Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 43
Status Single
Height 172cm
Hair length
Zodiac sign Taurus
icon-wio saphy has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio saphy is single again
icon-wio saphy finished the BDSM Test



icon-wio saphy posted a status update
So....when your Sir decides to mark you up one night and then proceed to continue to gently antagonise said marks the following may not be a good idea to call Him 'an unsympathetic fucker!' 😂😂
I got the home truths....
1. you enjoy it.
2. I enjoy it.
3. It will happen more often. Read more… *eyerolls* well that bit me in the ass 😈😈😉
LikeLillyth, ElleFireand 1 more…
icon-wio saphy wrote something in the forum
Submissive Women: What we are and what we're not

Hey you!!!! Ya sexy Lilmonster 😉😍😚❤💜❤💜 mwah! xxxxxx

Likelil-monster, BigPolly · Jump to discussion
icon-wio saphy wrote something in the forum
Submissive Women: What we are and what we're not

More than you'd imagine huni! !! 😍😍 missed you loads and thankyyyouuuuu!!!! 😚😚😚❤💜❤💜 xxxxxx

icon-wio saphy posted a status update
Well theres alot of newbies around these days and alot of people i've yet to have the pleasure of meeting and chatting to.....but for all those diehard, rebellious, old skoolers (you know who you are!!!) Lol I'd like to take this again...share the warmth of the anniversary of when Read more… Sir and i first met each another within this very site! Two years has now passed and i couldnt possibly be more in love and equally in awe of how far we've come and how very blessed we've been.
Again, for all the support and blessings and warmth from all those we hold dear here. Thank you! You're all a huge part of our journey and have been from the start and we love you more than we could possibly convey ❤❤❤

Happy 2nd Anniversary mySir....all my love...always and forever ❤💙❤💙❤💙
LikeMz_Whiplash, Cade, BigPollyand 3 more…
icon-wio saphy wrote something in the forum
Submissive Women: What we are and what we're not

What misconceptions are there surrounding submissive women??? Easy!.....and something that seems to be a recurring hackle raiser (even for the most submissive of us!)
We are not 'told' what to do because we are incapable in ourselves to determine what we should or should not be doing.
We merely Read more… follow our D's instructions to be pleasing to Him/Her.
We do NOT live or are part of an abusive relationship.
We consensually agree to participating in activities that in turn will heighten our sensual desires to ultimately find pleasure in play/scenes that aren't otherwise considered 'vanilla'. We are completely in control of our situations and are respected beyond reason. We are NOT weak individuals.
An established D/s dynamic or BDSM relationship is nurturing, fulfilling and satisfying toward the needs of those involved. Similar in comparison to a 'vanilla' marriage.
The emotional attachments that are formed and the bond that is created between the individuals is of a much deeper state than the aforementioned.
We are NOT doormats to abusive partners!
These are only a few of the most prominant definitions of being submissive according to the 'outside world', which understandably (as a submissive) gets you wanting to jump on your soapbox and right the wrongs of many.
Hopefully one day the eyes of the world will be opened and people won't be so closed minded and judgemental and the submissive world will be seen and recognised for the beautiful lifestyle it is. 😊

LikeJed, Aranhis, MrE-1985and 8 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio saphy made a comment
What do you think the world gets wrong about submissive women? Share your thoughts on these misconceptions in the forum!
saphy What misconceptions are there surrounding submissive women??? Easy!....and something that seems to be a recurring hackle raiser (even for the most submissive of us)

We are not 'told' what to do because we are incapable in ourselves to determine what we should or should not be doing. We merely Read more… follow our D's instruction to be pleasing to Him/Her.

We do NOT live or are part of an abusive relationship. We consensually agree to participating in activities that heighten our sensual desires to ultimately find pleasure in play/scenes that arent otherwise considered 'vanilla'.

An established D/s dynamic or BDSM relationship is nurturing, fullfilling and deeply satisfying toward the needs of those involved. Similar in comparison to a 'vanilla' marriage. The emotional attachments that are formed and the bond that is created is of a much deeper state than the afore mentioned
We are NOT doormats to abusive partners!

These are only a few of the most prominant definitions of being submissive according to the 'outside world'. Which understandably (as a submissive) gets you wanting to jump on your soapbox and right the wrongs of many.
One day i hope the eyes of the world will open and people wont be as closed minded and judgemental and that the submissive world will be seen and recognised for the beautiful lifestyle it is. 😊
Like · 08.01.2020 16:50:13
icon-wio saphy posted a status update
So its been quite a wee while since i was last here....first and foremost, i hope everyone is still living their best kinkiness but a little update.....4 weeks to go!!!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙 getting super excited now and cant wait to meet baby Jakson! 💙💙💙
LikeBigPolly, Allison-6057and 1 more…
icon-wio saphy posted a status update
This is one of those days where i wished i was all wrapped up in His arms...the scent of Him teasing at my lips....the strength of His hands grabbing at my already tingling skin....the aura of His Dominance that just makes me moist at the thought 😈😈😈

Hurry home mySir!!! 😈😈😉 xxxxxx ❤❤❤
LikeMz_Whiplash, Lillythand 4 more…
icon-wio saphy wrote something in the forum
May 19th BBB Event- Elle comes to town

@OTallulah so great to have you amongst us Tallulah! Welcome to fetish! 😚

icon-wio saphy wrote something in the forum
May 19th BBB Event- Elle comes to town

Bbb isn't once every year (just fyi) the bbb generally runs once a month (with the exception of June) there's PLENTY of opportunities to set another meet!!! 😃😃

icon-wio saphy posted a status update
This time next week!!! ✌💜💜💜 cant wait!!! 😃😃😈😈😈😈
LikeJed, lil-monster, BigPolly

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