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Just like another sites with the word Fetish.  There's very little about it on the site if I ever find my place, it's going to be almost all about fetish! 🙃

Edited by Deleted Member
There are quite a lot of vanilla convorsations in the Lobby chat rooms.

Fetish is almost impossible to talk about without including objectification,  in recent years sexual objectification has become almost taboo to talk about.


I'm a little confused as to why you'd join a fetish site, or multiple sites particularly, if talking about fetish is so objectionable to you?

Finding our place is often difficult, I know, even after almost 30 years in the lifestyle I'm still struggling, in my case I'm way, way too kinky for vanillas, and just not kinky enough for the hardcore fetishists and kinksters..the balancing act can be made a little easier seeing and sharing other people's struggles and points of view, their experiences and thoughts can give insights, or food for thought at the very least.

If there's something you want to talk about, you should absolutely raise the subject here on the forums, unless what you want to discuss is illegal or non consensual you'll find people are always ready to help if they can..be that as sounding boards, devils advocates, or offering advice.


There are a million and  one fetishes, almost anything can become fetishised. Do you want to talk about just one or fetish as a concept?

21 minutes ago, DenisePhilaPa said:

MzJax , the post was made to  talk about it.

To talk about what though?

I can't work out if you're being vague or if I'm just missing something!

16 hours ago, DenisePhilaPa said:

Fetish is almost impossible to talk about without including objectification,  in recent years sexual objectification has become almost taboo to talk about.


Fetish isn't impossible to talk about without objectification. At all.

Sure, there is an element to it but there is in the vanilla world too.

Personally, I feel less objectified within the fetish world than I do anywhere else.

I'm trying not to come off like I know something sexual objectification.   I just know I like it and it is difficult thing to talk about! 

When I was younger , I was pretty much always in heels and short skirts.  Because I liked the attention?  Or because that's was what I thought I needed to do to be attractive?   

Now that I'm older and set in my ways I pretty much look like a Walmart shopper everyday unless,  I have somewhere special to go,  which is almost never.  

Over the years in conversations to meet a gentleman from the lifestyle or vanilla life  I've literally been told what to wear.  "You will show up in a mini skirt and high heels"   the vanilla guy may mask it with LOL or "I was just kidding"   

I realize it's all part of the dating game. 

Then of course we've all heard the statement from people that blame the victim  ofsexual harassment or worse. "that girl deserved it, because of the way she was dressed.  

So there are a lot of mixed signals! 

I've  dreamed I was a doll even when I was little. A few years ago  I discovered quite innocently being an object was a hell of a turn-on for me!  so I have to confess that my sexuality is connected to how I look even in a small degree like going out the door without blush and lipstick on a weekday morning. 

When I see beautiful young  porn models done up in thousands of variations  of costume and sex positions I'm literally jealous  🙃 

now if I were one of those girls would I be doing it for the *** or because it's something I "need"?  

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