
Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 49
Status Single
Height 167cm
Weight 52kg
Body shape Slim
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Red
Hair length Middle
Orientation Bisexual
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin USA
Body hair None
Zodiac sign Aries

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Firstly - I’ve been in this life a LONG time, so please, no condescending jerks, dilettantes, or poseurs.
I am a true Switch; Dommed professionally for a time (still take select clients), and I can talk you into a quivering pile of acheing protoplasm if I so desire.
But my real release lies in being able to lose myself in subspace with a proper Dom who is EDUCATED, EXPERIENCED, kind and funny but firm, and knows there is a balance of power to be explored here. With skilled Dom, I can let the little sub in me out. And she needs to get out!

I’m very much into Shibari, and bondage. Whippings only if you actually know what you are doing. Again...experience is a requirement.

Any negotiations will take time and the proper protocol. I am old school. I do not leap into a physical sexual relationship with a Dom. That is not how I was trained. That is not what it is about for me (well, of course it is, but other criteria must be met!) The mind must be engaged first. Sex comes when trust is established.
Obviously, chatting is a must!

Also, I took the *y thing, ha!

Desires and Fantasies**
To get seriously back into Shibari. gives you…

Many possibilities! There are plenty of ways to meet new kinksters. Check out our free BDSM dating. Still not convinced to meet in person? Take a look at some kinky discussions taking place, right now...

icon-wio ReddRabbit has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
  • 21.02.2023 12:03:01
  • Female (49)
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icon-wio ReddRabbit created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Bunny, Part 16 - *** 101, Ivan the Terrible, and Missy the Mother Goddess
Sorry for the delay, guys! Life, and all...
I’ll be posting this intro for a bit; So, we are getting into the meat of the book now — which means there’s some new characters being introduced, and that means more dialogue, and not always leaping straight into the sex bit. We are also getting into Read more…some difficult family territory as well, which may or may not be interesting to people. That doesn’t mean the sex isn’t happening, it just means the scene and character building is a thing, and we may take a bit to lead up to it. I hope you all stay interested. This is based on my life, and the things that made me how I am, so of course it’s interesting to ME — and sometimes ***ful, even. As always, thank you for reading, and for your wonderful comments!
I’ve gotten the story from Jake about what happened with our father, and taken a day to process it. None of what he’s told me is a real surprise — and by now, my rage has been replaced by a cold sort of detachment. My usual feeling of repugnance for our father, Ivan, whom I haven’t called “Dad” to his face since I was 17, has replaced that anger, and I’m ready to speak with him. The entire conversation, I keep my voice modulated. He feeds on emotion, and I’m not giving him a single morsel. I want the bastard crawling on the inside.
”Zo! Well, this is a surprise. We’re just about to go to church…”
“Is it? Ivan? A surprise? Jake’s here. I suppose that’s a surprise, too…”
“Oh. Well, no. I mean he is your brother, Zo. He’s your family…your responsibility. And can’t you call me Dad?
“No, I cannot, you pathetic sick bastard. And I suppose any responsibility of yours went out the window when you kicked him out. In case you’ve forgotten, Ivan, he’s only seven***.”
“Well, he wasn’t following the house rules…”
“Do the house rules encompass him trying to stop you from beating the shit out of and…God knows what else to his half-***, you maggot?”
“You piece of utter shit. And he told me that you saw him on the street on your way to your precious church and didn’t stop the car. He was living on the fucking street, you irresponsible asshole. You think he’s going to ever stop using if he’s on the street? The whole idea of him going back home to stay with you was so he could stay clean after I sent him to rehab. Oh, and thanks for your contribution to that, by the way. I really could have used some help. But I should be used to doing this on my own by now.”
“That’s not fair. I fed him and put a roof over his head out here. With no help from you.”
“He’s your KID, you narcissistic bastard. You’re lucky you aren’t in jail for child ***. Do you tell your church buddies all about what you do to your wife and kids? You hypocrite. Thank God that woman left you. I hope to Christ she gets full custody of those kids — especially your daughter— and you never see them again.” I hang up the phone and snap it shut, placing it on the windowsill next to the ashtray and light a cigarette.
Jake is staring at me, stunned.
“Damn, Sis. You’re really scary, sometimes.”
And people wonder why I’m so good at verbal *** when I Domme…This is why. I just picture Ivan’s face in front of me. It makes it really easy.
“Yeah, well, he’s a piece of shit.” I stalk into the kitchen and grab the bottle of wine from the fridge and pour myself a glass. I glance at Jake and wince. Way to set an example, Zoe. I sigh and take a sip, putting the bottle back and leaning against the counter for a moment, gathering my thoughts. I pick up my phone again, and dial my friend Missy’s number.
Jake and Clover and her little 10 year-old brother Ian are laughing and messing around with the CD player by the grill, as if it hasn’t been two years since they’ve all seen each other, while Missy and I sip margaritas in her huge backyard in Evanston, catching up.
“So, what,” Missy says, releasing a plume of smoke over our heads, “He kicked him out because Jake busted him for hitting his little ***?”
“That seems to be the gist of it,” I reply, sparing her the more sordid details of our little family dynamic and taking another sip of my drink, eyes on the two ***agers and the gangly Ian.
“Fucking Hell…”
“So, shit, girl…it’s been too long. What’s it take, tragedy and the kids being back together for me to get you to come over? What are you doing with yourself these days? Are you still…” she makes a vague gesture with her hand.
I laugh. “Yeah, still…” I wave my hand back at her.
She shrugs, pouring us more drinks. “None of my business, as long as you’re happy. You still with that Nick guy?”
“Yep, as ‘with’ each other as we’ll ever be. He’s been a great help with Jake. He’s really good with him, actually.”
“Yeah, I remember that. So, look – any time Jake wants to come over here, and hang out – Clover and Ian have really missed him like crazy. We were hoping maybe he’d want to spend a few nights over here, actually…”
“Really? I mean…sure, if you’re up for that. I have to tell you, though, I just dumped out a stash of his pills. Which means he’s still actively using. So, you know, just put your shit up, watch the booze bottles…”
She shrugs. “I can do that. We’re happy to have him. And if you’re not working or whatever, you can camp out too. Watch movies, whatever. I miss the old days, girl. Next door isn’t the same without you guys.”
“Yeah…I miss that, too.”
Missy and I were neighbors a few years back, when M and I were still together. Jake and Clover went to the same school together just down the street, after I took Jake and fled Oahu and Ivan. She was a lifesaver when I was trying to navigate my way through the school system and make friends while dealing with the shellshock of what we’d left behind. She’s the archetypal Earth Mother – with a generous, curvy body and a yard full of neighbors’ kids coming in and out at all times – grabbing snacks and hugs and advice.
She’s always been here for Jake and I.
Pink Floyd blasts from the boom box, and the kids start dancing wildly. Missy and I look at each other, and burst out laughing.
“Since when did we raise a bunch of hippies?” she asks.
“Don’t ask me — I’m strictly a Punk Rock kind of girl.”
For the first time in several years, I spend a “normal” evening doing things that regular families do (because these people are Jake’s and my real family, now) – hanging out in the backyard, listening to tunes, sipping cocktails while the kids hang out, and Missy’s husband grills burgers. Jake is sober, horsing around and laughing like I haven’t seen him do in so long that it almost hurts to watch, it makes me so happy. Because deep down inside, I’m afraid it can’t last. I try to push those thoughts away, because they seem evil of me. In a couple hours, Nick shows up with a six-pack of beer, and it’s almost — if you were to squint and turn your head — as if we were just a normal family, spending a Sunday afternoon together.
When it gets dark, Missy insists we all camp out overnight – and since it’s a Sunday, neither Nick nor I have anything scheduled — so we happily agree. Also, we want to keep an eye on Jake his first weekend back. Since it’s Spring Break, Clover and Ian don’t have school the next day, and since Missy is a schoolteacher, neither does she. So we all hang out in the yard horsing around until after dark, until the kids decide to head upstairs away from the grownups to do God knows what. Ian wants to show Jake his new card tricks and mason jar herb collection. Clover has an extensive music collection she wants to share. They all barrel upstairs, and we are left in the yard with the lightening bugs, the fire pit, and the booze.
Being from a normal, suburban background, Nick does this family shit really well. He helps Missy’s husband with the grilling, and they talk literature — Timothy is a professor at Northwestern — while Missy and I talk about the kids.
“So…” she asks, “are you two ever gonna settle down, make your own babies?”
I take a drink. “I already have Jake to take care of,” I say. “And Nick and I are happy as we are.”
“Don’t you want something more stable? Your life seems so, I don’t know, chaotic.”
“It’s not chaotic,” I laugh. “It’s just not your life.”
“I suppose so,” she says. “But, if you love each other, why not make it official?
“If we love each other, why ruin it by labeling it and trying to limit and own each other?”
“But — does he sleep with other people? Do you?”
I smile at her tolerantly. For other people, it always seems to come down to this question of sexual fidelity. “Sometimes. Most of the time, we share though.”
“Just women, I bet!” She says, triumphantly.
“Well, Nick’s not Bi. I am. If I want another man…I have my options open. And he’s OK with that,” I say, thinking about our text conversation regarding JC.
“Is he really?” She asks, clearly disbelieving.
“As a matter of fact, I was with this really hot sub the other day…”
“Oh my god, I don’t want to hear any more!” she cries, throwing her hands up dramatically and giving in. “I can’t say I’ll ever understand you guys, but obviously, it seems to work for you. Cheers!”
It’s a pretty damn perfect evening — and after everyone goes to sleep, Nick and I have rough, quietly intense sex on the pull-out bed in the living room with the cats crawling all around us. He grips my thighs hard as he enters me, burying his face in my hair —
“Take it all out on me,” he whispers, “bite me, Oh, God — harder, scratch me, fuck me up, and don’t you dare call me Daddy tonight…”
I bite his shoulder hard as I can to keep from crying out when I come as he thrusts deep into me over and over…taking me to the edge and back before we finally come together.
“Sleep, Bunny,” he murmurs into my hair afterwards, his fingers tracing patterns across my belly. “You’re doing the best you can. That’s all you can do. You’re a good ***. And a good mother.”
I turn to look at him silently a long moment, and he looks back, brushing my hair out of my eyes. He leans in to kiss me softly, and I turn into him, my arms and legs folding around him, and we slowly begin to make love — and I realize it’s the first time I’ve ever thought of what our bodies are doing together in those terms. Some time before dawn, we fall asleep in a gentle tangle of limbs.
We sleep like the dead until the smell of coffee and breakfast and the sound of laughter wakes us the next morning.
Likecallitrippinand 4 more… · 1 Reply
Mickey10 Hi red loving to get to know the family and what's happening love your willpower and loyalty to family I love reading all about it how you defend and help your brother your a hell of a *** love your boyfriend as well he's very loyal and respectful love the way he treats you keep it going I'm hooked Hi red loving to get to know the family and what's happening love your willpower and loyalty to family I love reading all about it how you defend and help your brother your a hell of a *** love your boyfriend as well he's very loyal and respectful love the way he treats you keep it going I'm hooked
Like · 27.05.2020 11:09:12
icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 17.05.2020 16:17:08
  • Female (49)
  • Chicago
  • Single
Bunny, Pt. 15 - Jake’s Stash, Tough Love, and the Healing Powers of Public Sex

Thank you as always, Mickey! Sorry for the late reply - been a bit of a mad week here. I always cherish your comments. 💙

icon-wio ReddRabbit created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Bunny, Pt. 15 - Jake’s Stash, Tough Love, and the Healing Powers of Public Sex
I’ll be posting this intro for a bit; So, we are getting into the meat of the book now — which means there’s some new characters being introduced, and that means more dialogue, and not always leaping straight into the sex bit. We are also getting into some difficult family territory as well, which Read more…may or may not be interesting to people. That doesn’t mean the sex isn’t happening, it just means the scene and character building is a thing, and we may take a bit to lead up to it. I hope you all stay interested. This is based on my life, and the things that made me how I am, so of course it’s interesting to ME — and sometimes ***ful, even. As always, thank you for reading, and for your wonderful comments!
I wake up to the smell of bacon frying, and the sound of male laughter. I pry open my eyes against the bright sunlight to the sight of my brother and Nick in the kitchenette, making an unholy mess of a breakfast — Nick shirtless and wearing my hot pink apron with a White Sox cap perched backwards on his head, and Jake likewise shirtless, his baggy jeans lowslung, boxers sticking out a la 90s Gangster rapper.
I can see every vertebrae in my baby brother’s spine, and his stomach is concave. I hold in a wince, and sit up, calling out in mock horror —
“***y Hell, what is this? The full Monty?”
They both turn to me, and Nick slings his arm around Jakes’s broad, but bony shoulders — “This, Love, is called breakfast in bed! Courtesy of the two most handsome men in all Chicago.”
They both strike a pose – Jake sticking his rear out, and Nick making as if to paddle it with the spatula.
“Dear God,” I groan, then burst out laughing. I stand up and stretch, then amble over to my own bed, walking a bit delicately after my activities last night with Nick.
Jake, eagle-eyed as ever, notices. “You OK, Sis? You’re walking kinda funny…”
Nick spins around, his full attention on the bacon now. I nod and shrug – “Yeah, just pulled something in ballet. Same old. You know me.”
“Oh, yeah…” he says, dismissively, turning back to the oven and flipping some eggs. “You should take a hot bath — you know that always helps.”
In a few minutes, we’re all sitting on my bed with plates – scarfing down a delicious breakfast of eggs over easy, fried potatoes, and thick cut bacon. Jake is a great cook, and loves feeding me as much as he loves to eat — which is a lot. Nick eyes me significantly as we watch my brother hoover down a second huge helping of food, then casually says —
“Hey, Bunny – your larder is looking a little light. What say I take the Kid here and go stock up? Two mouths to feed now and all that. Plus, I can show you around the hood a bit, Jake. What do you say?“
“Cool!” Jake agrees around a mouthful of food, nodding.
I glance at Nick gratefully — “Sounds like a plan! Are ladies invited to this epic adventure? Or is this a guys only sort of thing?”
Nick looks at me and flips his hand dismissively, “Don’t you have some girly things to attend to, like, I dunno, ***ting your pinky toes, or perfuming your lingerie drawer?”
I roll my eyes and lean back on the pillows as he gathers the plates, piling them in the sink.
“Fine,” I say. “You boys go have your caveman time — slaughter the grocery store, and whatnot. I’ll just be here. Making necklaces out of bones and teeth.”
Nick: Are you checking his bag? I’ve sent him off to find beef jerky. I’m in the produce aisle
Me: Doing it now. Thank you so much, N.
Nick: Don’t be a silly twat. Just find his stash. See u soon xo
Me: See u soon XOXO
I find it rolled up in a sock, in a Ziplock baggie. A few bars of Xanax, some DXM, a few Vicodin, and a couple of pills I don’t recognize. My fist closes around the bag in a curious mix of rage and sadness, and tears fill my eyes immediately. I quickly debate what to do with the stuff. Flush it, or confront him with it? If I ignore it, he’ll just find a way to go get more…and maybe think he just lost it. More likely, though, he’ll know I was going through his stuff. If I confront him, he’ll definitely know I was going through his stuff, and he’ll be mad, but we’ve been there before, and that’s familiar territory. I hate to ruin things so early on, but it’s better to get things out of the way now, than wait until later when he’s stoned out of his head and falling down on my fire escape.
When the boys arrive home, they’re in such a good mood — laughing and roughhousing — I almost don’t have the heart to bring up my find. I’m fingering the baggie nervously in my pocket when Nick comes up and puts his arm around me as Jake is putting groceries away;
“Well…?” leaning down to whisper in my ear.
“Found it,” I murmur.
“Let’s talk to him,” he says.
“Now?” I say.
“Might better…” he replies, squeezing my hip. “C’mon, Love. Suck it up. You know it’s got to be done.”
I nod and take a deep breath, then go over to the fire escape, and sit on the window sill, lighting a smoke. Jake turns around, finished unloading everything, and notices the new tension in the air. Nick has maneuvered himself near the door, in case my brother decides to bolt.
“C’mere, Baby, have a smoke with me and let’s talk.”
Jake’s eyes dart around the room, suddenly paranoid. “What’s going on? What did I do?” He says, walking slowly towards me and taking the offered cigarette.
I pat the windowsill next to me, and he slowly sits. Nick saunters over to us, arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the wall behind me. “Jake, you know that I love you more than anyone or anything in the whole world — and that I’d do anything for you. And that I want you here with me. You know this, right.”
Jake looks down at his hands, slowly releasing a stream of smoke from his nostrils. “Yeah, Sis. I know. You’ve always been the only one I could ever count on.”
I nod. “But you know you can’t…you just can’t be using while you stay here.” I bring out the baggie from my pocket and hold it out.
Jake’s face flushes red, and he leaps to his feet. “You went through my stuff?” He demands angrily, fists clenching, staring down at me.
I stay seated, looking up at him calmly. Nick takes a step forward. “Hey, hold on there, Kid. It’s your ***’s place, and she has every right. And I think we’ve all been through this before, innit? What’d you expect? For her to let you OD again?”
Jake immediately deflates, and sits back down, his head going to his hands. “I’m sorry…I know. Sis, it was just my stash from before. I wasn’t going to…“
“Save it.” I say, sharply. “It gets flushed. Now.” I stand up and go to the bathroom, and dump his stash in the toilet, flush it, and watch it swirl down the drain. If only getting rid of his habit were so easily done.
When I go back to the main room, Nick and Jake are both out on the fire escape, smoking. I climb out to join them. Jake is looking miserably down at passing traffic, and Nick is leaning on the railing facing my windows, his face inscrutable. I light a cigarette and move to stand between them.
“Honey,” I say to Jake, “You know you can stay here as long as you want or need. You know that. But you need to stay clean. I can’t go through another OD. You’re the only real family I’ve got, and I won’t lose you. I’ll send your ass to rehab as many times as you need — again — and you’ll hate me for it, but we aren’t doing all that again. OK?”
Jake nods, looking down still, a tear forming in the corner of his eye. I reach out to touch his shoulder, and he turns to enfold me in a fierce hug.
“I love you, Sis.”
“I love you, too, Kiddo.”
Nick smokes quietly behind me, not saying a word.
Jake is inside taking one of his interminable showers. The instant he hears the water running, Nick has me backed up against the brick wall of the fire escape; Out of sight from the windows, one hand over my mouth, the other holding my ass firmly against his hips as he lifts my legs to circle his waist, he thrusts himself into me — my short black nightdress bunched around my waist, his sweats shoved down around his hips — and starts fucking me. It’s so sudden that all thought, all my madly cycling worry instantly flies from my head as his cock pushes so unexpectedly deep inside me — the pleasure so intense and inescapable. My legs wrap tightly around him, trying to draw him in yet deeper, my back arches and I make a whimpering noise beneath his hand. Nick still hasn’t spoken a word.
Across from my flat is another apartment building, and below us is a busy street. Anyone could see us, who bothered to look, but I’m too caught up in the moment, and my immediate need, to care. And Nick knows this — just as he knew this was exactly what I needed after finding Jake’s drug stash, and the ensuing tough-love conversation. Just as he knew the conversation needed to happen then and there. If there’s one thing Nick understands, it’s how to take a situation immediately in hand.
I rake my nails down his back as he fucks me harder, his hips settling under me more firmly as he builds the rhythm. I’m lost utterly in the sensation of his cock moving in and out of me, my clit grinding against him. I’m so filled up with him that there is no room for anything else — no thought, no emotion, nothing but sensation — and this immediate moment. We both come hard and fast, and he keeps going so that I come again, immediately after my first orgasm. If it weren’t for his hand on my mouth, I would have screamed down the whole neighborhood.
Finally, he slowly sets me down, my legs wobbly as his come drips down my thighs. “Let me get you some paper towels, Bunny,” he says, kissing the top of my head.
I nod and grab a cigarette, lighting it and tilting my head back. I exhale slowly into the late morning sky, my thoughts clear and sharp once again.
LikeMickey10and 4 more… · 3 Replies
Mickey10 Redd what has happened to you eagerly awaiting more from your stories Redd what has happened to you eagerly awaiting more from your stories
Like · 06.07.2020 19:26:16
ReddRabbit ➦ReddRabbit quote Mickey10:❝Red I waited patiently and eagerly for this so far I anticipated this and loved the outcome looking forward to where we are going loved every word and eagerly await the next ❞
Thank you as always, Mickey! Sorry for the late reply - been a bit of a mad week here. I always cherish your comments. 💙 ➦ReddRabbit quote Mickey10:❝Red I waited patiently and eagerly for this so far I anticipated this and loved the outcome looking forward to where we are going loved every word and eagerly await the next ❞
Thank you as always, Mickey! Sorry for the late reply - been a bit of a mad week here. I always cherish your comments. 💙
Like · 17.05.2020 16:17:08
Mickey10 Red I waited patiently and eagerly for this so far I anticipated this and loved the outcome looking forward to where we are going loved every word and eagerly await the next Red I waited patiently and eagerly for this so far I anticipated this and loved the outcome looking forward to where we are going loved every word and eagerly await the next
LikeReddRabbit, maria300 · 14.05.2020 3:52:44
icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 08.05.2020 16:01:11
  • Female (49)
  • Chicago
  • Single
Shackled by protocol.

When I came to the realization when I was really young that I was a Switch many years ago, it became pretty clear to me that it was going to be difficult — especially during those times (early 90s) and within my circles — to always do things strictly by the book.
Luckily for me, I had a Dom who Read more… had a good sense of humor and fun, and was willing to think outside the usual parameters and see me for what I was becoming (I was too green to really know for myself). Had I not had his particular influence, I think it would have taken me longer to understand myself. And a a result, I would have turned out to be a different, less empathetic sort of Domme, years later.
I do believe in the value of tradition and protocol, they certainly have their place. But so do the ability to reach beyond and be creative, and expand into new territory. It’s just those abilities that make this journey exciting, and keep it fresh and new after all this time for me!
edit - oh and to answer your question, I’ve only made that mistake with myself, trying to fit myself into a particular mold when I knew I was so much more...

Likeitalianslavereall · Jump to discussion
icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 08.05.2020 15:44:08
  • Female (49)
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Bunny, Pt 14 — Jake & Bunny, A Homecoming

Mickey, thank you — I’m glad the twist was a good one for you 😘.

Likeitalianslavereall · Jump to discussion
icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 08.05.2020 15:43:03
  • Female (49)
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Bunny, Pt 14 — Jake & Bunny, A Homecoming

Wow, I’m very flattered! Thank you, Rich.

icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 07.05.2020 14:38:52
  • Female (49)
  • Chicago
  • Single
Bunny, Pt 14 — Jake & Bunny, A Homecoming

Thank you so much, Blueslave! I truly appreciate your commenting.

icon-wio ReddRabbit created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Bunny, Pt 14 — Jake & Bunny, A Homecoming
I’ll be posting this intro for a bit; So, we are getting into the meat of the book now — which means there’s some new characters being introduced, and that means more dialogue, and not always leaping straight into the sex bit. We are also getting into some difficult family territory as well, which Read more…may or may not be interesting to people. That doesn’t mean the sex isn’t happening, it just means the scene and character building is a thing, and we may take a bit to lead up to it. I hope you all stay interested. This is based on my life, and the things that made me how I am, so of course it’s interesting to ME — and sometimes ***ful, even. As always, thank you for reading, and for your wonderful comments!
I spot Jake from across the street, slouching against the doorway to my apartment building and smoking, with a huge backpack leaning on the sidewalk next to him. His light ash blond hair is clipped close to his skull, and his tall, lanky frame is looking ***fully thin. I run across the middle of the street, dodging cars and calling his name;
His head swivels around, and he spots me – shoving off from the doorway. “Sis!”
I throw myself into his arms, and we embrace, cigarettes dangling from both our fingertips. Having my baby brother in my arms after two years is like water to a woman dying of thirst, and we stay like that for awhile, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, making passersby step around us.
“Oh my God, Jake, I’ve missed you so much!”
“Me too, Sis, Oh my God, so much!” his voice breaks, just a little, and I pull back to look at him. Instinctively, I look up into his eyes, searching for the telltale dilation…and hating myself for it.
“Jake – what the Hell? I don’t hear from you in weeks! When did you leave Oahu? Did Dad…”
“Kicked me out,” he says tightly, bending down to pick up his pack, and flicking his cigarette to the curb. “Oh, how I hate that Son of a Bitch…c’mon, Sis. Let’s go upstairs. I’ll tell you all about it. Plus, I’m starving!”
“You look it,” I say, eyeing his too-thin frame.
I dig my keys out of my bag, unlock the doors, and lead him up to my apartment.
“Wow, nice place, Sis!” Jake says, dumping his backpack by the door and loping around my flat, taking in the kitchenette, the huge bed in the centre of the room, the big daybed under the huge windows by the fire escape.
“Thanks! The daybed’s all yours,” I say. “We can use that Chinese screen thingy for privacy at night – I use it to change clothes.”
“Cool, thanks!”
“Pizza OK?” I ask, rooting around in my fridge.
“Are you kidding? I’d kill for a slice! Is it Hawai’ian style?”
“Of course!” I say, looking at him in offense.
He laughs, perching on the windowsill and lighting a smoke. I pop the pizza into the toaster oven, digging around for the red pepper flakes. My baby brother likes his food HOT. I bring him his plate, and he scarfs the four slices down in under two minutes.
“Jesus, Kid, when’s the last time you ate?”
He looks down at his hands, and shrugs. “I dunno…Dad kicked me out on Monday…I worked for the rest of the *** to get here, was squatting in the meantime at Scott’s studio. He fed me. I caught the Thursday plane out here, then slept rough at O’Hare til it was late enough get to your place…I guess Friday?”
“But…that’s almost two whole days!”
Jake is quiet for a minute, then his face just crumples and he puts his head in his hands and starts to sob. I rush over to him and pull him to me, holding him, breaking down and crying too. We sit like that for a long time, until there are no tears left, and he’s asleep with his head in my lap. I lean against the windowsill like that, smoking until night falls, and the only lights in the apartment are the orange sodium glow of the street lamps.
Eventually I walk him over to my bed and tuck him in, sitting up next to him on propped up pillows and watching him for some time. My genius, complex, intense, emotional, damaged, beautiful baby brother. The last time he lived with me, I put him through rehab twice, and he had to spend some time inpatient at a mental health facility. And he needs help again, now, clearly — although he’s sober today. I’ve raised him since we were kids, and he’s my responsibility. He’s 17 now — the age I was when he was born — and he’s just finished his GED. In two months, he’ll be 18. If he’s really sober now, this could be a great thing, his coming back now. He could get a job, get on his feet, maybe even go to college…
I wonder what our piece of shit father did to him…
I pick up my cellphone to call him, my anger so strong I can taste it in my throat. Then I put the phone back down. Better to wait until I hear Jake’s side of the story first — and better still to wait until I’m not ***ously angry. If I’m angry, I won’t be able to be rational. And that won’t do Jake any service.
I get up and walk to the fire escape window, grab my smokes, and crawl out to sit outside. My stomach is burning with anger and shame over my fucked up family. I want to fix things for us. Want to make things right. So many things have happened that it’s impossible to pin down what Event is to blame…or even whom. And so, of course, I blame myself.
But there’s no changing what is. I want to take whatever is inside Jake that makes him use and tear it out of him, but there’s no such tool in existence. If he has to go back to rehab, then I’ll take him. End of.
I have the sudden urge to creep upstairs and tap on Nick’s window, have him take his whip and beat my worries out of my flesh. Then my thoughts turn to JC, and what he said about fucking me until I begged him to stop. I just want someone to make my body feel something so intense that I don’t have to feel this *** inside of me — so I’m unable to think. So that I can think clearly again.
Only lose myself in the sensations of the flesh. Just for a little while.
I stand up and peer up at Nick’s window to see if there’s a light. I creep back inside my flat and quickly scrawl a note to Jake and leave it on the pillow next to him, kissing his forehead and smoothing his hair – “Just popped upstairs to Nick’s – 4C. Knock if you need me!”
I climb back out the window, then up the fire escape, and crawl through Nick’s open window — tiptoe across the room, and climb into bed with him.
“Bunny? What is it, love?” He asks, reaching for me, his hands already sliding my jeans down, his face in my hair.
“I need you, Nick…please…”
He’s deep inside me before I can finish my sentence, fucking all my wild, spinning thoughts from me…
“Hurt me, Nick…fuck me…” I bite his shoulder as he thrusts harder into me.
“What is it, Bunny, what do you need?” He asks, grabbing my hair with both hands and pulling my head back, looking me in the eyes, still thrusting deeply into me.
“My brother…”
“Oh, fuck,” he breathes, burying his face in my neck. He slides his hands down my body, then quickly flips me on my belly. He kisses my neck and back gently, then reaches under the bed, and I feel the thin leather straps of the flogger trail across my back and buttocks teasingly.
“I know what you need, baby…”
“Yes, please…do it…”
The sting of the whip on my back, my ass, my thighs while Nick beats me and fucks me is like a sweet respite — making me gasp and cry and come — delivering me to someplace beyond all my *** for a few precious hours.
I sneak back downstairs just before dawn, and Jake is still snoring lightly. I lay down on the daybed, and fall immediately asleep. We don’t wake up until mid-afternoon.
LikeMickey10and 3 more… · 6 Replies
ReddRabbit ➦ReddRabbit quote Mickey10:❝Red I knew there was going to be a twist sure wasn't expecting this loving this❞
Mickey, thank you — I’m glad the twist was a good one for you 😘. ➦ReddRabbit quote Mickey10:❝Red I knew there was going to be a twist sure wasn't expecting this loving this❞
Mickey, thank you — I’m glad the twist was a good one for you 😘.
Likeitalianslavereall · 08.05.2020 15:44:08
ReddRabbit ➦ReddRabbit quote Deleted profile:❝Love this story, dont this iv ever been so hooked❞
Wow, I’m very flattered! Thank you, Rich. ➦ReddRabbit quote Deleted profile:❝Love this story, dont this iv ever been so hooked❞
Wow, I’m very flattered! Thank you, Rich.
Like · 08.05.2020 15:43:03
Mickey10 Red I knew there was going to be a twist sure wasn't expecting this loving this Red I knew there was going to be a twist sure wasn't expecting this loving this
Like · 08.05.2020 4:34:26
icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 06.05.2020 0:06:14
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Does being a 'sub' first make you a better 'Dom'

My own opinion from my personal experience is that yes, my time as a sub has made me a more EMPATHETIC Domme.
I may not be wired like this sub or that sub, but I’m certainly more attuned to certain subtleties, and I’m definitely less arrogant than I might be had I not gone through the Read more… psychological experience of subbing for the time that I did — an issue I run into when I speak with younger Doms who ask for my guidance, and occasionally, my training.
If I dare suggest they try the other side of the slash to gain that much needed empathy, the arrogant response is pretty much predictable. Which I find makes them lacking.
Now, I’m not saying this is the ONLY way, because I understand that the culture evolves and certainly we cannot *** anyone to do it this way if that’s not what they choose to do as a Dominant.
I do really believe it is a sad thing that it’s not really the way anymore. Having a full understanding of both sides of the slash can only make one a better and more understanding, more fully developed practitioner. Having the confidence and strong sense of self to undertake such a thing surely doesn’t diminish one as a Dominant.
In my understanding of the concept.

icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 05.05.2020 13:49:19
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Bunny, Part 13 — The Morning After, and an Unexpected Visitor

Thank you, Mickey! I’m glad it’s proving interesting 💜

icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 05.05.2020 1:48:37
  • Female (49)
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Bunny, Part 12 - JC’s Punishment

Thank you so much! 💜

icon-wio ReddRabbit created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Bunny, Part 13 — The Morning After, and an Unexpected Visitor
So, we are getting into the meat of the book now — which means there’s some new characters being introduced, and that means more dialogue, and not always leaping straight into the sex bit. We are also getting into some difficult family territory as well, which may or may not be interesting to Read more…people. That doesn’t mean the sex isn’t happening, it just means the scene and character building is a thing, and we may take a bit to lead up to it. I hope you all stay interested. This is based on my life, and the things that made me how I am, so of course it’s interesting to ME — and sometimes ***ful, even. As always, thank you for reading, and for your wonderful comments!
9 a.m.
JC: Are you up, M. Zoe?
Me: Hello, JC. I am, now.
JC: So. Should we talk about last night? Are we still on for next week’s session? I promise you, nothing like that has ever happened before…
Me: No, for me, either. And next week is still on – but we should definitely talk.
JC: Can I take you out for a late breakfast?
Me: Sure.
We agree on a place nearby, and I throw myself together: jeans tucked into motorcycle boots, and a Joy Division t-shirt. I leave my hair down; and for makeup, I just put on my ubiquitous liquid cat eyeliner with mascara, and some subtle lip balm. I’m not in Domme mode for this meeting; even though we’re discussing last night’s session, what occurred between us was on a personal level, so I’m leaving the costumery out of it.
The quirky little diner affords us some privacy – with its large, widely spaced tables and laid-back waitstaff. JC has arrived before me, and secured us a window-table near the back. I head over and sit down, smiling at him, and say hello in a friendly way – trying to put as much distance between my current self, and the one who was straddling him while his hands were bound behind his back, using every ounce of his restraint to not touch me while I ground myself into orgasm on his lap. I allow myself a moment to take him in as I settle myself into my seat. His massive presence. His clean, crisp, white t-shirt, and dark jeans, rolled at the cuffs. His muscled, tattooed arms resting casually on the table. His mildly scruffy chin, and slicked back, clipped hair. He smells of sandalwood soap.
“Good morning, JC.”
“Good morning, Mistress Zoe…”
“You can drop the ‘Mistress’ for this conversation” I say, thinking suddenly how much I sound like M from four years ago, speaking to me. I smile a little to myself.
He takes a deep breath, and looks directly at me. “Ok, then, Zoe. I just wanted to clear the air before we went any further with this…”
“Probably a good idea,” I say, as the waitress comes over to bring our menus. We both get coffees, and she saunters away.
“Look, I…what happened last night. I’ve never behaved in that way, I can assure you…I just got carried away in the moment. I find you incredibly attractive, and there seemed to be some chemistry…”
“We’re both responsible for how last night went,” I interrupt, setting down my coffee. “But mainly me. I’m the one who’s guiding the Session, and I took it where I wanted it to go, in the end. Where we both wanted it to go…and if you want the truth? I’ve never done that before, either.”
JC gazes steadily at me after I finish speaking — “Oh…I see…So, what should we do? I mean…going forward? Is this…I mean. Do we…?”
I take a deep breath, and look back at him just as directly. “I think…that we need to talk about whether we want to incorporate what is obviously a huge physical attraction into our play. Or…well, I suppose it’s already too late for that, so — the question is, how do we incorporate it?”
JC leans in closer, and says, “All I know is that I wanted you so bad last night, it took everything in me not to throw you onto the floor and fuck you til you begged me to stop.”
Of course, the waitress chooses that exact moment to come and take our orders – and I’m left fumbling with the menu, randomly picking something as I try to deal with the sudden rush of heat between my legs. God damn him.
“Yes, well…likewise,” I say, observing the dilation in his eyes, and widening smile. “And we can certainly keep playing with that tension. However,” I say, holding up my hand between us;
“I knew there would be a ‘however’,” he says, smirking wryly.
“However,” I grin, “This isn’t a line I’ve crossed before, and I’m not really sure how to navigate it yet. I’m not going to pretend that I do now. So, because there are things you’ve been clear about that you do want to do already, I don’t want this new development to get in the way of your exploration, or compromise I think we need to take things slowly. Does that make sense?”
JC sits back in his seat and regards me, eyebrows raised. “I hadn’t actually given that a thought. Chalk it up to thinking with my little head…so to speak. But, yes. That does make sense. And I appreciate that. So, I’ll leave it all up to your discretion. I can control myself, I promise. I’m not about to cross any lines or do anything without your full consent — I think you probably know that at this point.”
“Yes, I do. I did, already — or I would never had taken things as far as I did. Although, full disclosure, part of the turn on for me is knowing you could have.”
JC’s nostrils flare at this, and his skin flushes, his jaw clenching slightly. His muscles in his crossed arms flex, and after a moment, he slowly leans in to whisper, “I wanted to, more than you’ll ever know. Seeing you there, so small, ***, and…turned on. It did something to me. But I’m supposed to be your submissive. Things seem to be getting pretty tangled up here, and we’ve only just started…this usually isn’t even my Kink…”
“Yeah, well…that’s how it is, sometimes,” I say, watching our waitress approach with our food.
We eat in silence for a bit – or rather, he eats, and I pick at whatever it is I seem to have ordered, thinking about our strange situation. JC eats like a horse. After he polishes off his plate, he sits back and looks at me.
“Another thing I didn’t even think about, but — I’m really not comfortable with the idea of paying you for sex — and it occurs to me you probably aren’t either. So there’s that, as well. I’m sorry if I insulted you with that implication.”
“Right…that’s another aspect of this whole mess. I mean…I shouldn’t say it’s a mess, it’s simply…an unforeseen complication? So, I say we still stick with the no actual fucking during our sessions for the moment, and…just figure the rest out as we go along…”
JC leans in a bit closer, the scent of sandalwood washing over me. “And…outside our sessions…?”
“Let me think about that one,” I say, biting my lip and feeling my face flush.
“Fair enough”, he says softly.
We call for the check, and JC pays. We walk out together, and he kisses me lingeringly on the cheek before we part ways, his hand resting on my waist – with a promise to touch base before next Saturday.
And that’s when my phone rings.
Hello? Sis? It’s me, Jake!
Jake? Oh my fucking God! Where are you? Are you OK?
I’m here! I’m in Chicago! I’m right in front of your fucking apartment, haha! Where are you?
What? Are you serious? You’re here? Oh my God, don’t move! I’m like ten minutes away!
Ok, I’m not going anywhere — do you have anything to eat? I’m starving!
Yeah, yeah, of course! And…Jake, are you…are you OK? I mean…
Yeah, yeah, Sis…I’m totally good. Don’t worry. I’m just really hungry. You’ll be here soon?
Five minutes, tops, Kiddo. Love you. Don’t go anywhere. OK?
Staying right here! Love you, Sis.
Love you, Kiddo.
Jake. My heart aches with the need to see my baby brother — along with an almost unbearable mixture of trepidation and love. I stop to take out my emergency pack of smokes, light one, close my eyes, and exhale slowly.
Oh, shit.
LikeMickey10, Betty007and 2 more… · 2 Replies
ReddRabbit ➦ReddRabbit quote Mickey10:❝Red talk chat discuss I love it really looking forward to where we are going and what's happening next the intrigue once again builds loving it❞
Thank you, Mickey! I’m glad it’s proving interesting 💜 ➦ReddRabbit quote Mickey10:❝Red talk chat discuss I love it really looking forward to where we are going and what's happening next the intrigue once again builds loving it❞
Thank you, Mickey! I’m glad it’s proving interesting 💜
LikeMickey10 · 05.05.2020 13:49:19
Mickey10 Red talk chat discuss I love it really looking forward to where we are going and what's happening next the intrigue once again builds loving it Red talk chat discuss I love it really looking forward to where we are going and what's happening next the intrigue once again builds loving it
LikeBetty007, ReddRabbit · 05.05.2020 4:20:38
icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 04.05.2020 20:33:01
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Bunny, Part 12 - JC’s Punishment

It’s still being written, but you can read it from the beginning (which isn’t posted here) up to where I’ve written thus far here: “Bunny”

icon-wio ReddRabbit wrote something in the forum
  • 02.05.2020 13:28:14
  • Female (49)
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Bunny, Part 12 - JC’s Punishment

Thank you so much! Sorry for the delay — I thought I replied to this! 😘😘😘

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