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Single or taken?

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I’m curious to know.. do you prefer knowing he’s single or does it make it hotter knowing he’s taken?

It's not quite the binary choice implied

Because obviously single is single (mostly)

But someone in a relationship that is cheating, is quite different to someone who is in a relationship in any form of poly or non-mono arrangement where they are looking for, or open to, additional relationships with the full blessing and knowledge of their partner.

(obviously if someone is mono, that's still a no)

You're asking if people get off on knowing they're f**king an asshole who is breaking trust and boundaries by cheating on their partner and undermining their entire relationship, serious hurting somebody they supposedly love while they lie to their face every f**king day?
I'm all for open relationships, am polyamourus myself. As long as its all properly communicated with everybody.
Cheaters, tho, deserve to be lonely and sexless till they change or die.
In other words, no turn on at all.

I know it’s not healthy but when she has a boyfriend at home and makes up little lies and excuses just to fuck me definitely inflates the ego. You just can’t get attached my guys
Pretty sure you were looking for Ashley madison, made a wrong turn and ended up here. The dynamics within this community are based around trust and respect. Your actively trying to cheat on your wife so your untrustworthy and don't respect your spouse. You'll have a hard time finding a quick lay on here cause no ones gonna be able to trust you. Try tinder.
Thank u to everyone who voiced their opinions to this question. After having multiple relationships destroyed because of infidelity I am realizing how hyper sensitive/aware of it I am now.
And here's the crazy part, I was the sorry POS who was always cheating! I finally got sober and am remolding myself into the MF super hero I always wanted to be.
Just really helped me feel alot better about this group of people. I'm sure opinions vary and we all walking our own journey but, yea thought this was dope.
Im not trusting someone who cheats, and if someone is already taken my interest falls to half because i am not waisting time
Bdsm is largely about reciprocal trust. How can you trust someone who cheats? Plain and simple.

I knew a guy who was deceived. He thought he was dating a nice woman. Do you know how he found she was married with ***?. Her husband was waiting for him outside his apartment. Not made up!!

In the Bdsm lifestyle Where do we draw the line before it becomes cheating

Myself and my partner are both Dominant and Submissive but are open to the whole Scene with other parties
If it’s consensual then there’s no issue but I wouldn’t accept her doing anything without my say so.
With that being said I also respect her and everything I do it run by her. No closed doors 👍

If you've ever been deceived by a former lover, then the answer is quite simple. You don't wanna be that husband waiting outside with your brain contemplating multiple scenarios with no happy endings. I wish that on nobody. But in a group/swap situation with all permission, making love to another's partner can be extremely exciting and satisfying for everyone. But it's still not yours so have respect.


Single. Why be the third wheel in a relationship?

Single both parties no matter what.  Ive been on the other end when a partner decided to play away, you have no idea unless you have experienced it how much damage it causes.  I would never put the innocent half of another relationship through that.  The mental and emotional damage these people cause is beyond measurement trust me, it can take years if ever to recover from it.

If a perspective scene partner was in a relationship it would be a red flag, if they are willing to do it once they will again.

It also would show me they can be fickle and once the novelty of this new relationship wears off, you will always have that feeling who is next.


The question never implied he’s cheating. Taken can mean many things. If taken but they play (single or together) then y’all got your panties in a twist over nothing. In such cases we prefer taken (married) because they come with much less baggage and aren’t nearly as needy/clingy.
Cheating men are assholes and shouldn’t be played with, at all, out of self respect mainly.
Ncplaytime read his bio. He's looking for descreet girls. So he can cheat
I don’t share my toys with others but am willing to play with others toys with permission.
On 4/4/2022 at 11:10 PM, micmasterjmfyb said:

I know it’s not healthy but when she has a boyfriend at home and makes up little lies and excuses just to fuck me definitely inflates the ego. You just can’t get attached my guys

What if you do get attached then its a total  different ball game isn't it

On 4/5/2022 at 6:26 AM, Lady_Sylvana said:

You're asking if people get off on knowing they're f**king an asshole who is breaking trust and boundaries by cheating on their partner and undermining their entire relationship, serious hurting somebody they supposedly love while they lie to their face every f**king day?
I'm all for open relationships, am polyamourus myself. As long as its all properly communicated with everybody.
Cheaters, tho, deserve to be lonely and sexless till they change or die.
In other words, no turn on at all.

I loved this. It's very direct but true. 

I think it depends on the definition of "single".

Single as in no partners at all?

Those who would say "single" as in 'free to explore, date, sleep with etc'?


So while *I* myself am in a relationship, it's a poly lifestyle. (Multiple partners not group dating). So, within my relationship, I am "not single". For other interests, I "am single" to seek and explore. 

The difference, as some have touched on, is communication, honesty and respect.


I will (now) happily date someone who is part of a couple, married or whatever IF the partner is aware. In this sense, knowing they are "involved" but openly take pride in dating 'me' also, can be hot. :) 


I have been on the end of finding out someone wasn't "as single" as they made out to be (complicated). It was a learning curve and opened my mind to poly. It is so much better for me knowing someone transparent.

Even if they're not "single" by common definition. I guess I find "honesty" sexy. :) 


But some get their kicks from it, why else would they date someone involved knowingly? Each to their own.


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