
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 57
Status Single
Height 173cm
Weight 63kg
Body shape Athletic
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Long
Beard 5 o'clock shadow
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin UK
Pubic Hair Natural
Body hair Some hair
Dick length 21cm
Dick width 5cm
Zodiac sign Capricorn

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Desires and Fantasies
I absolutely adore FemDom...
some time ago, I had a Mistress, who would, on a daily basis, use me constantly, for her own selfish pleasure... and make me give her pussy and arse a good licking out for hours and hours on end... sometimes, I would spend entire nights nestled between her thighs... kissing and licking... sucking softly on her labia and clitoris, sliding my tongue lovingly up and down between her buttocks, her cheeks so smooth and delightful against my mouth... and hungrily licking her tight sweet little bumhole...

she used to shiver and whimper and moan so beautifully... her lips trembling, mouth all a-quiver with unrestrained passion... and the sound of her pleasure and unfettered delight would always make me even hornier... urge me to make her moan even more... and never ever want to stop licking her... the way she would sigh softly and langorously as I tenderly kissed and licked her arsehole... encouraging me to lick her even more...

it felt so good, to please her, and pleasure her, and make her come all over my face, time and time again, every day... and then spend a long delicious time thoroughly licking her pussy and arse clean...

it was something that we both loved and enjoyed equally and immensely...

the feelings of unbridled pleasure that I got from pleasuring her, are almost indescribable... I would almost come every time my tongue made contact with her... brushing deliciously against her soft silky pussy... or tracing paths up and down between her buttocks and her lower back... or playfully licking around and around, and in and out of her arsehole...

the fulfilment I felt was orgasmic and ecstatic and euphoric...
it was the most beautiful relationship I have ever been in... intensely physical and deeply, deeply emotional...
sadly, it came to an end...

and I have longed to be completely and utterly used like that by a woman, ever since...

many, many of my fantasies revolve around being dominated and controlled and used by a woman for her own gratification, pleasure, and eventual ultimate satisfaction... gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Bristol with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has uploaded new photos
  • 06.02.2019 3:12:03
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icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 04.02.2019 12:59:40
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icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge wrote something in the forum
  • 27.12.2018 10:06:20
  • Male (57)
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A newcomers guide to finding a partner.

a very well-written and extremely practical posting... containing a rich variety of useful common-sense information... (which ought to be required reading for any newcomers to the site - and even some veterans... perhaps this could be incorporated into a Magazine article...?)
thank you very much Read more… for posting this... I am sure that it will help many people's journey's to know themselves, and what they are truly looking for...
thank you again...

icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge created a topic in SOS Technical Stuff
problems with trying to upload a video...
I am having some difficulties, with attempting to upload a video...
I have uploaded photographs... and had no issues, with that, whatsoever...
when I just tried to upload a video... nothing happened...
there is a button, with a 'Plus' sign, on it... which, I presume, is to allow Read more…uploads, in the same way as for pictures...
but, when I click on it... nothing happens...
the corresponding one, for photographs, shifts in colour, when the cursor is placed over it... but, with the button for videos, there is no effect, at all... and, when clicked on, absolutely nothing...
is this a technical problem with the site, itself...?
or... is it maybe to do with my browser...?
any help would be greatly appreciated...?
haroldcecilgeorge I'll do just that. thank you...! I'll do just that. thank you...!
Like · 24.10.2018 12:45:21
serenaa Please contact the Support Team with this issue, they will be able to help you further. Thank you! Please contact the Support Team with this issue, they will be able to help you further. Thank you!
Likeharoldcecilgeorge · 15.10.2018 9:29:26
icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has uploaded new photos
  • 02.10.2018 21:57:31
  • Male (57)
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  • haroldcecilgeorge
  • haroldcecilgeorge
icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge wrote something in the forum
  • 01.10.2018 14:15:14
  • Male (57)
  • Bristol
  • Single
Music to strip / lap dance to

I hope you find something suitably-erotic...
you may also, if you feel like getting Old Skool, about it, want to give a listen to, and consider:
Billie Holiday... Nina Simone... Al Green... Minnie Riperton... Sam Cooke...
or, some classic Motown, or Atlantic Records releases...
and... see if Read more… you can find some music, by Angelo Badalamenti... he provides the scores, for David Lynch movies... having had a long and brilliant collaboration...
much of his work is deeply-moving, in many ways...and has a darkly sexual undertone...
especially the movies:
Wild At Heart
Blue Velvet
Mulholland Drive
Lost Highway
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
I'd be surprised, if you didn't find anything appropriate, amongst that short list of suggestions...?
good luck, with your musical-travels, and have much fun in your explorations...

icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge wrote something in the forum
  • 01.10.2018 12:07:43
  • Male (57)
  • Bristol
  • Single
Music to strip / lap dance to

you should really check out the Zero 7 album, 'Simple Things'... it has some amazing tracks... including some evocative instrumentals, at seriously-sexy tempos... I would also recommend DJ Krush... (especially his Miles Davis sampled-work....) ...and, 4Hero... and, The Cinematic Orchestra... all Read more… exquisite music to meditate, move, or make love, to...

Likecallipygian · Jump to discussion
icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge wrote something in the forum
  • 27.09.2018 18:49:34
  • Male (57)
  • Bristol
  • Single
It never rains but it paws. (Kitten pet play)

this is my first posting, on here... wasn't entirely sure whether I ever would... but I just felt compelled to complement you on your writing...
is this really your first attempt...? because it certainly feels very accomplished...
great use of atmosphere and tone ... vivid characterisation Read more… of the Little Kitten... very well-observed and perceptive non-verbal communication...
you portrayed the behaviours and traits exceedingly well...
I also very much liked the sparseness of the stripped-down language... kinda reminded me, of Cormac McCarthy...
not too many superfluous adjectives, or purpling prose...
you have a very readable style... honest, and restrained... deceptively simplistic, yet, not very simple, at all...!
please continue to write more... much more...
you show great promise... and have a natural talent...
this is really excellent... and you should definitely be encouraged to write more...
I, for one, would be very interested, to read an expanded version of this... perhaps developed into a short-story...?
a sort of, Kitten-Tamers Unofficial Handbook...? from the perspective of journal-entries, like this one...?
I am personally not a pet-play fetishist... but could easily recognise, and relate to, the universal aspects of the narrative...
I think it would have appeal far beyond its perceived niche...
and could, indeed, be quite remarkable...
so... please write, and post, lots more pieces, like this...
the more you write, the more of a sustained and consistent habit it becomes... and it gets much easier, and more fluid...
until it becomes virtually effortless...
basically, the more you write, the more you want to write...
I do hope that you continue to write...
to be honest, I am rather surprised, that nobody else has commented on this...?
because you have a fine distinctive and clear voice... and you deserve to be read...
well done... and please... keep it up...!

icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge found their first icon!
  • 21.09.2018 17:28:41
  • Male (57)
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icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has uploaded a new photo
  • 17.09.2018 10:57:18
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  • haroldcecilgeorge
icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has uploaded a new photo
  • 14.09.2018 4:22:56
  • Male (57)
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  • haroldcecilgeorge
icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 20.08.2018 8:25:07
  • Male (57)
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icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has uploaded a new photo
  • 20.08.2018 8:20:38
  • Male (57)
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  • haroldcecilgeorge
icon-wio haroldcecilgeorge has updated their profile description
  • 20.08.2018 6:29:12
  • Male (57)
  • Bristol
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I just love to give women oral pleasure...
I am in desperate need of a Mistress... who will use my lips and tongue, for her own pleasure and gratification...
I need to woship an affectionate Goddess, with many long delicious hours of oral servitude...

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