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Rope Bunny.De Treasure Hunt Clue Glossary

:one:Ā Ā :two:Ā Ā :three:Ā Ā :four:Ā Ā :five:Ā Ā :six:Ā Ā :seven:Ā Ā :eight:Ā Ā :nine:Ā Ā :one::zero:

:one::one:Ā Ā :one::two:Ā Ā :one::three:Ā Ā :one::four:Ā Ā :one::five:Ā Ā :one::six:

:one::seven:Ā Ā :one::eight:Ā Ā :one::nine:Ā Ā :two::zero:Ā Ā :two::one:Ā Ā :two::two:

:two::three:Ā Ā :two::four:Ā Merry KinkmasĀ :santa:

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6 minutes ago, lilly_cutie said:

Can anyone tell me if day two has started yet :/

Icon 2 will be released at 3pm UK time later today. šŸ˜Š

2 minutes ago, PixieDust said:

Icon 2 will be released at 3pm UK time later today. šŸ˜Š

omgggg tyy xx


Clue # 2 - Grid # 5 - Do we need to rope you into the confessional? šŸ˜‰

Forgive me daddy for I have sinned. Itā€™s been two days since my last spankings and penance
Day #2 Clue #2 Grid #5 - Got something twisted to get off your chest? Head here for absolution.
(Forgot to put clue 2 in thereā€¦ Iā€™m rusty)
Day #2 Clue #2 Grid #5 - Ask me a secret and I might tell ā˜•ļø
32 minutes ago, LittleKelly said:

Do the icons get released with the clues or are they all out and only clues are realised per day?

Only one new icon is released each day at 3pm UK time. No clues are released with that icon.Ā  Its up to the members of the community to go hunting for the icon once its released and then post their own clues to help others.Ā  As soon as the icon has been found, clues will start appearing in this forum thread.Ā  Ā You also don't have to wait for the clues to appear in the forum either you have the choice of hunting around the FET Universe at the 3pm and see if you can find the icon without clues or alternatively you can wait until clues are posted and use them to help you with your search.Ā 

Once you have found the icon have fun posting your own clues, as every clue helps someone, so the more clues the better; as while one clue may make sense to one person, it may not necessarily make sense to another, so every clue helps but remember not to post any spoilers.Ā Ā Ā Not only that, but by posting clues and sharing icons with other members, will put you in the running for the prizes on offer, so I definitely encourage everyone to post clues and share icons.Ā  šŸ˜Š

Hmm, the site seems to not be saving the icons I've found. Click the first one and it acknowledges I've found it, but go to another page or refresh and it resets... Same for the second one.
Day 2, clue #5 Forgive me father for i have sinned...
1 minute ago, Redneck_Nerd said:

Hmm, the site seems to not be saving the icons I've found. Click the first one and it acknowledges I've found it, but go to another page or refresh and it resets... Same for the second one.

Have sent you a message, will try and help you with it and see if we can work out what's going on .Ā 

6 minutes ago, Redneck_Nerd said:
Hmm, the site seems to not be saving the icons I've found. Click the first one and it acknowledges I've found it, but go to another page or refresh and it resets... Same for the second one.

Are you on the app or the desktop site? On the app the icon disappears once you've collected it (unless you give it away in which case it reappears in the same place) - on the desktop site it doesn't.
I can't see your grid but your profile shows you've collected at least one icon - if you check your grid and two are there then you've successfully collected all released so far.

Anybody else have this problem I found the icon yesterday and today it say I have zero
7 minutes ago, SirMoody29 said:
Anybody else have this problem I found the icon yesterday and today it say I have zero

Checking your profile it says an icon has been found - do you see the icons in your grid if you look at that?

6 minutes ago, SirMoody29 said:

Anybody else have this problem I found the icon yesterday and today it say I have zero

I have just sent you an icon to see if that registers and also a message, will try and help you work out what the problem is.Ā  I am finding on the Desktop and Mobile Desktop I am having to refresh a few times for the icons to register but lets see if we can work it out.Ā 

Thank you Iā€™m new to the app so do I just click on profiles or just yours to find it
Day 2 Clue 2 Grid #5

When you have a lot on your chest you go to church to talk with a pastor
I genuinely canā€™t find #2 even with clues šŸ˜‚

Clue #2 Do you like Usher? He wrote a song about this.


2 #GRID5 Forgive me Father šŸ™šŸ»Ā 

Forgive me daddy,I mean "Father",for I have sinned...
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