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Message added by Annalou

Zombie Clues:

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:   :one::zero:   :one::one:   :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:   :one::five:  :one::six:  :one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine: 

 :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:  :two::three:  :two::four:



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Thank you again for all the welcomed clues, you do such a fantastic job all of you 


Not been on in months time to come back


Feeling boom 💥 about this! Great clues everyone ! I’m actually keeping up

9 hours ago, 69stu69 said:

Stuck on this one

Have sent you a message

8 hours ago, keet-tulip said:

So how do you find one’s you’ve missed? Is it not just 1 a day you can get?

Have sent you a message 

Posted (edited)

Hey there! ;)

Great zombie invasion so far. Mine rule the world right now... :joy:
But i have found three bugs. :confused:

One happens every now and then when you try to send the gift. It just dont work, gives you the message: " USERNAME hasn’t hunted any zombies yet. The KIIROO Zombie Hunt is running until the 4th of May. Check it out!"
It's sometimes like we have no gift at all, so we have to send them again and again till it works. 

The other way around this happens also, when you send it, it get's delivered but shows exactly this same message. You have to reload the page to see if the User has the gift or if you need to send it again because of Bug #1

The third bug is a major one, because you cannot fix it. I didn't try to logout! Still have to test it. 
But the bug happens when you send gifts to others and they wait and send them back while you send gifts and try to collect those are already missing. It seems as if the gifted gift blocks at least on other gift that you would have to collect. But this gift that was send back is also not "active" or "shown", so you cannot spend it. It also creates a strange behavior for all other gifts, while you collect them. You get nearly every time the message that you already have this gift, even if he collects it and counts up. 

I hope the descriptions help to reproduce the errors and maybe fix the bugs faster. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. (the major bug happened 10 - 15 minutes ago and around 5:20 am in Germany. Maybe something comes up in the server logs around the time)

Thank's for the game and the hint's, stay save everyone and have some fun! ;)

*Edit: A logout and login does not fix the bug

Edited by Deleted Member
4 hours ago, handlungsbedarf said:

But i have found three bugs

Hello - if you use the help section at the bottom of the page you will be able to raise the bugs as tickets.  It's the quickest and easiest way to get these looked at.  Please include as much info as possible including which zombies and which username(s) you're trying to send to.


I will, but i wanted to take a nap and give it a try again first before checking if it really just affects one of the zombies in particular or if it really is random. 

You can prevent the major bug by holding one gift back i think, that's why i created the comment in the first place. And so that other players can see that there are other little bugs that may seem a little annoying sometimes. ;)


Clue # 11 Got some unwanted attention this will help you out 


Clue #11 don't like someone then send them to this list!!!!


Clue #11. A great way to get the pests out !!


The list you don't want to be on


Someone put me on theirs this morning 😂😂😂 made me giggle 😂


This hunt has been easier than the mask hunt.  They aren't sending us to magazine articles to find the zombies.


oh flippin heck, I've looked where I think it should be, I cant find it

58 minutes ago, wilkie said:

oh flippin heck, I've looked where I think it should be, I cant find it

Found it, thanks to Pixiedust and Lil-monster,


@wilkie.... don't "ignore" the clues on the "list"

1 hour ago, cautiousswitch said:

This hunt has been easier than the mask hunt.  They aren't sending us to magazine articles to find the zombies.

Oh yes.   Some of those could take you all night to find.    -_-

1 hour ago, wilkie said:

oh flippin heck, I've looked where I think it should be, I cant find it

Start on your edit profile page and follow the clues.


Your clues are on fire 🔥 thanks pixie and lil


The hunt is sooooooo much fun this time! Already over 16 K zombies alone with the first 4 players and everyone is on it! Still mid game! xD
Happy hunting and gifting for everyone... :smirk:
And stay safe! 

#11 - i did need to use this function from time to time to get rid of troublemakers that annoy me, but i guess women need this function even more on sites like fetish

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