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ONLINE MUNCH: Let's keep kinky connection alive!


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14 minutes ago, Beau said:

You will do great @lil-monster if I’m around I’ll pop in and say hi for support xx❤️

Thank you 💜💜


I think a good topic would be consent do newbies know SSC and RACK ect rolling on from last week's mental health topic, I think it would be a great topic 😀


Hello kinky people! This Thursday at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat will mark our last official FET-run Quarantine Munch :cry: I have loved getting to know you guys more and we've had some incredibly insightful conversations along the way. It has certainly helped me get through lockdown life :heart: Although I will be stepping back from hosting and co-hosting the munches as some lockdown measures gradually ease across Europe and the world, I encourage you to continue with online munches and meet-ups as much as you want! This is a community event, and I hope it will live on. I hope to see you all on Thursday to talk about SSC, RACK and consent in BDSM play... until then, stay kinky ;)


Final? Many of us will be in lock-down for many weeks to come! (And many lock downs are not going to last, as there are significant rebounds. We can't all be Czech or NZ)

On 5/11/2020 at 8:24 PM, nerdfriend said:

Final? Many of us will be in lock-down for many weeks to come! (And many lock downs are not going to last, as there are significant rebounds. We can't all be Czech or NZ)

They will continue on! The idea is that it becomes community-led - if people would like to host a munch, they suggest it, and we arrange it as normal. I am just saying that this is my final munch being the overall organiser, because I can't promise to be able to do it every Thursday evening. But I will be there as much as possible! 


Hope to see lots of you there this evening! @lil-monster and @PixieDust will be co-hosting a very important conversation all about SSC, RACK and PRICK. Very important things to be discussed. 8pm UK time in the Live Chat . Be there... that's an order :whipping::collar:


As we've all seen recently these munches have all done us some good during the lockdown, I think they should carry on. So I know it's a bit short notice but if any one has a topic they want to put forward and host for tomorrow night's then drop it in here 💜💜 thank you and I hope to see you there tomorrow at 8pm 💜💜


Hello all! Don't forget – we want to still keep the connection alive in our Quarantine Munches. Tonight at 8pm UK time in the live chat kinksters will be chatting and catching up, so be there! And next week, we will be doing another FET Film Club... so watch this space. Tonight, @lil-monster and @PixieDust have the floor to see how you're all doing. Bring your kinks and confessions, and let's cheer ourselves up :heart:


Hey beautiful people! WE. ARE. BACK. The Online Munches were a great success and we all got to know each other well. So, we will be continuing with them! Every week someone different will host a munch on Thursdays 8pm (UK time) in the Live Chat. If you would like to host one, just hit me, @PixieDustor @lil-monster up in private messages and tell us your idea. All suggestions welcome, be it niche or the broadest of broad topics :purple_heart:

This week, I will be hosting our second FET Film Club and the film of choice is 'The Duke of Burgundy'. If you need a link to watch it online, @PixieDust has got you covered. Hope to see lots of you there :raised_hands:

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all! Just a quick message to say there won't be a Quarantine Munch this evening. However, we will be back next week with lots to talk about. See you then, and stay kinky! :purple_heart:


WE. ARE. BACK. Quarantine Munchers, where you at!? This week's munch will be all about BDSM contracts and how to navigate that pesky small print. Be there on Thursday 11th June at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat. Co-host extraordinaires @little_dark_princess and @lil-monster will lead the discussions, so be there or be square. That's an order :whipping:


I am new to bdsm but want to learn?


Silly question where is it that we go to join in?

13 minutes ago, Ezio61 said:

Silly question where is it that we go to join in?

The munch will be held in the chatroom and a dedicated room called Munch will be available to join at 8pm UK time today Thursday 11th of June 2020


The Quarantine Munch this Thursday at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat will be all about BDSM frenzy. Are you in a frenzy during lockdown not satisfying your kinks? What even is Sub/Dom frenzy? Come along to find out... The munch will be hosted by @Leisa and @Thebian, so don't miss it! :heart_eyes:


@Annalou Cannot wait, looking forward to hearing from everyone on the subject of Frenzy.

I will bring cookies. ;)

3 hours ago, Thebian said:

@Annalou Cannot wait, looking forward to hearing from everyone on the subject of Frenzy.

I will bring cookies. ;)

Yay cookies!!!!! 😬


I'm in a "frenzy" for this munch! Thursday can't get here soon enough, hooray Thebian and Leisa!

35 minutes ago, denver423 said:

I missed it

Don't stress you haven't missed it at all, its on today at 8pm UK time,  so please come along and join in, we would love to see you and anyone else who wants to join in, listen and discuss  "The Frenzy Zone" with our fabulous co-hosts @Leisaand @Thebian  

Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Sad-1517 said:

Can anyone join in?

Everyone is welcome and can join in at the munch, its for the community run by the community, so please join us, you might make some great friends along the way. 

Edited by PixieDust
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