
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 38
Status Single
Body shape Plus-size
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Middle
Beard Full beard
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Pubic Hair Natural
Body hair Some hair
Circumcised Yes
Zodiac sign Capricorn
Languages German

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:

  • LTR (relationship)


Hey all! Looking for my Forever Love! Someone that is Kinky but Loves Love!

Quick Facts About Me:
38 | Male | Cleveland, Ohio | Hopeless Romantic
Love Languages are Touch, Words, and Time.
Daddy Dom/Soft Dom | Kinky
Pro-LGBTQ+. | Liberal | Open Minded
Geeky | Bigger Guy | Affectionate
5 foot 9 inches | Blue eyes | Dark Brown Hair though I dye it all of the time

I am NOT perfect. I have flaws. I love like a teenager, and to some that might be silly. I do not feel my age, at all. I stay up all night playing video games or just watching Teen Love movies like Everything, Everything or The Sun is Also a Star. I will watch one of those movies and get lost... it is one of the ways I am able to connect and feel love. I have a history, and even at 38 I am not even sure if I have had what you might call a "good" relationship. I was unhappily married and basically told that I was silly for wanting to cuddle and make out often. I was engaged for three years until she cheated on me and I found out who she really was. I am not looking for sympathy, but showing that I am looking for something real and serious. I've wanted to be loved since I was a teenager, and I am still waiting for that in my life. I am not here to play games. I am not someone that would cheat on their partner. I am honest, loyal, and transparent; sometimes to a fault. I will sometimes be too blunt but I do not want things to be confused. I am serious about finding love and it building up to a marriage. I am not looking for something casual. And if you are not serious about communicating and actually getting to know each other, it is not going to work. I have a goal in mind, and that is to find love.

This is VERY important. I am a bigger guy. I will be happy to show you a picture of me. Does it impact my life? Some. Yes. I do drive. I do get around. But I am a work in progress. I've lost some weight, and I am working every day to get healthier and to lose more weight. If you have ANY issue with someone that is overweight or feel that you would not be attracted to someone overweight, there is no need to message me. I won't be your type. I would rather not waste your time. I've been big my entire life and it is a struggle, but that does not make me any less of a partner. If anything, it allows me the ability to know that while my partner may have flaws that they are not defined by them.

Things like honesty and communication are very important to me. I work from home, so generally I am around all day to be able to text, talk, and video chat. I am open to someone long distance, but you need to be serious about actually meeting. I want meeting to be on the both of us, not just me. I want someone that has the means to actually meet. I am pretty well rooted where I live with a fantastic job that affords me great pay and benefits, while also working from home. Due to the rules, I have to maintain living in my state to keep the job. Ultimately I would prefer someone relocate to me, but me relocating is not entirely out of the question for the right fit and situation. It would just be a harder situation. If you can go a whole day with sending just a couple of messages, it won't be a fit. I am someone that is all about communication and I want someone that has the time for me. I get people work and have a life, but it takes seconds to send a message that you will be busy for a bit but you'll message me later. I find that too many people just drop a conversation and disappear.

I still cherish things like being silly, goofy, staying up all night talking or playing video games, cuddling, making out, and not wanting to get out of bed when we are both comfy and you are in my arms. I am a person that sees needy and clingy as positives. I am affectionate, clingy, needy, overly doting, lovey, and love to dote over the person I am with. I am Monogamous. I was Poly in the past, and while is it not something I am fully against I sort of love the idea of having "my" person. I do fall into that teenage, hopeless romantic stage often. I want to make out on the couch with a movie on, and will get butterflies from just holding your hand.

What I am seeking -

Local, but open to Long Distance is travel is on the both of us. I would prefer you relocate to me. And for me, within 5 hours is pretty local to me. I've got tons of experience with Long Distance so my idea of Distance is very different!

Affectionate. Loves kissing, making out, cuddling. Holding hands. Just being with each other and expressing our love.

I usually date people younger than myself, but it is more about your mentality versus your actual number. Things like making out, being silly, playing video games, staying up late... that is who I am.

That said, I am not against dating someone who has children. It definitely is something I prefer a potential partner to not have. I love children, but I've yet to have an actual, good relationship and I am honestly someone that wants to be a priority for their partner. Children are the priority of a parent, and rightfully so. I am also not in a place in my life to take on such responsibility because of my own mentality. I am not immature, I just know that I want to experience life with my partner and someone that has children has to prioritize them.

I am seeking out someone that loves love, and physical touch is important to them. I would like a Little or a Sub, that sort of dynamic is important to me. How that dynamic shapes is something that can be discussed, but I do love offering guidance, structure, rules if needed, and the feeling of being safe, loved, and protected. Communication is huge for me, and if you are someone that can go an entire day with just a handful of messages it simply will not work. I am not only looking for my forever partner but my best friend. I understand that people have lives and get busy, but for anything to develop we need communication via text, calls, pictures, and video chats. An expressive and emotional guy that wears his heart on his sleeve. I love long, deep conversations. Family is also important to me. My family and I are close, and I would want someone that likes to be family oriented. I am open

Something deeper/emotional with a bond. Honesty/Loyalty/Truthful. I am not looking to date casually or just have fun. My end goal is marriage. And I an open to the idea of children, depending on my partner. Someone that enjoys kissing, cuddling, physical touch, affection. Touch is SO important to me. And I am a passionate kisser. And chemistry. My love languages are Physical Touch, Quality Time, and Words of Affirmation.

And obviously looking for someone Kinky or Kink Friendly. Aspects of the dynamic that I have dabbled with include: Age Regression, Age Play, Rules, Praises, Funishments, Daily Structure (including earning stickers for doing your chores to earn prizes), I have read bedtime stories, and collaring is something important to me. I am open to being either a Daddy or a Dom, or combination. I am a Softer Pleasure Dom, but I can be stern when needed and strict. I tend to go based upon the wants and needs of the person I am with and see how and what exactly they need. I have been totally nurturing but I've also had partners that like rough play and things like impact play. Kinks include but are not limited to Roleplay, Age Play, Family Play, Pet Play, CNC, Humiliation, Degradation, Choking, Impact Play, Hair Pulling, non-permanent marking/biting. I am open to ABDL, but it is nothing I have experience with. We can discuss the specifics if this is something you are into. That said, I do not expect someone I am seeking out to like all of the same things. I do not NEED every single kink satisfied. Let's chat, and see where we match up.

I will make you laugh and smile, and wipe away your tears when you definitely were cutting onions earlier. I am okay with someone having their own baggage or history. I am supportive and will do whatever I can to make you happy. I am loyal, and willing to go out on a limb for those close to me. I have my own history and baggage, and it is something I am working on. I have more confidence now then I ever have had, and I am working on seeing my own self worth. I will need reassurance at times, and I will offer the same in return.

I enjoy watching movies and TV, listening to all sorts of music (I like most from Rap to Rock to Country to Pop to EDM), watching sports (Cleveland sports fan), most things geek (Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Game of Thrones), tech and gadgets, and I collect Funko Pops (I have a few hundred).

I am looking for that love that some people only talk or dream about. The sort of love that you are on the phone for hours talking to each other or you video chat with each other and fall asleep. You wake up confused and in a haze only to realize you fell asleep, but are glad that each other is still there. I want the sort of love that almost seems as if it is made up but realistically can happen if two people truly want it. I am a Hopeless Romantic, and I am sure you are out there trying to find me, too. We both have histories, but it has made us who we are and pushed us to get to this point in life. Heartbreak and pain, we've been reborn like a Phoenix and rise above whatever our past it. We never forget where we came from, but we use it together to form an undeniable, passionate bond that is more than just lust or desire. We are best friends, partners, equals, and in this together. Love. Life. Happiness. Laughter. Trust. Communication. Honesty. These are the core principles of what we build. Does this sound like what you seek out? Give me a chance. Hear me out. Get to know who I am, and what makes me the person I am today. I have no children but am open to them. I do have one cat, Luna.


Hard Limits - Scat. Vomit. Blood. Permanent Marks. gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Brooklyn with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio NixFyre has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
  • 15.05.2024 2:07:42
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
icon-wio NixFyre has updated their profile description
  • 13.03.2024 2:17:43
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
Hey all! Looking for my Forever Love! Someone that is Kinky but Loves Love!

Quick Facts About Me:
38 | Male | Cleveland, Ohio | Hopeless Romantic
Love Languages are Touch, Words, and Time.
Daddy Dom/Soft Dom | Kinky
Pro-LGBTQ+. | Liberal | Open Minded
Geeky | Bigger Guy | Affectionate
5 foot 9 Read more… inches | Blue eyes | Dark Brown Hair though I dye it all of the time

I am NOT perfect. I have flaws. I love like a teenager, and to some that might be silly. I do not feel my age, at all. I stay up all night playing video games or just watching Teen Love movies like Everything, Everything or The Sun is Also a Star. I will watch one of those movies and get lost... it is one of the ways I am able to connect and feel love. I have a history, and even at 38 I am not even sure if I have had what you might call a "good" relationship. I was unhappily married and basically told that I was silly for wanting to cuddle and make out often. I was engaged for three years until she cheated on me and I found out who she really was. I am not looking for sympathy, but showing that I am looking for something real and serious. I've wanted to be loved since I was a teenager, and I am still waiting for that in my life. I am not here to play games. I am not someone that would cheat on their partner. I am honest, loyal, and transparent; sometimes to a fault. I will sometimes be too blunt but I do not want things to be confused. I am serious about finding love and it building up to a marriage. I am not looking for something casual. And if you are not serious about communicating and actually getting to know each other, it is not going to work. I have a goal in mind, and that is to find love.

This is VERY important. I am a bigger guy. I will be happy to show you a picture of me. Does it impact my life? Some. Yes. I do drive. I do get around. But I am a work in progress. I've lost some weight, and I am working every day to get healthier and to lose more weight. If you have ANY issue with someone that is overweight or feel that you would not be attracted to someone overweight, there is no need to message me. I won't be your type. I would rather not waste your time. I've been big my entire life and it is a struggle, but that does not make me any less of a partner. If anything, it allows me the ability to know that while my partner may have flaws that they are not defined by them.

Things like honesty and communication are very important to me. I work from home, so generally I am around all day to be able to text, talk, and video chat. I am open to someone long distance, but you need to be serious about actually meeting. I want meeting to be on the both of us, not just me. I want someone that has the means to actually meet. I am pretty well rooted where I live with a fantastic job that affords me great pay and benefits, while also working from home. Due to the rules, I have to maintain living in my state to keep the job. Ultimately I would prefer someone relocate to me, but me relocating is not entirely out of the question for the right fit and situation. It would just be a harder situation. If you can go a whole day with sending just a couple of messages, it won't be a fit. I am someone that is all about communication and I want someone that has the time for me. I get people work and have a life, but it takes seconds to send a message that you will be busy for a bit but you'll message me later. I find that too many people just drop a conversation and disappear.

I still cherish things like being silly, goofy, staying up all night talking or playing video games, cuddling, making out, and not wanting to get out of bed when we are both comfy and you are in my arms. I am a person that sees needy and clingy as positives. I am affectionate, clingy, needy, overly doting, lovey, and love to dote over the person I am with. I am Monogamous. I was Poly in the past, and while is it not something I am fully against I sort of love the idea of having "my" person. I do fall into that teenage, hopeless romantic stage often. I want to make out on the couch with a movie on, and will get butterflies from just holding your hand.

What I am seeking -

Local, but open to Long Distance is travel is on the both of us. I would prefer you relocate to me. And for me, within 5 hours is pretty local to me. I've got tons of experience with Long Distance so my idea of Distance is very different!

Affectionate. Loves kissing, making out, cuddling. Holding hands. Just being with each other and expressing our love.

I usually date people younger than myself, but it is more about your mentality versus your actual number. Things like making out, being silly, playing video games, staying up late... that is who I am.

That said, I am not against dating someone who has children. It definitely is something I prefer a potential partner to not have. I love children, but I've yet to have an actual, good relationship and I am honestly someone that wants to be a priority for their partner. Children are the priority of a parent, and rightfully so. I am also not in a place in my life to take on such responsibility because of my own mentality. I am not immature, I just know that I want to experience life with my partner and someone that has children has to prioritize them.

I am seeking out someone that loves love, and physical touch is important to them. I would like a Little or a Sub, that sort of dynamic is important to me. How that dynamic shapes is something that can be discussed, but I do love offering guidance, structure, rules if needed, and the feeling of being safe, loved, and protected. Communication is huge for me, and if you are someone that can go an entire day with just a handful of messages it simply will not work. I am not only looking for my forever partner but my best friend. I understand that people have lives and get busy, but for anything to develop we need communication via text, calls, pictures, and video chats. An expressive and emotional guy that wears his heart on his sleeve. I love long, deep conversations. Family is also important to me. My family and I are close, and I would want someone that likes to be family oriented. I am open

Something deeper/emotional with a bond. Honesty/Loyalty/Truthful. I am not looking to date casually or just have fun. My end goal is marriage. And I an open to the idea of children, depending on my partner. Someone that enjoys kissing, cuddling, physical touch, affection. Touch is SO important to me. And I am a passionate kisser. And chemistry. My love languages are Physical Touch, Quality Time, and Words of Affirmation.

And obviously looking for someone Kinky or Kink Friendly. Aspects of the dynamic that I have dabbled with include: Age Regression, Age Play, Rules, Praises, Funishments, Daily Structure (including earning stickers for doing your chores to earn prizes), I have read bedtime stories, and collaring is something important to me. I am open to being either a Daddy or a Dom, or combination. I am a Softer Pleasure Dom, but I can be stern when needed and strict. I tend to go based upon the wants and needs of the person I am with and see how and what exactly they need. I have been totally nurturing but I've also had partners that like rough play and things like impact play. Kinks include but are not limited to Roleplay, Age Play, Family Play, Pet Play, CNC, Humiliation, Degradation, Choking, Impact Play, Hair Pulling, non-permanent marking/biting. I am open to ABDL, but it is nothing I have experience with. We can discuss the specifics if this is something you are into. That said, I do not expect someone I am seeking out to like all of the same things. I do not NEED every single kink satisfied. Let's chat, and see where we match up.

I will make you laugh and smile, and wipe away your tears when you definitely were cutting onions earlier. I am okay with someone having their own baggage or history. I am supportive and will do whatever I can to make you happy. I am loyal, and willing to go out on a limb for those close to me. I have my own history and baggage, and it is something I am working on. I have more confidence now then I ever have had, and I am working on seeing my own self worth. I will need reassurance at times, and I will offer the same in return.

I enjoy watching movies and TV, listening to all sorts of music (I like most from Rap to Rock to Country to Pop to EDM), watching sports (Cleveland sports fan), most things geek (Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Game of Thrones), tech and gadgets, and I collect Funko Pops (I have a few hundred).

I am looking for that love that some people only talk or dream about. The sort of love that you are on the phone for hours talking to each other or you video chat with each other and fall asleep. You wake up confused and in a haze only to realize you fell asleep, but are glad that each other is still there. I want the sort of love that almost seems as if it is made up but realistically can happen if two people truly want it. I am a Hopeless Romantic, and I am sure you are out there trying to find me, too. We both have histories, but it has made us who we are and pushed us to get to this point in life. Heartbreak and pain, we've been reborn like a Phoenix and rise above whatever our past it. We never forget where we came from, but we use it together to form an undeniable, passionate bond that is more than just lust or desire. We are best friends, partners, equals, and in this together. Love. Life. Happiness. Laughter. Trust. Communication. Honesty. These are the core principles of what we build. Does this sound like what you seek out? Give me a chance. Hear me out. Get to know who I am, and what makes me the person I am today. I have no children but am open to them. I do have one cat, Luna.
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 13.03.2024 2:16:42
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 03.03.2024 8:10:44
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 01.02.2024 20:26:13
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre has bought a VIP-membership!
  • 29.01.2024 9:37:18
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
icon-wio NixFyre picked up the birthday gift
  • 13.01.2024 9:31:58
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 14.10.2023 11:49:56
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 02.10.2023 12:40:19
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 29.09.2023 2:48:29
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 16.08.2023 20:09:21
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded new photos
  • 15.08.2023 13:26:35
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre
  • NixFyre
icon-wio NixFyre posted a status update
  • 15.08.2023 9:30:44
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
I am looking for that love that some people only talk or dream about. The sort of love that you are on the phone for hours talking to each other or you video chat with each other and fall asleep. You wake up confused and in a haze only to realize you fell asleep, but are glad that each other is Read more… still there. I want the sort of love that almost seems as if it is made up but realistically can happen if two people truly want it. I am a Hopeless Romantic, and I am sure you are out there trying to find me, too. We both have histories, but it has made us who we are and pushed us to get to this point in life. Heartbreak and pain, we've been reborn like a Phoenix and rise above whatever our past it. We never forget where we came from, but we use it together to form an undeniable, passionate bond that is more than just lust or desire. We are best friends, partners, equals, and in this together. Love. Life. Happiness. Laughter. Trust. Communication. Honesty. These are the core principles of what we build. Does this sound like what you seek out? Give me a chance. Hear me out. Get to know who I am, and what makes me the person I am today.
icon-wio NixFyre has uploaded a new photo
  • 14.08.2023 11:03:26
  • Male (38)
  • Brooklyn
  • Single
  • NixFyre

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