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Message added by Annalou

Zombie Clues:

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:   :one::zero:   :one::one:   :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:   :one::five:  :one::six:  :one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine: 

 :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:  :two::three:  :two::four:



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7 hours ago, phoenyx said:

Go to your profile page.  You will see a panel for the zombie hunt.  Click on the number that you have collected.  This will take you to another page.  On that new page, scroll down to the picture that shows you which ones you have, and which you don't.  Hope this helps.


7 hours ago, PixieDust said:

I have sent you a message with how the number count appears on the page and copy of a comparison grid map. 

Thanks 🖤 


Is there a way of finding out which zombies we still need to collect? I'm missing 3, and I've tried looking at the little picture (below on the main zombie hunt page) but they don't seem to correlate?

6 minutes ago, SuperMimi said:

Is there a way of finding out which zombies we still need to collect? I'm missing 3, and I've tried looking at the little picture (below on the main zombie hunt page) but they don't seem to correlate?

I have sent you a message


Here's the last one Clue # 24 how many friends do you have??


Clue#24 we all need these, also a very popular US sitcom


#24 that's what friends are for


I would gift zombies if I knew how?


Yeah, last one, thanks to friends,


Another one over.    😢

The clues started with friends and quite fitting that they ended with friends too. 

To all of you involved with making this hunt what it is.   From creating it to being here every day to provide clues and help.  I won't name you all in case I forget someone 😬 but a huge thank you!  

11 minutes ago, Curvykate said:

I would gift zombies if I knew how?

To give away a Zombie you need to find a member who does not have one.  Go to their profile and it will say whether they have one or not and if they don't,  you can click the link and the site will randomly give one of yours away.  You will then need to go back and recollect the Zombie, so its best to keep a list of where you found them all, so you know which one to recollect. 


Thank you for adding a bit of extra to site. I liked this zombie hunt. Another thing to think off other than the global news. Thanks

Posted (edited)

Yes, thanks to those who helped organise the Zombie hunt, and to those who added clues, come on you know who you are.💋💋💋

Edited by wilkie

Clue#24 some have few, some alot, to have any is a blessing it's always good to have someone be by your side


This hunt was so much fun! Thanks!


I also thank you all for your very nice hint's and it was again a pleasure to play the hunt :P 

I found also another "bug". All zombies that we reach over another link on a specific setting for a page are buggy. (Yes all of them!) If you catch them, use the return function and do it after sending a gift again, they will not be collected. You have to update the page and then you can again open the link where the zombie is to collect it. 

If you do not update, the treasure hunt overview tells you you have already collected this one. 


Thank you to all that helped with the hints and a big thanks to Fetish for setting up the hunt 


Just like the old NBC TV series


Woohoo!!! Another Treasure Hunt done and dusted😁 …….Thank you as always to Fetish for running the hunt, always lots of fun.

To my beautiful treasure hunt partner in crime aka the one and only divine @lil-monster  I have four words......... “see you in settings” 🙈😁 love ya gorgeous girl 💔💔 thank you for the giggles and the belly laughs. Thank you to all the other clue givers and everyone else who joined in to make it a great hunt. 

If you still would like to catch up there is still time to collect them all and as such here is a complete list of my clues but as always there are brilliant clues from other members throughout this forum thread, so please check them out too.

Until the next one, that’s all folks.  Cheers Pixie 🧚‍♀️


Clue # 1 You can never have too many friends, only one way to add to your list 

Clue # 2 You need to conduct yourself accordingly if you wanna stick around

Clue # 3 How General are you, to get back in the door, sometimes you need to change the key

Clue # 4 Like a good chat learn whats appropriate and whats not

Clue # 5 What do you seek, you need to create 

Clue # 6 With this type of thread you don't need a needle

Clue # 7 Do you have a favourite, check if you have one on your list

Clue # 8 Now I love a good one of these, who gave you yours last

Clue # 9 You will notice some legality

Clue # 10 I confess to my sins

Clue # 11 Got some unwanted attention this will help you out 

Clue # 12 Check out who's been over

Clue # 13 You need to search within to find the people you are looking for

Clue # 14 What type do you have on this site......there are three to choose from

Clue # 15 Who has been visiting you lately

Clue # 16 Say Cheese 

Clue # 17 Check out the local goss in your neck of the woods

Clue # 18 Like to get the latest updates, set this up and you will be right

Clue # 19 To tell the world about you, you need to do this

Clue # 20 Collect Zombies and earn these

Clue # 21 Your privacy is everything

Clue # 22 Look at your reflection

Clue # 23 How many have given you 1 or more stars

Clue # 24 How many buddies do you have

17 minutes ago, PixieDust said:

Woohoo!!! Another Treasure Hunt done and dusted😁 …….Thank you as always to Fetish for running the hunt, always lots of fun.

To my beautiful treasure hunt partner in crime aka the one and only divine @lil-monster  I have four words......... “see you in settings” 🙈😁 love ya gorgeous girl 💔💔 thank you for the giggles and the belly laughs. Thank you to all the other clue givers and everyone else who joined in to make it a great hunt. 


Aw thank you my beautiful, georgous partner in crime @PixieDust I thank these treasure hunts cause without them I wouldn't have met you!!! We have had a right ol' giggle and belly laughs a plenty. Love ya my beautiful friend 💜 


Thank you to My Sir also @Liam52 our race of who can find it first 🧟‍♀️😂 thank you for the laughs also Sir love you 💜💜


Thank you to every one else who has left clues and helped out also thank you to fetish again for putting on another cracking treasure hunt!!! 


Does anyone know where no.17 is? I cant find it any where x

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