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Ghosted without warning.... Ouch

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I would imagine that at some point we've all been ghosted, but my most recent one is the most ***ful. 

I've been ghosted before but you kind of know when its on the horizon as replies slow, messages get shorter and then stop. 

This was very different. 

We started messaging about 2.5 months ago and we were both extremely keen to swap mobile numbers after no time at all as it felt right. 

Lots of messages, a few phone calls and all was really good. 

Lots in common historically and extremely similar desires for our future. 

Then literally mid messages on Thursday, they stopped being read. 

I sent several more to try and check she was ok, they remian unread. 

Friday night I logged into here to try and send a message to ask if she was ok and I've been added to her ignore list! 

36hrs hours ago we were in a great place and heading to what I thought would be a good solid friendship. 

Now nothing and in many ways not knowing why makes it even worse. 


This is the most ***ful ghosting I've experienced. 


What has been yours? 

liking but not liking, sometimes we will never know. you might of said something and she seemed ok but it poked badly at something inside her head. give her time, she might at least explain why, but don't let that hope haunt you, for now and for her own reasons, she has rapidly stepped away, sadly you have no choice but to accept that. lick your wounds grieve as you need to, then move on. best of luck to you

My actual ex, whom I was with for approximately six months. Plans talked about for birthday, for the next time we saw each other (she'd shown me a fun new activity book she'd bought for us to work through together), for going away together later in the year, for moving in together at a later date, she even had our (hypothetical but I was coming round to the idea) future kids' names picked out... you get the picture, all seemed good and positive.

Disappeared on me on a Sunday afternoon. Throughout the week I was worried sick for her wellbeing and couldn't get hold of her on any platform, nothing was being opened, phone calls were ringing out, and all her accounts showed as inactive. I genuinely ***ed she might be dead or in a diabetic coma in hospital.

Then I logged on her on the following Saturday to check if I had any birthday messages and saw her right there on my wall - a brand new account she'd made on that last Sunday we'd had contact. Said she was single and looking for kinky dates, and looking at her message totals she'd had a VERY busy week with other people while she'd been ignoring me.

I don't mind admitting it was one of the most stressful weeks of my life, and when I found that out... yes, there was a lot of *** too.

Ive experienced same as you, both fade out and stop in the middle of a conversation, just suddenly nothing. Its horrible, if i feel something just isnt what i want or not feeling connection ect then i say so and try leave on good terms.
I dont get why people ghost, id rather know, to know why, than just left with 100s of questions and my own thoughts.
Similar has happened to me. Got on great, very compatible, moved to whatsapp, calls, messages etc. Then blocked on there, blocked on here, no idea why. As far as I knew all was going great.
It sucks but you just got to move on I guess. It's their loss. If someone can be like that I'm glad it didn't get further to be honest.

Any type of ghosting is disappointing for me, and not surprised with your experience. It's the new normal, and accept it can always happen. On the other side, I ghosted jerks. If I ghost, will not go back. If they ghost me, will never take them back. Not playing the disappearing game...

Edited by Deleted Member
If I could the person and say why did you do that ? And was it worth it for you ?
Same with me she is here on this app just doesn't bother replying
I'm hoping maybe tonight she decides to message me .. so we can find out what really happened
If she reads this I'm still here for her if she wants to Meetup 🤗 be friends
Give her some time . I understand from a females point of view . I pushed my dom away because he was going to do rope with someone fully clothed and nothing would happen except rope work . I didn't tell him I wasnt ok with that . Came of cam upset . Think it was a buildup of other things to . I decided to tell him it wasn't working . Because I feel he needs someone closer to him and tbh I feel like a burden etc . I did ask him if we could talk tonight and left it at that . I liked being his sub . But life goes on . He said he is there for me . He seemed like a nice guy and I'm not used to nice . I decided to sabotage it and the end result is that's it . If u ever need to talk I'm a pm away . Even as a friend x
2 minutes ago, littlemiss37 said:

 He seemed like a nice guy and I'm not used to nice . I decided to sabotage it and the end result is that's it . If u ever need to talk I'm a pm away . Even as a friend x

I ways do my very very hardest to be nice, never push for anything and try to be a good friend beyind everything else. 

I sometimes think that nice comes last. Z


5 minutes ago, littlemiss37 said:

If u ever need to talk I'm a pm away . Even as a friend x

I appreciate the offer, but you have a filter that prevents me from doing so. 

Be safe sweetheart. 



1 minute ago, Invisible71 said:

I sometimes think that nice comes last. Z


Nice come first. If a person can't recognize, blind or don't care, then it's good they are gone. 

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