I am a (mostly) retired software engineer and semiprofessional cellist living in the Washington DC area, even if the site insists on showing the location I'm in when traveling. I'm a polyamorous switch leaning submissive. I'm also a science fiction fan and lover of good food and wine.
I have long-distance partners in Pittsburgh and Atlanta, though of course the distance limits the time we can spend together. I am thrilled to be able to update this profile to say that through this site I have now found an amazing woman in the local area who matches up with not just my sexual interests, but vanilla interests as well - and is happily talking to my long-distance partners.
Finding the icon from the third clue depends on at least one other user interacting with you in a particular way, but there are other conditions that need to be met in addition. First, your filters need to be set correctly. Even after that, you may need to use the app to find this one, because the Read more… app and the browser versions have different behaviors. I have just interacted with your profile in the way that is needed, but you might not find the icon if your filters are set in a way that keeps what I did from coming to your attention.
I have always been attracted to taller women, not that I haven't had relationships with shorter ones. I'm a switch leaning to the submissive side, so the height differential adds to the psychological power dynamic. I have a long-distance relationship with a woman who is 6'3" and a top.
I also like Read more… plus-sized women. Again, it's not a fetish such that I am attracted to them exclusively. But I like feeling the weight of a large partner lying on top of me, and the feel of a soft plump body pressed against mine. Sex is, after all, a tactile pleasure.
Just to be clear: this still won't guarantee success. But what I can absolutely guarantee is this: if you show yourself as a three-dimensional person, and treat potential partners as three-dimensional people with their own desires, then whatever your kinks, natural gifts, interests, and skills are, Read more… you will have a much better chance of success than anyone with the same attributes who does not behave that way.
Good luck!
Absolutely! I've added and changed things in my own profile as things have changed in my life.
True, someone who already looked at your profile and passed on it probably won't come back to see the new info that might change their mind. But there are always new people joining the site. One of them Read more… might just have a vanilla interest in common with you in addition to kinky interests, and decide because of that shared interest to respond to you over all the other people who (going by their profile) have no personality other than a list of kinks.
Always remember - anyone who sees you here must be kinky themselves, or else they wouldn't have joined the site in the first place!
Gays fought for acceptance, and (aside from the religious fundamentalists who will never accept any view but their own) society is becoming more accepting of unusual Read more… lifestyles in general. There's less need to hide than there was even 20 years ago.
Last month I reached out to a 43-year-old switch in my local area (I'm 68). She had a very genuine profile (and it had been up for some weeks) that spoke to me. I am very selective in my messaging. I sent her a message responsive to her profile*, telling her up front that I had two long-distance Read more… relationships. She responded very strongly to my profile and my candor. What really grabbed her attention was not anything kinky. It was the fact that I'm a semiprofessional cellist, and she loves classical music! We had a vanilla first date, and hit it off very well. We share a love of good food and wine, and new experiences in general. She's come to a couple of my string quartet rehearsals, stayed over with me the past three weekends with some very hot play, is in communication with both my long-distance partners, and last night with me she saw stars - literally. After dinner, we drove out into the country an hour west of Washington, DC to watch the Perseid meteor shower in a cloudless sky. Later this month, we're going to a vacation rental for a long weekend - but driving two hours back to DC to catch a recorded presentation of Washington National Opera's Turandot at a free annual event called "Opera in the Outfield" at the ballpark. I really feel like I've won the lottery in finding her here.
*Pro tip to all the guys out there still looking for a relationship: the profile is VITAL, both yours and hers. Make sure yours is well filled out, with a first picture that isn't a d**k pic, and text about not just your kinks but also anything in your vanilla life that might connect with someone - that was certainly the key in my story! And before reaching out, read her profile carefully, making sure you fit her criteria, and write a message that shows you have read it. Believe me, doing just those simple things will put you well ahead of the majority of guys messaging her. I know this both from multiple women saying so, and my own experience in getting positive initial responses from women I reached out to (even if we came to decide after chatting that we were not the best fit for each other).