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Bad sex. You can always get better as long as you're willing to work with your partner and are open to introducing new things into your bedroom to liven things up. It's all about communication!
No sex at all lmao there is always toys and masturbation 🤣
I’ve done both thru out my life. If the sex is so bad that you need to finish after your done then why bother with the bad sec to begin with.
22 minutes ago, insanis_octo31 said:
No sex at all lmao there is always toys and masturbation 🤣

But that gets boring after a while.... for some, its the thrill of knowing someone wants to seduce me that gets me more excited than the actual sex.

No sex...cant stand by sex. Ive walked away before. Haha

I believe it was Green Day once said when masterbation lost its fun your f**king lazy lol

I would choose no sex at all what's the pont in having bad sex, where's the fun in that
Definitely none!! 🤣 And I’m too old to have the patience if it ain’t great the first time.
No sex, bad sex has completely switched me off before and it ends up giving me the ick😅
Top 2 reasons why relationships end are *** problems and disaffection in the bedroom. So, I'd have to pick the no sex at all
Never having sex again
Good cuddles good company skin on skin contact and BDSM will more than suffice
Work hard, party hard. If you don't put your all in why do it? No sex, I can't satisfy myself. Bad sex just turns me off and make me want to leave.
Before my husband died, I didn’t have sex for 12 years because he had prostate cancer and the surgery left him unable to perform. Trust me when I tell you BAD sex is better than none at all. 🙄
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