
Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 41
Status Single
Height 161cm
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blond
Hair length Long
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin USA
Zodiac sign Scorpio

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


I’m pretty new to all of this , just looking to learn and see if this is a good fit for me. I absolutely believe submission is earned and for the love of god please don’t say hello with a dick pic , do not speak to me as if you’re my DOM before we have even had a conversation and if you’re under 30 … the answer is no. I’m not one to be dishonest , I’m loyal to a fault, funny as fuck , a bit of a smartass and non-judgmental.
Not looking to just be someone’s distraction when they are bored, I will no longer share my Snapchat just to move from one social media platform to another. If we get to the point of outside communication we can exchange phone numbers.

Please just be honest in what you want and what your expectations are . Don’t make offers you have no plans to deliver on.


pee, poop, blood , kids, animals… nothing illegal and I will not be “shared”

My roles & archetype gives you…

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