

Not single

D/s relationship with Bruyere88

Personal details

Gender Man
Age 61
Status Not single
Height 186cm
Weight 95kg
Body shape Average build
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Other
Hair length Bald
Beard Goatie
Orientation Straight
Origin UK
Pubic Hair Part shaved
Body hair Some hair
Circumcised Yes
Zodiac sign Pisces

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:



I have had my love of kittygirls recently rekindled, so if there is a kitten out there who needs a lap or a lady who wishes to explore their feline side then don't be shy!

l am more of a sexual sadist than one who likes inflicting bruises...though they may occur with rough use.
l love finding all the ways that make a girl wriggle and on heat...then using them against her.
Edging, denial, over-stimulation, torment, voice control, all will be employed to induce squeals, whimpers and tears. Toys, fingers, mouth or whatever is needed will ensure she is kept on heat..and given to me to enjoy.
If she's a good girl she will get her reward...she will have earned it.

The flip side is l don't take myself too seriously, enjoy a giggle and silliness, and love pampering a willing victim between the growly moments.
l have enjoyed being a Daddy, an Owner, even a partner in what role works best for the dynamic is fine by me.
I am looking for a real connection..D/s M/s or DD/bg ..not interested in casual hook-ups as I can get those elsewhere.
l dont care how attractive you are, or think you are, if your mindset isnt right then it's simply window dressing...and l will know.

Be safe

Scribe x

About me:
Semi-retired writer and poet who now dabbles in dumpster diving to find old pieces of discarded furniture and giving them a new lease of life.
My world is very self-contained, compact, and totally drama free. Drama is a HARD limit. Whilst I have pretty much all I need the one thing missing is a deliciously dark playmate. I am in no mad rush to find her, I know she's out there, and I am far from desperate.
This wonderful world of ours is supposed to be fun, so after over 30 years of involvement my tastes have been refined to where they are now. Perfectly happy to chat/flirt/gossip without an please be the same.
Good hunting
Scribe x

Limits any form. Obnoxious attitude disguised as "Brattiness"..if that is you then you need to re-evaluate.
Will add these so as not to cause confusion: No scat, animals, kids, cutting, electrical play, permanent marks or anything that is illegal and may cause death..can't believe I have to put that in there but hey ho.. gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Walsall with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio ScribeTwo is in a D/s relationship with with Bruyere88
  • 03.07.2024 20:29:03
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
icon-wio ScribeTwo is no longer single
  • 02.07.2024 11:03:06
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
icon-wio ScribeTwo wrote something in the forum
  • 26.06.2024 16:16:01
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
(In)Equality in D/s dynamics

Great topic..and if you ignore the WhiteKnighting some well thought out replies. Without respect, courtesy, honesty and trust any relationship is doomed. That applies doubly, l feel, within our world. Regardless of the dynamic it needs to be at its core. Yes, l am aware that some dynamics will Read more… suspend that in heated moments of play, but it should still be returned to afterwards.
Submission is not a gift. That old chestnut surfaces every once in a while to raise hackles and drag soap boxes out. It is part of an exchange, a symbiosis, a yin and yang, a giving and sharing, a mutual coming together of different needs and seeing if they mesh.
We ALL have different ways, and that is a good thing as it keeps the Lifestyle dynamic in its evolution.

LikeDopeyDom, Gimmemorecoffee, Mistressjay5606and 1 more… · Jump to discussion
icon-wio ScribeTwo has uploaded a new photo
  • 20.06.2024 9:23:50
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
  • ScribeTwo
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 11.06.2024 22:55:39
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
I have been asked about this recently, and apparently its lost in the rubbish on my timeline. I shall leave it here for a while.

It wasn't what he did that made her become a ball of over-heated need, it was what he said.

He knew all of her pleasure/pain points, and his fingers and Read more… mouth would always get her dripping...but the whispers were something else.

She never knew what was in store for her when they met up for the weekend, what would set the tone, and as always she had butterflies of expectation at his first words. She could prompt him, show him the heat in her, by the way she dressed. He had allowed her from the very beginning to express herself, to tell him in subtle ways what had been on her mind. When she opened the door for him at hers his eyes would move over her, achingly slowly, reading what she was telling him. When he opened the door for her at his it was the same...a pause of a few seconds while the message was understood. The smile and glitter in his eyes was all she needed to know. He approved.

Then came the gentle kiss and hug, and one of two whispers would fill her ear.

The first, "Will you be a good girl for me this weekend?" told her that she would be spending the next 48 hrs on heat as he touched and toyed with her at every opportunity. He would push her pleasure levels to the point of agony, tease and torment her mercilessly, but always with the knowledge that the pleasure was the priority. His whispers would be gentle, praising, as he explored and enjoyed her in every way he could think of, and she adored, until both were sated and exhausted. Amber weekends. Warm weekends. Loving weekends.

Then there was the second whisper. This one made her stomach tremble every time, and it scared her just how wet it made her.

"Will you be a brave girl for me this weekend?"

Those words did it every time. Her body would instantly start to flood with adrenalin and endorphins, her nerve endings start to sing in anticipation. Just how brave would she need to be?

They knew the limits, had agreed the edges they wouldn't cross, and she knew that his care for her would keep her safe. Yet when the whispers started, the dark growls in her ear telling her what she was to him, how she would be treated, used for his pleasure, her own edges became extremely blurred. He had found her demons, the shadowy part of her psyche that both scared and excited her. And he knew how to exploit it.

The things he would whisper would, to most, be terrible things...taboo...unthinkable...yet they made her moan and ache, turned her into a dripping, needy puppet that would give him everything. She had discovered very early that she could cum just by listening to those whispers. It didn't matter if they brought pain or pleasure, they resonated so deeply inside her she couldn't stop it if she wanted. She would offer her body in exactly the way the whispers instructed, knowing that what was to follow could bring tears and whimpers, but they couldn't be denied. They were always so quiet, so measured, so matter of fact, so irresistible, that they became the focus of her whole world. She listened, her mind and body followed.

She knew he wouldn't break her, but she also knew that one day her demons would ask him to do just that.

Then she would know if he loved her.
LikeGimmemorecoffee, Sweetpotatoetwo
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 10.06.2024 11:18:04
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
On this date in 1988 l was taken to a house party in the leafy suburb of Solihull...and it was my first introduction to kink and the Lifestyle.
Now 36 yrs on l can look back on a journey that fundamentally changed my life. I have been blessed with some exciting short trysts, some fulfilling long Read more… term relationships, and even one marriage...and though some recent events have made me question my desire to be here l know in my heart l could no more become vanilla than l can walk on water.
Who knows what the next 36 yrs will bring 😁 a few of you may well be part of the journey!
Stay safe out there x
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 17.05.2024 10:43:04
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
I have become more and more aware l have auralism...if you have a soft and girly-girls voice it makes me growl as much as anything else.

Just sayin 😋
icon-wio ScribeTwo has updated their profile description
  • 05.05.2024 21:57:53
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single

I have had my love of kittygirls recently rekindled, so if there is a kitten out there who needs a lap or a lady who wishes to explore their feline side then don't be shy!

l am more of a sexual sadist than one who likes inflicting bruises...though they may occur with rough use.
l love Read more… finding all the ways that make a girl wriggle and on heat...then using them against her.
Edging, denial, over-stimulation, torment, voice control, all will be employed to induce squeals, whimpers and tears. Toys, fingers, mouth or whatever is needed will ensure she is kept on heat..and given to me to enjoy.
If she's a good girl she will get her reward...she will have earned it.

The flip side is l don't take myself too seriously, enjoy a giggle and silliness, and love pampering a willing victim between the growly moments.
l have enjoyed being a Daddy, an Owner, even a partner in what role works best for the dynamic is fine by me.
I am looking for a real connection..D/s M/s or DD/bg ..not interested in casual hook-ups as I can get those elsewhere.
l dont care how attractive you are, or think you are, if your mindset isnt right then it's simply window dressing...and l will know.

Be safe

Scribe x

About me:
Semi-retired writer and poet who now dabbles in dumpster diving to find old pieces of discarded furniture and giving them a new lease of life.
My world is very self-contained, compact, and totally drama free. Drama is a HARD limit. Whilst I have pretty much all I need the one thing missing is a deliciously dark playmate. I am in no mad rush to find her, I know she's out there, and I am far from desperate.
This wonderful world of ours is supposed to be fun, so after over 30 years of involvement my tastes have been refined to where they are now. Perfectly happy to chat/flirt/gossip without an please be the same.
Good hunting
Scribe x
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 27.04.2024 23:49:40
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
Great show, great food and great company 😊 now time to get rid of the dead ends and resume the hunt. Distance has never been a problem..and if they are worth it you make the effort..right?
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 27.04.2024 20:33:14
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
Off to a show and dinner 🤔 just missing a dark playmate in a pretty dress collar...l need to up the search!
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 26.04.2024 15:08:14
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
They say if you stare into the Abyss long enough it will stare back at you.
I have had some lovely conversations with it..and it isnt that scary after all..
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 22.04.2024 16:38:26
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
Posting this again as some of you need reminding..and if I don't fly the flag who the hell will?

Reasons To Date An Older Man
This list isn't exhaustive, so if I have missed anything important off its because I am old.

1: We understand the meaning of irony, and use it. A lot.

2: We know Read more… shit you don't.

3: We are never in a rush.

4: We have oodles of patience, even for you annoying bastards out there.

5: We have lower expectations, because we have learned people are flawed.

6: We will open doors for you, purely so we can grab your ass on the way past.

7: We can cook. Mostly.

8: We know where all your tingly bits are. (yes, even your clit!)

9: We are less likely to borrow your hair dryer.

10: We will perform cunnilingus for ages as it means we go easy on our knees/hips bones in general.

11: When we say "Just a quickie!" we mean it.

12: We encourage you to go out with your friends because we need a quiet night. We'll even pay.

13: We can be forgetful, so those little fibs you tell may well slip past. Sometimes.

14: We have style that will be back in fashion next year.

15: We will do D.I.Y. jobs around your place because tools and stuff.

16: We are more likely to pay you compliments, and actually mean them.

17: Animals like us, but that may be just me. Yay me.

18: Did I mention forgetful?

19: We are good at making lists.

20: Your Dad will hate us, and that helps with the issues that have caused you to sit on our face in the first place.
icon-wio ScribeTwo posted a status update
  • 21.04.2024 22:30:38
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
Something I have still to do before I pack the quill away for good...just a matter of time...

"Will you compose" her whisper soft
"Some words tonight, just for me?"
"I'll be the parchment, take the quill,
Carve the words so I may see?"

Her eyes were dark as Read more… ink I fetched
She squirmed when knife a nib did slice
A bitten lip, intake of breath
As words they told of weekend vice

The taut, pale skin of inner thigh
Was soon inscribed with passion tale
She trembled when the quill cut deep
Yet still she kept, no courage fail

With final swirl, the deed was done
And girl she rose, to look so keen
In mirrored wall she smiled delight
The likes of which she'd never seen

Upon return to bed, a pout
"Its such a shame it won't remain!"
"Fear not" says I "Tis easily fixed"
"You'll have to visit old Scribe again!"

icon-wio ScribeTwo has uploaded a new photo
  • 21.04.2024 21:56:22
  • Male (61)
  • Walsall
  • Not single
  • ScribeTwo

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