


Not single

In a relationship with robbie1976

Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 41
Status Not single
Height 177cm
Weight 77kg
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Blond
Hair length Middle
Orientation Bisexual
Origin UK
Pubic Hair Shaved
Body hair None
Breast size C
Zodiac sign Virgo
Languages English

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Thought id best write a little something here tho i doubt many take the time to read it!
Im not here looking for anything other than friendship, im a social lil bean you'll quite often find me at the Bristol munch which i have the pleasure of co-hosting or swamp causing mayhem in the dungeon with a rubber chicken or 2. I’m extremely blessed with some amazing people around me friends that ive met here that i couldnt imagine life without now, one of those being my Partner! I’m more often than not the loud gobby wiggling one surrounded by jager bombs and dancing or singing (badly) to whatever happens to be on the hatchet jukebox.
So nope not looking for play, hook ups, sexts all my needs are well taken care of and the tattoo on my arse reads “Heart of a saint, Mind of a sinner but my love is pure” so no need to message and ask that either lol.