

Not single

D/s relationship with Ask me

Personal details

Gender Man
Age 25
Status Not single
Height 182cm
Weight 81kg
Body shape Slim
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Short
Beard Shaved/no beard
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin USA
Body hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Virgo
Piercings qwertytothemax

About me

I’m looking for:


I am currently in a D/s relationship with someone not on this website. So if you are looking for something sexual from me, I'll have to run it by my Dom first. But he is always looking to add more people to play with. I am free to chat with anyone though. I work in an adult store, so if you have any questions about toys/lifestyle terms/etc, I can probably help you out.

Now that is out of the way, I've been in the lifestyle since I became an adult. My tastes vary and I am up for trying most things. As for my sexuality, I am currently unsure where I am, but I am leaning more towards bisexual. Outside of kink, I enjoy wildlife photography, website development, and just exploring Pennsylvania.

Desires and Fantasies
Ask to find out.

My roles & archetype gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Akron with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio qwertytothemax wrote something in the forum
  • 11.08.2021 22:27:19
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
Whats your porn choice

Love the stuff that The Upper Floor makes. I love the idea of subbing at parties and public events. Just need to get my Dom on board with the idea...

icon-wio qwertytothemax wrote something in the forum
  • 11.08.2021 22:21:40
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
Do you dislike most bdsm porn?

Personally I enjoy watching BDSM porn. But it should also be noted that a lot of the stuff in BDSM porn is either overexaggerated or simply wouldn't be seen in most kinky dynamics. They are paid actors trying to make a high-quality video. Therefore, everything they do is scripted.
Also BDSM porn Read more… always just focuses on the sex part of the scene. I have yet to see one porno actually show any aftercare, which is extremely important for any BDSM scene. I was taught and continue to believe that BDSM is more than just the sex. It's the connection you make with your partner, the protocols you both agree to, the aftercare, etc. that make up a BDSM scene. But again, porn is there just for enjoyment, so as long as you remember that porn is just a bunch of actors, I don't see the harm in enjoying it.

icon-wio qwertytothemax wrote something in the forum
  • 11.08.2021 22:11:03
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single

Pain = Endorphins
Endorphins = Natural high
Natural high = Amazing feelings
Then there is the whole control aspect of it all. Knowing that another person has the capability to either cause you pain or pleasure at any moment is an amazing sensation.

LikeSirKinksalot · Jump to discussion
icon-wio qwertytothemax has updated their profile description
  • 11.08.2021 21:20:33
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
I am currently in a D/s relationship with someone not on this website. So if you are looking for something sexual from me, I'll have to run it by my Dom first. But he is always looking to add more people to play with. I am free to chat with anyone though. I work in an adult store, so if you have Read more… any questions about toys/lifestyle terms/etc, I can probably help you out.

Now that is out of the way, I've been in the lifestyle since I became an adult. My tastes vary and I am up for trying most things. As for my sexuality, I am currently unsure where I am, but I am leaning more towards bisexual. Outside of kink, I enjoy wildlife photography, website development, and just exploring Pennsylvania.
icon-wio qwertytothemax is in a D/s relationship
  • 11.08.2021 21:20:32
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
icon-wio qwertytothemax found their first icon!
  • 11.08.2021 21:13:51
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
icon-wio qwertytothemax has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
  • 13.07.2021 13:23:03
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
icon-wio qwertytothemax wrote something in the forum
  • 04.10.2020 23:43:00
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
My best pal.

This is an interesting spin on the usual "Stop sending dick pics" post.

icon-wio qwertytothemax has picked up their birthday gift
  • 24.09.2020 11:32:35
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
icon-wio qwertytothemax wrote something in the forum
  • 24.09.2020 11:21:30
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
What's in a name??!!

"Qwerty" is simply because I studied computer science in college and work IT. "Tothemax" is because the name qwerty was already taken. If I had to give it a better reason though, I'd say it's because there are no half measures with me. When I set out to do something, I finish it. I go "to the max".

Likelil-monster, Mumbles4E · Jump to discussion
icon-wio qwertytothemax has uploaded a new photo
  • 24.04.2020 5:58:11
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
  • qwertytothemax
icon-wio qwertytothemax wrote something in the forum
  • 13.04.2020 17:01:46
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
Let's build the BEST FETISH LIST!

How about a sweat fetish? Or forced exercise fetish?

icon-wio qwertytothemax wrote something in the forum
  • 13.04.2020 16:57:56
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
one granted wish, what would you chose?

I'd wish away the virus so that we can get back to our regular lives and these munches can pick up again.

icon-wio qwertytothemax found their first icon!
  • 11.04.2020 16:59:52
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
icon-wio qwertytothemax has updated their profile description
  • 09.04.2020 2:43:26
  • Male (25)
  • Akron
  • Not single
Note to Profile Viewers
Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, but I don't want to waste anyone's time so I will say this now - If you are into FinDom or are a Sugar Mommy, please continue your search elsewhere for a submissive as I am not into those activities.
Also, note that should Read more… you be interested in me as a potential submissive, I will want to chat online for a while. I will want to get to know everything about you, and not just the kinky stuff. Once I feel that I can trust you, we can meet in person and see where things go from there.

Why I Wear A Hood
The first reason is for protection from scammers and/or people that might recognize me. I want to keep my kinky life out of my professional life, and a hood helps keep those identities separate.
The second reason is that I don't want people to message me because of how I look. If someone messages me, I want it to be because of something in my profile that intrigued them.

About Me
I'm a 21-year-old, straight male that has a strong passion and love for technology and programming. I have an Associates degree in Computer Science and have experience as a Web Developer/Designer.
Even as a kid, I wanted to dedicate my life to the service of others. I wanted to join the CIA as a spy to help secure my country from threats. As I got older, I changed my career path to wanting to join the Army. This was quickly shot down though as I am colorblind so I would be stuck behind a desk even if they did accept me.
I then decided that one way I could help people was by combining my passion for technology with this desire to help others and I went to college for Computer Science. It was here that I was introduced to the world of website development and here that I decided that was the course for me.
Straight out of college, I was able to secure a role as a web developer for a company and it gave me great satisfaction knowing that all of those employees and clients could safely use the website I created with little risk of hackers getting their data.

My Views On Submission/What I Am Looking For
My view on being a submissive is that you shouldn't go into this type of relationship expecting sex. Sex should only be given as a reward at the discretion of the Domme, and you should have to really earn that reward. I believe that a submissive is there to realize and serve the needs of the Domme.
Despite this, I don't see submission as becoming someone's slave. To me, I see it more as how a medieval knight was dedicated to their lords. Those knights dedicated their entire lives to the security and comfort of their lords and ladies, and that's the way I see my submission - I want to have a Domme that I can dedicate myself to the same way those knights dedicated themselves to their royalty.

What I Can Offer

Cleaning dishes
Mowing lawns
Cleaning laundry
Personal website creation/maintenance
Personal IT guy
Dedicated driver
Assistance with carrying groceries or heavier objects such as furniture

Pet care (Actual pets, though I could also care for a kinky pet if needed)

My Limits
Below is a listing of my hard limits so that you can know before contacting me.

FinDom or Sugar Mommies
Permanent Markings (Piercings, tattoos, brandings, etc)
Anything illegal
Scat play
Involvement of family
Water torture/play


My Favorite Quotes (To Get To Know Me A Little Better)
"Night gathers and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns, and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledged my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

This is the type of dedication I want to have towards a Domme. Jon Snow literally gave his life for the Night’s Watch and I want to be able to show that type of dedication to a Domme.

“We hurt the ones we love and love the ones we hurt.”

Does this quote need an explanation?

"Be kind to yourself, because the world might do all it can to knock you down. Be kind to the people you love, because it's unfortunately true that we hurt the ones we love the most. Be kind to strangers, because they might not have the strength to be kind to themselves."

An act of kindness can be the difference between life and death for a person.

“It is not our abilities that define us, but our choices.”

You could be the smartest person in the world, but that will mean nothing if you used your intellect for selfish or evil means.

"Educate them. Teach them right from wrong. It must be knowledge that frees them, not force."

Above all else, knowledge is stronger than force. This is especially true in kinky relationships. You can’t force a sub to act the way you want them to. You need to train and educate them. I believe that is is also very true in vanilla relationships. You can't force someone to be the ideal partner that you dream to find. You need to show them what you want, give them the knowledge of what you are looking for. This means that communication is key in a relationship.

"Your sacrifice, no matter how painful, is worth something, even if you never see the outcome."

Some times we don’t get to see the fruits of our labors, but knowing that what I do will benefit others is the only reward I need.