

Not single

D/s relationship with Ask me

Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 38
Status Not single
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blond
Hair length Long
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin UK
Body hair None
Zodiac sign Gemini

About me

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I’m looking for:


I'm sweet and innocent until you get to know me...but only my dom gets to see that side of me.

please don't ask me to stray from him. I can tell you now I'm not interested and I'm not that kind of sub


I'm not sure, I love being pushed and am sure I'll discover them in time

My roles & archetype gives you…

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  • 27.07.2024 2:12:21
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icon-wio ChristySub picked up the birthday gift
  • 30.05.2024 21:00:51
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icon-wio ChristySub has picked up their birthday gift
  • 30.05.2024 21:00:51
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icon-wio ChristySub created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
  • 01.01.2024 21:38:21
  • Bury
Happy New Year
Your sat on the sofa, glass of whiskey in hand and watching some nonsense on TV. Your annoyed at me. I went upstairs over 2 hours ago for a bath and relax, something you never begrudge me, but its NYE and you're sat on your own with midnight creeping closer.
You hear me come down the stairs Read more…'finally' you think to yourself and turn to look at the door as I enter.
You stop mid sip of your whiskey and slowly put it on the side table at the sight of me before standing up.
I stand in the doorway, a corset hugging my curves and pushing my tits up showing an ample clevege, hold ups with killer 7 inch heels extenuating my legs.
My hair freshly washed and blown dried, you can see its softness which cascades slightly over my face. I push it back revealing my perfectly applied make up, my lips bright red and looking so fucking kissable.
'Hi sir' I say softly
'Come here' you tell me. Your heart hammering and cock growing harder by the second. I approch you and pull you in for a kiss, my hands wrapping around the back of your neck. You force your tongue into my mouth and then suck on my lip. I moan into your mouth and push my body flush to yours. Your hands grab my arse and squeeze tightly.
I can feel your cock hard against my groin, loving that I can turn you on so much still.
You push me towards the sofa and push me down onto it. Kneeling down in front of me and pull my legs open before pulling my thong to one side. In one lick you stroke me from my pussy to my clit. I breath out and moan gently, my back slightly arching.
Grabbing each of my thighs you dig your fingers in and push my legs further apart.
I yelp and whimper from the pain which is soon replaced with moans and you nip at my clit. My hips push towards you as you push your tongue into my wanting my pussy. You moan at my taste, you know your addicted to me, my scent, touch and taste of me. You love that I'm your toy, and insatiable for you ready to be fucked whenever you want.
Flicking your tongue over my clit again you push three fingers into me. I moan loudly for you. A sound you also love. Pumping them in and out you curl them and push on my gspot.
Almost instantly I shudder and a gush of squirt and cum covers your face.
You pull back from me, my pussy juices coating your chin. You wipe them with your fingers and push them into my mouth. I eagerly lick them, my tongue twirling over your fingers. The sensation making your cock harden.
'Take it out' you order me, glancing at your cock. You smile as you see I'm already staring at your crotch in front of me, biting my lip and subconsciously licking it. I look up at you through my big blue eyes, my mascara and eye liner framing my eyes beautifully, as my hands make quick work of releasing your cock from your jeans. I gently pull them down , together with your boxers and you take over and remove them. You approach me again and straddle me, your cock pushing at the entrance of my mouth.
'Open wide slut' you tell me and push it in. I moan as I clasp my lips around you my tongue already twirling over and flicking over the tip of you.
I pull back and hold your cock in both hands. Licking my lip again I then flick my tongue over your tip, collecting the precum that is forming and moan to myself.
You look down , lipstick has rubbed off onto your cock in my hands and I look sexy as hell playing with you. You can't take the teasing anymore and push your cock back into my mouth straight to the back of my throat. I gag as you hold yourself there, I'm squirming underneath you as I fight for air, only when tears form in my eyes do you pull back. You give me a moment to catch my breath before pushing yourself back in and start thrusting. The sound of me gagging and sight of saliva running down my chin turning you on more. You can feel my nails dig into your arse as I fight against my instincts. Mascara stained tears run down my cheeks as you pull away.
You stand in front of me and look at the mess you've made me, lip stick smeared over my face and mascara stains down my cheeks.
'Such a fucking slut' you tell me. I stay in my seat, catching my breath, my chest rising and falling rapidly making my tits rising and falling too. You offer your hand to me and I gently place mine in yours. You pull me to my feet and spin me around to face the sofa. You harshly begin to pull at my corset strings loosening it. Your arms then pulling me close to your chest you wrap them around me and start to unclasp the corset from the front until it falls to the floor. I stand in your arms left in just a thong, suspender belt and hold ups. You growl in my ear, your primal instinct to ravage me taking over. You grab both tits with each hand and squeeze hard.
I moan and lean back into you. Pinching both nipples hard you pull at them, stretching them out in front of me. I cry out and whimper from the pain. 'Good girl' you tell me.
You guide me away from the sofa to the front of the fireplace and tell me to kneel. I obey without question as you leave the room. In your absence i watch the flames flickering around in the stove next to me. The heat and softness of the rug makes me smile. I look down at myself, mainly naked. I love how you make me feel confident about my body.
You enter the room and again and I snap my head up to look at you. I smile instantly and look at what you hold in your hands. A paddle and butt plug. I bite my lip subconsciously, eyes widening from excitement.
You move to behind me and pull my long blonde hair together, tuggging gently before draping it over one shoulder. Kneeling behind me you kiss the base of my neck and Work your way up my ear, pulling on my lobe. I moan gently again, the feeling relaxing me and making me feel desired.
'Get on all fours' you instruct. Pulling my thong to one side you squirt some lube over my arse and rub it around my arsehole. I moan from the sensation and apprehension of what is to come. Pushing my legs apart slightly you push the butt plug into my arsehole. The coolness of the metal and sensation of being full making me moan louder. Rubbing the left over lube over my pussy you push 2 fingers into me and curl them up. 'Hmmm, so wet for me, aren't you?'
'Yes sir' I agree
You pull your fingers out and push my legs back together, the sensation of the butt plug inside making me moan again. With a knee at each side of me you push your cock into my tight pussy. We moan simultaneously as you start to pound into me. I hold my position, taking the rough pounding from you.
Suddenly a thwack echos the room as a sharp pain radiates over my arse cheek 'fuck sir' I say through gritted teeth as I let my body absorb the sudden enslaught of pain.
Another strike hits the same spot, the sting stronger from being on sensitive skin. I groan and grit my teeth again.
I catch with my eye the paddle dropping to the floor and feel both your hands on my waist as you pull me back and forth as you thrust into me.
I feel your hand move to the back of my head as you grab a fistful of hair snd push my head to the floor. 'Give me your wrists"
I offer them behind my back and you grasp both wrists in one hand.
You fuck me harder, my knees burning on the rug beneath me until I feel you shudder and moan loudly. I carry on pushing my hips back and forth as your thrusting reduces. 'Fuck slut' you mumble.
My clock chimes 12 in the hallway as you collapse next to me. I curl up next to you.
'Happy new year sir'
Likelegendaryadj, Missfacilier, scotsman72and 32 more… · 1 Reply
scotsman72 And a happy new year to my slut. Xx And a happy new year to my slut. Xx
Like · 06.01.2024 2:30:14
icon-wio ChristySub is in a D/s relationship
  • 01.01.2024 4:17:14
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icon-wio ChristySub has uploaded a new photo
  • 16.12.2023 20:14:11
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  • ChristySub
icon-wio ChristySub created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
  • 05.12.2023 23:53:10
  • Bury
'Slut!' You shout barging through the front door. I freeze on the spot hearing your voice. You're not happy and I know why.
I stand still, looking up at you with my big eyes as you appear at the door, subconsciously biting my lip.
'Don't look at me all innocent! You've ignored all my messages all Read more…day. I thought something had happened to you.
'Sorry sir' I whisper.
You stalk over to me and place your hand around my throat, more forcefully than you usually do, making me stumble backwards and hit the wall behind me. I groan at the impact.
You lean into me 'don't ever ignore me all day again slut' you order as you squeeze my throat. 'Spread them now'
I obey immediately, widening my legs apart. You push you knee inbetween and release my throat, your full body weight pushing me further into the wall.
'What am I going to do to you slut?' You ask me.
'Whatever you want sir' I reply. You smirk 'Correct answer, you belong to me' you grab my wrist before spinning me around and pushing my wrist towards the centre of my back then repeating with my other. Holding both in one hand you push me towards the hallway. Reaching the side of the staircase you push me, my back against the spindles. 'Arms up' you tell me as you release your grip. I lift them and hold them together above my head, my short dress lifting, just covering my modesty and stay leaning against the side of my staircase. You moan to yourself at the sight of me, your cock bulging against your jeans. Opening the sideboard drawer you pull out some rope and ascend the steps on the stairs, pausing as you reach half way up. You reach between the spindles and pull my wrists towards you, making me stand on my tiptoes as you restrain me to the highest spindle I can stretch to. I moan, its uncomfortable as I try to keep my balance with uneven wood behind me.
You return to the front of me and let your eyes wander over my body. My dress now barely covering my ass and giving you a glimpse of my lace underwear.
I try to stay still, struggling just makes my balance worse and the pull of the rope nips into my skin.
You hand gently strokes the top of my thigh and I close my eyes enjoying your touch. You graze over the lace, fingers lingering just above my clit. My hips automatically push out trying to coax you in but it just causes me to lose balance. I whince as the rope digs into my skin.
'You're in a bit of a predicament aren't you slut'
You push your hand between my legs and lift me, my legs wrapping around your waist and against the bannister.
'Hmmm' you moan into my ear ' You're always so wet for me'
'Yes sir' I agree still amazed at how my body responds to your every whim.
Your fingers push at my lacey barrier and enter my pussy. I moan gently, berating myself for wearing underwear.
You forefinger pushes on my clit and I let my head roll forward onto your shoulder, moaning for you 'Good girl' you purr at me as your finger begins to circle. I close my eyes and try to regulate my breathing but your scent makes my body hone in on you and my senses take over.
You pull my low cut dress down, revealing my bra less tits and dive your tongue straight onto a nipple, flicking it and sucking. I moan loudly into you as pleasure radiates through me.
I want more of you, I need to feel all of you, my body going mad with desire. I start to gyrate my hips causing more friction with your finger on my clit.
You pull back almost instantly and let me drop knowing I won't have balance.
'Naughty slut' you scold me 'I'm in charge, not you'
My hands are gripping into my restraints as I find my feet and relieve my arms of my bodyweight.
I scowl at you, missing your touch.
You raise your eyebrow at me, questioning my demeanor and without exchanging words I soften my face
'Thats better' you tell me
You stay stood back whilst you look at me, my dress pushed up to my waist and pulled down, my chest gently rising and falling causing my tits to look fuller and then relaxed, looking helpless tied to the staircase. Your cock hardens at the sight. I'm at your mercy and it excites you.
Undoing your jeans you remove them slowly, knowing its torturing me not being able to touch you and then remove your top.
You pull my knickers down my thighs and calves, helping me step out of them. Grabbing my waist you lift me and let me drop onto your cock. We both moan as we join together, a perfect fit like we were made for each other. 'Fuck sir' I breathe out.
You pull back slightly, your hands on my ass holding me up and begin to bounce me up and down.
I close my eyes again, the mixture of pleasure from your cock and pain from the jolted out wood on my back behind me starting to overwhelm and confuse my brain.
I'm close to orgasm when you pull out. I groan at you and voice my discontentment before I know I've said the words.
You grip my ass, digging your fingers in 'be carefully what you wish for slut' you tell me as you lift me higher and you kneel down. My thighs resting on your shoulders you delve your tongue straight into my pussy.
I cry out and pleasure surges through me 'fuck sir' I moan loudly.
Your tongue flicks on my clit and I whimper at you. 2 fingers push into me as your tongue continues to circle and flick my clit.
'Fuck, fuck fuck' I mumble to myself. My body shudders as your fingers curl inside of me and hit my gspot.
A third finger follows and starts to pump in and out of my body, your tongue still massaging my clit.
'Fuck sir' I cry out a little louder as a gush expels from me, soaking your face. My legs a little shaky on your shoulders.
You moan, loving that I've drenched you. A forth finger is pushed into me.
'Squirt on me again' you order as your thumb circles my clit and your fingers curl.
Your free hand pushes onto my abdomen, keeping me on place as you roughly push your fingers in and out of me.
My body at still not recovered from my last orgasm starts to spasm as i gush again all over your face.
Still not letting my body recover you push your thumb in and listen to my groan as your fist starts to push into me.
'Please sir' I beg
'What slut?'
'Please, no'
'But you're mine to do as I wish' you tell me as you twist your fist allowing my pussy to fully envelope you.
I moan loudly, the feeling of you is intense.
You start to push into me and release again getting more forcefully with each thrust. Your tongue flicking my clit gently.
'Fuck sir!' I cry out loudly as my body loses control. Squirt continously gushing over you, dripping from your face to the floor
You don't ease off me and carry on fisting me ignoring my begs and crys to stop whilst you control my continous orgasm.
You watch as my abdomen contracts as releases as each new orgasmic wave hits me.
I'm whimpering now, my body continously shuddering and convulsing.
You gently remove your fist and give my clit one last kiss.
Gently you ease me to the ground and make sure I've found some balance wirh my jelly legs.
Without warning you slap my senstive pussy. My whimpers and moans from the assault echo in the hallway, as my body convulsess through another orgasm.
'Please, no more sir'
You smirk
'You think I'm done slut?'
'I can take anymore' I beg you
'Tough' you tell me as you grab my waist, lifting me and plunging your cock into my sensitive pussy. You start to bounce me up and down immediately.
My body instantly responding again.
'Fuck' I moan out, my head now buried into your neck.
You pull back slightly, pulling me away from my restraints and stretching me away from the staircase. With your hands on my hips still you fuck me hard. Your cock going the full length in and out and watch as my body convulses back into another orgasm and squirts all over you again .
The sight of my orgasm sends you over the edge and you release you hot sticky cum onto me. You carry on fucking me, draining every last drop before returning me feet to the ground.
You release my wrists and I collapse to the floor exhausted into a puddle of my own doing.
'Fuck sir' I say looking at the mess.
You stand in front of me. 'Clean up your mess slut' you tell me and I gladly take your cock into my mouth, the taste of us both is amazing for me. I release your cock and kiss the tip of you playfully. You smile, your hands running through my hair. Grabbing a fistful of hair causing me to whince you push my head towards the floor
'Now the rest of your mess slut'
Likenewandsingle, CosmicAngeland 33 more… · 2 Replies
Sensual_Tiger UmMmm. Exactly that. UmMmm. Exactly that.
Like 06.12.2023 2:33:41
LittleSoulTease Nicely wrote! Nicely wrote!
Like · 06.12.2023 0:52:13
icon-wio ChristySub has uploaded new photos
  • 16.11.2023 0:49:16
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  • ChristySub
icon-wio ChristySub has uploaded a new photo
  • 30.08.2023 8:05:27
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  • ChristySub
icon-wio ChristySub has uploaded a new photo
  • 27.08.2023 17:38:09
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  • ChristySub
icon-wio ChristySub has uploaded a new photo
  • 01.08.2023 2:02:25
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  • ChristySub
icon-wio ChristySub wrote something in the forum
  • 31.05.2023 9:52:30
  • Female (38)
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I'm exactly the same

LikeKinkyme-4654 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio ChristySub created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
  • 31.05.2023 3:05:20
  • Bury
Good morning sir
I stir in bed, feeling content, and sore from lasts night play session. I can feel the bruises which will start to appear soon.
I stretch and roll over towards you and open my eyes.
I watch you sleeping, lying on your back. You look so peaceful. A far cry from the dark dom who controlled me the Read more…night before. I smile at the memories and moan gently to myself as they make me horny again. A wicked thought enters my head.
I slowly move down the bed, pulling the covers with me, watching you as I do.
I gently move your ankle so I can move inbetween your legs and hold my breath, trying not to stir you. You don't even flinch. I smile to myself, very grateful you're a heavy sleeper. Bending down I kiss your cock, eyes looking up for a reaction. Nothing. Again I smile. My plan is working.
I gently take your cock in my hand and begin to stroke you, your body responding to my touch. As you get harder I lower my head and gently start to suck, my eyes watching you all the time. My tongue flicking over the tip of you. I feel you stir and mumble 'slut' before smiling.
Taking you out my mouth i lazily trace my tongue around your cock whilst stroking you at the same time. your precum starting to form and glisten in the morning sun. I know my mouth skills are working. I lick away your precum and moan to myself. I love the taste of you. My own personal drug i can't get enough of.
Lowering my head as you get to full length I take you all in my mouth, making myself gag on you. I feel your hand go to my hair and I lift my head to look at you, your eyes are still closed. I do it again, my bottom lip touching your balls as I hold my head in place, fighting the urge to gag and using my tongue to play with your cock.
'Fuck slut' I hear you mumble, both hands in my hair now. You lift my head slightly and then push it down again. I take your cue and start to bob my head, sucking harder and harder on you. I hear you moan and tense up as you grab my hair pulling my head completely off you, your cum shooting out onto my tits and face. I kneel up so you can watch me scoop your load and lick my fingers clean. The remaining cum on my tits being massaged into myself.
'Good morning sir' I say with a smile
LikeDriver0143, BrianMcCloud, Needoraland 28 more… · 3 Replies
YorkieGent A beautiful read as I wake up... Pleased I arose early enough! A beautiful read as I wake up... Pleased I arose early enough!
Like 31.05.2023 6:28:51
Anansi69 Nice read! Nice read!
Like · 31.05.2023 3:38:20
Chuck1022 Oh you’re a good girl Oh you’re a good girl
Like · 31.05.2023 3:28:05
icon-wio ChristySub wrote something in the forum
  • 30.05.2023 19:53:16
  • Female (38)
  • Bury
  • Not single

No sex....I've had bad sex and it just left me more frustrated than before having it.
No sex....well I have hands and toys

LikeToxic_Good_Girl, Lenezi · Jump to discussion
icon-wio ChristySub created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
  • 29.05.2023 11:10:31
  • Bury
The hook
You prowl around me as I stand fully naked, legs apart so my glistening pussy is on show. My hands tied together in front of me.
I stand tall as you inspect me, my heart pounding with anticipation.
You trail your hand across the curve at the base of my back, I shudder slightly from nerves, Read more…goosebumps appearing where you hand once was.
Your hand leaves my body and grabs my hair at the base of my neck. You push me towards the wall. 'Hands up slut' you tell me and hook my wrist restraints to a large metal hook in the wall just above my head.
I know the drill, my bratty self has got me into this situation before. You grab my hips and pull me away from the wall so my ass is sticking out and I have nothing to hold except the hook.
I feel your hands at the bottom of my neck, one fingers carelessly tracing my shoulder blades.
'Make me, is what I recall you saying to me. Am I correct? You ask me calmly
'Yes sir' I reply meekly as I look down at the floor.
'Do you think that's good manners slut?'
'No sir' I whisper back
'No sir' You mock me back.
You dig your nail into my back making me flinch and gasp as i feel a sharp pain. My head lifting up and rolling back, now looking up.
You keep it dug in and drag it down my back, a single red mark leaving a trail. I hold my breath my eyes locked on the hook to kerp my brain focused until you stop. I let out a long breath, my back stinging.
'Mmm' you moan in my ear gently 'that one drew blood. My nails must be sharp this evening. Wouldn't you agree?'
'Yes sir' I quietly reply.
I listen to you moving around the room, wondering what weapon your going to use on me. The cane still scares me but I don't think I've been bratty enough for that...I hope. I gulp at the thought, swallowing the collecting saliva in my mouth.
I feel you return to the side of me. I hold my gaze on the hook in front of me.
You trail the flogger's tails over my back, the soft leather tickling slightly. My breathing hitches. I'm filled with relief it's not the cane but dread and anticipation at the sharp and dull pain I know I'll be receiving. No pleasure to help me ride it out. Not when I'm in punishment.
I jump as I hear the flogger thwack, my body tense ready for the impact that didn't come. Instead you stroke the flogger over my back. I flinch at the touch, expecting harder. I know you will be smiling, enjoying the mental torment you are giving me.
I continue to stare at the hook, it's dulled metal just catching the light, adding a small shine. My breathing and heartbeat slowing down. The thwack comes again but I feel a sharp pain shoot across the top of my thighs, radiating down my legs. My toes dig into the carpet and my fingers curl around the hook. My whole body rigid. I let out a yelp before breathing out the words 'fuck sir'
'Four more' you whisper in my ear.
'Yes sir' I reply. Already bracing my body.
Instead you trail your fingers over my shoulder to the base of my neck and then other shoulder. You gentle touch making me relax. Thwack, the pain shoots down my legs again, the stinging worse on the fresh senstive skin. I cry out. I watch the hook as my body automatically reacts. My fingers gripping onto it. My knuckles white. I force them to relax, them turning pink again.
Thwack....the stinging becoming more instense, as a dull ache starts to weigh in on my thighs. I cry out again, tears filling my eyes 'owww' I whimper as the stinging starts to subside. I continue to look at the hook. It becoming less blurry as I blink the tears away. 2 more, 2 more, 2 more I repeat to myself, a little mantra as I force my breathing to slow down.
Thwack. My legs lock as the sting becomes unbearable, my back arching instead, needing to release the energy radiating through my thighs. 'Fuck' i growl out through gritted teeth. My eyes holding onto the hook, whilst a tear rolls down my cheek.
Thwack! The sadistic nature in you gives me all your strength for my last one. The stinging and dull ache become too much and my legs give way. I cry out again. The pain my body is feeling being mimicked in my voice. My body now flush against the wall I don't look at the hook, I know it's there, holding me up. My hands gripping onto the restraints.
My thighs are burning, heat radiating down and around my ass. I'm sobbing gently to myself, tears falling from my eyes.
I feel your hand gently release my wrists, as your other holds onto my waist. With my wrists released I let my body fall into you, we sink to the floor, my body curled up on your knee.
You kiss my forehead and wipe away from tears, gently shushing me, your lips by my ear.
My fingers curl up, gripping your t-shirt.
'Good girl' you tell me 'you took that beautifully'
'Thank you sir' I smile as I close my eyes, sinking into you
LikeGoddess_Fifi, Needoraland 35 more… · 2 Replies
Goddess_Fifi Beautifully written. Beautifully written.
Like · 31.05.2023 16:39:26
Andrewlux Love this ;) Love this ;)
Like · 29.05.2023 11:20:51

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