


undefinable Ask me

undefinable Ask me

Personal details

Gender Man
Age 59
Status Single
Height 173cm
Weight 94kg
Body shape Athletic
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Hair length
Beard Full beard
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin UK
Body hair Some hair
Dick length 18cm
Dick width 7cm
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Languages German

About me

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March 27th, 2024.

After a few Years on this site, and many years on others and in the Community, I have decided to slim down my profile, and refocus on my primary fetishes and interests.

Please - take the time to read my whole profile. it is to your advantage.

First and foremost, I am a big breast fetishist, and have been since I was around 16 - a total of 43 years to date.
“Big” for those of you in doubt, is largely dependent on your frame size, as much as it is your back and cup size - so a woman who is a dress size 10 - for example, with 34C breasts has ‘big’ breasts.
(I hear often from women who say “my breasts aren’t very big, but….” and quite often they ARE - hence the statement above !)

I love big breasts on a woman. Heavy, full, round, soft, firm, hanging, saggy, stretched - it really doen’t matter, as long as they are large.
There is no such thing as “too large” for me. I once met a woman with 40M breasts (UK size) and spent an amazing couple of hours in her company, worshipping her assets. Big areolae and long thick nipples that I can suckle, pull and stretch are very welcome.

I love to see a big pair of breasts, through clothing, to tease and flirt, stroke, touch, grope, squeeze, pull, expose…. and play.
That is my Utopia.

if you have an interest in breast and nipple play, breast sex and nipple orgasms, then look no further. Everyone can have a nipple orgasm… the biggest block to this is the human mind. it IS possible, I can tell you that from my experience of helping others to explore and enjoy them.

I love women dressed in Fetishwear.
Silk and Satin tops, Leather, Latex and See through materials, as well as stretch fabrics all get me hot under the collar.

I once had breast sex with my busty ex wife, while she was wearing a black Lycra swimsuit, and I was sat on the side of a swimming pool in Cyprus, with her in the pool. it was a heavenly experience, both physically and visually.

By nature, I am a Dominant, Disciplinarian Facilitator.
That sounds like a bit of a mouthful, but it is quite simple really.
I enjoy creating scenarios which give pleasure to others… feeding their specific fantasies - if you will. I can be your guide, teacher, instructor, smoking cessation clinician, and more for Ladies, and Couples.
I enjoy showing Couples how to make the best of their adventures in kink, and have done this many times over the years. my scenarios are original and creative. I have a good knowledge of venues - and other people who would be interested in joining you on your journey.

I am the Bull on your cuckold journey. Thoughtful and caring, but wanton, and desiring of being serviced.

I spank, I paddle, I belt, I crop, I cane.
I can be your pleasure Dom, or your pain Dom - whichever suits your needs, as all aspects of Dominant/submissive play interest me. I enjoy instructing others in the “Dark Arts” of Domination and Discipline… single Ladies and Couples also.
Aftercare is ALWAYS given, and this is non-negotiable. It can take whichever form you require, and we will have many discussions about this - and your limits, before our journey begins.

I hate the term ‘Sapiosexual’ - however I would describe myself as one.
Intelligence, and the ability to articulate your thoughts and wishes is attractive to me.
I like a good cup of tea and a chat about kink and fetish matters, as much as I like to hold you over my knee for a well deserved spanking… so be prepared for both.

That will be all for now.
If you wish to know more -
to delve into the delicious, decadent, deviant mindset that I possess, you’ll need to message me.
If you choose to do so, please use the phrase “Delicious, Decadent, Deviant” in your headline - so that I know you have at least read my profile.

I look forward, very much, to hearing from you soon.


I like to push the limits of others - with their permission- obviously.
As to my own limits, I am still discovering those one day at a time.

I am happy to discuss the more intimate aspects of those with someone who actually plans on meeting with me in the flesh - otherwise, what’s the point in sharing that level of intimate detail with total strangers ?

I have a fetish for big breasts, breast sex, binding, tying, nipple play, breast slapping and caning - and breast torture, so anyone who messages me regarding that topic will have my undivided attention.

I am a Disciplinarian - with considerable experience, and am alway on the lookout for a wayward bottom to spank, paddle, crop or cane. All the better if it comes with a purpose - for example, a misbehaviour of some sort. I will abide by your limits always, but soft limits are open to being flexed -with your permission.

My places gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in London with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 25.07.2024 11:48:55
  • Male (59)
  • London
  • Single
Narratophilia " The Kink of Dirty words "

Whilst this isn’t an essential for me, I do enjoy using dirty talk with my submissives, and will usually ask if there are certain words or phrases that my submissive would like me to use during a session… for example “Good Girl” being one.
I have one sub who likes me to use the word “cunt”. This I Read more… have found to be quite unusual, as many Women I know abhorr the word.
A slight twist.
I do enjoy my sexual partners recanting stories of their sexual adventures during sex.
One lady on particular comes to mind. She would have sexual encounters under my direction, as a way of expanding her experience and self confidence, and then return to me afterwards and recant the experience - in minute detail, while we played.
That would always result in the biggest and best orgasms for both of us.

icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 24.07.2024 12:44:29
  • Male (59)
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Orgy rules

Remember that you are ALWAYS the one who sets your own limits… and that no one should exceed them.
Never feel pressured to interact with anyone. Orgies and parties are supposed to be fun for everyone.
You don’t say whether the orgy you want to attend is a private one -in a house or at a Club Read more… ?
Regardless though, consider speaking with the organisers, and explaining that it will be your first time at an event.
I can’t speak for where you are, but here in the UK, many Clubs will guide and even chaperone you - to a point, by introducing you to people who might be a good fit for you, or who just like to nurture and assist newbies.
Remember alsways that NO means exactly that. Never be afraid to report someone who oversteps your boundaries to the organisers.
Don’t be tempted to drink (too much?) before going.
Alcohol dulls the senses.
If it feels wrong, it is wrong - for you.
Consider going with someone you know.
That could simply be an open minded girlfriend.
You do NOT have to participate if the organisers are happy for first-timers to just watch and observe the goings on.
I once chaperoned a lovely young lady, so that she could go and watch.
As it happened, on the night she did decide to interact with one other guy briefly, and I was just there to see that she felt comfortable.
Other than that, enjoy !!!

LikeNani_bun, Hove-modo44, marysunshineand 10 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 has uploaded a new photo
  • 19.07.2024 18:46:07
  • Male (59)
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  • DarkArts1066
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 15.06.2024 9:25:44
  • Male (59)
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I would be asking myself “why does this person feel the need to use an AI generated image in the first place”.
I feel it is an extension of the ‘Snapchat’ style images with dog ears, cat noses and the word “cute” splashed all over them.
I want to see the real “you” - if you choose to add a picture Read more… to your profile. It’s as simple as that.
I am not interested in the guesswork involved in viewing adulterated photos.
If you have a need for anonymity… or have body image issues, then I would rather have a conversation with a picture less profile (and I DO have those conversations) and wait to see a picture until you feel comfortable in showing me the real you.
As a Male who has travelled several hundred miles before to meet someone - who turned out to be Male, rather than the Female I was expecting, I WILL want to see an image of you before we meet -or preferably a FaceTime or video call … but I accept -and understand that many people do have a valid reason for wanting anonymity initially.

Likearnhem961, DopeyDom · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 14.06.2024 10:48:38
  • Male (59)
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CNC vs Free Use

Agree with this - the only additional comment I would make is that free use can also apply to foreplay.
For example, I may decide that I want to pull my partners skirt up and masturbate her to orgasm - not just for her pleasure, but for my own satisfaction also. 👍🏻

LikeFreakyTransGurlRaw · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 12.06.2024 12:01:25
  • Male (59)
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You're All Fake!

I used to be real… but I’m not so sure these days…. Maybe I’m just a figment if my own imagination ?
I don’t send dick pics - but I do have one …
Does that make me real or fake ?
And I do like a good chat…..
A coffee face to face is nice, but almost as rare as Unicorns are… people don’t like to Read more… actually “meet” - do they ?….
Far too invasive of their personal space.

LikeKimber469ing, SassyPants10 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 likes The Paradise Spa
  • 10.06.2024 10:03:52
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icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 10.06.2024 9:14:08
  • Male (59)
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Did you know this about woman’s pleasure?

Th human body is a wonderful thing. We are all different, have different erogenous zones… and respond to stimuli in different ways.
I personally know one woman who can orgasm if she is undressed slowly, made to exhibit herself in front of others, and then instructed to stand facing them, while Read more… being spoken to, and having her shoulder blades caressed lightly with warm hands.
That’s it. No other stimulation required.
Equally I know one guy -who has a big breast fetish, like myself. He can orgasm just from having his outer thighs stroked, by a busty woman, who is kneeling between his legs, with her breasts brushing against his legs.
That is quite incredible to watch.
I totally agree that what works for one might not work for another. Sometimes having a starting point is useful…. A touch or a sexual act that you know has worked for others - but that is all it is - a starting point.
It is important to be able to read your partners body language, and communicate with them if something is -or isn’t hitting the spot.

LikeScottygirl4, DailyLicker, CosmicAngeland 4 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 09.06.2024 11:05:56
  • Male (59)
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Wanting to get experience but…

Absolutely agree with this..!

Likeintrovertedgirl99 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 09.06.2024 8:29:23
  • Male (59)
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Wanting to get experience but…

Good morning.
I’m going to take your second comment first, if I may.
You mention being from a small area … but you may well be surprised at how many people within it have kink interests. The next question you should ask yourself is “how close is actually too close ?.
When starting out on your Read more… journey, sometimes it is better to start looking at people who are a little further away (less chance of unintentionally bumping into someone in the Mall)
There are a lot of “Wilton’s” in the U.S, so I’m not sure which your nearest City - or large conurbation is, but you could consider making a journey to it… staying a couple of nights, and arranging to meet someone on day one for coffee, then if all goes well, day two for something more intimate ?
I have the luxury of being able to travel extensively these days, so I don’t find distance to be an issue, if I like what someone has to say, but that may not be so easy for you. Perhaps make short, weekend vacation plans, and try to incorporate a meeting into that ?
What is more important here perhaps though, is the fact that you have backed out when opportunities have presented themselves.
Perhaps start by asking yourself why that was ?
Not the right person ?
Not the right time ?
Too far away ? (Or too close, for that matter?)
Sometimes our ‘spider-senses’ send us too much, or just the wrong information - if we are naturally over cautious about certain things…and that is okay. Better to be too safe - than not safe !
If it’s a matter of personal security, then there are steps you can take to improve that, like having a ‘wingman’ track your movements - and check in with you for example… do you have a close friend who you could talk with about your desires … who might step up and be that wingman for you ?
I do have some other suggestions, which may help. I’m happy to chat through them on here if you wish. They are a bit more involved that the ones above.
Good luck with your search and your adventures in the future….

icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 04.06.2024 14:41:17
  • Male (59)
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Oral Deal Breaker?

In short - no. You use the word ‘relationship’, not ‘sexual relationship’.
I was married over a twenty year period to two separate women, both of whom I discovered detested giving oral sex. Of course this only became apparent AFTER we were married.
(Yes - this actually happened to me twice.)
To Read more… be fair, oral sex has never been a focus for me. As a big breast fetishist, my attentions and interests were elsewhere. But I was, for a time, I’m happy relationships with both women - despite their loathing of oral.
(Funny - they were both quite happy to receive!…… strange that.)

LikeSensual_Dom, PervyPenelope, Wolfmandave83 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 03.06.2024 8:50:04
  • Male (59)
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Restraining without Wrists

Again, I would agree with Tiger Shark here.
Also, if your subs’ only issue with being restrained is based around her wrists, you could try using body weight techniques to restrain her.
In the uk some of these techniques are taught to workers in the psychiatric care industry as safe methods of Read more… physical restraint.
I had a sub about seven years ago, who could not be tied or mechanically restrained in any way due to past trauma… but she wanted to work through that, and experience the denial of movement - and escape.
So we came up with the idea of her being pinned - initially while she was standing, against objects.
We started with simple soft furniture, like sofas, then on to tables, walls… and then finally beds…. the floor, even ground outside in woods.
It would take a little research - and practice, but it definitely worked for her.
Good luck.

Likecreswell687493, blxe_bird03 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 30.05.2024 23:11:04
  • Male (59)
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Being used

This is it, in a nutshell. To take pleasure from someone, solely for one’s own gratification, which, interestingly, can be a fetish for both parties.

Likecorruptamelie · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DarkArts1066 wrote something in the forum
  • 29.05.2024 12:47:32
  • Male (59)
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I’ve always had an ability to dream and to ‘imagine’ in great clarity…. Since I was a very small child. colours, smells - you name it.
(Weird - I know.)
So when I hit puberty (early) my imagination went into overdrive.
Since then, I’ve been highly creative sexually, and able to develop scenarios Read more… far beyond one simple orgasm- for either myself, or my partner.
Quite often a day starts with me waking with an erection. (Like most men in the world)
Then it’s a case of what jumps into my head first. It might be a memory of an experience - or a simple BDSM or sexual practice that I enjoy. Spanking someone over my knee.. a roleplay scenario I like - or a sexual practice … titf**king a big pair of boobs is a favourite, as is forced oral… or an*l sex. I like clothing textures too, so throw in a latex catsuit… with zips in the right places, on a big breasted woman… with long hair in a ponytail, and boots….. in a crowded club, or a bar, or maybe she is a teacher at a college I am going to for further education - or the woman I met - very briefly in a crowded lift - pressed up against me, when I was sixteen, who had on a pencil skirt, satin blouse, and the biggest boobs I have ever seen.
And there you go ….. I’m off on my journey.
Sometimes my thoughts can be quite simple - depending on my level of arousal and urgency..
Other times… well, half a day could go by - if I can spare it. (Thankfully, I am ‘semi retired’ and tend to work from home when I do work !)
I learned to write down my fantasies. The things I imagined happening, and then later on make them a reality.
-And then to write about them again, only as a factual storytelling of a real event. I have been published in the past.
It is a curse, as well as a blessing though.
For example, if I wake feeling horny, with an idea in my head, the fantasy begins… and develops…. and develops….
It can go on, and on, and on. I can quite honestly waste half a day on a scenario, and will often ‘edge’ to it as I do so.
I am a ‘facilitator’. I enjoy giving pleasure to others…. So there are obvious advantages to my sexual partners with this ! (If they can handle the duration ans sometimes the complexity of my scenarios)
Does anyone else here do the same - or similar ?
I would love to discuss and compare processes with someone.

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