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Cuddling is not very dominant.


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Personally I love a good cuddle…

Don’t think any adventure is complete without finishing it out with cuddles…
Cuddling and close physical resonation is all part of aftercare and is especially important when building a dynamic. A Dominant, in any aspects of BDSM, that doesn't understand that intimate and close connection is a core value in a dynamic, needs to do and be better.
In my opinion, that after care of some kind is so important. Otherwise it can be too easy to slide into ***
1 hour ago, Mattholomew said:
In my opinion, that after care of some kind is so important. Otherwise it can be too easy to slide into ***

Well stated. If there is no aftercare, it IS ***.

Cuddling shows that the Daddy dom care for his partner and will do all the aftercare that she may want. But some don’t want aftercare and they want to feel used and ***d 😂 and I was ok with it but was disappointed cause I love cuddling very much! Shows that a man/woman has compassion for another human being.
As a sub, I feel like there are many different Doms. One of which is a soft Dom who likes cuddles and is sweet and just firm and takes care of their sub like a “daddy”. And there’s the moderate Dom who is tough but still preforms aftercare and make sure we’re okay. And then there’s like the super hard doms who just don’t do anything afterward. (And this I feel is how people are seeing what could be “main Dom” also known as what they are in movies and read in books.)
Aftercare is very important!
  • 2 weeks later...

Bullsh*t, a good dom will provide cuddles if that is something a desired sub needs. Key word "desired" as I've been told compatible subs can be hard to find.

You are on a higher path than those other so-called "doms" could ever reach my friend
Cuddling means (holding onto what I own as tight as possible for as long as possible, for comfort, aftercare, emotional support, mental health and a safe place) it is not cuddling, it's bonding.
Most people do not realize both foreplay and after-play are very important aspects when intimate. And while I understand that some partners actually like feeling used well and put away wet, there has to be a balance throughout all intimate moments *if* there's an ongoing relationship. Remember this... Communication is the key, but not all communication requires words.
False. Using your partner to only fulfill your own needs is selfish. It's one thing if someone declines aftercare or doesn't want it, but I think you should offer it.

If someone doesn't feel comfortable giving aftercare to a partner who wants it, but is comfortable being sexually intimate with then to me that indicates that they are likely focused on their own sexual needs being met and not those of their partner.
  • 4 weeks later...
False. Cuddling doesn't decide if you're dominant or not. Not everyone likes the same kinks and yet can be dominant or submissive, and Cuddling is perfectly OK no matter which side you're on.
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