tickled you, you should see my inbox this evening 😂

Not a euphemism

36 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Damn you have the nerve to bemoan your "luck" and then tell us you "get it" anyway....
....you'll be wanting a cherry on top next!! 😂🤣

Sprinkles if you will, skip the cherry 🤢

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