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Needleplay with balls


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Recently I took needleplay to a new dimension, I put some sterile 27G needles in my balls. I like the feeling when I am in 'that mood'. But I also want to keep tha balls - if possible in working order. I have searched the net and not found any good advice. Some just say 'don't do it' while others say it is OK if you work sterile and don't overdo it. If someone here has experience or reliable recommendations in this, I'd be glad to learn more about todo's or and nottodo's

I'd go with the initial advice of "Don't do it".
I got kicked in the nuts once and spent a week in the hospital. Your post made me squirm, and not in a good way. Not gonna kinkshame you and do what you think is hot but my advice is "don't do it". Unless you like risking a trip to your local urologist.
Go to FetLife and create a profile and search needle play. I know there are several groups, pages, and discussion on for both males and females.
I’d say the scrotum is one thing, the testes another. If you want children, I’d recommend not doing anything to your testes. If this is an *absolute must* for you *that you can’t live without,* skewer one teste and not the other so at least you have a fighting chance to procreate. I, as a woman, cannot attest to the risks involved in piercing one of your testicles repeatedly, but I can say that you will be inflicting injuries that could potentially result in scar tissue development. Scar tissue = ***. UNRELENTING ***. You could potentially lose one of (if not both of) your testicles by engaging in this practice.

Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate your love of ***, but the long term effects of your practice may be extremely detrimental (not to mention REGRETTABLE) in the future.

I’d suggest consulting a sex therapist about this practice if you’re genuinely interested in learning the effects of this practice OR researching online/contacting others with a similar fetish to learn of the risks. I’m sure somewhere within the vast “net” there are case studies that you could read up on.

All the best to you! Be safe!
Eh, you’re probably past the age of having decent swimmers… go nuts, literally. What’s the worst that can happen?
10 hours ago, Achilles_666 said:
Eh, you’re probably past the age of having decent swimmers… go nuts, literally. What’s the worst that can happen?

An infection with complications, followed by necrosis of the testes?

Can't help you there bud, I could just bit your balls with out breaking the skin
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