Personal details

Gender Male
Age 53
Position Bottom
Status Single
Height 180cm
Orientation Other
Safer Sex Always
Personality Bitchy
Identity Just me
How out Not out yet
Zodiac sign Virgo
Smoker No
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Disability No
Fetish.com sissyshryn

About me


Love watching hypno sissy videos and their delicious cocks.


To have the last desires for pussy fucked out of me and be transformed into a dirty little cock slut.

Love the idea of being dressed as a serious sissy boss or teacher and taking a bunch of gay perverts into a small room for a lecture or briefing, very quickly I begin to loose control and before I can leave the room, my way is blocked and I become a play thing for the horny cocks in the room, who take multiple turns to use me and abuse me as they see fit.


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icon-wio Sissysharyn has logged in to Gays.com after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio Sissysharyn has updated their profile description
Love watching hypno sissy videos and their delicious cocks.
icon-wio Sissysharyn has updated their desires and fantasies info
To have the last desires for pussy fucked out of me and be transformed into a dirty little cock slut.

Love the idea of being dressed as a serious sissy boss or teacher and taking a bunch of gay perverts into a small room for a lecture or briefing, very quickly I begin to loose control and before I More… can leave the room, my way is blocked and I become a play thing for the horny cocks in the room, who take multiple turns to use me and abuse me as they see fit.
icon-wio Sissysharyn signed up on Gays.com