Personal details

Gender Non-binary
Age 36
Status Not single
Height 154cm
Weight 62kg
Body shape Athletic
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Hair length Long
Ethnicity Asian
Body hair None
Zodiac sign Cancer

About me

I’m looking for:

  • Friends


Vaguely active. Life is very busy for me but I occasionally like to chill at Oasis. Heated pools are nice.

I'm asexual. Kink comes first for me, and sex is a second thought. If you're vanilla or subby, I'm not interested. I'm poly of the relationship anarchy kind and prefer other poly folks. I lean politically left. Antivaxxers, racists, transphobes, SWERFS, homophobes, ect, swipe left and move on. I like being spoiled but I'm very stable, not looking for sugar daddies. But daddy Doms with a sadistic streak who are ready to put a bratty girl over their knee are hella hot.


  • permanent damage and scars
  • unprotected sex
  • Race play
  • permanent body modification
  • Scat
  • watersports (although diaper play is OK)
  • copy-pasta messages
  • honorifics without negotiation (especially femme gendered ones)
  • watersports

My roles & archetype gives you…

There’s someone for everyone on Whatever your preferences are, you’re sure to find someone. Take a look at our kinky dates”. It’s even easier to find the perfect kinky match when you place your own personal ad. Wanna get frisky in the wilderness? Check out the hotspot for outdoor sex?. Find sexy confessions and ask all your burning questions in our sexy Forum.

icon-wio Cacti found their first icon!
  • 24.04.2024 16:54:12
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
icon-wio Cacti has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
  • 24.04.2024 16:53:34
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
icon-wio Cacti found their first icon!
  • 10.02.2024 5:06:57
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
icon-wio Cacti wrote something in the forum
  • 23.12.2023 19:02:09
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
Tips for talking dirty without sounding like...

Thanks for all the helpful responses! End of the year wrap up has been busy for me but i'll get to responding to some of your suggestions soon.

icon-wio Cacti created a topic in New to BDSM, Kink & Fetish?
Tips for talking dirty without sounding like...
I pulled a line from a porn clip, erotica, hentai, or repetitive body-positive affirmation videos ect. Need some advice for dirty talking because I'm terrible at it.
For context, I'm Ace-Aro and neurodivergent, and I tend to mimic tone and language, which means that I usually sound like whoever I've been talking to a lot or whatever I've been reading (which are usually academic texts). Tends to kill the mood. :/
Like4Funw, Birble, ThickBrat_93and 40 more… · 29 Replies
Jammydodger007 Being neurodivergent ace (demi) myself I get it. I like how male leads in manhwa or manga are like. For example in ones that are about getting reincarnated into a romance genre book or game. Those are my fave 😍 Being neurodivergent ace (demi) myself I get it. I like how male leads in manhwa or manga are like. For example in ones that are about getting reincarnated into a romance genre book or game. Those are my fave 😍
LikespringfieldDano · 01.06.2024 19:34:41
Chachahaze Ty for the topic this thread is helping me a bunch Ty for the topic this thread is helping me a bunch
Like · 28.12.2023 8:25:32
Deleted profile I talk dirty for a living and I still am.shit at it I'm the bedroom. I can do it all day long to strangers over the phone but I'm rubbish in real life. Luckily my current partner is not so.worried as such but someone will be at some point and I'll be in trouble. Be yourself and get help.from. the person you are with to taylor it to you both. It totally depends on what you are into and doing at the time. Try to relax and have fun with it. Best advice I can give I talk dirty for a living and I still am.shit at it I'm the bedroom. I can do it all day long to strangers over the phone but I'm rubbish in real life. Luckily my current partner is not so.worried as such but someone will be at some point and I'll be in trouble. Be yourself and get help.from. the person you are with to taylor it to you both. It totally depends on what you are into and doing at the time. Try to relax and have fun with it. Best advice I can give
Like 28.12.2023 4:24:24
Show more 3 of 29
icon-wio Cacti wrote something in the forum
  • 15.12.2023 5:33:25
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
Tips for people who want to meet kink minded partners

I can't say much about online dating platforms. I'm Ace-Aro so the whole "see an image and decide you want to be with them" thing doesn't work for me. But I totally agree with everyone who suggested that you focus on building yourself up by following your kink interests and being seen in Read more… spaces associated with those interests so that you have something to connect over, rather than diving into relationship territory.
In my experiences, I found community first before I found intimate partners to build enough trust with to do some more risky kinks like heavy impact or suspension. All my relationships began with a mutual interest in the activity, scene specific negotiations, aftercare discussions, boundary setting, and nothing more. I wasn’t looking for relationships, just a friend to do an activity together that we're mutually interested in. For context, I may be approaching things from very different perspective since I don't feel the kind of drive that allosexuals and amantonormative folks feel. And I'm neurodivergent. But if success means having kinky relationships where we actually give a shit about each other and consistently make time to show up for each other even outside of kink, then I guess it somehow works for me. I'm poly (RA) and am currently with two stable partners relationships, and have several kink friends that I see regularly, whether it's for a pick up scene or at a board game night or for rope classes/workshops or just emotional support. And I met every single one of them at in person events (mostly rope spaces or munches), or a friend introduce me to their other friend because they thought I'd hit it off with them.
The only issues I run into is finding enough time to be present, and kink alignment outside of the mutual interest that we started out with. That, and having people assume that just because I don't feel sexual attraction, I would be offended by sex or sexual interest or natural libido based responses in general. That unfortunately gets annoying at times takes a lot of conversation and educating. Communication is sooo important because everyone's own experiences and identity are nuanced!

LikeRaymondWise, Androgynous_Mind, RainbowTea · Jump to discussion
icon-wio Cacti has updated their profile description
  • 15.12.2023 1:53:40
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
Vaguely active. Life is very busy for me but I occasionally like to chill at Oasis. Heated pools are nice.

I'm asexual. Kink comes first for me, and sex is a second thought. If you're vanilla or subby, I'm not interested. I'm poly of the relationship anarchy kind and prefer other poly folks. I Read more… lean politically left. Antivaxxers, racists, transphobes, SWERFS, homophobes, ect, swipe left and move on. I like being spoiled but I'm very stable, not looking for sugar daddies. But daddy Doms with a sadistic streak who are ready to put a bratty girl over their knee are hella hot.
icon-wio Cacti found their first icon!
  • 15.12.2023 1:41:21
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
icon-wio Cacti finished the BDSM Test
  • 17.10.2023 5:47:39
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single



icon-wio Cacti found their first icon!
  • 17.10.2023 5:30:23
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
icon-wio Cacti has updated the limits
  • 17.10.2023 5:10:19
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
permanent damage and scars
unprotected sex
Race play
permanent body modification
watersports (although diaper play is OK)
copy-pasta messages
honorifics without negotiation (especially femme gendered ones)
icon-wio Cacti has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 01.12.2022 7:55:04
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
icon-wio Cacti is no longer single
  • 01.12.2022 7:36:22
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
icon-wio Cacti shared the limits
  • 01.12.2022 7:36:22
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
permanent damage and scars
unprotected sex
Race play
permanent body modification
copy-pasta messages
Unethical non-monogamy/cheating
non-consensual non-consent
honorifics without negotiation (especially femme gendered ones)
icon-wio Cacti wrote something about themself
  • 01.12.2022 7:36:22
  • Non-binary (36)
  • Toronto
  • Not single
I'm Ace, Aro, but sex positive and poly. I have somewhat consistent play partners but would like to explore more bottoming dynamics. I'm a huge pain slut. I prefer to play with others who are poly.

For those who are top leaning and interested in topping me, let's be friends first and see where Read more… that goes. I'm not interested in sexting. I enjoy the following activities:

Impact Play (I love bottoming for impact) learning to safely top from a friend
wrestling/grappling (I will win all stuffies if you try to fight me for them)
platonic cuddling and platonic physical affection (from people I'm friendly with)
Petplay (bottoming or platonic play with other pet friends)
Rope (mostly self-tying and learning to rig at the Salon, but also exploring rope bottoming) {^_~}
bratting (can't help myself :p)
interested in exploring Primal play (bottoming)

interested in exploring DD/lg dynamics (not ageplay)

If we share interests and you want to DM me, please let me know which interests we share.

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