
Personal details

Gender Man Woman
Age 53 56
Height 173cm 163cm
Weight 86kg 65kg
Body shape Not specified Curvy
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Middle
Orientation Straight Bi-curious
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin UK
Body hair None
Breast size C
Zodiac sign Taurus Gemini

About us

We are looking for

We’re looking for


Hi! Thanks for reading our profile.

We're just another boring, run of the mill, kinky couple! Male Dom, Female Sub, we live very busy lives but love a bit of outlet from the daily grind.

We've never really been scene people but it would be nice to chat/meet some other good and decent kinky folk.

Sub is bi-curious and Dom thinks two asses to spank would probably be hard work but fun ;-)

Have fun and stay safe!

M & lizzie

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icon-wio zentus wrote something in the forum
  • 01.01.2023 23:28:14
  • Male/Female (53/56)
  • Alnwick
After orgasm

Yes, probably just exertion - your diagram contracts when exercising causing you to gasp. Like running for a bus.
There's other less likely reasons too, e.g. asthma, drugs, allergies and so on.
Be safe, shit like this always happens to other people until it happens to you - if you're responsible Read more… and have a sub tied always make sure your ties are quick release, you have safety scissors in your bag and you've rehearsed in your mind what to do if anything goes wrong.

icon-wio zentus has uploaded a new photo
  • 01.01.2023 19:23:20
  • Male/Female (53/56)
  • Alnwick
  • zentus
icon-wio zentus wrote something about themself
  • 01.01.2023 19:00:57
  • Male/Female (53/56)
  • Alnwick
Hi! Thanks for reading our profile.

We're just another boring, run of the mill, kinky couple! Male Dom, Female Sub, we live very busy lives but love a bit of outlet from the daily grind.

We've never really been scene people but it would be nice to chat/meet some other good and decent kinky Read more… folk.

Sub is bi-curious and Dom thinks two asses to spank would probably be hard work but fun ;-)

Have fun and stay safe!

M & lizzie
icon-wio zentus signed up on
  • 01.01.2023 14:24:58
  • Male/Female (53/56)
  • Alnwick