People of all genders can enjoy breast bondage, but where exactly do you start? We asked Victoria Blisse to put together a breast bondage guide to help show you the ropes.

Safety is sexy!

First, indulging in any BDSM activity involves thinking hard about safety concerns; bondage is no different. Breasts are tender spots on the body, and there can be nasty repercussions from tight ties and impacts, such as cysts. Everyone involved needs to be aware of these risks before continuing. There are lots to think about before you start tying, and it's essential to do your research. 

If you're the rigger, check-in with the rope bunny about how they want to be tied - ask how tight, how painful, and how long do they want to keep the bondage rope on for. Also, keep checking in throughout the scene. Of course, don’t forget your safeword too! 

No one wants the worst to happen, but you need to be ready if it does. Ensure you have emergency shears close to hand to cut off ropes, keys to release chains (or use carabiners for quick and easy release), and have a first aid kit close by to treat any wounds that might occur. 

Who can enjoy breast bondage?

People of all genders can enjoy breast bondage. How much flesh you have over your chest will dictate what harnesses and ties can be used. However, it doesn't matter who you are; you can have a pretty chest harness. If anyone says otherwise, well, avoid them. That's red flag behavior for sure!

Breast bondage image
Bondage breasts. Image: Diana Blackwell via Flickr (CC BY 2.0). 

Bound for success

Your best way to learn bondage is to be taught by someone who knows what they’re doing. Attending rope events to watch others work and learn the basics yourself is the best way to go. However, we have the wonders of the digital age, and now you can find rope tutorials online (check out our article: Where Can I Learn Rope Bondage?) You can practice on a large teddy bear or a pillow to get used to passing the rope through your hands and tying knots.  

Notes for riggers

  • Check the tension by running your finger under the rope to make sure it’s not too tight
  • Don’t place knots on pressure points; it can cause nerve damage 
  • It doesn’t have to be perfect, have fun! 

Rope bunny to-dos

  • Make sure you’ve eaten a good meal and stay hydrated to keep your energy up
  • Let your rigger know if anything doesn’t feel right for you –they need to know! 
  • If you’re wearing clothes, don’t wear anything with an underwire as it gets in the way

The most important thing to remember for breast bondage is having fun and communicating. You can take your basic harnesses and ties and develop your own patterns. Enjoy experimenting with different types, colors, and thicknesses of rope - or how about chain

Fun with breast bondage - some added extras

Breast bondage can be the beginning of your BDSM fun. Tied breasts are more sensitive. You can use other implements such as a Wartenberg wheel, nipple clamps, or even hot wax (if you don’t mind it getting on your rope) to enhance the experience of your rope bunny. Or use your fingers and lips to tease the sensitized flesh.  

Tied breasts will mark easily, so be aware of this. It’s good to have a conversation about how much marking is okay and if the rope bunny wants to have pain involved. Masochists may enjoy the heightened sensations and the abundance of marks that can be created within a RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink) setting, but this is an extreme practice. 

If you’re not interested in pain or marks, there are still lots of fun ways to take advantage of bound breasts: 

  • Tickle the flesh with a soft feather, silken material, or just your fingertips 
  • Use ice cubes for intense sensation play, which won’t leave any marks 
  • Use body paints to make your own brightly colored work of art 

You can have lots of fun tying up breasts of any gender but remember to do your research, be risk aware and keep your scenes safe. Don’t be ropey with your ropework, but be creative and have fun. 

 Victoria Blisse was an erotic author and sex-positive Reverend. She helped shape and FET from the very beginning and we're eternally grateful for her passion and creativity. Sadly, she passed away in January 2024. We hope that whenever her articles are read, she'll be honored.

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Cover image: The original uploader was Jbc01 at English Wikipedia. (JBC Productions issued from private original collection.), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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