
Personal details

Gender Man
Age 36
Status Single
Height 167cm
Weight 67kg
Body shape Average build
Eye colour Other
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Short
Beard Shaved/no beard
Orientation Bisexual
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Origin England
Pubic Hair Shaved
Body hair None
Zodiac sign Gemini

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Not really sure what to put, switchy guy who has a little bit of experience of a lot of things (certain things to a greater or lesser extent) but want to gain a bit more knowledge from as many sources as possible.

My main areas of experience are Impact Play (particularly my crops, paddles, whips and flogger), Slut play, Brat Taming, Orgasm control, humiliation, degradation and Mental Domination. However there is very little I’ve not experienced in one way or another or happy to do (based around limits).

I'm also poly/ethically non monogamous.

Have also been known to crossdress in the past due to an ex (and enjoyed it/may expand upon it).

If you’ve got to the end of this and feel like you want to know more then feel free to message. I don’t bite, unless you want me to.

My kinks & fetishes

I like: gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Tunbridge Wells with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio LazyPirate has picked up their birthday gift
icon-wio LazyPirate picked up the birthday gift
icon-wio LazyPirate has updated their profile description
Not really sure what to put, switchy guy who has a little bit of experience of a lot of things (certain things to a greater or lesser extent) but want to gain a bit more knowledge from as many sources as possible.

My main areas of experience are Impact Play (particularly my crops, paddles, whips Read more… and flogger), Slut play, Brat Taming, Orgasm control, humiliation, degradation and Mental Domination. However there is very little I’ve not experienced in one way or another or happy to do (based around limits).

I'm also poly/ethically non monogamous.

Have also been known to crossdress in the past due to an ex (and enjoyed it/may expand upon it).

If you’ve got to the end of this and feel like you want to know more then feel free to message. I don’t bite, unless you want me to.
icon-wio LazyPirate has uploaded a new photo
  • LazyPirate
icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum

100% this. Bounty already knows my many safety elements that I use with any dynamics and how much I researched things from when we we’re in a dynamic with one another. Technically even spanking someone is able to be classed as an assault, should they choose to press charges, which is why it is so Read more… vital to maintain trust with the other person.

LikeWolfeWitche · Jump to discussion
icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum

My brand of caring sadism…

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum

I agree, but would love to do some impact stuff with my various crops, paddles and whips whilst someone is in the plugged position too.

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum

I certainly enjoy receiving an enema, but find (from attending a strap on party with 4 Domme’s where it was a requirement) that best cleaning method for the anus is a glycerin suppository. I’ve also experienced great fun with providing an enema to someone and then plugging them and making them give Read more… me a blowjob and having to make me cum before they were allowed release.

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum

This sounds more like a funishment than punishment

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum
What if…?

To quote Frank Sinatra: ‘Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again too few to mention.’
I’ve had lots of experiences, both good and bad, with relationships and all of which have lead to decisions that ultimately helped shape what I am looking for.
Had I stuck out on my original path (born out of a Read more… fear of loneliness) I would have either been married and divorced within 6 months or stuck in an unhappy monogamous marriage with limited knowledge of what kinks existed out there.
Had I not made a few errors that cost relationships through miscommunication then I may have had a better time of things, but I view these as learning opportunities.

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum
If Fairytale Characters Had Fet Accounts

Ah ok, I was going from Disney where there is limited information given to Snow White’s parentage from what limited memory I have of that film

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum
If Fairytale Characters Had Fet Accounts

You’re thinking of Sleeping Beauty. Snow White was a poisoned apple

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum
If Fairytale Characters Had Fet Accounts

This is rather good, but I’m struggling to work out the blood play aspect to Snow White’s story

icon-wio LazyPirate wrote something in the forum
The Hive Mind Fallacy

You mean Domme’s aren’t walking kink dispensers who are just there to satisfy me as a sub?!?! I want my theoretical money back.
In all seriousness this is a very good posting and I can only imagine what it’s like to go through the types of messages that Domme’s get on here

LikeMzJax, eyemblacksheep · Jump to discussion

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