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How intimate?

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I'm interested to know how intimate others here consider foot worship/play to be? Do you even think it is intimate?

The vast majority of approaches I get, either by mail, or in the chatroom, or indeed replies I've seen others get to other posts in the forums..would suggest that it's much less intimate for the one at the feet, be they a submissive or a playmate. 

Or, am I unusual as a D woman? As far as I'm concerned it's incredibly intimate..it's arouses my mind and sexually stimulates my body in ways other foreplay doesn't..thats what foot worship is to me, D/s foreplay.

*Think I've just answered my own question..


i think it's very sensual licking and kissing a woman's feet, licking her boots as she has you stripped naked in collar and chastity although i am dominant and confident out and about i enjoy women who prefer their male on his knees for her

I think that foot worship can often be intimate.  That's pretty much a politician answer, but I'll explain.

So, as you've said - for a lot of women it can be sexually simulating.  

So, for the guys out there - this is often why (some) women who clearly enjoy foot worship are narrow as of who they will do it with.  

I also think a lot of guys... also... well... they'll argue it to be non-sexual or not intimate or anything, but it's their fetish.  And in some cases their penis says otherwise - so - it's often a case of kinda trying to manipulate women into servicing the guys fetish.

But, there may be other reasons the guys say this - particularly if submissive, through *** of sexualising their Mistress.

But yeah, the majority of typical foot worship sessions, I don't feel anyone who is at the feet and says it isn't intimate is telling the whole truth. For whatever reason.

I do know some women who are less 'into' it than others and perhaps for some of those it's not so intimate.  Or they're good at pretending it's not - I dunno.  This could depend on a lot of factors.

It can sometimes feel a little less intimate if you don't feel She is enjoying it, or depending on the circumstance - there's a Lady whom the only time I kissed Her feet she also has a foot trampling my chest.... so... that was a touch less intimate... haha


I think it can be intimate for both parties. Surrendering control to another is one of the highest forms of intimacy. It’s based on trust that the boot you surrender to could crush you like the worthless worm you Besides a sub should always be at their Mistress feet unless given permission. Head bowed unworthy to gaze upon Mistress’s exquisite beauty.
On 23/04/2018 at 2:09 PM, urslut said:

I think it can be intimate for both parties. Surrendering control to another is one of the highest forms of intimacy. It’s based on trust that the boot you surrender to could crush you like the worthless worm you Besides a sub should always be at their Mistress feet unless given permission. Head bowed unworthy to gaze upon Mistress’s exquisite beauty.

I agree, I should have been clearer with the wording of my question, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks so, so thank you.

I was thinking more of the, what appears to me anyway, really casual way people make approaches when it comes to foot worship..for example, I get mail on an almost daily basis from someone or another with a foot fetish, not once, have any of them been interested in me as a person, a women, or even a Domme...the message is almost always the same..paraphrasing its "I'd love to play with your feet"...when I reply that I'm not interested in casual liaisons, I either get a load of verbal, or it's only your fucking feet and a load of verbal..so, presumably, to them it means nothing and isn't at all intimate...unless they also mail women with "I'd love to eat your pussy/ass/etc blah etc" which wouldn't surprise me one bit..

On 22/04/2018 at 7:17 PM, jammiej69s said:

i think it's very sensual licking and kissing a woman's feet, licking her boots as she has you stripped naked in collar and chastity although i am dominant and confident out and about i enjoy women who prefer their male on his knees for her

Good to know 😉

And, with what you say in mind, do you think foot play is sexual also? Is it something you reserve for your D partner, or, would you happily worship at a strangers feet?

On 22/04/2018 at 7:55 PM, eyemblacksheep said:

I do know some women who are less 'into' it than others and perhaps for some of those it's not so intimate.  Or they're good at pretending it's not - I dunno.  This could depend on a lot of factors.

Perhaps this is where my confusion, for want of a better word, comes from..it would appear the basic assumption is all Dommes are cold, unfeeling and not very sexual.

The more I think about it the less I feel there's a place for someone like me..way too kinky to fit in with the vanillas, and not quite kinky enough to fit in with those I'm most drawn too..

On 22/04/2018 at 7:55 PM, eyemblacksheep said:




1 hour ago, MsJax said:

it would appear the basic assumption is all Dommes are cold, unfeeling and not very sexual.



there is a bit of a stereotype around that - and I don't enjoy some of the coldest too much - and I also don't enjoy things being hammed up.  I've really appreciated a couple of people who've gone "for God's sake put some thumb into it" during a rub because it's helped me improve my technique.   That's much better than being a cold 'bitch' or being "oh, that's the best foot rub ever"

I have a couple of ancedotes - both from the same night.  I was at a Femdom party and was a bit restless and decided I wanted to look around the venue and also there were a couple of people I was specifically looking for.

I walked into one room and there was one of the people I was looking for and She was with another Domme.  Due to the nature of the event and marks I had on me to signify my availability, the other Domme was very "You boy, I want to do something with you - what you into? Feet, aye, I could do with some foot love" and She had me kiss Her feet while She ignored me and talked to our mutual friend.

It was kind of surreal.  I didn't know Her, we'd just met - I mean She was attractive, had nice feet (and my friend had give me a wink to say She was OK) and I know some guys would enjoy this, but I just found it... odd.

Later the same night, a friend who I'd travelled with had said She had a surprise.  Basically, she had found via a relationship that she REALLY enjoys foot worship, but, because of the - way - she enjoys foot worship, didn't wish to do this with strangers.

However, she had as an experimented decided to trust me at Her feet to see if Her body would have the same response given we were friends, She isn't attracted to me.  We've played together before but it's fun rather than sexual.  (not that the two are mutually exclusive) but anyway... I knew all of this and so I was almost a little too scared to enjoy it as much as I could.  But yeah, it had the potential to be very intimate and I think because of the trust and honesty it's actually, excluding my wife, one of my favourite foot fetish experiences.   

7 hours ago, MsJax said:

Good to know 😉

And, with what you say in mind, do you think foot play is sexual also? Is it something you reserve for your D partner, or, would you happily worship at a strangers feet?

Well I'd have no problem licking my Dommes feet if it gives her sexual pleasure or her boots/ shoes, as for a strangers feet it would depend on what they looked like *blush* 

I would like to also say, Dommes are not seen as cold to people with experience, the problem these days are all the fake female "Dommes" who watch a bit of porn and think * oh that's domination* but really they are Lazy and want ***, it ruins the whole aspect of BDSM, same for males who seem to think that barking commands and ordering a woman after only having met her for two minutes is dominantion, when really Domination is the art of seduction, making one comfortable enough to WANT! to surrender ...

I think on cold or not - different people like different things.

I do agree porn can sometimes skew perceptions - but - by the same token a lot of stuff that gets made the most is stuff that sells the best and a lot of stuff that sells the best plays into (usually) male gaze.

But ultimately, everyone has their own styles and their own preferences anyway.

4 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

I think on cold or not - different people like different things.


Thank you for this and your previous reply, the anecdotes especially gave me a lot to think about.

There seems to be a mould that we are all expected to fit..cold and unfeeling doesn't suit me one bit..and others expectations based on stereotypes gleaned, as suggested, from porn.. are by far the worst..and one of my biggest bug bears, closely followed by the expectations gained after visits to a Pro Domme.

 I don't earn *** from my sex life or kinks...but nor I am not here to provide a free alternative to someone who wants to see a professional..  and yet I am repeatedly treated as such..instead of as an individual with her own needs..bah..got on my soapbox again didn't I..retreating...


I often believe a core problems in kink is that what a lot of guys ACTUALLY want is a Pro-Domme session, as and when they want, without actually paying for one.

And yeah - there's a few women I've heard say over time that negotiating play with someone who has previously been to see a Pro can be frustrating as they may have been able to negotiate a bit more that they wanted from a Pro.

But it does ultimately come down from male fantasy expectations and their somewhat lack of empathy that everyone involved has to be happy.

There's loads of 'fun' little phrases guys try to use to make it sound like they're better than that, but really they're still leading fetish first...

  • 1 month later...

I can't imagine foot worship between two strangers to be very intimate but given the right person in the right circumstances/atmosphere/mood etc I believe foot worship to be very intimate.

On 14/06/2018 at 5:46 PM, Al004 said:

I can't imagine foot worship between two strangers to be very intimate but given the right person in the right circumstances/atmosphere/mood etc I believe foot worship to be very intimate.

I can't really imagine foot worship with a stranger at all.

For me is verry intimiate, and is between me and my partner. I think is more like finding I her feet as arousing as others find breasts, bum..etc.

There is a feeling of surrender while kissing, foot worshiping...so there has to be a connection there, it can’t works with any stranger. 


@Silvi111So were you given the opportunity to worship a strangers feet, you would decline that offer..in much the same way I decline offers from strangers who think all I am is a pair of feet. I like knowing there's a few of you out there 😊


I am finding the scene a very interesting environment with it all being new to me. I have not been in the situation of looking for a partner for 20+ years. If I was single I think I would only be interested in a long term relationship I think. The idea of getting some sort of sexual fixation about somebody without knowing them is slightly odd to me and shallow. Sure, we all have our fantasies but wanting a play mate to be two dimensional and not respecting them as human with their own needs is missing a lot of the pleasure in my opinion. The whole couple dynamic is more important than the actual play activities to me, but maybe that is the way I have been institutionalised after so many years of marriage.


@MsJax I find feet erotic, but I need that  desire, that connection that, that makes me adore every part of her body...in special feet  I will find it like a gift lets say,  a maximum in desire .  But I need that attraction first..

I'm fairly new to this and feel I didn't express myself very well in my earlier post but I agree with lugnut and silvi111. The dynamic of being in a relationship with someone special, to be attracted to and desire the person completely, naturally creates intimacy, I feel, and adds excitement when worshiping her feet...... But feet of a stranger are just feet and not really that desirable at all.

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