
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 66
Status Single
Height 170cm
Weight 97kg
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Bald
Beard Shaved/no beard
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin UK
Body hair Hairy
Zodiac sign Gemini
Languages German

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Soft, sensory, sensual dom who adores role play. I am a patient teacher, supportive and encouraging. I play safely and respect my play partner and their boundaries. I am very creative and have a vivid imagination. I can create scenes but would rather work with you to make your fantasies come true!

I can accommodate in my well-equipped dungeon, but I am also willing to travel. I offer sensory play, sensual massage, with or without personal play and spanking at the level my partner requests . . . or deserves!


Hard limits: no scat, breath play, blood, heavy bruising.

Soft limits: degradation, humiliation.

My events

My places gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Lightcliffe with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum
LikeShilo66, DarksideOH · Jump to discussion
icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum
Advice for new m/f couple 🙏

This a hard one to answer.
I do dom a submissive couple using my Headmaster persona.
We play as a threesome, but we now often have an alpha and a beta sub ie one is headboy or headgirl and helps to spank the other, once they themselves have been spanked.
Online is possible through stories or Read more… interactive play conversations and descriptions, but can never ba e as good as being physically present with each other.
Can I recommend a couple of really good books:
The new bottoming book
and The new topping book
The authors are both switches, so give a holistic view of both roles. If you have Audible , get them there. The books are actually read by the authors.

icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum
Fantasy or factual.. You decide.. Part 1

Wonderful writing. Full of surprises and marvellously erotic.

icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum

Something inside so strong Labi Siffre

LikeMistressleeyah7, dirtybird, huddersfield131315and 4 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio The_Rev_ is going to the event Sensations mini-munch
icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum
Rules for your subs

Remember that if you want the best of me then you need all of me. Allow me to grow and thrive and I will respond with devotion and adoration.

LikeDopeyDom, KingandKhalessiand 1 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio The_Rev_ picked up the birthday gift
icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum

You'll discover from the comments you receive that you are absolutely right in feeling as you do. It's your body, your emotions, your lif.
Being submissive is not about being less than you are, quite the opposite. Subs are brave and courageous people, intelligent enough to know who they can trust Read more… and then giving the dom temporary responsibility for their pleasure.
A decent dom wants to use all of your gifts, talents, creativity and imagination. Only by being you can that happen.
Thus BDSM is ultimately a partnership based on trust and codependence.
Your instincts are right, your logic is sound. Those who can't grasp that are simply not worthy of your attention.

LikeEastbourneguy, DemonCandy, maryioniand 5 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum
Come, Make Love 2 Me

Some lovely phrases: "less primal . . . . hushed"

Likeshoshiplaytime · Jump to discussion
icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum
Pup play?

Good advice received so far. Each of us unique and a decent dom/owner knows that and works with you and your needs and desires.

Likemaryioni, Mason_Puppy · Jump to discussion
icon-wio The_Rev_ has uploaded new photos
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  • The_Rev_
  • The_Rev_
icon-wio The_Rev_ wrote something in the forum
Q to Littles with older Daddies

In truth, any relationship worth having, in play or irl, makes emotional demands on both partners. We can't play as unfeeling robots. In fact, the more we share of ourselves, the more real the relationship becomes. So Gilly222 is right and so are you. The potential for being hurt badly is a Read more… reality human beings have to accept, if they are to be themselves. I could never have a relationship with someone who is incapable of being hurt or with someone I could 'brush off' too easily.
The words 'psychopath' and 'sociopath' come to mind. Clearly, they do NOT apply to the warm, loving and caring people that you and Gilly222 clearly are.

icon-wio The_Rev_ posted a status update
Choices and Mindgames
She stands wearing nothing but a thin robe. She shivers, but not from cold. What disturbs her is the question, 'why?' Why did she choose this and when the bell rings, will she descend the eight hard, cold, stone steps to the dungeon, remove the robe and put on the blindfold Read more… and cuffs, as ordered? She has a choice . . . or does she?

She has forgotten, or maybe her subconscious prevents it, to turn the sign from vacant to occupied. She removes the blindfold, completes her consent, re-covers her eyes and calls out, "Ready, Sir."

His hand is kind, but the flooring is not, each step a different texture, an unnerving series of dissonant sensations. Now she feels frightened and the hangings add to her fear. Metallic tinkles, flimsy fronds, her imagination racing, the images bring no comfort - only concern.

It is a relief when he secures her to the spanking bench. The familiar pattern of the warm-up is reassuring. The rhythmic actions of his hand, stinging then caressing, is welcome. At last she can relax.

"Thirty" The word is stark, but familiar. She agreed the diagnosis, chose the remedy, identified the goal. She has chosen 30, 5x6 . . . five implements, six strikes of each, three on each cheek. The arithmetic of pain or is it purposeful calculation? This journey will change her, it already has. She has taken this path willingly, each step an additional point of ascent to the top of that mountain where the real her lives in freedom, unfettered by the past, rid of him for ever.

Her friend understands this. Each strike will drive a little more of him from her system, distance her further from the rawness of the open wound.

The leather paddle is hard, but is used well, each blow only slightly stronger than the one before, the pacing is timed to perfection. Her pink bottom registers each impact and embraces it, treasures it as a generous gift.

Which is why the flogger hurts so much more than she anticipated. It is stingy, tingly, tantalising. Like an unruly cat its claws reach unsuspecting flesh, hidden crannies. Awake, she seeks out the sensation to take control, own it, channel it. But this kitten is not for taming and the wildfire spreads.

The rubber spanker sounds ridiculousy loud, totally out of proportion to what it inflicts. Like some pompous Dom, it boasts of great exploits, but simply fails to deliver the goods.

Oh, he's clever, she realises, too late. The cane is neither expected nor welcomed. Her prediction is wrong - the martinet is to be saved for the final flourish. The loud lout left her disappointed, arrogant in her disdain. The rattan is her nemesis. It fools her senses with that ever so innocent tap, catches her out with the chasm of attrition, lulls her with its seductive afterglow. She struggles, nearly cries "red", but his touch, the warm breath in her ear, frames her response before she gives it. "You've done very well. Only six to go. Do you wish to continue?" Her "yes" is sincere: she feels strong and brave.

His next move surprises her. Unfettered, she finds herself standing light-headed, on wobbly legs. His hand encourages her and she leans foward to embrace the cross, its wood soft and soothing. No restraints necessary, she grasps with her hands, aligns her legs with the beams and waits for the hiss . . . and the hurt.

She hears the hissing, but where is the hurting? It comes a second time, hiss, then nothing. The third time she feels the slightest touch.

So that is his game. She must ask for this, not with her words, but with her body.

She pushes out her bottom - hissing then . . . agony. "Count." "One, Sir."

The next is seering, surreal, adding fresh fuel to the ferocious fire. "Two, Sir."

The unexpected pause is no kindness. Instead the pain penetrates like dozens of pins, hundreds of cuts, demanding her whole attention. Why is she here? It no longer matters. She no longer cares. Just four more . . . four, then three, then two, then one.

"Three, Sir," she wails.

"Fooouuur, Sir," she sobs, tears uncontrollable.

Ffffii . . . Sir," is all he hears. The wetness surprises her, she is swaying, incapable, losing control. "STAY STILL!"

Shocked, she becomes momentarily rigid. But even that dissolves when . . .

. . suddenly, she is on the summit of Everest, basking in the sun, wondering at the blueness, astounded by the infinite view. "Free at last!" For the first time in her life she understands those words and can make them her own.

Now she is everything and he is nothing. Wet, sticky, red and sore she is a match for anyone and she knows it . . . oh yes, at the end of her journey . . . she is free to be ANYONE . . . anyone she chooses.

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