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Please help, was i a terrible person and wrong to block them?


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This guy is one of those who calls himself a Dom but has no idea what it means
You did right to block. Do not apologize. Just my opinion
He isn’t a Dom! A true Dom will not make you do all that without an agreement. This man is selfish and is only looking out for his own interests. Drop him quick
No this is not dom but abusive behavior delet and block him just my opinion
You didn’t do anything wrong! Fake dom, sounds like a jerk of a dude! Good luck with the other guy! 🙂
Absolutely not. You need to know each other first and be comfortable before a power dynamic like that is set up with all parties. Block him and report him
He’s text book “Pantomime Dom” A caricature that should be laughed at! Blocking him is an option, putting him in his place is another. Both choices are good enough. Welcome to FET 😉

The guy is an a**hole and doms are supposed to make you feel safe not scared f**k this world is f**ked up

Unblock him long enough to type “Go F@&k yourself wannabe Dom/Daddy.. dummy is more like it!” and then block him again.

Just FYI guys as far as the OP goes:


'This member hasn't kept within our community guidelines, so we've blocked their profile.'

Yea you did nothing wrong sounds like he was in the wrong
20 hours ago, BruiseWayne said:

Just FYI guys as far as the OP goes:


'This member hasn't kept within our community guidelines, so we've blocked their profile.'

Oh 😮

1 hour ago, LunaMaeve said:

Oh 😮

One of fetishcom mystery 😂

@LittleMaeLou Huge Congrats!!! I salute you for posting your question and getting feedback… to get an objective POV. Considering you are new.

YOU and YOU alone get to decide what you are willing to agree to.

**A Dom (like me) must earn your Devotion

**Pro Tip: (a sub) “Tops from the Bottom”. As in, (a sub) leads from the bottom.

Make sense?

So, you choose who you give control over to. And How(!)

I hope this helps?

Hope this finds you safe, healthy & happy
Take Care 😈⛓️😎
7 hours ago, Eastbourneguy said:

Does it have it say the same thing if someone has a temporary ban as well as a permanent one?

if someone is on a temporary ban their profile is still visible and there's still stuff they can do - I'm not entirely sure what they can't do - definitely cannot make forum posts or use chat.

the temporary ban is also a fixed time limit depending on point - I think typically a couple of hours

4 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

if someone is on a temporary ban their profile is still visible and there's still stuff they can do - I'm not entirely sure what they can't do - definitely cannot make forum posts or use chat.

the temporary ban is also a fixed time limit depending on point - I think typically a couple of hours

I earnt one last year, for 72 hours I think. I couldn't even log in

First thing I’ll say is RED FLAG 🚩!!!

Any dominant that demands a title within moments, hours, days, hell ever without getting to know you and your interests/limits first is a pass! You as a submissive hold all the power until you give your submission, hence the term power exchange. Submission is earned not demanded from a new partner.

A proper dominant will want to vett a prospective new sub, as will the sub the dom. There’s much to learn about each other before the dynamic becomes relevant. I have a large distain for worms like this one you’ve asked about claiming being a dominant, when in actuality they mean predator 😤

Please hun I know how hard it is as a shy sub to find someone you can open up to and voice your wants/needs and preferences.. but take your time getting to know anyone who wants your submission. A true dominant will take all the time necessary to make you comfortable, get to know you as an individual, your dislikes/likes and limits. If they choose you to take the place as their sub they have no rush to earn your submission. No demands needed, as you will give them that submission willingly once they’ve given you every reason to want to.

Forget that foolish 50 shades of fake and keep the memory as an example of what to watch out for, there’s 1000’s more like it to steer clear of. Don’t accept any rules from any dominant that you haven’t exclusively agreed to or negotiated first.

Much love hun, be safe <3
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