

Not single

In a relationship with tanew

Personal details

Gender Man
Age 44
Status Not single
Height 188cm
Body shape Average build
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Short
Beard 5 o'clock shadow
Orientation Bisexual
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin England
Body hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Virgo

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


When it comes to sex I am a secret, sensual, sybaritic, seraphic, striking, seductive sadist, delighting in degenerate, debauched deviancy.

I thrive on the darker, more adventurous and daring side of carnal delights, with many years as a Dominant (more than all my adult life). Love to explore and experience as much as life has to offer. To tease and expand my partners limits (or with the right partner completely obliterate them, but that is more than most can contemplate). I have almost no limits in what I can enjoy with the right person (I play to other people's limits) but the mental side of things and finding my partner's mental triggers is what really excites me. Where you can tease someone to the point of complete, body trembling, mind numbing, exhausting arousal. By touch, talk, tease, stimulation, excitement, a tinge of fear, triggers or any other tools that can be utilised. Tying someone so every sense is heightened, every sound sends quakes of anticipation through every atom, every touch causes tremors to run right through you. And for those that are a little more daring the more extreme side of things.

I love taboos; sexual humiliation, role play, hypnotism. But again not everything works for everyone. It's all about finding the things that work between you, and the spark between two people is paramount. Even the most 'tame' of things can be amazing with the right person, whereas the most erotic of things can fall flat with the wrong one.

Outside of the lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, and lustful joys of life I like to think I am fairly intelligent… possibly ever so slightly pretentious, creative, witty, and companionable but all of that is subjective and obviously I'm biased so you'll have to make up your own mind. Similarly I get told I am attractive but that is for others to say. I am self confident and have been blessed with full and well rounded life to this point. And importantly, in spite of my alternative tastes I am safe, sane and pass for 'normal', keeping the depravity hidden behind my eyes when not appropriate (though it is fun to have that frisson of 'if only they knew').

So if you feel bold and brave, or rash and reckless then please email and let's see what fun we can find together.

My places gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Woking with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 27.06.2024 0:38:11
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
  • Not single
(In)Equality in D/s dynamics

Agree with this 100%. There is a MASSIVE misconception that submissive = weak. Just not true. I would say that of all the subs I have had the ones I have had the best relationships with I’ve been incredible, amazingly strong people. Nothing changes that. Their submission to me doesn’t change that. Read more… I mean fuck me… if anyone crossed their kids or grandkids (me included) I don’t think anything would have saved that person. They submitted time because (I like to think) I earned that trust and submission. Not because they were weak. And certainly not because they brought anything less to the relationship.

LikeThaliaV, VoodooQueen_ · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 26.06.2024 23:44:36
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
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If you were to go back…

Agree to some extent. But I find it more useful to find people that challenge my way of thinking, otherwise it’s an echo chamber or feedback loop. I may not agree with them but it may point out some things that I could do better.

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 26.06.2024 23:35:04
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
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(In)Equality in D/s dynamics

Equal does not mean the same. From my experience equal means both people bringing something of equal value. What that is will vary but both will feel equally valued for what they bring. Sub or Dom doesn’t matter both should bring something and both should be valued and appreciated for it.

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 26.06.2024 0:48:06
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
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If you were to go back…

Honestly… when I first got into kink for real (as opposed to just online or reading about things), I wouldn’t change anything. I consider myself incredibly lucky. When I first got to explore the kink world for real I had already read and tried to understand a lot and met someone who then introduced Read more… me to the London scene. With and through them and who they knew I got to learn so very much more. They pretty much knew everyone and introduced me to about the best mentors I could ever hope for. Nothing official but just talking to people. It helped that I didn’t have anything to prove or any particular insecurities at that time (a very happy time of my life) so I was just happy to take and engage without any agenda or bravado. I learnt a lot. And I was also happy to listen and learn. I have only ever been dominant, honestly would my know how not to be, but never considered learning from others to diminish that.

icon-wio DeviantInside has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 22.06.2024 19:28:56
  • Male (44)
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icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 21.04.2024 22:57:32
  • Male (44)
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  • Not single
Gags and safe words

That said there are many that enjoy the whole brattiverse and enjoy the whole give and take and play back and forth involved. Which is what works for them.

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 21.04.2024 22:56:21
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
  • Not single
Gags and safe words

This is good. For some. I am possibly the worst Dom for a brat as I don’t react expectedly to brattiness. I am far less likely to give someone the thing they are trying to get if I feel they are trying to “play” or manipulate me towards it. I prefer to do those things when they are behaving in a Read more… mutually beneficial way rather than trying to provoke me.

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 21.04.2024 11:50:44
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
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Q to Littles with older Daddies

You could ask if there was any way they could create a “contact in emergency” box/message/instruction so you would be informed if anything should happen. It is something I have done in the past.

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 21.04.2024 10:42:53
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
  • Not single
Gags and safe words

This. Things like keys or something similar that jingle or make a distinctive sound (especially over a hard floor) can be great for this.

LikeShilo66, Sir_Yvon · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 04.04.2024 4:05:09
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
  • Not single
Collar or no Collar

I can only talk about the clubs I have been to in the UK and from my own personal opinion. Wearing a collar does not designate that you are owned or with someone. It has become almost a fashion accessory at this point, particularly at fet clubs I have been to. In fact I have known people wear Read more… collars who are single and have absolutely no intention of submitting to anyone. What matters more is being respectful, being engaging but not encroaching, not simping or being pradadtory and, you know, just being a generally half decent almost human being. That said I have no clue what the club you are thinking of going to is like, it may be more worthwhile contacting the people that run the place and asking what is considered ok there specifically.

LikeDirty_Boy123, Wolfmandave83 · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 28.02.2024 5:17:28
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
  • Not single
Wanted vs Needed

It’s better to be wanted without being needed than needed without being wanted.

LikeYour_Owner-9673, ThaliaV · Jump to discussion
icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 21.02.2024 1:00:25
  • Male (44)
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But, it is your version of submission?

This isn’t meant to be confrontational because I actually agree that we should try to be as aware as possible in all aspects of our lives but there is no possible way we could ever know every possible “input” into the decisions we make. However, we should always question, both ourselves and others, Read more… so I think I still agree… wait… that may be my parents speaking.

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 29.12.2023 2:25:15
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
  • Not single
Abandonment bondage

Ok… just to say that this is common. There are ways to do it safely. Blindfolds, ear plugs, sensory deprivation. The person can be there monitoring the situation the entire time, but… you don’t know that, at least not for sure. The mind is an amazing playground. Now a caring Dom would never want Read more… something to go wrong for their sub, and even an uncaring one wouldn’t want to deal with the aftermath of something going wrong, but it’s amazing what can be done with a planted seed.

icon-wio DeviantInside wrote something in the forum
  • 25.11.2023 3:47:39
  • Male (44)
  • Woking
  • Not single
Did I dodge a bullet?

One thing though, it does not make you a failure. You know what you are good at. If someone brand new in your field made mistakes or didn’t do something perfectly would you judge them a failure? Or would you try to help them understand? Now from what I have read I don’t think you did anything wrong Read more… anyway. But even if you had why should you be expected to know something you had no experience of.

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