
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 55
Status Single
Height 187cm
Weight 111kg
Body shape Average build
Eye colour Green
Hair length
Beard Shaved/no beard
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin USA
Body hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Aquarius

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


I can't see likes or in this site "crushes". please send me a message.
I am very interested trying new things in fetlife and wish to partner with a woman open to try things and passions.


marks lasting more than a few hours
for starters. gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Houston with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 06.02.2025 14:19:26
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single
What draws you to kink?

I would add communication. Yes it's very important in any relationship, absolutely. In kink minded people are more familiar and open to different things. The perception is there is less judgement when communicating one likes desires and fantasies. Not necessarily lessen the embarrassment (why get Read more… rid of that kink?) But opens the door to talk about things.

LikeKinktime69, Domina_Lisa1 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 06.02.2025 14:00:31
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
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icon-wio Cypresswillys has picked up their birthday gift
  • 02.02.2025 14:23:22
  • Male (55)
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icon-wio Cypresswillys picked up the birthday gift
  • 02.02.2025 14:23:22
  • Male (55)
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icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 28.01.2025 18:37:02
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
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Walking down the street I can recognize different things with different women. I can see the confidence as they walk. Not a strut but a walk with purpose, not hurried but steadfast to where they are going. I can appreciate what they chose to wear that day. Their flowing hair if they decided to Read more… left it down. A bouncy ponytail can certainly catch my eye. Of course their beautiful smile if I am so lucky they show me it.

icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 27.11.2024 16:34:22
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single

I thought it was what you meant but wanted to make it clear for others

icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 27.11.2024 14:49:15
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single

Do NOT use numbing agents you want to feel everything for pleasure and ***
*** tells you to stop

LikeNani_bun, GlitterieGodd3ss, looking4Dom2143and 4 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 27.11.2024 12:15:34
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single

Take your time to play with yourself withe different toys

LikeCentaurAlways · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Cypresswillys created a topic in FemDom & Male Submission
Upcoming submissive auction
In a few weeks I am looking to participate in a submissive auction. Their will be a couple women I know but most are just those I have just spoke with at munches. I am at a loss of what to offer for an hour or two of service.
I know some would really like to cane paddle .... well inflict *** on Read more…someone but I'm not a *** slut may be able to handles some but nit much.
Ladies..... what would you like to see offered by a submissive in an auction?
Submissives.....Submissive...... have you participated in an auction? What did you offer? Did you offer an "open to negotiation" service?
LikeKinkDaddyFreakand 11 more… · 5 Replies
eyemblacksheep ➦eyemblacksheep quote Cypresswillys:❝Submissives.....Submissive...... have you participated in an auction? What did you offer? Did you offer an "open to negotiation" service?❞
So, yes - I've been involved in two auctions. One where I was a submissive who could be bid on - and another where there Read more… were a mix of Dommes and subs, and so subs not up for auction could bid on the Dommes.
Like any item going up for auction (ha!) there was a description which kinda highlighted interests and boundaries - so they'd announce each person, whether it was open to a Master or Mistress (or either) what interests were and usually a bit extra info if relevant.
Everyone got at least one bid (the Mistress running the auction was always putting in her own bids) but yeah, what you put down is basically a "what interests you" - which might seemingly go against everything taught as subs, but you want someone to bid who is like "yeah, I'd spank that arse" or "yeah, I'd have my feet in his face" so on - rather than someone bidding and neither of you being happy.
Likecreswell687493, willbeyoursub · 12.08.2024 9:05:19
Repairman321 That’s an interesting event. Is it your own or through a local bdsm club ??
Love the idea That’s an interesting event. Is it your own or through a local bdsm club ??
Love the idea
Likemiss_lagertha, creswell687493 · 12.08.2024 6:07:16
saint-charles303825 I recommend an hour or two of cleaning. If the buyer isn’t comfortable with sharing their address they can clean a car instead. I recommend an hour or two of cleaning. If the buyer isn’t comfortable with sharing their address they can clean a car instead.
Like · 12.08.2024 3:56:58
icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 31.07.2024 15:47:15
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single

I just spent nearly a week in ME and the possibilities were endless.
Alas no partner

icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 22.06.2024 19:29:29
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single
Oral Deal Breaker?

I dont want to be in a relationship where she doesn't like to recieve oral maybe she doesn't have to kiss afterwards. As for her I much rather be with a woman that really enjoys going down on me and loves to kiss afterwards

icon-wio Cypresswillys made a comment
  • 07.06.2024 17:21:53
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single
Our BDSM agony aunt Molly returns with advice for one FET member who identifies as straight, but on the verge of exploring same-sex desires. What does Molly say?
Cypresswillys Well written Well written
Like · 07.06.2024 17:21:53
icon-wio Cypresswillys has uploaded a new photo
  • 10.05.2024 20:28:17
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single
  • Cypresswillys
icon-wio Cypresswillys has uploaded a new photo
  • 23.04.2024 14:58:27
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single
  • Cypresswillys
icon-wio Cypresswillys wrote something in the forum
  • 02.04.2024 22:30:41
  • Male (55)
  • Houston
  • Single
Femdom dating for submissive men

Get offline. Go to a local munch. It does take a little get used to but a munch you can meet some great people.

Likeindulgewithcare, VoodooQueen_and 2 more… · Jump to discussion

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