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4 hours ago, chivalrous219 said:
Would you rather eat something that gives you agonizing stomach *** or starve to death?

Sex is not a physiological requirement.

No sex is less frustrating to both people involved I think. I'm seeing several people here that have been without sex in years and I myself have not had any type of touch from anyone in 4 yrs. Maybe we need to have a section dedicated to breaking the dry spell specifically. The longer you go without the harder it will get to get back into, pun intended.
Bad sex where upon finding my masochistic side I transcend & it turns in to good sex.
Bad sex ain’t that bad! I’ll take it any day over no sex!
No sex, having bad sex is just awkward for both people
2 hours ago, x_luke said:
To be honest only women get sex whenever they want

That simply isn't true, and escorts exist for any gender

Well,for the last three years, I've been dealing with bad sex. Not necessarily her fault, my wife's health has played into that. Being in end stage renal failure and starting dialysis little over a year ago it has been hard for her to want to have sex, and harder to feel sexy with tunes and hoses hanging out of her body. I'd keep up with what I have because it maybe few and far between but at least I'm getting something
No sex. Been there done that, no thank you.
39 minutes ago, LittleSoulTease said:

That simply isn't true, and escorts exist for any gender

Unless a woman is EXTREMELY ugly and has no personality they can get at least one guy if they try though

Honestly I would be ok without sex in my life. I'm outing myself but right now I'm happy to be single. I don't have a lot to offer people right now. I'm recovering from the pandemics effects on my finances and trying to get a lingering medical issue fixed. So currently I'm not really hunting for love, friendship yes but love comes with having your life in order. And that is just something I don't have currently.
Is the sweet release of death a third option?
No sex. I'm already doing that anyways. 😂😭 although, to those saying that it doesn't say anywhere about using toys/doing it yourself, does it feel better than sex or does it just do the job? Generally curious as I can't get off with toys.
This probably depends on if it's bad for all involved. I like to trust the other person to decide, if they enjoy it then it will still be worth it. If not then maybe we can find something to fill the gap.
No sex at all, I do it better myself anyways🤷🏼‍♀️😅
No sex. I’ve had bad sex before then I experienced really really good sex. & yeah….I ain’t going back to bad sex ever again lol I’d rather not have it.
20 minutes ago, brvttyprin said:
No sex. I’ve had bad sex before then I experienced really really good sex. & yeah….I ain’t going back to bad sex ever again lol I’d rather not have it.

I'm exactly the same

I mean, biologically, I'd still go for bad sex, that shit improves mood, testosterone lvs, confidence ect. So shit sex or not, it's still beneficial
I'd rather not have sex, having bad sex just leaves me irritated and highly annoyed. That's just like allowing someone to use you like a waste disposal, no thank you.
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