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Dom being distant

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Is it normal for your dom to ignore you as punishment? Many of mine have but it leaves me feeling so empty, I hate having an argument and not being able to resolve it.
Definitely not. Now for a Sub or brat, a "silent treatment" would be if they're mad at their Dom or being bratty. But definitely not cool for a Dom to do that. Definitely sending "not interested" signals.
Not normal at all. That’s very much not ok
I don’t think so punishment is one thing but neglect is another
Honestly I'd never ignore a sub as a punishment I don't think that's right.
It happens a lot more then you think, though if you have a good connection with them then it doesn't matter. Though the physical feeling of them touching you would be tough. Talk to them about having a fwb near by
That’s just poor communication and shouldn’t be a thing unless previously discussed and agreed upon behaviours.
I think being ignored as a punishment can be quite toxic to be honest but I know it does happen but id argue quite a few people don’t like it and it can lead to gaslighting/*** of speaking out/being manipulated. Deriving someone of pleasure as a punishment is probably the better way to go about punishments - general communication outside of the dynamic shouldn’t be considered a pleasure.
i would say that's a boundary thing. if you don't enjoy being ignored by a dog as punishment it would be best to tell them it's not something you're into. after all bdsm is meant for everyone to have fun!
The myexperience no because with punishment it's still needs to be something that you take desire in if you're implementing a punishment for the pleasure of it is only one-sided and makes the opposite person feel actually bad and negative Va Va than personally no I do not think that is right
Sounds like narcissistic behaviour to me
No, personally I would say that that's *** rather than a punishment. Others might disagree but I could never do that.
100% hard limit. I would not accept that. It needs to be brought up when you are discussing limits before entering a dynamic. Any Dom who has an issue with that being a limit, walk.
Depends on what happens I do my sub I I let them know what the punishment is and they have to tell me the outcome why they got the punishment. It wouldn’t be no more than a day for me
I'd suggest adding silent treatment on your hard limits list. Also, if anyone chooses to punish you because of an argument, disagreement or an issue that occurs (in the situation when you address those respectfully), then I personally don't think that they are Doms. When there are issues, mature and responsible people communicate so they can find solutions... they don't ignore or avoid the issues or use the "silent treatment" to find excuses and justifications to their behaviours... only immature people do that.
No. It’s A huge red flag and not advocated as a form of bdsm punishment by many Doms and subs. X
Ignoring someone is a very effective punishment, in an environment where unwelcome brattiness or other deliberate behaviour is intended to invite 'funishment' and other play but the Dominant is against such behaviour. Generally speaking, however, it's seen as cruel and a definite hard limit for many (often stated in profiles so as to be absolutely clear). If a task was unperformed, perhaps, or done poorly, or a thoughtless remark escaped the submissive's lips then the cold silent treatment would widely be regarded as inappropriate. Writing lines or withdrawal of chocolate for a day or some similar (and agreed) penalty is better than silence, but it might be considered a suitable and genuine punishment for extremely selfish behaviour on the part of the sub.

It depends on the dynamic of the relationship but generally it's nasty. I have never used it nor would I ever do so. Apart from being imaginative enough to find alternatives ghosting someone is inherently unpleasant in my view.
No it's no. Stonewalling is an *** tactic
There's multiple ways to be punished that could be one of them
It’s normal for anyone that’s petulant and doesn’t understand how to hold a relationship/dynamic together, and someone that lacks the aptitude to work through problems like a mature adult.

But abnormal for anyone that understands communication is the key to a healthy and functioning partnership; be that romantic or otherwise.

A distinct lack or termination of communication, is never the answer.

Hope this helps. x
But what you guys need to do is sit down and talk about what your punishments will be and what you can do to get those punishments
If someone ignores me I don’t waste my time with them anymore. No need for that disrespect.
I ignore my SUB to see how much I am in control of her life and if she stays waiting for me devoted like a dog she will have the best reward because she was good girl
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