

Personal details

Gender Man
Age 60
Status Single
Height 170cm
Weight 89kg
Body shape Average build
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Hair length Bald
Beard Shaved/no beard
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin England
Pubic Hair Natural
Body hair Hairy
Zodiac sign Libra

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Romantic at heart wants to find my perfect woman to share, love and a deeper connection. Looking for a monogamous relationship. With plenty of passion. I must admit I realy loved tieing up girlfriends in the past but kind of missed that the kinky thing to do would be to tease them mercilessly. Now that's what I would really love to do. I want to find a rope bunny who really wants to be tied up in different ways.

Desires and Fantasies
A fulfilling life with love, trust, honesty. A BDSM relationship that is fulfilling and respectful.
Get some bondage tape and wrap you up like an Egyptian mummy'!


scat, knife play, anything illegal

My roles & archetype gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Middleton-on-Sea with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio cum4meSlowly has bought a Premium-membership!
icon-wio cum4meSlowly wrote something in the forum
Buttercup's Dungeon Premier Part 2 (fiction)

Very nice you have a flare for writing! Naughty buttercup in for a punishment 😈

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What's your morning routine you can't live without? Charm everyone with a pic that shows how to enjoy the first hours of the day ☀️

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icon-wio cum4meSlowly picked up the birthday gift
icon-wio cum4meSlowly wrote something in the forum
Bet Your Orgasm

It is a lovely piece 😊 thank you

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icon-wio cum4meSlowly created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Diamonds a girl's best friend? (Chapters 6 & 7)
Never one to leave things alone Peter's mind went to work on his game. He always played high cards while Jane always played low cards. This next twist would stop that. "This time when each card is played. We both have to perform the action. So a heart is a kiss for me and slaps for you. Clubs are Read more…lick for me and cane for you. Diamonds are tickle for me and riding crop for you. Spades are massage for me and paddle for you. It means you can earn the chance for the game to end but it's going to be at the cost of pain to your arse.
No longer was her pain completely under her control. As Peter had announced the new rules she realised they would share control of her pain. Sure if she got a high spade she could play it but would have to face a lot of the paddle on her arse before she could start to try to get him off. Soft options of low cards would make it hard for her to get him off. Keeping the high cards was simply not going to help.
Peter dealt. Jack of diamonds (tickle/riding crop) six and five of clubs (lick/cane) jack and queen of hearts (kiss/slaps) for Peter. King of diamonds, three of spades (massage/paddle), eight of hearts, ten and seven of clubs for Jane. Jane started, ace of clubs. She pondered what to play. King of diamonds was no use, far too many and trying to get Peter to cum while tickling him wasn't going to work. Resigning to her fate she picked the three of spades. She bent over and took her three strikes. Bravely done it was Peter's go. Jane once again lovingly stripped him. When she got him down to his pants he was sporting a tent in his underwear. She put her hands on either side of his hips and pealed them down, his erection jumping out and bouncing a little bit. The three minutes on the timer went quickly. A nice sensation.
Seven of hearts. He chose to play the five of clubs from his hand. Jane went to work. Licking enthusiastically she tried hard to complete the game, hoping to avoid the five strikes with the cane. Peter fighting to keep calm looked down on his naked wife's beautiful body. Kneeling at his feet her head moving back and forward her hair flowing freely with each movement. He would have loved to take her head and thrust himself into her mouth but that wasn't the game. He fought to get another round keeping his ardour under control. A battle of wills, fought as the timer ticked away the time. The five minutes over Peter nearly jumped with joy. Jane was less happy more rounds but her arse had become quickly sore and she didn't know how much she really could take. She preferred the last version of the game. She liked that she could pick the small cards, keep the larger ones and not have to play them at all.
Jane picked again from the top of the deck. She turned up the five of spades (massage/paddle). Possible but she had just failed to get Peter off with her talented tongue and she was feeling a little down. She had become used to Peter only lasting no more than four minutes before flooding her pretty mouth with his seed. To have failed to lick his sensitive head to climax she doubted that she could get a better result using her just her hands. She stared at her cards. Once again unsure what to play a low card to reduce her pain or a high card. Suffer the punishment but complete this game. It was difficult. She chickened out and played the ace of clubs (lick/cane) she wasn't going to get him off but at least it was only one stroke. She bent over. Peter grasped the cane. He tapped it on her arse. Then swung it through the the air. Swish. Jane heard the noise and clench her buttocks. However Peter was teasing her the cane passed inches above her arse. Peter raised his hand again and swung the cane this time landing squarely on her arse with a resounding thud. Now her chance to get Peter to cum and finish. Towards the end of the minute Jane was desperate. She cheated and deep throated him. Ramming his rod deep in to her throat her lips meeting his pubes at the base. She tried to gobble him to increase his pleasure. It was nearly enough but Peter pulled back quickly and tutted loudly. The timer's chimes interrupted him. He was going to tell her off but he looked down as she looked up her eyes pleaded with him. He studied his hand seven, jack, queen of hearts (kiss/slaps) six of clubs (lick/cane) jack of diamonds (tickle/riding crop). The diamond would be no good as he didn't really like being tickled. Six of clubs might do but did he really want his wife to have another six strokes of the cane. It looked painful and she said it was. Quite why she wanted it he didn't know but she said she did. He took her word for it and was happy to indulge her. "Do you want to continue?" Jane shook her head. Peter picked up the next card, queen of spades (massage/paddle). He would have played it and the game would have been over. No way he could have lasted twelve minutes. However twelve swats with paddle would have become very painful. He threw it down. "That would have finished the game." He announced. "Never mind. Let's go and attend to your arse." Adjourning to the bedroom. Peter put on a robe and Jane settled on the bed. He applied cream to Jane's arse. Peter really enjoyed rubbing it in. He loved the way he massaged her arse cooling the heat and easing the marks and bumps. He was gentle and finished by patting her, loving the way her flesh wobbled.
"Put the yellow bikini on." He order Jane. He loved to get her to dressed for the start of sex sessions. Jane had learnt this new kink he had developed since their new relationship had started. She wouldn't have worn them round the pool on holiday she hadn't really had the body for it before. Now her figure was better but she would still be too timid to wear such an item. Peter loved to look at her, to shy to admire the women on holiday in case they called him a pervert. Now he could look all he wanted before pulling the bows and teasing them off Jane's body. Admiring the erotic look as they hung on her half off but still obscuring her treasures. He could take his time and his cock always grew hard.
He collected the ankle and wrist cuffs from the toy box. He smiled as he put them on her wrists and ankles. She present her limbs one by one for him to attach the bands to. Her naked body covered for a short time he was not put off from the task in hand. The idea of using a bikini had been an inspiration. He collected the spreader bar. By far his favourite toy. It held her in a very submissive pose. Completely helpless. Not too stressful. Jane had become used to it. She could have held a similar pose without the restraint but loved the extra power that Peter seamed to get from attaching her to the bar. He loved the way it spread her legs just as it was designed to do. The way her wrists attached to the bar. It forced her to have her arms between her legs her face turned sideways on the mattress. Her knees bent under her. Her ass hung in the air. Legs open and his pussy at his mercy to do what he wanted. Seeing the bar Jane knew what was required and moved to the bed. She knelt and bent over getting into position. Peter attached the bar to the ankle straps with the clips and Jane stretched with her hands down between her open legs towards the bars waiting rings. Peter clicked the wrist cuffs in place. Trailing his hand over her clad arse he traced his finger nails over her arse where the material started to cover her. He took his time over this. Put his hand between her legs and cupping the material. He rubbed his hand up and down her slit as her dampness wetted the material.
He pulled the bow open that lay on her back. Letting the loose end go he flicked it off. Before flicking the other end off as well. The material covering her breasts fell away on to the bed. It was held by the bow at the back of her neck. He undid that and let it lie under her. He ran his hand under her body. Between her soft flesh and the mattress he played with her tits for only a short while. It was really too awkward of a position to do a proper job. After all Jane's hands attached to the bar she had nothing to support her upper body. Peter ran his fingers down Jane's spine. Teasing her with a very light touch it was like little sparks ran from the tips of his fingers. Tantalising slowly. Nearer and nearer to the yellow strip that covered her rear hole. Protected his pussy. The material clung to her lips. As his hand reached the swimming costume, he turned his hand. He slipped it under the yellow material and rubbed the fingers down her crack touching her rose bud. Using his middle finger he pressed the button. Not penetrating it but just fingering the outside. Sending the nerve ends a message. A promises of things to come.
Withdrawing his hand he undid the bow on Jane's right side. Letting it go it fall away. Erotically hanging on her left side by the remaining bow. It no longer protected her modesty. Instead framed and highlighted her vulnerability. An erotic vision. Peter paused before removing the other side pulling the material clear while holding on to one strap he tossed it aside. He placed his hand carefully between the gaps on the bed. Leant forward and kissed her gapping hole. Sticking his tongue deep inside her he licked deep. Jane let out a small moan of pleasure. Having tasted her Peter wanted to bury his dick in this waiting pussy. He stepped back and took off the robe.
Making sure he didn't get tied up with the spreader bar he positioned himself behind Jane. She was soppy wet ready for him and after a quickly rubbing himself up and down her wet pussy lips. He located himself at the head of her love tunnel. Easing himself forward slowly he enjoyed the way she bulged before her lips parted and he slid into her velvet tunnel. He inched his way in not because he would hurt her. He could have thrust in in one quick motion she was that wet. No he just loved the way it felt. That penetration of her inner sanctum. Driving himself forward till he was buried to the hilt. He rested. Jane squeezed him with the walls of her cunt. Like a glove she tighten down on him. She felt full of his meat and loved it. Then he withdrew. All the way to the very tip before thrusting into her deeply again. This time quickly his passion taking over his body. He thrust in and out the tempo quickly rising. His hand on her hips to steady himself. In out. He thrust getting more urgent with each stroke. Jane locked in her bondage could do little. Reduced to his receptacle she loved the power he had over her. All the times they had made love never felt like this. She was his to do what he wanted, truly his possession. She tried to tighten the walls of her cunt. Grip him as he drove her towards the climax she wanted. Suddenly he thrust deep into her stopped. Shouted "Cum for me slut" his cock twitched and spasmed as the cum erupted from him. Emptying his ball of their hot sticky liquid deep inside her. It splashed on her cervix. His words hypnotic, it was too much she climaxed too. Wave after wave ripping through her body as if the lava from his pick had invaded her nervous system.
Spent Peter rested on her back. Then aware she was not comfortable he got off the bed. Standing at the foot he unclipped her from the bar. Jane pulled her hands out from under her rubbing the limbs before turning over and stretching out. Peter looked down at her. He hadn't finished. There was something new he wanted to try. Something he was to timid to admit to her. He took her leg and pulled it to the edge of the bed. Clipping to the loop of rope they used to tie Jane spread eagled out he did the same to the other leg. Jane surprised let him continue. She wasn't going to argue with her Master. As he went to the head of the bed she put her hand out for him to clip her in. Peter walk round and clipped the other hand in place.
He returned to the bottom of the bed and placed his hands on her thighs her parted her legs. His spunk visible between her legs. He watched the cream pie before him. Then he lent down and licked and slurped away at her hole. Cleaning his cum from her in a kinky way. He made his way up her body. Holding his hand either side of her face he kissed her. As she opened her mouth he let the last drops he had collected from her fall into her mouth. She tasted the mixture of their love making a taste of him and her.
Chapter seven
Peter decided to go back to version two of the game. Version three had not been a good experiment. They went back and played a few hands of it in version two and really enjoying it. However there were two problems with it for Peter. Firstly since it always ended with a climax for Peter he missed having sex with Jane at the end. Secondly he found he hated being tickled. When he had played the ten of diamonds the first time he had not enjoyed it and every time they played he kept the diamonds in his hand. He searched his mind for something to replace tickle with.
"Jane I have decided to change our game." Peter announced, Jane never got a choice in things now days. What Peter decided happened and she went along with it. Sometimes she would object but normally her submissive nature meant she would do as he wanted because doing so turned her on. "I am changing what happens when I play a diamond. I didn't much like tickles and it was pretty pointless expecting you to make me cum using tickling. Diamonds will be vibrator for me." Jane looked a little surprised. Where did he plan to put the vibrator? "Ok" she said in an unsteady tone. It wasn't a question but her lack of enthusiasm meant something. Peter tried to clarify the new twist. "I am going to put it in my pussy." "What you expect me to stick it up your bum?" Jane asked very surprised with this turn of events. He had never showed an interest in that sort of thing during their marriage and she wondered if their new found love of BDSM had him wondering about his heterosexual life and he wanted to try something more homosexual. She didn't like the sound of that she thought her man was straight and that's what she liked. "No" Peter said as if answering her unspoken questions. Then slowly "My pussy" he emphasised the word my. The penny still didn't drop. "Your cunt, I am going to put the vibrator between your sweet lip and tease you." So diamonds might be a girls best freind. That meant one in four cards in his hand he could now use to further torment her with. How he loved to stack the deck. "I see" said Jane thinking he would only torment her more like in version one of the game. How he loved to see her writhe and suffer. If not from pain but in pleasure it didn't matter which as long as he tormented her. His play thing. "The game will end when one of us cums." Peter completed the explanation "of course you can only cum if I give you permission other wise I have to punish you." Jane knew this perfectly well but maybe he would want the game to end and he would let her cum allowing them to have sex. She had enjoyed him fucking her that night. The game had turned her on and it had been a perfect end. Now with a new possible end rather than abandoning the game when it became too much it might be even more fulfilling. So his diamonds really would be a girls best freind.
The new game was a great success. Peter loved it when he got a high diamond. He could decided to play it and was almost always guaranteed to get Jane to cum for him. He would often wait, clock watching for when it change to the last minute of the specified punishment time. Then he would move his head and whisper in her ear "Cum for me slut" once when he said it he tried turning the vibrator off just to see if she could still cum without any stimulation. See if the mer words would be sufficient. His command enough to trigger her response. Jane failed, the last minute passed by. She got to play an extra card and had to take six slaps. The lowest card she had. Peter did not hold back. To make it a bit more painful ever blow landed in the same spot. The next turn Peter played the ten of diamonds. That day he had a good hand of diamonds so was not worried about it. She kind of deserved the extra slaps so he felt no pity or sorrow. Waiting for timer to show nine minutes this time when he commanded her to cum he pulled the vibrator away for a few seconds before replacing it and letting her be fulfilled. It was enough to worry Jane that she was about to have to play yet another card. Boys just love their toys. Playing with her this way was delicious. They played the game on a regular basis if he got her to cum, he loved taking her to the bedroom to have sex. Sometimes in bondage, spread out, sometimes on her back sometimes on her front. His favourite position with her in the spreader bar always featured regularly. Peter got Jane to modify some of the bikinis with poppers and Velcro straps. It allowed him to roughly pull them off her. As the material was torn from her body she loved the feeling of power he showed. When her knickers got old he would cut them from her body just as he had done that first day when he claim his pussy. She actually loved having her knickers cut off. It was an act of Peter owning and taking control of Jane. It was more forceful than just undoing the bows or pulling poppers.
The end.
I hope you enjoyed this fantasy and poor spelling, grammar and punctuation hasn't ruined it for you. Love your comments and likes. Play the game and let me know how you get on!
Likelkp, lumpofluv, Master1888and 2 more… · 1 Reply
Leisa You may shower me with diamonds anytime. You may shower me with diamonds anytime.
Like · 21.03.2023 1:43:31
icon-wio cum4meSlowly wrote something in the forum
Should I find a new sub?

She is an ex for a reason. It is a break up because it is broken. However on the other hand if you think it can be fixed, then talk it out and if both want to give it another go learn from your errors. Otherwise give it up and move on when you are comfortable. Good luck

LikeDominant_ddy · Jump to discussion
icon-wio cum4meSlowly wrote something in the forum
In the beginning…

Wonderful story. So sad you don’t want to finish it. You have a great way with words. Particularly the capitals for Him who must be respected!

icon-wio cum4meSlowly created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Diamonds a girl’s best friend ? (Chapter 5)
“Cuffs please." Peter liked the look it was very submissive and allowed Jane to be clipped to the bed quickly or clip the hand cuffs to the ankle cuffs forcing her ass high into the air. Better still Jane could be clipped to the spreader bar. Forcing her leg apart her hands between her legs it Read more…opened her pussy and allowed him access to her that not only she wouldn't resit but couldn't resit. Their BDSM equipment had increased slowly and steadily. Peter was responsible for new purchases and often searched the Internet for new items. Jane charged with cleaning everything. She kept it clean, washing the cuffs in soapy water in the kitchen sink and putting them to dry in the airing cupboard before putting them away a few days later.
Tonight the game would be a little tougher. Gone the kisses for hearts. Hearts now stood for slaps. Clubs the cane. Peter explained the new rules to Jane. He had a crib card and had updated it to make it clear.
Peter dealt the cards. He had King of clubs, five of clubs, two of club, jack of hearts and nine of spades. Jane had six of clubs, seven of diamonds, three of clubs, seven of spades, seven of clubs. Jane took the first card. Ten of clubs. She had a lot of clubs and no hearts. She played the seven of spades (paddle) and chose to have them on her left thigh. The first slap she let out a cry, by the time the seventh landed she wanted to scream and her thigh was stinging like hell. How she was going to play the ten of clubs she just didn't know and all she could do was to stare at it and wonder. Peter drew a ten of hearts. He played the two of clubs. He thought about having Jane lick his dick it might be a nice start but he chose to build the tension up a little. Have her lick his neck two minutes of licking later Jane's tongue was a little tired but there was a smile on Peter's face and a nice bulge in his trousers.
Jane drew the ace of hearts. One minute of kissing would have been nice but hearts for her now meant hand slaps. She thought about getting a slap on the face. Something she had found on the Internet and given their new power dynamic she was keen to try it out. When they talked about Peter had not been keen it seemed like abuse to him. After a long discussion Peter researched the subject on the Internet. He found a video with a dominatrix using gloves. Now he was progressing nicely with his path to slapping her face. He had quickly accepted the idea of slapping her with a glove. He practiced holding her face with his left hand as he slapped the gloves with his right. It was completely unnecessary to hold her as the glove never applied enough force but he was getting used to the idea. Forcing Peter to do something he wasn't yet comfortable with was not a good idea. Practice was important as it had been when they first used the cane. He had practiced on a pillow crudely shaped to resemble an arse. Only when Jane was satisfied with his aim had she allowed him to practice on her.
Jane played the three of clubs (cane) she took them on the arse. Peter said "Which cheek?" Jane chose left. Peter took up position along side the bed a little bit in front of Jane's bare arse. He fondled it lovingly. Digging his nails in and wobbling her flesh. He tapped it gentle then Peter took aim and was slightly high. Now with a mark he aimed the next blow a few centimetres below, of course each blow was accompanied by a small cry from Jane. With a final swish, the stroke again landed just bellow the other two. There was not much room left on her arse for more. The six, seven or ten of clubs she still had in her hand would be a difficult. It was turning into a true test of endurance. The risk of more pain for Jane turned him on.
Peter turned up the two of spades. Two minutes of massaging. Yes that might give Jane a chance to get him off. He played it. He stood up. "Undress me" he ordered. Jane started undoing his cloths and lovingly stripped him of the garments one by one before waiting for more instructions. He put his hand out and rubbed it up and down her cunt lips. His eye drifting away before he snapped back and took his phone and set the timer on it to two minutes. "Ready? Start massaging my cock." Once Jane curled her hand round his shaft and started pumping him, he started the timer going. When the buzzer went off he had not been able to cum but was certainly on the edge and enjoying just how hard Jane was trying.
Two of diamonds. Jane dew a breath of relieve. A two that wouldn't be to bad. What were diamonds. Riding Crop. Oh. Jane played it. Left hand, right hand, right thigh, right arse cheek. There was also her tits but that would be sensitive. It wasn't a sight they should use as it could cause permeant damage. She choose left hand. It would sting but only two was not so bad and she wanted to keep the ace of hearts just in case. Peter swung the crop and the leather tip cracked wickedly. It did not hurt as much a Jane expected. It stung and brought tears to her eyes but she did not let a noise from her mouth. The second strike was worst than the first. Jane stuck her hand under her right arm pit jumping up and down before calming down.
Peter hadn't bothered putting his cloths back on. Drawing the five of spades he contemplated five minutes of massaging his cock. He looked at Jane, naked he loved the way she looked. As their eyes met he smiled and she smiled back. The King of clubs might end this game and he could give her some pleasure. Make use of the rabbit vibrator and tease her, make her hold her orgasm, look at her beautiful face and watch her close her eyes as he whispered "Cum for me slut". Jack of hearts eleven minutes of French kissing. That would spice the game up a little. He played it set the timer up and started it. Grabbing Jane by the hair for the first time he roughly started the first kiss. It showed her who was boss and she melted into his arms. After such a passionate start he eased off and guided her to the settee. Sitting next to each other they continued the kiss. No one said Peter couldn't start the teasing early and he ran his right hand along her thigh. Jane knew what he wanted and opened her legs. It was not a demand for him, more her acceptance of what he wanted, what he always seemed to want. If primarily ladies want love and romance. Men want sex. As he teased her rubbing her warm wet lips up and down, diving one and then two fingers in, coating them with her juices and searching out her clit. Jane was very hot and bothered by the time the buzzer went off they were both a little sore in their jaws it was a little bit of a relief to hear the sound.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" If Jane didn't say it out load she definitely thought it as she turned over the queen of clubs. Her eyes watered at the sight of it twelve of the cane. No way. Looking at her hand four clubs! queen, ten, seven and six. Seven of diamonds (riding crop) and ace of hearts. She picked the diamond. "Right arse cheek. Master" Peter tried hard not to let the marks over lap as he covered her cheek with the seven marks. Silence, no, as each mark reddened her she couldn't help but she yelped. Each loader than the one before. If she had started to scream Peter might have stopped fearing he was abusing her. As it was he was turned on by the punishment. However hard they completed the task.
Em ten of diamonds for Peter, tickle that wouldn't get him off and his balls where beginning to ache with need. His cock throbbing had stopped. Time to play the King of clubs (lick). Jane's tongue would feel good. As he played the card Jane's eyes opened wide this would be good. Surely he would pick his dick. Reading her mind he said "Yes it's time for you to finish this game. I want you to lick my dick." After only ten minutes Peter was ready to cum Jane had licked his shaft up and down before concentrating on his head. Her hand steading the shaft as she pulled back the foreskin. Jane ran her tongue round the bulb of the head and licked the slit causing Peter to shudder. Now she lavished long slow licks from the shaft over the sensitive head. Peter closed his eyes "Open" he commanded. Jane complied and he placed his knob head in her mouth. She closed her lips round him sucking softly and felt him shiver as his cum spurted out. The game was over. Peter couldn't help sneaking a peak at the next card queen of hearts (slaps). He had found it very exciting. Jane was glad it was over.
Peter took Jane to the bedroom. He applied lotion to Jane's skin. It cooled and soothed her. Then he made her lie face down and taking some baby oil he warmed it in rubbing his hands together before rubbing it over her back. It was not long before he laid on top of her and rubbed his whole body up and down. Then he whispering in her ear "turn over". He straddled her hips resting on his knees to give her room to turn. After she was on her back he applied a little more baby oil to his hands then took hold of her tits he massaged the flesh in circular patterns transferring the oil to her skin. To start with he left the lovely nipples alone but was soon pinching then between slimy figures. They hardened under his touch. Jane felt her nipples tightened and loved the sessions they sent to her pussy. It was already sloppy wet but she didn't want to seek relive, she would just let events take their course and enjoy the ride. Peter had enjoyed his game and he was unlikely to let her go disappointed. Having finished with her tits the nipples nice and hard. Peter moved off Jane and still kneeling he ran his right hand over her pussy lips. He slipped a finger inside the pink wet slit. It was warm wet and inviting. Jane opened her legs giving him the access he wanted. He loved the way she allowed him to use her body. He thought about making love to her but his idea about the rabbit vibrator was much better. He fetched it, turning it on he rubbed the gyrated head over her lips. Peter teased Jane. He watched as she tried to buck her hips. He loved to see her body yearn for more. He did not wait to long, thrusting the shaft in as the beads on the inside of it rotated against her pussy inner lips. The protruding nub nuzzled Jane's little nub. It sent waves of pleasure though her entire body. "Ready my little slut?" "Yeeeeesss" Jane replied as the waves threatened to rip through her like a tsunami. "Cum for me my slut" words she loved to hear and words Peter commanded her frequently to start her climax. The words triggered her pleasure like a hypnotist had her under his spell.
To be continued….
icon-wio cum4meSlowly has updated their profile description
Romantic at heart wants to find my perfect woman to share, love and a deeper connection. Looking for a monogamous relationship. With plenty of passion. I must admit I realy loved tieing up girlfriends in the past but kind of missed that the kinky thing to do would be to tease them mercilessly. Now Read more… that's what I would really love to do. I want to find a rope bunny who really wants to be tied up in different ways.

Desires and Fantasies
A fulfilling life with love, trust, honesty. A BDSM relationship that is fulfilling and respectful.
Get some bondage tape and wrap you up like an Egyptian mummy'!
icon-wio cum4meSlowly created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Diamonds a girl's best friend? (Chapter 4)
Jane was enjoying her new position. She worked hard and it was showing on her figure. Gone was her flabby belly. Replaced with a nice flat mid drift she was in good shape especially for a woman of her age. Her ass a lovely shape and firm. Peter loved it. His figure had not gone so well. Jane Read more…waitering on him hand and foot was great but being feed well and a lack of exercise was not a good combination. He took to exercising with Jane in the morning. He wore his pants and a track suit to hide the bulge that grew as he watched his lovely wife's taut and slim body work out. It was a bit boring for both of them but he didn't want to join a gym.
Jane had settled into her role and the schedule was easy to follow. She obeyed Peter out of love and respect for his position over her. She rarely made mistakes or failed to complete her tasks and she longed for more punishments. She could misbehave and earn a punishment. She loved the affectionate slaps on her ass in the morning but it had been ages since she got a good hiding. She was beginning to miss it. One morning after breakfast she took it up with Peter. He agreed to think of something.
That evening instead of sitting watching TV he searched the Internet for ideas. After a while he had a plan. He explained it to Jane "I found this game on the internet but we are going to adapt it slightly." Peter explained. "We use a deck of card. Harts are kiss. Clubs are lick. Diamonds are tickle. Spades are massage. The number of cards is the number of minutes. For you the suites will represent Harts, kisses. Clubs hand. Dimond riding crop. Spades paddle. The number of the card the number of strokes. We shuffle the cards and deal 5 to each player. Set deck between us. Then take it turns when it's your turn, you draw a card and then 'play' a card of your choice by laying it in the discard pile, face up. Whatever the card reads, that defines the action and duration or stokes that must be completed to the body part chosen by the player. Any questions?" "When does the game end?" Jane asked. "When I cum." Peter replied.
Jane was unsure. She had some control, not that she wanted it. She had a free choice over where she was to be hit. That would mean she could spread it out over her body. Jane could also chose the implement of her torture limited by the cards she held at any one time. She would have to be brave and careful. She would have to play the clubs and have the paddle on her ass. Particular if it was high card. She could simply hold on to a high club and hope the game would end before she had to play it. If she did that she might end up with a lot of high cards that she would be forced to play one of them receiving the strokes on an already sore part of her body. She could simply play the high cards and accept the pain.
Peter was unsure. He didn't want the game to last too long. It sounded very painful and although he thought that's what Jane wanted, having thirteen strokes in one place sounded a lot. At least if Jane got some harts in her hand she could have several minutes of him kissing her anywhere she chose. Peter hoped for the King of spades confident he could get her to massage his cock and make him cum in the thirteen minutes he would be allowed. Although Jane may thwart his attempts to end the game doing it slowly so he didn't cum. That was unlikely.
He shuffled the deck and got Jane to cut the cards. Dealing the first hand Jane got five, jack, queen of clubs (slaps) and the ace and queen of hearts (kisses). Peter got ten, jack, queen of diamonds (tickle) and ten of clubs (lick) and eight of spades (massage) that might just be enough to end the game but he doubted it. He would have to relax and Jane use her hands well. Peter started and drew seven of clubs. He played it, pealing off his shirt he chose his chest in particular his nipples. If women could have an orgasm from having their tits being played with. He had read that men could too. Peter set a timer on his phone and started it. Jane started slowly teasing his chest with little licks from the tip of her tongue. Running up his pecks teasing the nipples. She rang circles round his nipples. Then Jane licked his left nipple with the flat of her tongue pulling it across him. Seven minutes later his chest was damp from Jane's spittle. Her mouth tired from the work. His cock was hard and throbbing but although it had been good he hadn't cum.
Jane drew eight of clubs. Wanting a little revenge she picked the ace of heart. She picked one minute of kissing. French kissing. She hadn't got a real nice kiss for a long time and she missed how she used to get all the kisses she wanted, when she wanted them. For Jane still settling for the new regime taking a little control for once was not a problem. Peter set the timer again. The kiss was full of passion. The timer went off very quickly it didn't seem like a minute it was over in a flash Jane was a little disappointed.
Five of spades for Peter. He chose to play this immediately again. He removed his trousers and pants setting the timer. He said "Try your best. Go" it was clear to Jane what Peter wanted and she grabbed his tool spat on her hand and started to rub. After four minutes he was beginning to breathe heavy his rod ridged and hot. Pre cum on the tip of his dick glistening as Jane rubbed as quickly as she could. Peter tried hard not to cum, gritting his teeth for the last minute. He won this round.
Jane drew nine of diamonds (riding crop). With four clubs (slaps) in her hand she better pick one. She picked the eight of clubs. She could have selected the five but took the eight on the arse. Peter got Jane to bend over and hold her knees. He started slow and sure alternating left and right cheeks. The repeated blows soon warmed and reddened her arse. She smiled. The warm glow from her backside triggered a response deep inside her. Peter loved the glow and feeling of power.
Next out the pack the four of diamonds (tickle). Peter chose the ten of diamonds from his hand. He thought he would be general and picked his torso. They adjourned to the bedroom. Peter stretched out on the bed. He hadn't been tickled for years. Well he couldn't really remember being tickled as a youth but he was certain he was. Jane picked up a feather and ran it over his chest getting little response she tried his sides. He squirmed away from the feather trying to stop the sensation. Little goose bumps appeared on his skin. He had wondered about letting Jane tickle his dick but as the ten minutes passed he began to like the idea less and less.
Four of hearts (kisses) Jane drew from the pack. This was turning into a long game. The tickling had turned her on and she felt like getting some release. She picked the queen of hearts and getting boldly said "I want you to kiss my pussy" "That's my pussy" Peter pointed out "and you aren't allowed to cum without permission." Thinking for a bit he added "because of your presumption I am not going to give you permission and you better not cum." Jane gulped. This had gone wrong this was going to be torture. It started with gentle kisses on her lips as Peter started kissing his pussy. Jane was soon wet. The kisses became deeper and deeper. He soon moved to her sensitive clit and sucked it in to his mouth. Kisses were being taken quite liberally. Moans soon escaped Jane's lips as she tried not to cum. By the time the bell sounded her body was covered in sweat. Showing the effort she was putting in to it. She had been squirming away trying to keep the sensations under control.
Peter got the seven of spades. He had seven and eight of spades (massage) ten of clubs (lick) four, jack and queen of diamonds (tickle). He played the ten of clubs. Thinking it would end the game. Jane had a talented mouth and it had become better with her morning practice. Jane took her lead from the kisses she had got. To start with she teased him. Running the tip of her tongue up and down his shaft. Then licking with the flat of her tongue she started at the bottom of his shaft. She kind of wanted to keep the game going. Every time she got to his sensitive head Jane pulled herself away. As the time ticked away Peter started to get frustrated, bucking his hips to get himself in her mouth. She kept her right hand on him holding station not allowing him to get closer than she wanted. When the buzzer went off he was nowhere near. He looked at Jane what did she have in mind this was not how he expected the game to be played. Perhaps she was trying to get her own back for his earlier pussy kissing. It didn't seem right he was a bit pissed off.
Six of hearts more kisses. Jane wouldn't make the same mistake. Her own climax had faded and her heart rate had slowed. She played the five of clubs. More slaps. Again on her ass. Three on the right and two on the left. Bravely taken they were firm and a nice resounding noise from each strike. Jane had simply bent over and held her angles stretching her ass for Peter. He forgave her for tormenting him.
Nine of spades. His hand had a nice run seven, eight and nine of spades. He played the nine, setting the time he smiled at Jane. "Time to finish this game I think" He said. Jane smile "Yes Master" she meant it, she would try her hardest. She started slowly but firmly and quickly increased the tempo. It didn't take three minutes let alone the nine they were allowed. He spurted out spraying his cum every where. All over Jane's tits and face ribbons of white cum dripping from her body. "Let's run you a bath" Peter suggested. "Then I will rub some cream into your sore ass." They added some lavender bath salts to the hot water. The fragrance filled the bathroom. Peter didn't join his wife in the tub. Tempting as it was, he washed her with a sponge, standing by the edge of the tub. Leaving her to dry he went to the bedroom and dimmed the light adjusting to a soft glow.
Jane joined him. He was already in the bed the covers over his body keeping his naked body warm. Having cum he was not going to be able to repeat the experience any time soon. As she slipped under the covers he put his arms out and pulled her to his chest. It was a warm embrace. He grabbed her hair and pulled her back, she opened her mouth and he kissed her deeply. He proceeded to her neck. Kissing her lovingly. Moving on to her breasts he breathed hot air forgetting nothing of what he did before she was his slave. He took his time moving from stage to stage. Jane responded to his mouth. He moved down the bed and took up position between her legs. Spreading her thighs firmly he pulled them up the bed with his hands opening her up to his gaze. It was a lovely sight. His bald pussy. Her hole gapped open a puddle of her sweat musky juices glistened at the bottom of her slit. It did not take long before he was greedily licking and tasting her sticky inners. As she started to climb higher remembering not to cum without permission she held back until she had to start pleading. "Please Sir can I cum?". Peter stopped his administrations longer enough to say roughly. "Cum for me slut."
To be continued…..
LikeKristianMorningStar, Armaniand 8 more… · 1 Reply
DuchessFeuille Mid drift?? Mid drift??
LikePantieslavenovice · 11.03.2023 22:54:28
icon-wio cum4meSlowly wrote something in the forum
Diamonds a girls best friend ? (Chapter 3)

The diamonds are coming soon! I should have put “to be continued… “ at the bottom (sorry)

Likestiffeyusmc22 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio cum4meSlowly created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Diamonds a girls best friend ? (Chapter 3)
Chapter three
The new order worked really well. Peter set about Jane's diet and exercise regimes with gusto. Having set up a schedule, he kept Jane to it. They quickly found that Jane wanted to please her husband and she had found a renewed passion for the authority that he now held over her. She Read more…would rise after giving him a morning blow job. Peter loved to watch her swallow his cum. Sometimes he would pull out and cover her face. He used his fingers to clean her, getting her to lick them clean before collecting more for her. He once even used his own mouth. Transferring each morsel for her to enjoy drop by drop in sexy passionate kisses. As Peter lazed in bed watching, Jane would carry out a series of exercises. There were sit-ups, star jumps and squats. Naked. It was a lovely sight. She broke out in sweat and it covered her body making it glisten provocatively.
Once complete Peter would get out of bed and they would shower. Peter took delight in cleaning her breasts. He produced suds and rubbed them in circular patterns. He rubbed his fingers over her nipples and then squeezed them. Once finished he washed the suds off and then cleaned her pussy inside and out. Before enjoying have her wash his back and soap his genitals. Once dry, rubbing each others back, it was much easier than trying to dry yourself. As he dressed. Jane with her bald pussy and naked would go to the kitchen and start the coffee machine before warming croissants for his breakfast. Which he took with some orange juice. Sometimes she fried up eggs, hash browns, mushrooms and veggie sausages. Putting on a lace apron that protected her front from fat splashes. Jane left her ass exposed for when he entered and gave her a loving swat on the back side. It was nicer than a kiss on her face although he would often lean over her shoulder resting his head on it and kiss her on the side of the face as he whispered "spread them" and took delight in the smooth feel of his naked pussy. With the washing up done, Jane would do the house hold chores, clean the loos etc., then go into the bedroom to see if he had put any clothes out for her to wear. Sometimes there would be nothing, sometimes stockings and sexy looking lace hipster pants and matching bra. Basques, he particularly seemed to like the one that didn't cover her tits but supported them showing her nipples off. Then there was the string bikinis in varying colours and sizes. Even a shiny leather number. The cups of which slid on the string allowing her to be covered or uncovered at will. Bikinis normally meant she would be tied up or have her hands and legs clipped to something, probably the spreader bar. Peter loved to undo the bows that held the material covering her treasure. It felt like Christmas or a birthday peeling the wrapping paper off. It helped build a sense of excitement. Peter had quickly guessed that it would be expensive if he cut her clothes off every day. This way the items were reusable.
Today Jane found something new to wear. A black pair of pants with pink bows. The gusset had a pocket in it and already tugged inside a small cylinder with rounded ends. Jane looked at it it didn't have any switches on it and looked innocent enough. She put the pants on the vibrator rested on her lips. She guessed that was what it was and it seemed to be perfectly placed. She also had a bra, suspenders, stockings and a nice dark blue dress. Putting the rest of the out fit on Jane smoothed the creases out of the dress and admired her self in the mirror. She went to her dressing table and put on some makeup. Not to much Peter always liked her natural beauty and she didn't need foundation just some eye shadow, mascara and lip stick she picked the red one, new it was a little more vivid than her old brand but Peter had picked it out and she now regarded it as her colour.
Ready she went to the lounge and knelt down by the side of her Master. Knees shoulder width apart and hands clasping opposite elbows as he demanded. Peter continued watching the TV ,seemingly not to notice her. When the advert break came he muted the sound and looked down at her from the settee. "You look nice. Your makeup is perfect. Thank you. Are the new knickers in place?" Jane nodded. He stood up lifted the hem of the front of her dress and placed his hand on her crotch. He felt the cylinder and manipulated it making sure it was in the perfect place. He placed his hand in his pocket and pressed the button on the remote control turning the vibrator on. The buzzing could barely be heard. He dropped the dress back down. He studied Jane's face and then flicked the setting on the remote to a new pattern. He flicked through the various programs until he found one which started slowly and rose to a peak before stopping and starting again. You could just hear the note of the vibrator as it did its work. "Let's go" he said.
At the door Jane found her black heals. They went to the car. Peter got behind the wheel and Jane sat in the passengers seat trying to get comfortable despite the vibrations in her pants. Turning on the car he pushed a cd into the stereo the flicked it to the third track setting it on repeat. Jane wondered why he had been specific but she thought Peter might be slightly autistic and liked to have the stereo repeat a track over and over again. She quickly got bored hearing the same track but for Peter it seamed to calm him by the repetitive nature. Today as the stereo started it was Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys. Jane smiled "Very cute" she said. Peter smiled "I thought it was apt for today" Jane was on edge the vibrations where having a nice effect. Not enough to bring her to a climax she was wet and by the time they reached the shopping centre she was very wet indeed. The knickers soaked she hoped that she hadn't got a damp patch showing on the back of her dress.
After getting out the car she asked "Is my back ok, you can't see a damp patch can you?" Peter looked at the back of the dress. If there was he might not have said but as there wasn't anything he said "Don't worry it's all ok." You couldn't hear the buzzing above the street noise as the vibrations reached a peak. Now standing the weight of the vibrator pulled the pants away from her lips making the touch lighter. You would have thought Jane would have got a little relief but it was more thrilling.
Peter had it all planed. He walked swiftly as he always did. Jane walking respectfully by his side hoping that no one noticed her scent or could hear her pants. She would have sort out his hand as they walked but it was no longer her place to initiate such contact. Peter had been clear about such things. If he wanted it she would be compliant.
They entered a noisy pub. They walked up to the bar. "Take a seat." Peter tapped a bar stool. Jane hopped up onto the stool letting the back of the dress fall over the edge. The leather on her ass the pants providing little protection. The vibrator rested back solidly into her pussy she crossed her legs trying to enclose the noise with her thighs. It was too intense and as the vibrations rose to fever pitch she opened her legs and placed the heals on to the bar of the stool. A TV hung from the celling on it was the news report after report from around the world. She searched the pub trying not to let the vibrations get to her. Peter switched to a new program. On maximum for a few seconds then off it repeated over and over again. This was more thrilling than the last program and each time it came on Jane got closer and closer. Her excitement increasing by the minute. Peter saw her problem and pressed and held the controllers button. The vibrations cut off. Jane relaxed. They sipped their drinks. Peter turned the vibrator back on a low setting. He watched Jane's face. He wondered if she could be quite enough to cum and not scream the place down. "If I let you cum, can you do it here without causing a scene?". Jane bit her bottom lip between her teeth. Not enough to break the skin but catch lip and nodded. "Cum for me slut" he whispered even lower so only she heard his lips close to her ear he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Jane closed her eyes climaxed holding on to the stool trying not to fall off or cry out. Peter shut the device off. When the waves of pleasure for Jane had finished. She nervously looked around to see if anyone had noticed her. Her cheeks flushed but a smile on her face no one had noticed. They finished their drinks and Peter took a napkin from the bar. Jane stood and he discretely wiped the stool. They left the bar and Peter searched out her hand. Clearly a little reward.
LikeDpreva, KinkyMinx2023and 6 more… · 4 Replies
MsAddatude I can wait!!!💎💍 I can wait!!!💎💍
Likecum4meSlowly · 09.03.2023 0:38:37
cum4meSlowly ➦cum4meSlowly quote MsAddatude:❝Did someone say diamonds?? ❤️❤️❞
The diamonds are coming soon! I should have put “to be continued… “ at the bottom (sorry) ➦cum4meSlowly quote MsAddatude:❝Did someone say diamonds?? ❤️❤️❞
The diamonds are coming soon! I should have put “to be continued… “ at the bottom (sorry)
Likestiffeyusmc22 · 09.03.2023 0:03:23
MsAddatude Did someone say diamonds?? ❤️❤️ Did someone say diamonds?? ❤️❤️
Like · 08.03.2023 21:03:56
icon-wio cum4meSlowly wrote something in the forum

Got to love a good daydream. I am sure your Prince Charming is out there. Keep looking and hopefully you will find him.

icon-wio cum4meSlowly created a topic in BDSM Stories & Kinky Sex Confessions
Diamonds a girls best friend ? Chapters one and two!!
Chapter one.
Jane had been married to Peter for fourteen years. Boys from her previous marriage had left home and had found partners of their own. Jane cleaned and cooked and did all the domestic jobs around the home. She also had a part time job at the local McDonalds. However, it was not really Read more…enough, something was missing. Jane had a high sex drive and loved her love life with Peter. He couldn't seem to get enough of her and was insatiable. Peter loved to go down on her and she returned the favour with equal passion. She had mastered her gag reflex and was justifiably proud that she could take him in all the way to the back of her throat, swallowing him, the tip of her tongue lapping at his balls until he would cum down her throat. No real need to swallow the seed as it already entered her throat.
Peter had become quite good at pussy eating. Jane had been patient at the beginning of their marriage but had given him detailed instructions of just how she liked him to perform. He started slow. Kissing her neck. Jane loved that she felt adored when he did and the longer he kept it up the more her anticipation grew. She would hold his head between her hands unwilling to let him continue until he masterfully would drag himself lower. Before he did anything, he would open his mouth and just breath out on her breasts. The hot air from his mouth teased her and her nipples would start to harden. Her areola shrinking slightly as the skin tightened. Then he would start kissing her tits. Little soft pecks to the underside where she was sensitive before moving to her nipples those little bumps on her large brown areola. He would take them in his mouth. Suck them increasing the blood flow. Then with the tip of his tongue, he would trace little circles around Jane's areola. Flicking the nipple with the very tip of his warm tongue. Licking her with the flat of his tongue wetting her, teasing her then as gently as he could nibble on her. If he got it right Jane would not only be getting hot and bothered, wet and juicy for later but she could actual cum. It would kind of sneak up on her and then explode as if from nowhere, the sensations spreading out from her beasts throughout her whole body as Peter worked and her pleasure built slowly and gradually. Before long, Jane would have a powerful climax, coming as it did in waves like a tsunami. The first wave was devastating, wrecking her entire body, before the following waves took her again and again. It was often more intense when she was menstruating; that slightly awkward time of the month when her hormones caused her to be a bit more tender, her nerves a little shorter. It was a mixed blessing.
When Peter saw her close her eyes and her head flop back, he felt a slight bit of pride as her breath became ragged through her party opened mouth. It was time to move on. Leaving her breast still heaving he gave little small kisses and watched the goose bumps grow as he worked his way down over her stomach, shifting, so he knelt between her legs. One hand on each thigh he spread her. Not that it was necessary. She would already have her legs open for him yearning to get on with it. It was him being masterful letting her know she didn't have a choice. He kissed her thighs. First the left then the right. Careful not to leave a mark he built the tension slowly, moving towards her pussy lips. Left then right, closer and closer before the kisses landed on her cunt. Once there he kissed up and down her swollen lips, enjoying the musky aroma that resonated from her before sticking his tongue between her lips. He played up and down. Just the tip to start with but soon burying his whole tongue as deep as he could his lips against hers, his mouth wide, sucking as if he hadn't eaten for weeks,trying to lick her as deeply as he could. Jane would buck her hips up to his mouth. Sometimes from when he first touched her but when her arse left the mattress and hung in the air, it was time to reach for her clit, that small button at the top of her slit. It would already be out of its hiding place, engorged and waiting for Peter to suck on it. He'd suck on it. Jane would relax. The final stage of his worship of her body was starting. She would put her head back, close her eyes and just enjoy the ride. Peter slipped two fingers into Jane's hot slimy whole. Bending them slightly he found her g-spot and started to press and massage it. Peter's mouth clamped over her clit sucking and releasing, flicking it with his tongue he would work on Jane like this as she steadily climbed the hill for her next roller coaster ride. It would never take long, the ground work well and truly done. After shuddering through another climax, Peter moved up the bed and lay next to Jane before taking her in his strong arms and hugging her close.
It was during one of these cuddles that Jane, in the warm after glow stated, "Darling you know I sometimes look at porn when you aren't around?" It was a rhetorical question. Peter had sometimes looked at the browser history and was a bit surprised to see some BDSM searches. He hadn't left them there. He had been curious and had investigated the history a little more carefully. He had found videos of girls being punished. They had played a kinky game taking three punishments from a large pin board before stripping and collecting the punishment. Five strokes of the cane on the bottom. Four strikes from a wire on the stomach. Six from a horse-riding crop three on each hand. Each time tied up. Sometimes bent over on a wiping stool. Sometimes spread out on a large upright frame, vulnerable to the woman or man holding the cane. Naked with the cuffs still on their wrists, they returned to select the next punishment. It had turned him on.
Jane continued, "I want to find out what it feels like to be spanked." Peter hesitated. He wasn't sure about this. The thought about slapping someone had always turned him on but he did not like the idea of pain. Seeing the apprehension on her husband's face Jane said, "Not too hard, just see what it's like, see if we enjoy it, it will be ok, please for me?" "Ok", Peter replied. Jane threw back the covers and kneeling, her legs together, she put her arms on to the mattress. Her ass in the air. It was an erotic sight. Smack. It stung Jane but Peter had held back and she knew it. "Harder”, she demanded. This blow landed in the same spot and really stung. Jane bit her lip as the warmth radiated out. She was enjoying this, the mastery he had over her was pushing her buttons. Even after the orgasms she had just had she could feel a twitch in her pussy, the dampness beginning to grow. "Again." Smack. This time thankfully on the other cheek. "More". Smack ."Four, thank you, can I have six?" Smack. "Five, thank you, can I have another?" Smack. The final blow. "How was it?" Peter asked. Jane turned to him, tears from the pain in her eyes. "Wonderful", she said. "Just what I always thought it might be. Look, feel". She guided his hand to her sodden warm pussy lips. He had never felt her so wet. "I see you enjoyed it too", Jane said slipping a hand around Peter's rock hard cock. They hugged, returned to under the covers and where soon asleep.
The next morning Jane was feeling a bit frisky. She woke and immediately ran her hand down over Peter's body. She found him hard. Throwing back the covers she grasped his rod. She rubbed him up and down allowing the foreskin to bump over his head. It was not long before Peter woke up, a smile on his face. "Is that a nice way to wake up?" Jane asked, propped on a bent arm, she stared into his eyes. "Come here." Peter dragged her on top of him. Jane let his cock go as her left leg rose up over his body before she straddled him. She was ready for him and reached down she took his member and rubbing the head up and down between her wet lips. She located him in her love tunnel, before impaling herself. One swift action all the way to the hilt. She languished in how full she felt, before starting to move her hips back and forth, him squirming inside her was a lovely feeling. Peter did not sit idly by. He started to thrust in and out of her, matching her rhythm. They soon quickened the tempo, climaxing together as they normally did. Jane's climax triggered when she felt him twitch and thrust deep into her and grunt as his cum hit her cervix. Covering her inners with the warm sticky fluid. Embracing, "That was nice." Jane said. "Did you enjoy last night?" Peter asked his mind filled with images of the girls bent submissively. "Loved it!" Jane replied enthusiastically. "Want to do it again?" Peter inquired. "I am a little sore from last night, maybe later. How about some breakfast?" Jane said getting out of bed and slipping a dressing gown on.
After breakfast, Peter thought he ought to do some research. He quickly found out about aftercare and started to learn all sorts of things. He found he liked reading stories about BDSM and it gave him plenty of ideas. He didn't much like the idea of punishing Jane without a reason. He had always been very respectful towards her but this new power he had over her really intrigued him. It was late afternoon by the time he had finished reading and he knew what he wanted. He was going to turn his wife into his slave. She already did the cleaning and cooking so that wasn't going to change much. No, she was going to become his love slave. His slut to do what he wanted with in the bedroom and he would punish her if she didn't please him. He would buy a paddle, a cane, some cuffs and rope. The order in, he went to find her.
Dressed in tight jeans, shirt and woollen jumper he found her in the kitchen starting on the evening meal. He spied her arse as it flexed in the blue denim. Boy did he love that arse. Smack. He struck her a firm blow. He had swung his hand from his hip and it landed on her left cheek. As it did Jane let out squeak. He had never done anything like it and she enjoyed how masterful it felt. He left his right hand there on her arse rubbing it gently. He moved closer and slipped his left arm round her waist. Pulling her back against his body he whispered in her ear "Let's go to the bedroom". Jane turned off the cooker and followed him.
Sitting on the bed, Peter started, "I have decided on some changes. I have spent the day looking at the Internet. You are going to become my slave." "My sex slave." He emphasised the words. "From now on you are my slut and I want you to address me as Master, Sir occasionally and Peter in public. Do you understand?" Jane nodded she thought about arguing but she liked something in this take charge Peter.
"Get on your knees slut and put your hands behind your back. Touch your left elbow with your right hand and your right elbow with your left hand." Jane complied. Peter's research had kicked in.He studied the woman before him like he had never done before. "Take off your jumper." Jane stripped it off and threw it on the floor. She put her hands down by her sides. "Hands behind your back" Peter reminded her. Once she had returned to the proper position, he continued, "Now take off the shirt." It followed the jumper on the floor this time Jane returned her hands to behind her back. Jutting out her chest, constrained by her white bra, Peter admired it and the treasures it contained within. However, it wasn't very sexy. He would have to do something about that. "You have lovely tits." He had never remarked on her body before, especially using such language and Jane blushed with the compliment. "Show me them. Take off your bra." Her hands already behind her back Jane did not have to move them far to unhook the bra. She clasped the front of the material one hand over each tit and pealed it away letting the shoulder straps fall down her arms with a slight shrug. She threw it on the gathering pipe of clothes. Carefully to remember to return her hands back behind her back. She stuck her chest proudly out.
Peter reached out and fondled her left tit. Temporary distracted, his eyes drifted before he snapped back. Retracting his hand, he stated, "Stand up. Remove your jeans." Jane removed them and added them to the pile. Standing in her white big girl pants. She was not what you would describe as an erotic sight. "A few extra pounds I see" Peter commented. "You have tried diets before and nothing has worked. I am about to change that. As for your knickers, they are a disgrace!" This was unexpected Jane blushed she felt humiliated but there was a certain eroticism in the way he spoke to her. "We will do some shopping later." Peter produced a pair of scissors. He cut the left side of her knickers and then the right simply removing the now useless material he threw it to one side. "Now this hairy thing." He put his hand on her pussy then grabbing a handful of pubes, he whispered in her ear. "I have never liked your bush. Now this pussy is mine and I want my pussy bald. I am going to shave it and you will keep it shaved from now on?" Without waiting for an answer Peter continued. He roughly inserted a finger between her pussy lips. "This cunt. My pussy is not to cum unless I say so." He added a second finger and thrust them in and out quickening the pace. Jane closed her eyes but involuntary moved her feet apart giving him better access. Peter continued the sexual assault till he could see Jane was beginning to climb the hill to her climax. Then as quickly as he had started, he withdrew his fingers. "Take over slut. Remember don't cum until you are told. Now bend over."
Jane bent over and put her right hand down to what was now his pussy. Wetting her fingers she sort out her clit and started to rub it slowly. Slap. The blow hit her right cheek. "This ass is mine to punish as I see fit. Or pleasure if I like" Peter rubbed his hand gently over Jane's ass. Then slid his fingers into her warm crack. He rubbed up and down before searching out the rose bud of her anus. Standing over her, he let a drop of saliva out of his mouth to lubricate her as he inserted his finger. It wasn't enough so he let another trail of drawl join the first. Now he inserted his finger as Jane struggled to relax her sphincter. Her mind trying to fight what her right hand was slowly doing to her body. "Relax" slap Peter whacked her right cheek with his left hand slightly uncontrolled but a good shot. Jane doubled her efforts and his finger invaded her ring for the first time. They had never done anything like this and it was a new experience a powerful mark of his new control over her. The double stimulation was suddenly to much for Jane she started to climax and shudder her legs wobbled, her head spun from begin bent over. As it over took her she couldn't do anything about it her ass clenched the invading finger. Peter knew what was happening. "YES" he triumphantly said in his mind.
"Slut who gave you permission to cum?" It was rhetoric. "Assume the position. Kneel on the bed you get six for that" Peter was in his new element. He felt powerful and Jane loved it too. She obeyed it felt good to be told what to do. She returned to the position of last night and waited. Smack the first blow landed. Peter paused. "You are meant to count them thank me and ask for the next one. We will start again" smack "One. Thank you, can I have another?" "No slut. Get it right you address me as Master. Say thank you Master. From the beginning." Smack "One. Thank you Master. Can I have another?" The six or now eight were quickly and correctly administered and they both loved every minute of it. Once over Peter said "stay there" he went and fetched Jane's face cream and applied a small amount to her ass rubbing it in lovingly.
Then Peter fetched his razor from the bathroom. Returning he order Jane "lie on your back. Spread your legs, knees up, feet on the bed. It's time to see to that bush." He settled between her legs and pushed them a little wider. Then using the trimmer he removed her long hairs before using the head of the shaver to complete his work. The buzzing of the blades turning Jane on a little bit more. He stepped back and admired his work. As bald as the day she was born. Her lips full and pouting her hole gapped slightly and a dribble of her juices pooled at the bottom. Peter admired the erotic sight. The bulge in his trousers clearly showing his enjoyment. After taking a mental picture. He stripped quickly out of his clothes and wasted no time before burying himself in her warm wet hole. As he neared his climax, he nearly forgot about Jane but instead of grunting as he normally did, he whispered "Cum for me slut.” The words and his new power over her as well as his sperm filling her insides and the burning of her ass, a very powerful combination triggered a response she had not know the like of before. She squirted. "Oh" Peter said as she sprayed all over him. "Did you just squirt?" "Yes my Master. Do you mind?" Jane asked a little tenderness and respect in her voice. "I didn't know you did that. It's very sexy" Peter countered. "Neither did I." They kissed deeply and passionately. A new world of possibilities lay ahead.
Chapter two.
Shopping for clothes was the first thing on the agenda. Out went all the knickers that Jane was so comfortable with. Replaced with sexy underwear they bought together. Peter had taken Jane shopping the next day and they visited M&S but only found a few items. River Island and Bonmarché proved better. Peter picked out matching bras and particularly underwire ones. He was disappointed not to be allowed into the changing rooms and nearly insisted that Jane come out in to the store and show him the underwear on. In the end the found they could discreetly use their phones. Jane took a photo in the changing room mirror and sent it to Peter. He texted back yes and no and they moved on. For the dresses and other clothes Jane would put the item on and go and find Peter who was looking through the racks of clothes find more for her to try. Some of the things he had her try were very revealing. Sometimes her ass hung out and at other times her tits overflowed the top her bra clearly visible. She even took her bra off for one item and nearly flashed her breasts to the entire store. Peter had loved that item and despite Jane blushing and protesting slightly they bought it. With luck she wouldn't have to wear it out.
Peter wanted to find some string bikinis and although it wasn't the summer season, he thought there might be one or two to choose from. Women might always need a bikini for a foreign holiday and the pool. They searched hard and asked the shop assistant but they didn't have any in stock. Jane wasn't sure about string bikinis. They weren't her style they would show too much of her body on the beach. She wondered what they might be for but didn't really feel it was her place to ask any more. Peter knew he could have a better selection online and a string bikini would not require a specific fit. He still wished that they had been able to try them on in the store. No wonder up and down the country the High Street was becoming just a few banks, coffee shops, charity shops and Poundland stores.
Certainly not everything was to Jane's taste but she started to see a pattern in what Peter picked for her. Most of it was very sexy. Some very short skirts she hoped he would let her change before she had to go out because otherwise she would be flashing her knickers at everybody in town.
For the trip Peter had chosen a dress for her to wear and selected a nice green matching bra and knicker set, self-supporting stockings and 4" black heels completing the outfit. As the day went on they got a little tired and Peter decided it was time to stop for a coffee before heading home. They could complete the new wardrobe from the Internet. He would have a bigger and better choice. Select a variety of string bikinis.
He ordered a flat white coffee for himself and a herbal tea for Jane without even asking her. He selected peppermint. So, this was it, she no longer got a choice, no longer asked. He had chosen her favourite but if she had picked, she probably would have gone for a breakfast tea. Peter had tried peppermint tea, only once when Jane had not finished the pot. It tasted of little more than the water. As Jane drank it, she thought how perfect it was. Chosen by him, by her Master.
"Take off your knickers." Jane's mind had wondered off. Her tea gone tepid and his coffee cup empty. They had been sat quietly watching the others in the cafe. "Take off your knickers and give them to me", Peter repeated. She heard him but stared back trying to understand what he was asking. "I saw it in fifty shades of grey." He explained, "I won't ask again and I will have to punish you." Jane slipped a hand under her dress as discreetly as she could, wiggled her hips and bent over lowering her face to the table as she peeled them down her legs. Collecting them in a bunch, she passed them over placing them in Peter's open outstretched hand. He closed his fingers around them. No one noticed the exchange. He put them in his pocket. He could have sniffed them but didn't feel brave enough. It was a lovely feeling the control he had over his wife. Weeks earlier they would have been bulky knickers and she would have refused point blank. Now she did as he wished because he wanted it. It turned him on and turned her on. This new power dynamic was intoxicating. He wondered just how far he could push things. Make her finger herself at the table. Have sex with her in the gents loo. "One thing at a time”, he thought to himself before speaking to her. "Let's go home. You deserve a reward."
To be continued............😉
Likebristol556, g00dg1rl4youSir75, KinkyMinx2023and 13 more… · 2 Replies
slavewife Amazing writing as always xx love your stories Amazing writing as always xx love your stories
LikeWotan35 · 05.03.2023 22:07:49
Wotan35 Fabulous. I Love it. Please continue! Fabulous. I Love it. Please continue!
Like · 05.03.2023 5:58:39

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