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Misandry And Me


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44 minutes ago, doubletrouble129 said:

I missed the generalizations. That's my fault. But I read some other stuff she's written and she did not come off to me as a male basher, just another woman that's tired of the BS. Which that I can empathize with for all women. I'm not perfect by a loooooooong shot. I've done put women through some shit and left my carnage. But I've learned, I've evolved, it's possible with empathy. I just see both sides of the fence. I get the penalties for other men like the rest, but I also see the causes.

The thing is though if you read the whole post and take it all in context rather than just parts, they're not generalisations at all, and are explained quite clearly as the post goes on.
I make no secret of the fact that CK is someone I have a lot of time for, and you're right she's no man basher not the men that aren't deserving of being bashed anyway (and again she makes it clear in her post who those deserving of it are - the ***rs, the entitled, the mysoginists etc).
Personally I enjoy her threads because they make me think, and give me an insight into what many women endure, and ultimately make me stop and look at my own behaviours - she doesn't do it as some form of therapy either or because she's obsessed - but because striving for an equality is something she strongly believes in, and surely so should we?
Are there too many threads like this? Arguably there are, and personally I would prefer there was no need for them. But then are there too many men who are abusive, can't handle rejection, entitled, misogynistic etc? Sadly yes there are, and as long as they exist then so will threads like this one.
Ultimately if you don't like these threads you always have the option to scroll on by.

5 minutes ago, Finally_Jen said:

I agree with you here. 


These forums, even I have been guilty about venting about "certain" men, but that's the odd one or two. For the most part I am very supportive and quite defensive of men to be honest. 

I am Bisexual, at it's basic, and I love both men and women but I treat any and all with the same respect. If a woman comes into my DMs and speaks to me in a sleazy way, as a man perhaps would, she would get the exact same response as a male would. 

I however used to enjoy these posts from CK, with all due respect but perhaps the last 5 (?) I have read have done nothing but make me shake my head. 

There is venting about "some" men who have maybe rattled you in an inbox or RL encounter, but I find most of your posts are sarcastic and off the nose/tongue in cheek (can't get the term) berating men, which to me, reads as men as a whole. 

I found myself sort of sad to read them, and I do read them to understand your views and opinions, but many a time I have thought, what the actual fuck, it's very unfair to bring men as a whole down (which is how it reads on many occasions). 

Sure they piss you off, they throw dicks in DMs, they speak to you like shit. In the case of online, sure block and report them. The need for a whole dedicated topic to passive aggressively bring them down, is what gets to me. I often read your posts and think, imagine a man wrote this about a woman... the problem?... Those men would be Annihilated by both men and women on here. Yet you seem to get an applause. It baffles me. 

In society, at face value I am a woman. I've been used, ***d, sexually attacked, spoke to and treated like shit but... I love men. I won't ever even insinuate that I deserve men to prove themselves to me. As someone said the world doesn't run on a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. For me at least, I treat everyone with innocence and whatnot, until they give me a reason to block them from life, or online. But only them, the individual. I'd be the same if a woman did this to me. 

Society isn't all that fair on women, I will strongly agree with you there. But some of those men do have it very hard. There are more good ones than bad in this world. And I personally would always back a man if he needed it, be it from ***, DV, ***, being attacked or name called by.. anyone really. 

Most of the people in my life who are close to me are males, and I often think of them when 
I read these posts and I guess that's what angers me. 

Those who "deserve" the backlash yeah sure, I will support that, they've given a reason to have said backlash, but it can be done more discreetly, so maybe it doesn't read to the community that you are a misandrist or whatever. I personally don't think you are, but I think you are very compulsed to reacting to everything any man does to annoy you. you are giving those men power, dedicating posts to them and their shitty ways and quite frankly that's not fair on you. Let them go. If they are shit to people, women especially, then women will know and they won't get far. 

For me, I will treat men and women alike, and those men who are good to me, I will alwyas show love and compassion and offer them a shoulder. Perhaps it may actually help men in today's society to know it's ok to just be yourself, show your soft side and not just behave how you think a man should in cases of being a brute. But I know many aren't that way inclined and those I have all the time for. The idiots in my inbox, gone. Blocked and reported. But compared to the decent, wonderful men, they are not even a percentage, and the majority is who I choose to spend my efforts on.


My comment may be missing some points of your post, that's on me sure, but as a whole of what I have read this last while, this is my response, and I am saying it with genuine respect, that if you don't agree with mine here as I don't agree with yours, that's ok. We are able to disagree and still maintain that respect for a fellow Kink community member.

This was well said. I understand

6 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

The thing is though if you read the whole post and take it all in context rather than just parts, they're not generalisations at all, and are explained quite clearly as the post goes on.
I make no secret of the fact that CK is someone I have a lot of time for, and you're right she's no man basher not the men that aren't deserving of being bashed anyway (and again she makes it clear in her post who those deserving of it are - the ***rs, the entitled, the mysoginists etc).
Personally I enjoy her threads because they make me think, and give me an insight into what many women endure, and ultimately make me stop and look at my own behaviours - she doesn't do it as some form of therapy either or because she's obsessed - but because striving for an equality is something she strongly believes in, and surely so should we?
Are there too many threads like this? Arguably there are, and personally I would prefer there was no need for them. But then are there too many men who are abusive, can't handle rejection, entitled, misogynistic etc? Sadly yes there are, and as long as they exist then so will threads like this one.
Ultimately if you don't like these threads you always have the option to scroll on by.


51 minutes ago, doubletrouble129 said:

I missed the generalizations. That's my fault. But I read some other stuff she's written and she did not come off to me as a male basher, just another woman that's tired of the BS. Which that I can empathize with for all women. I'm not perfect by a loooooooong shot. I've done put women through some shit and left my carnage. But I've learned, I've evolved, it's possible with empathy. I just see both sides of the fence. I get the penalties for other men like the rest, but I also see the causes.

Hey double, I get her side of things to but there is a serious imbalance when it comes to who is bashing who, who is giving never ending demands, who is making all the hoops to not just jump through, but jump through blind and backwards and without your legs. for every trouble a woman faces in life there is also a trouble a male faces only men are facing them alone as they always have instead of spewing division online for in life and gaining praise and support for it. There simply needs to be more love to each other, stop listing the shit things people do and praise them for what they do well, build each other up instead of ripping apart to peices, because today, not the 60s issue she mentioned but in 2023 there are far too many men being ripped to peices. Everyone ask themselves this, do you know the rough estimate of males that have now left us during the time this thread has ran for?? I do, and I know for a fact not a feeling that OP has no idea what that figure is, or maybe as she said in the start and end she simply doesn't care.

3 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

Hey double, I get her side of things to but there is a serious imbalance when it comes to who is bashing who, who is giving never ending demands, who is making all the hoops to not just jump through, but jump through blind and backwards and without your legs. for every trouble a woman faces in life there is also a trouble a male faces only men are facing them alone as they always have instead of spewing division online for in life and gaining praise and support for it. There simply needs to be more love to each other, stop listing the shit things people do and praise them for what they do well, build each other up instead of ripping apart to peices, because today, not the 60s issue she mentioned but in 2023 there are far too many men being ripped to peices. Everyone ask themselves this, do you know the rough estimate of males that have now left us during the time this thread has ran for?? I do, and I know for a fact not a feeling that OP has no idea what that figure is, or maybe as she said in the start and end she simply doesn't care.


Ultimately regardless of whether you agree or disagree with many of her points the underlying theme here is finding an equality for all - it's undeniable (and shocking in our progressive world) that there *are* the kind of men about as described (and targetted) in the OP, we see and hear about them daily on here and other sites like it, and until that is addressed (which sadly I'm not sure it will be) that equality we all crave (or should do at any rate) will elude us.
Yes, men have problems of their own, just as women do, but in neither case is vile, abusive etc behaviour justified by those problems.
9 minutes ago, gemini_man said:
Ultimately regardless of whether you agree or disagree with many of her points the underlying theme here is finding an equality for all - it's undeniable (and shocking in our progressive world) that there *are* the kind of men about as described (and targetted) in the OP, we see and hear about them daily on here and other sites like it, and until that is addressed (which sadly I'm not sure it will be) that equality we all crave (or should do at any rate) will elude us.
Yes, men have problems of their own, just as women do, but in neither case is vile, abusive etc behaviour justified by those problems.

Gemini, you say she made it very clear who she was referring to and I agree, she made it clear when she said 'men must earn access now'. She didn't say the small vile percentage of men. She then immediately doubled down with 'cis males no longer get a few pass because their feelings and responses are HARMFUL, ANGRY AND ABUSIVE.' I could go on but I hope you are logical enough to see that I don't need to, because it's not hard to spot bias, prejudice, discrimination and hate.
No matter how much you like her or how much she feels bubbling inside , not a single man alive owes her anything, not respect, not decencey, not time, not energy, no one is entitled to this from strangers of any gender or sexuality, if you want those things from anyone then present them yourself first and earn it.

3 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Yes, men have problems of their own, just as women do, but in neither case is vile, abusive etc behaviour justified by those problems.

I agree there is no excuse for shitty behaviour from anyone. It's never okay to do that. 

Though at times these posts can be quite provoking, especially towards men, and those men do at times read it as men as a whole and it gets their backs up, they comment yes with anger and frustration, even though some of those men don't fall into the topic category but end up labelled as such for replying and then it creates another whirlwind of issues to which another post is made and the same thing happens. It's a very toxic cycle. 

There is highlighting problems and holding someone to account for their actions, but when it reads passive aggressively to men, or women, we can't even begin to understand why, as we don't live their lives or what they go through. Everyone will reply and behave based off said feelings the post has created.

Heck, as I even stated, my own posts at times, have been read in ways by men and women alike and the absolute trainwreck that follows is astounding. Makes me think if i hadn't of written something that perhaps people wouldn't have felt provoked.

We all know the world has problems, and those creating the problems are very easy to spot and avoid, but I think giving those people any form of recognition is counterproductive. We all know they exist. We need to just not give them a second thought and leave them alone or isolated to deal with their own shitty behaviour because in time they'll learn they won't get far. Women are just as bad on sites like these, knowing men are a majority here and extorting those males. Would be interesting to see a guy label those women on the forums in such a fashion, but alas  it's happened and even those men were brought down for slating women. There is no winning sometimes. 

Men are the majority sure, that majority is good. The small few you wouldn't piss on for their behaviour, certainly don't deserve a whole discussion on them. 

2 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

Gemini, you say she made it very clear who she was referring to and I agree, she made it clear when she said 'men must earn access now'. She didn't say the small vile percentage of men. She then immediately doubled down with 'cis males no longer get a few pass because their feelings and responses are HARMFUL, ANGRY AND ABUSIVE.' I could go on but I hope you are logical enough to see that I don't need to, because it's not hard to spot bias, prejudice, discrimination and hate.
No matter how much you like her or how much she feels bubbling inside , not a single man alive owes her anything, not respect, not decencey, not time, not energy, no one is entitled to this from strangers of any gender or sexuality, if you want those things from anyone then present them yourself first and earn it.


4 minutes ago, Finally_Jen said:

I agree there is no excuse for shitty behaviour from anyone. It's never okay to do that. 

Though at times these posts can be quite provoking, especially towards men, and those men do at times read it as men as a whole and it gets their backs up, they comment yes with anger and frustration, even though some of those men don't fall into the topic category but end up labelled as such for replying and then it creates another whirlwind of issues to which another post is made and the same thing happens. It's a very toxic cycle. 

There is highlighting problems and holding someone to account for their actions, but when it reads passive aggressively to men, or women, we can't even begin to understand why, as we don't live their lives or what they go through. Everyone will reply and behave based off said feelings the post has created.

Heck, as I even stated, my own posts at times, have been read in ways by men and women alike and the absolute trainwreck that follows is astounding. Makes me think if i hadn't of written something that perhaps people wouldn't have felt provoked.

We all know the world has problems, and those creating the problems are very easy to spot and avoid, but I think giving those people any form of recognition is counterproductive. We all know they exist. We need to just not give them a second thought and leave them alone or isolated to deal with their own shitty behaviour because in time they'll learn they won't get far. Women are just as bad on sites like these, knowing men are a majority here and extorting those males. Would be interesting to see a guy label those women on the forums in such a fashion, but alas  it's happened and even those men were brought down for slating women. There is no winning sometimes. 

Men are the majority sure, that majority is good. The small few you wouldn't piss on for their behaviour, certainly don't deserve a whole discussion on them. 

Agreed. And I have heard of shitty behavior from women towards submissive men. So yes it does goes both ways. Spotlight it and avoid it is the best advice as you stated . We can all be better together 💜

20 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

Gemini, you say she made it very clear who she was referring to and I agree, she made it clear when she said 'men must earn access now'. She didn't say the small vile percentage of men. She then immediately doubled down with 'cis males no longer get a few pass because their feelings and responses are HARMFUL, ANGRY AND ABUSIVE.' I could go on but I hope you are logical enough to see that I don't need to, because it's not hard to spot bias, prejudice, discrimination and hate.
No matter how much you like her or how much she feels bubbling inside , not a single man alive owes her anything, not respect, not decencey, not time, not energy, no one is entitled to this from strangers of any gender or sexuality, if you want those things from anyone then present them yourself first and earn it.

Think we may have to agree to disagree as I read it somewhat differently to how you're interpreting it - especially when reading the post as a whole rather than taking snippets out of context.
I'd also disagree that CK is showing any level of entitlement beyond expecting to be treated with respect, consideration and yes decency - which surely is how we would all want to be treated by strangers we encounter? The world would be a very sad place if those were not the very basics of everyday interaction with those we don't know.
To put that in context, by saying "no one is entitled to this from strangers of any gender or sexuality" you're effectively saying it's OK for some men to send vile and abusive messages, which is an example of the kind of thing CK is railing against here.
Basic decency, respect and consideration are all things we should strive for and hope to receive regardless surely?

24 minutes ago, Finally_Jen said:

I agree there is no excuse for shitty behaviour from anyone. It's never okay to do that. 

Though at times these posts can be quite provoking, especially towards men, and those men do at times read it as men as a whole and it gets their backs up, they comment yes with anger and frustration, even though some of those men don't fall into the topic category but end up labelled as such for replying and then it creates another whirlwind of issues to which another post is made and the same thing happens. It's a very toxic cycle. 

There is highlighting problems and holding someone to account for their actions, but when it reads passive aggressively to men, or women, we can't even begin to understand why, as we don't live their lives or what they go through. Everyone will reply and behave based off said feelings the post has created.

Heck, as I even stated, my own posts at times, have been read in ways by men and women alike and the absolute trainwreck that follows is astounding. Makes me think if i hadn't of written something that perhaps people wouldn't have felt provoked.

We all know the world has problems, and those creating the problems are very easy to spot and avoid, but I think giving those people any form of recognition is counterproductive. We all know they exist. We need to just not give them a second thought and leave them alone or isolated to deal with their own shitty behaviour because in time they'll learn they won't get far. Women are just as bad on sites like these, knowing men are a majority here and extorting those males. Would be interesting to see a guy label those women on the forums in such a fashion, but alas  it's happened and even those men were brought down for slating women. There is no winning sometimes. 

Men are the majority sure, that majority is good. The small few you wouldn't piss on for their behaviour, certainly don't deserve a whole discussion on them. 

Agree with a lot of what you say here Jen - but if those behaviours were ignored or not called out then I'm not so sure they'd go away and sadly it's more than a "small few" maybe not a majority, but enough to make it an issue that in my six years or so on sites like this, has been raised time and again by many and varied women.
That said I do also think there needs to be a balance, but it's a perpetual cycle, nothing ever changes and shitty behaviour begets posts like this which don't change a thing so the shitty behaviour continues and so do posts like this.
How you stop that cycle I don't know and am not sure you ever will.

Just now, gemini_man said:

Agree with a lot of what you say here Jen - but if those behaviours were ignored or not called out then I'm not so sure they'd go away and sadly it's more than a "small few" maybe not a majority, but enough to make it an issue that in my six years or so on sites like this, has been raised time and again by many and varied women.
That said I do also think there needs to be a balance, but it's a perpetual cycle, nothing ever changes and shitty behaviour begets posts like this which don't change a thing so the shitty behaviour continues and so do posts like this.
How you stop that cycle I don't know and am not sure you ever will.

I believe that the attention feeds it. The post is here for a reaction... so I think some times those perpetrators do it for exactly that... attention. And it's being given to them.

I've had many a good folk on here tell me to focus my attention and time on good, positive things and people. Ignore the negativity and don't feed trolls. The same, in my opinion, applies here. 

They get attention, one way or another and so it continues. As I said, it's not as if we are all blissfully unaware of issues any human being does in the world. We aren't that daft. But we don't need to feed into it. We see them, we hear them, we ignore them. Maybe then it will make them realise that christ, no one acknowledges me when I am doing and saying these things, or half the community had them blocked for their behaviour. That's their problem. They have to live with that, not us. 

Previously it was said "if you don't like the post/what's being said, then perhaps scroll on by". Maybe we need to do the same when we see and hear the shitty stuff, just scroll on by. They soon thin out, yes it'll always reoccur but if you don't feed it....it goes away eventually. 

10 hours ago, GrippySockGamerGirl said:
Can I get this dm’ed to me?
I’d love to repost this if that’s ok.

No thank you, whilst it's in the public domain and I have no control as to what happens, much of this is personal to me.

7 hours ago, PJ3000 said:
Damn! I'm not even going to be a dick and bring up ice-cream or any other food related skulduggery.. just 👏👏👏

Listen, I'm always happy to talk about icecream 🍦

3 hours ago, leanneandmartin said:
yet again i (33 yr old woman) have accidentally signed up to a site promoting 3rd wave feminisn ffs. Frankly I don't really care what you have been through or your experiences, YOUR choice in previous contact with men are not the responsibility or problem to put up with for new men that take interest in your life. Have some damn self accountability ?????? These are the facts, you have encountered maybe a couple thousand males in your life out of 4 billion, I'll say again 4,000,000,000. You've not even scratched the surface and your entitlement is astounding, it is not us that should be appreciated by men rather the opposite. Here is all you need to know, if with a snap of the fingers all women disappeared entirely the world would continue to turn for years and years to come capped at 72 years (ish as this is the average life expectancy of males) then the human race would no longer continue, if the finger snap erased all men the world wouldn't continue past 6 months(despite having longer life expectancies by 6 years), this is because the rest of the 4 billion men you've never met are to busy holding up and paying for the entire society and in turn world making them far to busy to online catcall or even message ladies like you!
You want to shit talk men but then expect them to step in for you when confronting another male, even though males suffer *** at a much higher rate from other males and are also killed more often by those same males, your whole post is riddled with not only hate but hypocrisy. Messages of support from people pandering to you in your dms is not proof of anything at all what so ever, but you know what there is lots of proof on.............. the more people voice the very same words and opinions that you so openly and proudly post, the more the male self delete rate stays the same(something i am familiar with in my life), so screw your catcalling, don't like it take self defence lessons and if your talking about online grow the f up, men are too busy fighting off other men and women that attack them to defend you. screw your "fair wage" you should simply work the same hours and jobs as men (read something for once instead of talking, employment wages were made identical by law 50+ years ago). Screw your support women tips, do what most men do and do it your damn self.
Dear men, I'm sorry you have to see the society you work hard to contribute to so saturated in this disgusting ideology. I hope in her words where she says she feels freedom from not eggshelling round your egos you see what she means is it feels good not holding herself accountable. I know being the logical beings you all are that you can do the maths and see not all girls agree with her one bit and I will always try to share parts of your daily struggles to get you the love and support you've never been shown but have always deserved. Your doing your best and that's all I will ask of you unlike some others. Stay strong, we need every single one of you and above all thank you for what you do.

Yeah, no, that's not what the OP said

10 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Agree with a lot of what you say here Jen - but if those behaviours were ignored or not called out then I'm not so sure they'd go away and sadly it's more than a "small few" maybe not a majority, but enough to make it an issue that in my six years or so on sites like this, has been raised time and again by many and varied women.
That said I do also think there needs to be a balance, but it's a perpetual cycle, nothing ever changes and shitty behaviour begets posts like this which don't change a thing so the shitty behaviour continues and so do posts like this.
How you stop that cycle I don't know and am not sure you ever will.

That's the part that needs the focus and energy. We know what the problem. What is the solution?

21 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Think we may have to agree to disagree as I read it somewhat differently to how you're interpreting it - especially when reading the post as a whole rather than taking snippets out of context.
I'd also disagree that CK is showing any level of entitlement beyond expecting to be treated with respect, consideration and yes decency - which surely is how we would all want to be treated by strangers we encounter? The world would be a very sad place if those were not the very basics of everyday interaction with those we don't know.
To put that in context, by saying "no one is entitled to this from strangers of any gender or sexuality" you're effectively saying it's OK for some men to send vile and abusive messages, which is an example of the kind of thing CK is railing against here.
Basic decency, respect and consideration are all things we should strive for and hope to receive regardless surely?

By making cis men follow a different set of rules because of her past experiences isn't herself treating others how she ways to be treated. I followed what she posted very closely, and loosely waving in and out by saying some men doesn't override the following comments that I gave you, it wasn't it a snippet it was a very clear complete sentence summing up to, because of my feelings cis men need to do more. And frankly it's boring, I know the point you are trying to make so ill put it all into generous numbers for everyone to follow, a generous estimation of how many makes she has had communicational contact with in her while entire life is 4000, that is 0.0001% of the male population, hardly a pressing issue or any reason for 'mistrust'. And that's not even 4000 men face to face all sexually attracted to you and trying to get some, some are family, friends, Co workers, nice platonic people so the number for mistrust is even lower but let's say its 25% creep, that's 1000 men out of 4 billion. She has no reason to be saying a single word on her post, she is not harrased, accosted, assaulted, pestered or anything by men. She's actually only met a few at most and remember we started off being generous. I hope this wakes specifically the women out there the hell up but also yourself friend.

2 hours ago, doubletrouble129 said:

But she is talking about the men that give me and possibly you a bad wrap and make my job of pleasing women harder. That I can stand by

This is the point! Why would you feel that way just because you are a man? 

She used the word “man “45 times like some sort of litanies to exorcise some Internal ***. 
if it’s too much for her then maybe she should leave the site? Writing/whining about it won’t do anything but create an uncomfortable aura, the idiots that behave indecently will still be there. It’s unfortunately part of the dating/fetish sites. You go on fetlife and it’s 100 times worse. Just brush it off or man up 😅

@doubeltroublebtw your job is not to please them and regardless how much you try it will never be enough 😂.

😂😂 I somewhat agree. I do believe the goal of a human being should be the desire to want to please another human being and vice versa. I think we all need some form of connectivity to thrive. To please requires growth. And again it should always be reciprocated. Just my opinion and how I choose to view things for my mental health. I know what happens when I go down the rabbit hole
18 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Yeah, no, that's not what the OP said

My bad, please feel free to point out just one point or any that I made that doesn't directly apply to things she put in her post

26 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

By making cis men follow a different set of rules because of her past experiences isn't herself treating others how she ways to be treated. I followed what she posted very closely, and loosely waving in and out by saying some men doesn't override the following comments that I gave you, it wasn't it a snippet it was a very clear complete sentence summing up to, because of my feelings cis men need to do more. And frankly it's boring, I know the point you are trying to make so ill put it all into generous numbers for everyone to follow, a generous estimation of how many makes she has had communicational contact with in her while entire life is 4000, that is 0.0001% of the male population, hardly a pressing issue or any reason for 'mistrust'. And that's not even 4000 men face to face all sexually attracted to you and trying to get some, some are family, friends, Co workers, nice platonic people so the number for mistrust is even lower but let's say its 25% creep, that's 1000 men out of 4 billion. She has no reason to be saying a single word on her post, she is not harrased, accosted, assaulted, pestered or anything by men. She's actually only met a few at most and remember we started off being generous. I hope this wakes specifically the women out there the hell up but also yourself friend.

Like I said we'll have to agree to disagree otherwise the circles will continue ad infinitum.
I've made my points and stand by them, and whilst I respect your right to hold you opinion, I can't agree with it.
As for your "stats", yes the number of men CK has interacted with is a tiny percentage of the global male population - when you actually take that number and multiply it by the number of women globally saying similar things and having similar experiences to those highlighted then the number becomes a lot more significant and certainly not one to be brushed aside as you appear to be trying to do.
P.S. I'm wide awake, I may see things differently to you, but my eyes are wide open 😉

4 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Like I said we'll have to agree to disagree otherwise the circles will continue ad infinitum.
I've made my points and stand by them, and whilst I respect your right to hold you opinion, I can't agree with it.
As for your "stats", yes the number of men CK has interacted with is a tiny percentage of the global male population - when you actually take that number and multiply it by the number of women globally saying similar things and having similar experiences to those highlighted then the number becomes a lot more significant and certainly not one to be brushed aside as you appear to be trying to do.
P.S. I'm wide awake, I may see things differently to you, but my eyes are wide open 😉

How many women globally are saying the same thing?

Im not going to reply to individual comments but in one because, there are a lot.
The post was in response to accusations that I'm display misandristic behaviours and if that's how that's interpreted by some that's fine. People see a snapshot of someone and make a judgement. Again, that's fine. But that is not who I am.
The intention of the post is this, equality for all genders is a long way off. I don't treat genders differently in terms of being here, at least not intentionally. If someone says something that's illogical and without basis then I do, like others, respond with my take regardless of gender. In terms of who I associate with/spend my time interacting with, that is a choice that I make, just like any other person. That's personal responsibility right there, or as someone phrased it, personal accountability.
Do I want to surround myself with people who don't share the same values or level of respect for others? No, I don't.
If certain behaviours aren't called out, nothing will ever change. Blocking is a tool, but that doesn't stop people creating a new account to start the cycle again.
In terms of a balance, there are plenty of OP's "bashing" women and so no imbalance and certainly no power imbalance. I'm not bashing men. The sarcastic posts are just that, a sarcastic commentary on experiences and I understand that not everyone will comprehend different types of humour. That's life.
I don't have a lived experience of being a male, or other genders therefore I can't post comments relating to their experiences, if I did, I more than likely would. Have I written posts taking the piss out of women, yes I have.
Have posted previously about how I empathise with men and how they're affected by unhealthy social constructs, yes i have.
I see it daily, in personal and work life. Some might be interested to know that at all times 85% of my case load are males experiencing difficulties for the same reason be it mental health, substance misuse or being unable to regulate their emotions resulting in self destructive behaviours leading to homelessness at best, incarceration/death at worst so yep, I'm fully aware of current *** rates in my geographic area and absolutely, I do my level best to prevent that and more, offering education etc without bias, prejudice of hate, sometimes simply a listening ear. Talking about it is neccessary. Sometimes, people can only make changes when they have an awareness as to how their behaviours are harmful both to themselves and others. That's generally only ever achieved on a personal level but, people do read the forums and they do take note of what's said, reflect on it and potentially readjust their own actions. Do I want to post the seriousness of matters here, no which is why it's done with sarcasm.
I've said before, we all view things through a particular lens and that's simply based on each of our lived experiences so absolutely, we can all have differing opinions and share them with others.
I'm sorry for your prior bad experiences with most men you have encountered. I personally have allowed women to rip my heart out and piss on it many times. Finally, I learned to set boundaries and that's when I realized that it wasn't women after all, it was me non saying the hard no and not allowing women or people in general to use me for anything. I totally understand that men are more prone to hurt women than women hurting men yet here I am the survivor of some real cruel women's actions.

Just because I didn't set proper boundaries doesn't excuse all the actions of the women that harmed me but I can say I could have prevented a lot of the harm if I would have set hard boundaries and stuck to it even if it meant losing the person I cared about. Today, my no is no and my yes is yes contingent on how far a person will take that yes and twist it into well yes means walk all over me.

Givers have to set limits because takers have none...

Don't wear a mask, be yourself!
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