
Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 36
Status Single
Height 162cm
Weight 90kg
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Green
Hair length Long
Orientation Bisexual
Body hair None
Breast size C
Zodiac sign Scorpio
Languages English
Sign language

About me

I’m looking for:


if I don't give and receive anal keep it moving fr.


age play, no animals, no underage gives you…

Many possibilities! There are plenty of ways to meet new kinksters. Check out our free BDSM dating. Still not convinced to meet in person? Take a look at some kinky discussions taking place, right now...

icon-wio BreezyDay has uploaded new photos
  • 16.07.2024 15:19:19
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
  • BreezyDay
  • BreezyDay
icon-wio BreezyDay has uploaded a new photo
  • 15.07.2024 20:43:09
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
  • BreezyDay
icon-wio BreezyDay made a comment
  • 06.07.2024 6:15:54
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
Outdoor masturbation is a common fantasy and is something that many people indulge in. Read on! 🌲
BreezyDay I love doing it in the drive thru. But I've had sex in the woods many times. When I first began exploring my sexuality and had a same sex partner we felt the need to hide and with no home parent free the woods were our refuge. I never thought about it but I guess that's where that side of me in bdsm began. I love doing it in the drive thru. But I've had sex in the woods many times. When I first began exploring my sexuality and had a same sex partner we felt the need to hide and with no home parent free the woods were our refuge. I never thought about it but I guess that's where that side of me in bdsm began.
Likecurious_man, TheNewYorker · 06.07.2024 6:15:54
icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something about themself
  • 18.06.2024 8:48:29
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
if I don't give and receive anal keep it moving fr.
icon-wio BreezyDay shared the limits
  • 18.06.2024 8:47:40
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
age play, no animals, no underage
icon-wio BreezyDay has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
  • 18.06.2024 8:10:59
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 28.12.2023 7:51:32
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
Giving Blowjobs a pleasure?

Bjs aren't for u. It's for me. You don't fuck my mouth. I fuck u with my mouth.

LikeDutch-8601, Kevkiss26, biglick777and 3 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 28.12.2023 7:50:40
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
Giving Blowjobs a pleasure?

Omg I'm obsessed. I give female oral too. If ur a good receiver and make noise and especially if I can tie the legs and hold the rope while I have involuntary muscle movements i will almost always suck it n rub my clit and squirt. I have to give oral prior to penetration every time.

LikeJimtheBear2, Kevkiss26, biglick777 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 27.12.2023 22:03:43
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
Is My Thought Process Wrong?

Take notes, take longer to link, take time to vet. I talk weeks months before a meet. I develop feelings before a meet. Sometimes they are local sometimes far. And for every 200 ppl I talk to I may meet 2 and out of em one lasts.

LikeMissKym, Kitanya, Kevkiss26and 3 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 27.12.2023 0:46:51
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
The Long Awaited Night In

U got off too easy. U could use a Chasity cage

icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 27.12.2023 0:42:19
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
Looks or Obedience in a slave

Neither or. I enjoy feeling like I'm more than I am as most do. Challenge me, learn me. Vet. Too needy is a bad look on anyone. I take my time to value u as a person, ur needs, an assess what I can offer u then we hone in on those abilities and sharpen the rest. But to know what quality care u can Read more… recieve isn't apparent just by u asking would u cage me? Can I be your toilet mistress. I live the dynamic I redirect praise reward discipline teach punish and reward. It's all organic and never looks the same. Burn ur need for a script come get nurtured used legit

LikeThaliaV, Stacey98, MistresJane097and 2 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 26.12.2023 19:59:32
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single

Find one who is willing to do all things. I added so many things I love in a few months. I require flexibility in a sub.

icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 25.12.2023 16:23:29
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
merry Christmas to all in kinky world

Lmao I don't celebrate but.... This makes me feel like I'm definitely missing out. Hahaha

icon-wio BreezyDay wrote something in the forum
  • 24.12.2023 3:53:32
  • Female (36)
  • Roanoke
  • Single
Fantasy Fulfillment : Milk Maid for Pleasure

Mmmm I'm working on inducing lactation. This made me very anxious. I can't wait

LikeAngelbaby865, Kimber469ing, Kevkiss26 · Jump to discussion