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ONLINE MUNCH: Let's keep kinky connection alive!


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How long's the munch going on for? I'm busy, but might be about in a bit!

3 minutes ago, garlicbulb said:

How long's the munch going on for? I'm busy, but might be about in a bit!

Sorry to say but you just missed out on the munch as it finished about 20mins ago but dont worry we have them every Thursday so hopefully you can join us at the next one. 


Next week then! :) 

What's the format, out of interest? Is it text based, voice, video? 

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, garlicbulb said:

Next week then! :)

What's the format, out of interest? Is it text based, voice, video? 

It's in a separate chat room on here usually titled quarantine munch!! Every Thursday night at 8pm and it lasts an hour we have certain topics every week and then a film discussion thrown in every now and again to break it up. We'd love for you to join us next week for the film munch if you want details for the link for the film we'll be watching please message @PixieDust she will gladly pass on the link to you and or if you have any suggestions for topics please message me or @PixieDust

Edited by lil-monster
42 minutes ago, lil-monster said:

It's in a separate chat room on here usually titled quarantine munch!! Every Thursday night at 8pm and it lasts an hour we have certain topics every week and then a film discussion thrown in every now and again to break it up. We'd love for you to join us next week for the film munch if you want details for the link for the film we'll be watching please message @PixieDust she will gladly pass on the link to you and or if you have any suggestions for topics please message me or @PixieDust

Fantastic, will do! Hope to see you there next week :)

30 minutes ago, garlicbulb said:

Fantastic, will do! Hope to see you there next week :)

I'm there every week 🤓😉

  • 2 weeks later...

The Quarantine Munch this Thursday at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat will talk about the unexpected consequences of emotions in BDSM. What happens when strictly play isn't enough? When you fall, you fall hard! Come and join the discussion from hosts @Donnykinkster and @lil-monster . See you there! 


Exciting topic!!!!! Looking forward to it!!


A response to a thread written by the wonderful @Jinxy

This is the level of honesty I will be looking for and if it makes you uncomfortable reading then maybe especially the Male/Doms should make a point of joining us.

A wonderful post Jinxy and one you know I have an interest in. Before I give opinion on Kink and emotion I think we must take a step back and discuss vanilla society and emotion. Also I will say this ONLY from a male point of view as that's the perspective I see it from.

From a young age society tries to teach us there are certain ways we much behave, certain things that are acceptable and certain things that are not. An example would be society tells me I must pay when I go shopping, not steal, a rule society sets that I agree with. However society also tries to teach me from that young age that as a man not only must I observe certain rules I must behave a certain way. One of those being I must NOT show emotion, I must NOT feel sad, I must "man up" when feeling blue, I must NOT mention it or talk about it. Sadly these rules often lead us as men down a dark path, a lonely path where isolation becomes our way, alone, carrying poison that over time infects all we are. As society conditions us to be this way the consequences of this conditioning can be devastating and to prove that point I feel all I have to do is say two names, Chester Bennington and Robin Williams. Two men who had the world at their feet or so it seemed, two men who brought countless joy to others yet two men who felt nothing but a deep sense of sadness. It was no ones fault these guys felt they had no recourse but to do what they did, there is no one to blame, apart from society that is. Society in general along with parents and friends shape the people we are and the people we are to become, some rules make perfect sense, some do not. Society is whom I blame when I was fretting a little a couple of days ago about whether I could reveal I was having a rough day, yet upon revelation of that sadness yet again I saw society is wrong from the kind words i received.The problem is as society told Chester and Robin they MUST behave a certain way, that sadness they both felt, that poison over time infects everything until these poor souls only saw eternal darkness as a release, yes society has much to answer for and I have zero doubt it was society that caused them both to kill themselves not the actual depression itself. So what we are in vanilla shapes what we are in kink.

The first step to avoid this is an acceptance of self and with that self an acceptance of emotion. Something that is easy to say but for some a difficult bridge to cross especially when young as for me age and maturity play a huge part in acceptance of self. I find it much much easier to discuss these issues as a 51 year old man than I did when I was 25. As we age we do find it easier to accept the truth of self no matter how uncomfortable that truth makes us. I can talk openly with you my peers and with my friends in vanilla with less *** of judgment now that I could 25 years ago, basically once you accept the truth of self then that truth become easier to process but it can and does for many take some time to accept. Once that hurdle is crossed, once we accept we are what we are the next step is to decide whether we continue hiding the truth or open up and show the world. For me I choose to show myself warts and all be that on here or in my local club having a pint with my pals, I choose to be honest about how I feel and for one reason only. To release the poison, to avoid walking the same path as Chester and Robin, to seek from those whose opinions matter acceptance that it's ok to be sad, it's ok to talk about it. It's ok to say to society "fuck you" this is my life and I will live it my way.

For me the way I live my life and the way I express myself and emotion should not change in kink but as others have already said kink DOES sadly for some cause this to happen. To hide the truth of self, to be something other than what we really are and for me that is nothing more than a lie and in kink a potentially dangerous one. How are we to understand others and what they are unless we first have a true understanding of self? Yet as important as that understanding is are we willing to show that self to others and here is the problem. Many are not and it's pretty much for exactly the same reasons as in vanilla, there is no difference, it's the same. A *** of rejection from our peers, judgment as we are as Doms supposed to fit within a framework set not by our peers but by society. We must be manly, we must not show emotion, a Dom with emotion surely is weak yet I reject that completely. A dom with emotion has reached a place where he accepts self and what he is, a Dom who is willing to show the truth of the man he is is honest, open and in the grand scheme of things an honest player and for me that honesty makes for a safer player. Honesty and openness, the truth of what we ate we must first accept ourselves and if in time others reject us because of that honesty then for me you have dodged a bullet, would you want someone in your life who seeks a preconceived model of what they think they want or would you want a human being who is honest and open about the person they are? For me it's a no brainer.


Hi, interested in this topic, does anyone know what time that would be here in the NY/NJ area? I suck at time zone stuff... 🤦🏻‍♀️

1 hour ago, Playfully_Curious said:

Hi, interested in this topic, does anyone know what time that would be here in the NY/NJ area? I suck at time zone stuff... 🤦🏻‍♀️

I checked out where you live and did a time conversion using "Timebuddy" and it will be 3pm Hackensack time New Jersey on the 16th July which is 8pm UK time. 


So splendid topics looking forwards to that.


Wish this was up as I am so wanting to attend one and check out a dungeon


Please join us this Thursday 23rd for our weekly munch! The topic this week is swinging and open relationships, please come along and join our wonderful host @PixieDust who will be giving an in-depth question/discussion led munch!!! 


I look forward to the discussion it should be extremely interesting

40 minutes ago, Gfreed said:

What time is 8pm UK in NYC?

When its 8pm in the UK, it will be 3pm in NYC,  the munch will run for an hour.  Hope to see you and anyone else who wants to join the discussion join us. 

1 hour ago, mumbai482 said:

How does one join this?


58 minutes ago, topspur30 said:

Was no munch chat option in the rooms?

Apologies to you both, the munch has actually finished for the evening, but there will be another one next Thursday, so we hope you come back and join us.  On the night of the munch a dedicated  room is opened in the chatrooms at 8pm Uk time and you can access the room by using the join option.  Hope to see you then. 

On 7/22/2020 at 8:32 PM, lil-monster said:

Please join us this Thursday 23rd for our weekly munch! The topic this week is swinging and open relationships, please come along and join our wonderful host @PixieDust who will be giving an in-depth question/discussion led munch!!! 

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who attended last nights munch and for joining in the discussion on Swinging and Open relationships.  I also want to give a big shout out again to @Donnykinkster @sweet***sub @MossyBoy  thank you for all of your valuable insights and input leading up to the munch.  💗🧚‍♀️


A birdie tells me that the Quarantine Munches are getting bigger and better every week... I love seeing how the community has banded together in such trying and difficult times. You guys ***y rock! :urock: The next Quarantine Munch held on Thursday next week at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat will delve into a difficult but important subject: BDSM, bullying, & bad manners. Respect and tolerance are the pillars of our kinky community, so come along and tells us your thoughts on the best BDSM conduct – and the behaviours to avoid. Hosted by @lil-monster this is one not to be missed. See you there :purple_heart:

19 hours ago, mumbai482 said:

How does one join this?

Go to the chat section on the web page, you will be directed to the chat room page with a list of room names, Primary room is The Lobby but the Munch room will be displayed once it is open near the time in that list.  Hope this helps.

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