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Reasons Many People Crave Being “Little” and the Caregiver/Little Dynamic


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On 4/16/2023 at 5:52 PM, Time-Lord said:

• This is a brief reminder to all of the CG/L or daddy-doms/mommy-dommes there! It’s meant to briefly remind you that sometimes, the kink relationship that the caregiver-little dynamic brings…isn’t always just about sex. And even if it is a sexual dynamic, that in no way means that it doesn’t include a little more to it than just the sexy fun times. And a major point…this won’t be all-encompassing or deal with everyone and every situation. This is just what I see fairly often…

• Many littles need comfort because they really feel they lost out on it somehow in some parts of their life, whether when actually children or just in their life as a whole…and in a regressive or more innocent mind-space, they’re far better able to accept it without the *** of being weak or ashamed or needy…their regressive mind-space genuinely enables them to accept love without as much of the ***, guilt, shame, or self-doubt that are a serious problem for a lot of people into this kink scene.

• Doubt and trust…: Doubt that if they let themselves go that someone will be there for them…and trust that they can give up that control without danger to themselves, physically, emotionally, or mentally. It’s the ultimate and sometimes overwhelming feeling of trust that a lot of littles crave. Because if they can surrender their adulthood, their serious responsibilities, and they STILL are cared for and loved…that proves, in some way, that their partner is truly there for them, completely and deeply. IN MANY kink relationships, that’s a defining feature of submissiveness…being able to surrender control and trust that even if it hurts or you’re scared or something COULD be frightening…you don’t need to doubt, because you have to completely give up trust and have faith.

• Simplicity: When you struggle with life, or are someone who is feeling overwhelmed by the ten thousand ***s and frustrations every day can bring, to be able to take a step into a simpler, kinder mindset is amazing…and it’s rare. But lots of littles crave that. And that is not often sexual…it’s actually kind of deeper, because that is a way for them to say that their ***s, doubts, ***, frustration…all of it isn’t truly meaningful to them when they have a caregiver to help them through.

• Love…in a deep, sincere, almost pure form it’s about love. It’s the idea that love is complex and deep and varied…it can come in a thousand forms and a million trillion strengths…and yet when they strip away all the complex crap, all the words that modify its meaning, all the details, they can give love in a pure and simple way that might mean even more because it IS so pure. And feeling loved LIKE that…the love a caregiver expresses when they care for, protect, help, nurture, and lead their little…that’s an intense thing. It’s like seeing for a moment that the whole world of your partner is focused on you..even if you know it can’t be because of their real-world concerns, that impression of intensity of love and focus and giving…it’s intoxicating in a way no drug will ever quite manage.

• Because they missed out…and need it now. It’s not a shock to realize that littles are more likely to come from families with manipulative, abusive, or neglectful environments, at least in my personal experiences. That doesn’t mean ALL do, and it’s true that many happy and healthy people still feel little…but for some it’s about replacing that feeling or replicating that feeling that was not there quite enough in your younger development, in the time period when you build your comprehension of the world and better understand how you feel about others and how they feel about you. And as a result, trying to replace that…trying to find comfort that you might miss or have missed out on, trying to remind yourself that those issues of the past can still be fixed and aren’t just going to be a hole in your heart and an ache in your chest for the rest of your life without fix or resolution…that’s heavy. That is HEAVY.

• Just my opinion…and I’m not therapist or psychoanalyst or trained professional. I’ve just seen a lot of patterns in this community, and read a lot of theoretical discussions to arrive at my own opinion…and if you agree, disagree, or are uncertain, I’d love to know. Do you think it’s true? What about your partner, if you have one? This can be a seriously important discussion topic…so I hope it works well to discuss it from here.

• Be well, little and big friends!

Being a Little is stressed relief, and fun! I have really hard time to express my feelings, and emotions for being autistic and ADHD.

  • 1 month later...
I agree whit this … I’m a little Myself and I Just wanna be Understood, Loved, Respected and Appreciated by My Care Giver … Don’t get me Wrong my Care Giver does Wonderful but I’m having Trouble communicating with Mine … Any advice???
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