

Not single

undefinable Funsize85

D/s relationship with Funsize85

D/s relationship with Ask me

Personal details

Gender Man
Age 47
Status Not single
Height 165cm
Weight 82kg
Body shape Athletic
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Other
Hair length Short
Beard Goatie
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin Lithuania
Body hair Hairy
Zodiac sign Pisces
Languages English

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:

  • Friends
  • Kinky Dates
  • LTR (relationship)
  • NSA (no strings...)
  • BDSM Lovers


I'm Dom/Rigger, Experimentalist, have plenty of toys and equipment only surpassed by my imagination. i enjoy being in control giving you orders and commands to obey is fun, using you and watching you squirm tideup on a horse or suspended in air is awesome, playing rough is exhilarating but that's not what gets me off. the moment your eyes roll back and you start shaking beyond your control and the gushing fountain erupts... that's my freaking climax the rush i get from that is invigorating and i want more.

Ok so i have rules:

  1. know what you want.
  2. no one under 30y old. I'm not baby sitting you and I'm not your daddy. go away
  3. be honest. this lifestyle requires lots of trust and if you can't do that then go away
  4. I'm not for everyone and vice versa so talk ask questions and answer mine when asked by expressing your self in full sentences. if i hear "maybe" "i don't know" "possibly" i will block you.
  5. first meeting always in public places i won't go to your place and you sure not coming to mine.
    6.don't ask for money i will block you
  6. if i didn't ask for your nudes don't send them. you will be blocked

    that said i don't mind having noncommittal fun but i would prefer to have a steady partner. that can freely express them self. i don't judge unless that's what gets you off. also I'm only in to women size, hight, color or nationality doesn't matter just don't ever call me daddy it's creepy as fuck and huge mood killer for me


don't call me daddy, that is creepy as hell and i will block you. also no sh** play

My places gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Naperville with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio Ravenous7 has bought a VIP-membership!
  • 25.07.2024 12:43:59
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
icon-wio Ravenous7 picked up the birthday gift
  • 04.03.2024 2:44:32
  • Male (47)
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icon-wio Ravenous7 has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
  • 24.02.2024 8:58:51
  • Male (47)
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icon-wio Ravenous7 posted a status update
  • 14.12.2023 15:14:38
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
So yesterday I had some free time and got tired of cleaning my house so I decided to bake some chocolate muffins with cream cheese and some apple pie muffins. As I was making the apple pie muffins my buttercup came to see me after work and was watching me bake in the kitchen she started flooding my Read more… floor.
So my question is: Is that turning you on and why?
icon-wio Ravenous7 posted a status update
  • 04.12.2023 16:38:55
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
Does anyone else noticed that this kink app became like Christian mingle…wtf i posted a picture from Instagram and it’s too fucking hot for the app? Really saint Mary of fuck snacks, really?
icon-wio Ravenous7 posted a status update
  • 30.11.2023 22:44:55
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
Ok so I just figured out that my buttercup has 3 safe words
1. Worcestershire - when she’s I being playful
2. Red - when she can’t take it anymore
3. Wou-voo-rava-uha!!! When all circuits are fried and she’s about to loose consciousness 😈😈😈🤣
icon-wio Ravenous7 has uploaded a new photo
  • 14.08.2023 8:19:35
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
  • Ravenous7
icon-wio Ravenous7 posted a status update
  • 12.08.2023 19:15:54
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
So a while ago I was talking with my girl about her first experience with me and she pointed out that the first time that she came to my house. She got blindfolded gaged and tied up without ever questioning her decisions. Then it got me thinking I do that every woman that comes to my house for the Read more… first session. I know it sounds like I’m bragging, but that’s not the case the lesson behind this. Is that I spend time listening, talking, engaging, understanding then I meet them in a public place first. And only when I find that she’s the right fit for me I invite them to my place for the session.
icon-wio Ravenous7 posted a status update
  • 02.08.2023 16:11:27
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
So today one year ago me and buttercup went on a date for a first time. She came in as a 3rd of my play things now she’s #1 and only one. Yet she still makes my dreams come true and supersedes my expectations, happy one year anniversary my sweet princess 🥳
icon-wio Ravenous7 posted a status update
  • 13.07.2023 5:20:26
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one so if I haven’t asked to see yours please don’t rub that in my face.
icon-wio Ravenous7 has uploaded new photos
  • 29.05.2023 0:20:33
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
  • Ravenous7
  • Ravenous7
  • Ravenous7
icon-wio Ravenous7 has uploaded new photos
  • 16.05.2023 20:31:10
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single
  • Ravenous7
  • Ravenous7
icon-wio Ravenous7 posted a status update
  • 09.05.2023 7:21:05
  • Male (47)
  • Naperville
  • Not single

So I wrote plenty about meow mix but I haven’t done any stories about buttercup I guess when you find that one who clicks with you so much you want to keep that all to your self and don’t want to share that with the rest of the world. But there it goes.
I played with my Zeus magic Read more… wand and other girls before but this was something totally different I would usually use that on them when they were restrained to zap on the nipples or their hips while tracing the vibrator along their curves. This was different buttercup was acting up really bratty few days before and I promised to get her punched yet she continued and worked up a list long enough to last for a month of punishments. So knowing how she dislikes being shocked that was my choice of tools to use.
When she came to the living room I had Zeus under the towel so she wouldn’t suspect anything. First I put the leash on her neck then I grabbed her and pushed her down dropped my pants and placed my self in her mouth. the way she looks from down there gets my blood pumping like crazy but no one can make me cum just from blowing me. Or so I thought but that’s another story.
So as she was working hard and making me harder I was building the scene in my head, but I was not expecting where this went. I grabbed her by her hair and forced my self all the way to her throat then in one swoop a took her blouse and her braw then stood her up and took her pants off. Pushed her on the couch and grabbed the bed restraints that I previously placed underneath the couch. I grabbed her legs and restrained them first above her head. Then I restrained her arms down behind her ass. So Legs up hands down everything is exposed for pleasure. So I proceeded to eat her out till she’s couldn’t handle anymore and asked for my permission to cum (I love how she screams “wait wait wait” instead of using the safe word) then I pulled out the toy and said too soon first I was using the vibration to run around her curves and
nipples then I pressed the button and zapped her. Her expression and her eyes was filled wit rage and excitement at the same time. Wet dripping pussy still pulsating and in need of a punishment. I slid the wand slowly closer towards her clit, watching her anticipation and fear build up in her eyes while i slowly rubbed the wand against her pussy stopping periodically at her clit then pressed the button. She released the groan so sweet it made me want to do it again and again so I set the electric charge to higher level and did it again. That one made her jump but she couldn’t go anywhere but take it all that i give her.
Now don’t think I’m totally a monster I used same thing on my own dick so I know what it feels.
Now I was extremely excited and I put my dick right in her wet dripping slit while holding the Zeus on her clit. The wetness of her pussy was so intense the electric charge transferred to my dick and my balls zapping me as well. I liked it, it turned me on and made me want to slam her really hard with increasing speed and intensity. Meanwhile I was increasing the electric pulse strength to the max and it felt so freaking good. She was enjoying her self way too much so I decided to place the Zeus on my shaft while I’m inside her. That’s when I noticed that when wand would be pressed against my shaft and my trust made the connection with her clit the intensity of electricity surging through our bodies was much more intense. She was literally screaming at that point and again was saying “wait, wait, wait” that’s when I leaned forward to kiss her and the loop was closed. Once our lips connected feeling of electricity surging through our bodies was so intense the lights at my place started dimming every time our lips touched. The fear of us both getting electrocuted mixed with impending orgasms was so intense I couldn’t hold it and I know she was waiting for my permission to do the same That’s when we both reached the point of intense electrifying blast of energy and surreal orgasms with lights dimming and flickering like my house is possessed by demonic entity.

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