
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 76
Status Single
Height 184cm
Weight 82kg
Body shape Average build
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Grey
Hair length Short
Beard Goatie
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Indigenous
Origin USA
Pubic Hair Shaved
Body hair None
Dick length 18cm
Dick width 4cm
Zodiac sign Cancer
Languages German

About me

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"Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight.

"Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore.


Limits? gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Red Bluff with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio Oldmann76 posted a status update
  • 23.05.2024 18:17:41
  • Male (76)
  • Red Bluff
  • Single
Hope y'all are enjoying your extended weekend, I am alone as only comfort Sangria Wine
icon-wio Oldmann76 has uploaded a new photo
  • 21.05.2024 21:34:52
  • Male (76)
  • Red Bluff
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  • Oldmann76
icon-wio Oldmann76 has uploaded a new photo
  • 06.05.2024 21:58:21
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  • Oldmann76
icon-wio Oldmann76 has uploaded a new photo
  • 06.05.2024 9:11:37
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  • Oldmann76
icon-wio Oldmann76 posted a status update
  • 05.05.2024 14:43:11
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To all on this date I wish Happy Cinco de Mayo !
icon-wio Oldmann76 has uploaded a new photo
  • 04.05.2024 6:17:38
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  • Oldmann76
icon-wio Oldmann76 has uploaded a new photo
  • 01.05.2024 9:40:31
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  • Oldmann76
icon-wio Oldmann76 wrote something in the forum
  • 28.04.2024 12:52:32
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icon-wio Oldmann76 has updated their profile description
  • 25.04.2024 16:51:30
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"Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but Read more… are within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight.

"Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore.
icon-wio Oldmann76 posted a status update
  • 25.04.2024 16:09:41
  • Male (76)
  • Red Bluff
  • Single
Raspberry, Tequila, & Lime......and then to the riverbank of the Sacramento, to sit and sip Sangria...Los Sangre de Cristos.
icon-wio Oldmann76 has uploaded a new photo
  • 25.04.2024 7:24:15
  • Male (76)
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  • Oldmann76
icon-wio Oldmann76 posted a status update
  • 24.04.2024 19:50:13
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Raspberry Lime & Tequila.....
icon-wio Oldmann76 posted a status update
  • 19.04.2024 19:14:17
  • Male (76)
  • Red Bluff
  • Single
There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying
And he gets himself up onto one elbow and he turns to his mates
Who are all gathered around and he says

Watch me wallabies feed, mate
Watch me wallabies feed
They're a dangerous breed, mate
So watch me wallabies feed
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo Read more… down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl
Keep me cockatoo cool
Ah, don't go acting the fool, Curl
Just keep me cockatoo cool
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

'N' take me koala back, Jack
Take me koala back
He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac
So take me koala back
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

And mind me platypus duck, Bill
Mind me platypus duck
Ah, don't let 'im go running amok, Bill
Just mind me platypus duck
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Play your didgeridoo, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
Ah, like, keep playin' 'til I shoot through, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred
Tan me hide when I'm dead
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde
And that's it hangin' on the shed!
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down


Songwriters: Rolf Harris

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing
icon-wio Oldmann76 has uploaded a new photo
  • 15.04.2024 16:05:13
  • Male (76)
  • Red Bluff
  • Single
  • Oldmann76